Showing posts with label P - Cupcake Holder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label P - Cupcake Holder. Show all posts

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Filigree Cupcake Holder for Scrappy-Go-Lucky

When you put a cupcake in a fancy holder any day can be a special occasion.  I made this cupcake holder with the Heritage cartridge.  You can see more details and download the free .cut file at THIS POST on the Scrappy-Go-Lucky blog.  Mandy tells me that she has a sweet tooth for frosting just like me!

The delicate scrolls are one of my favorite images on the Heritage cartridge.  This sort of image can be used in so many ways. I have a few more projects that I made using this image that will be posted soon.

If you missed the other Heritage cupcake holder that I shared in April, you can find it at THIS POST.

I hope you are having a lovely weekend.

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cupcakes for Sweet Treat Thursday

For today's Cuttlebug Challenge Sweet Treat Thursday the Design Team was asked to create a cupcake holder and to share a cupcake recipe.  Cupcakes continue to be a huge trend and fancy holders or wrappers are very popular.  Be sure to visit the Cuttlebug Challenge Blogspot to see what the team came up with and then check the links to the individual designer's blogs for more information.

 The decorative part of my cupcake holder is an intricate fence cut on the Heritage cartridge.  You can see the location of this cut on the keypad screenshot above.  There was not a convenient plain square or rectangle available on that cartridge so I used one from George.  If you do not have George, you could use a square from one of your other cartridges and substitute it for all of the George shapes. 

Here is the holder on the mat after cutting.  It is centered on the mat for ease in designing.  You need a piece of paper about nine inches square (placed in the center of the 12 x 12 mat) to cut the holder.

After carefully lifting the cut from the mat you will have this single piece to score and fold for the holder.  While the cut is delicate it is well connected and not particularly difficult to remove from the mat.  Just be sure to poke out any extra bits that stay stuck in the ironwork.

Each side and tab should be scored to enable you to create crisp and accurate folds.  I used my Scor-Pal and worked with any line by placing the gates on opposite sides on the same line and scoring across.  Do this four all four sides and tabs.

Here you can see the holder after scoring and folding.  I used 1/2 inch Scor-Tape on each tab to make assembly quick and easy.

To assemble the holder, just work your way around the square, sticking each tab to the adjacent side and making sure that the corners are square.

Here is an empty standard cupcake tin liner in the holder.  I made the square base 3 1/4 inches to allow plenty of room for fancy frosting.  If your cupcakes are larger or smaller you could adjust the sizing to suit.

The holder also looks cute with some Easter grass to hold jelly beans, candy and maybe a small chocolate bunny.

I added a strip of decorative paper around the base and a cute butterfly from Creative Charms to "dress up" the holder. 

For the matching card, I used the cupcake from the Sweet Treats cartridge that I had adapted for a swap.  You can read about the changes I made to get this look at THIS POST.  For the white card I cut a dark pink layer at 4 x  5 1/4 inches and a checked layer from paper similar to the "frosting" paper at 3 3/4 x 5 inches.

We were also asked to share a recipe.  My favorite recipe is the one I shared in the cupcake swap I just mentioned.  However, the cupcakes from that recipe are not particularly "photogenic" so I made a trip to Starbucks to purchase a couple of "model cupcakes" to test out the holder (they were delicious!).  Here is a LINK to the post with the recipe for "Black Bottom Cupcakes" - they are very tasty and a bit different with cream cheese and chocolate chip filling.

If you would like to cut some cupcake holders (or Easter candy holders) like mine you can download my file from the link below.

Heritage Cupcake Holder Design Studio

Heritage Cupcake Holder Gypsy

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cupcake Holder with Heart Cutouts

I had an inquiry about this cupcake holder that I made as a variation of the "standard" holder on the Sweet Treats cartridge.  I originally posted an explanation of how to alter the holder December 1st.  Here is a LINK to that post with the explanation of how I made the holder.

In checking back for the post, I realized that I never added the file.  You may be able to use this with Valentine's Day around the corner.  Please go back to the original post to read all of the details.  I am just adding a link to download the file today.  The size will fit a small standard cupcake - not the jumbo fancy type! You could also add other treats in a cellophane bag to nestle in the holder.  You can use this size or perhaps adapt the idea for your needs.  It is not an adjustable design because various items had to be placed at angles, so it is not possible to keep all elements in one selection box.

Cupcake Holder with Heart Cutouts

I am still away from home - driving back on Tuesday.  There was a huge rainstorm but I made it from PA to NJ safely.  I am sorry that I haven't been able to get to all of the comments and emails.  I have only had short bits of time here and there to respond.  I am looking forward to being home and on a more regular schedule again!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sweet Treats cupcake holder

I got the Sweet Treats cartridge at Michael's recently (here is a LINK to my review including photos of the handbook pages).  Sweet Treats is full of cute cupcakes, ice cream, flowers and other treats.  As I mentioned in my review, one of the disappointing things about the cartridge is that the 50 cupcake holders are identical with different decorations to cut from the shift of each key.  It seems like a missed opportunity to create more interesting cuts.

Now that Sweet Treats has been added to Design Studio you can make your own alterations.  I did a quick experiment just to try one possibility.

This is the basic cupcake holder.  On a 6 x 12 mat, the largest size you can cut is 5 1/2 inches.  This is a bit too small for the average cupcake, let alone the large cupcakes that are popular now.  It will make a cute holder for other treats or a mini cupcake.

For my experiment, I used a heart from the cartridge and made a row of five hearts, adjusting the size to fit on the side.  I copied and pasted the row of hearts and rotated it to fit on each side, taking care to keep the distance from the top consistent.  I also added a large heart to the center of each side.

I do not like the "tick marks" that tell you where to score.  They tend to make the edges look sloppy after you fold the item - particularly if you use a white core cardstock.  I nearly always use "hide selected contour" to eliminate these marks.  It is usually very simple to figure out where to score and fold an item.  The lines are visible but very pale blue in this screen shot.  Right now, simply checking weld on the item will also eliminate the tick marks but I usually hide them in case a future update preserves the lines in a welded object.

This screen shot of the preview on a blank page shows the adapted cut.  Since there will be the row of cut out hearts along the top of each side, I added a small rectangle to cut off part of the tabs.  The part that remains is perfectly adequate to hold the shape together and will not block the cut out design.  I checked weld on the holder for these previews to eliminate the color and make it easier to see the shapes that will be cut out.

After removing the extra paper, the holder looks like this on the mat.  The tabs have been adjusted by the small rectangle cuts.  I discovered that my rectangles were a bit too small and had to trim a tiny sliver by hand so be sure to pay attention to the angles to see how the tabs will fold in if you try this.

After lifting the holder from the mat, I had all of these cute hearts to save for other projects.

Here is the adapted holder ready to score and fold.  You can do all sorts of cut outs for different holidays or to personalize the holder with initials or names.

I did the scoring on my Scor-Pal.  It is easy to line up the base line folds and the scores for the flap folds just have to be turned at a bit of an angle to produce the flared shape of the design.

Here is the straight side view of the holder.  a cellophane bag of candy tied with a ribbon would look cute in this holder - maybe the candy conversation hearts for Valentine's Day!

I have other ideas for ways to use Design Studio to make these holders more interesting.  I'd love to see any ways you have changed the basic design for your projects.