I hope that you are having sunny weather - we are looking at a week with rain predicted every day! Monday was a day of re-entry and errands - collecting our son's bike and boxes that rode home with his grandparents, trips to the bank and Costco, and lots of laundry! I still haven't caught up with all of the email and messages but I am trying. If you have an urgent question, please don't hesitate to send it again - I do try to keep up but I get many emails every day and, inevitably, some slip through the cracks.
I made a card with a flower before we went away last week. I wonder if you can figure out which cartridge I used to make this flower...
Here is the plain flower shape before I added any embellishments. I'll give you a hint - it is a relatively new cartridge and I haven't posted a finished project made with this cartridge yet. One more hint - it may not have started out as a flower...
Sorry for the quick post today - I have lots to do to get ready for the rest of the week but I'll have something very pretty to share tomorrow!
link to Discussion Day #4 - How do you decide?
I made a card with a flower before we went away last week. I wonder if you can figure out which cartridge I used to make this flower...
Here is the plain flower shape before I added any embellishments. I'll give you a hint - it is a relatively new cartridge and I haven't posted a finished project made with this cartridge yet. One more hint - it may not have started out as a flower...
A couple of people have joined the challenge to use a playing card on a project - thanks for playing along! I extended the time for a few days to make up for the lost time when Blogger was down. I also haven't made my project yet! You can get all of the details at THIS POST. I was surprised to find out that there are some "hand and foot" (the card game) players among my blog readers. I hope you have some spare cards that you can use to try the challenge. The challenge will now end at midnight on Friday.
Don't forget to pop over to the Scrappy-Go-Lucky blog to read about the Elegant Edges cartridge - it definitely is a cartridge worth having. For those of you who asked about using it with Design Studio - all of the cartridges except the most recent "Hello Thursday" group are included in the Design Studio font pack update - it is confusing because the listing on the update page hasn't been changed since November 2010 even though the newer cartridges have been added. You can read about the update procedure HERE (scroll down to get to the screen shots). I am hoping that the May "Hello Thursday" will include updates for last month and this month in both Design Studio and the cartridge library.
Sorry for the quick post today - I have lots to do to get ready for the rest of the week but I'll have something very pretty to share tomorrow!
link to Discussion Day #4 - How do you decide?
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