Showing posts with label PC - Cricut Expression 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PC - Cricut Expression 2. Show all posts

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cricut Updates - Good News for Gypsy owners with Cricut Minis

I was working on a few new projects and was awake up to the wee hours.  The blog counter was just a few hundred away from 1.5 million when I finished up.  So...I will be posting the names of the Fourth Blogoversary Celebration winners at some point today.  We do have a few things that have to be done in the morning so it might not be until later in the day.  

For Cricut users - the long awaited updated for compatibility between the Gypsy and the Cricut Mini is finally available.  This information was posted on the Cricut Message Board on Friday.  I know not everyone reads the message boards so I have copied and pasted the info here for you.

I do not own a Mini so I haven't been able to test the update but it seems that it has gone smoothly for most people...sometimes I wait to see if any kinks have been worked out before updating (why these updates are nearly always released on a Friday with no support on the weekend is a mystery to me!).  So - proceed with caution - good luck!

Here is the information:

 Gypsy® device firmware 0227 update – Available 02.09.12
This update includes the following:
Cutting to the Cricut Mini™ with the Gypsy® device:
• The Gypsy device must be updated to the 0227:0234 (0227 firmware and 0234 content) version through the Cricut® Sync program found at
• The Cricut Mini firmware must be updated to Version .23 in order to communicate with the Gypsy device .
• If the Cricut Mini requires a firmware update, you will be prompted to visit Cricut Craft Room™ to perform this update when the Gypsy device is connected to the Cricut Mini machine. Simply follow the screen prompts to complete the update process in Cricut Craft Room.
*Note: Cricut Mini cannot be updated from Gypsy device.

Cricut Expression® 2 machines:
• This release supports all Cricut Expression 2 machines including those with the 1000 firmware version

Corrects the blue & black screen that some Gypsy® devices were experiencing:
• We strongly encourage ALL Gypsy device users to update their device to the newest version (0227:0234) through the Cricut® Sync program at for best results.
• This update will prevent the black screen and blue light some Gypsy devices were experiencing; however, it does not repair them.
• If you have a Gypsy device displaying a black screen and blue light, please contact Cricut® support 1-877-727-4288 | Monday-Friday: 7am-6pm MST

Corrects Cricut® cartridge linking issues associated with the following cartridges:
• Pagoda
• Close to my Heart - Art Philosophy Cricut® Bundle
• Celebrate With Flourish
• Everyday Pop-Up Cards
• Cake Everyday Sampler

Gypsy Linking to Cricut Craft Room™ is coming soon!

I did get a chance to try a few test cuts of files that have been piling up in my Silhouette folder.  This type of cut and folded design technique is called "incire" and usually requires a lot of hand cutting using a stencil.

This is how it looks on the back side.  I remember trying to figure out how to do a Design Studio file to make the cuts years ago but I was never able to get a result that I was happy with.  I made some cutting files in the Silhouette software in less than 10 minutes - because I can put lines where I want them and do quick and easy grouping and replicating.  These are just some test cuts but now that I have figured out an easy way to make the files I'll be doing more of them - I love the look!

Have you ever made this type of design?  Spellbinders and several other of the die companies are making dies for these cuts now but of course they only cut one size.  With a file you can make the design any size you like.

Check back later today to find out who will be receiving "happy mail" next week!

I hope you have a great weekend - there may be a little snow here, but then again, maybe not - that's just the way this winter has gone!

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Holiday Happiness at Scrappy-go-Lucky

I made another Christmas card using both the Imagine and the Expression 2 for Scrappy-go-Lucky.  This is just a little peek at the corner of the card - please click HERE to see the full post on the Scrappy-go-Lucky blog.

You can see a few of the Creative Charms gems that I added to this card.  If you are an email subscriber, you should be receiving an email with two posts today - please scroll down to see the new Kit and Deal from Creative Charms and find out how you could win a free Kit of the Month for October.

The Creative Memories StoryBook 4.0 upgrade is now available to download or order on CD.  I always do the downloads - instant gratification and no shipping costs!  If you currently have StoryBook Creator 3.0 you can upgrade to 4.0 for $24.95 and you will receive over $60 worth of free content. Click HERE to go to the page on my CM personal website for more details or to order.

There is also a free trial version of 4.0 available HERE so you can see all of the things that the program can do.  The trial is good for 30 days.

Here is another peek at all of the bits and pieces of my card - you can get the details on the Scrappy Go-Lucky blog HERE  
Be sure to look back at some of the other posts the Design Team has made - there is lots of inspiration to be found there.

Our trip home was long but problem free.  Before we left, the sun came out and we did get to pick a few apples.  I'll try to catch up with messages as quickly as possible.  We still have work going on at our house so it may take me a day or two to catch up.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New Cricut Expression 2

Today is the day of the launch of the new Cricut E2 - the updated and improved model of the Cricut Expression.  I stayed up Monday night to watch the launch on the Home Shopping Network and the machines were selling fast - over 4000 shortly after 2 am (yes, I should get to bed earlier!).

This image is from the website and you can read lots more about the machine HERE.  The E2 is exclusive to HSN and will be shown at 12am, 1am, 2am, 6am, 7am, 11am, 12pm, 3pm, 4pm, 7pm, and 8pm EST.  Here is a LINK to the HSN website where you can purchase the E2 (until supplies of this limited edition run out).

This machine has four cartridges built in - Cricut American Alphabet, Just a Note, Cricut Decals, Cricut Essentials.  The handbooks and sample sheets have not yet been posted in the Cartridge Library or added to Design Studio so you'll need to look at them on the Gypsy if you have one.

All of the winners of the Cricut Cruise will be receiving an E2 - I don't have mine yet but I am looking forward to trying it out when it arrives (soon I hope!).

I want to thank all of you who left comments or sent emails with compliments on the photos I share here on the blog.  I do enjoy photography and digital manipulation of my photos.  Here are some answers to a few of the questions that I have received.

I use a Nikon D40 camera with the basic kit lens that came with it when I purchased it about three and a half years ago.  I don't think that this model is in the current line.  It was the most basic digital SLR when I bought it and I believe the current equivalent would be the D3000.  I generally keep it on the automatic settings but I sometimes get adventuresome and turn those off.  There is a macro setting (the little flower) which I use for close ups of cards and details.

The editing of digital photographs can make an enormous difference in the image.  Some of the photos I share are not changed much but sometimes I do a lot of changes with contrast and light to get the look I want.  I use the Creative Memories Memory Manager 3.0 software to edit and organize my photos.  This software is very user friendly and has a quick editing system but also allows you to get very advanced with your changes to the images.

This was the image of the spiderweb straight from the camera - the contrast is low and the spiderweb is not very obvious in the photo.  

I cropped and altered the contrast and the light to produce the photo I posted yesterday - it is much more dramatic.  

Here is another example of the original photo before editing...

...and after cropping, sharpening and adjusting the light levels.

One more example of the before...

...and after.  Cropping in on the most interesting part of the photo makes such a difference.

I use Creative Memories StoryBook Creator Plus 3.0 to get more creative with my photos and turn some of the images into digital embellishments that I can use over and over again.

I use the cutting tools and the "magic wand" in the program to isolate my flowers, dropping out any background and saving them as PNG files in my digital content.  Then they can be resized, recolored, and altered as I please.

I can take my isolated flowers and resize and recombine them in all sorts of groupings and then save the grouped images as additional content.  It can be very interesting to try different combinations and I find it relaxing to work with the images this way.

I don't have any photographic training but I do take hundreds of photos and work with the software nearly every day - so I have lots of practice time logged!  If you have more questions or would like me to organize an online demo time to show you how I do this please be sure to contact me via a comment or email.  If you are interested in the software that I use, I am a Creative Memories consultant and would be happy to help you if you don't have a local consultant.  The link to my website is in the left column.

What do you think of the new Expression 2?  Will you buy one?

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