I made these little scalloped dresses last summer. There were a lot of versions appearing on various internet sites - I am not sure where the idea originated. They are commonly made by cutting a scalloped circle and then trimming away sections following a template.
Here is a card I made using another little dress. I decided to design a file to cut these with my Cricut. I did two versions - one for George and one for Plantin Schoolbook. They are not adjustable because I needed to rotate and alter some individual shapes within the designs. Soon...I hope...we will be able to "group" in Design Studio.
The files can now be found on the Custom Crops website along with my article - here is a LINK to the page. The links for the .cut files changed the names and I am not sure which file is George and which is Plantin Schoolbook - I will try to get the names corrected so you can download the one you want (or just grab both of them if you want!).