Showing posts with label PR - Teresa Collins Stampmaker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PR - Teresa Collins Stampmaker. Show all posts

Monday, July 18, 2011

Teresa Collins Stampmaker Training Session

Sunday was a very full day.  I arrived in good time for the training sessions on the Teresa Collins Stampmaker.   If you would like to see a few highlights of the things I learned, I have written a brief summary in my post on the Scrappy-go-Lucky blog HERE.  I'll be finding out and sharing more information about this amazing machine which will definitely change your crafting life!

Show registration was not at all crowded today - that will change tomorrow!  I am always impressed at all of the logistics that go into putting on a show like this.

Despite the heat, I thought it would be nice to walk the short distance to my hotel after being in an interior room all day.  If I had known that the sidewalk was gone and I'd be pulling suitcases through this construction, I'd have given up and taken the shuttle!

My hotel room has the neatest alarm clock - and I have it set to make sure that I don't oversleep and miss my first class tomorrow morning - Tim Holtz will be there!

At the top of this post you can see yet another way to use this machine.  Apparently jewelry making is a fast growing segment of the market for this awesome machine.

Please post any questions you may have about the Stampmaker and I'll do my best to get answers here at CHA.

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Early Morning Departure

I'll be leaving Wisconsin very early this morning to go the Chicago.  CHA doesn't begin until tomorrow (set up and Education Day) but I am doing an all day training session on the Teresa Collins Stampmaker and I have to be there by 10 a.m.

I'll be sad to be leaving Albany House before breakfast - the photo above shows the table set for the first course (fruit and bakery) we had on Saturday morning.  This was followed by delicious maple glazed bacon and spinach pie.  My sister is an amazing cook!

Of course there is plenty of juice and coffee or tea.  Aren't those green glads beautiful?  (I looked up the plural of gladiolus and found gladioli, gladioluses or gladiolas so glads sounds good to me!).

I have a few supplies with me and I worked on a couple of projects that I'll be posting during the time I am at CHA.  Most of my posts will probably be about the things I see and do at the show.  On Monday I'll be sharing some highlights and tips that I learn in the Stampmaker session today and I'll be posting those on the Scrappy-go-Lucky blog.

Here's one more look at the start of our delicious breakfast.  If you plan to visit the Madison, Wisconsin area sometime you might want to make a stop in Albany for a couple of nights.  It is a handy location for lots of the sights and I don't think you can find a more amazing array of breakfast dishes anywhere!  The bed and breakfast is called Albany House and you can find their website HERE.

I hope you have a lovely Sunday and that it isn't too hot in your part of the world - the predictions for the Midwest look very steamy!

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