This quote made me think about all of the creative things I'd like to do and whether it is realistic to think that I could or even should try to finish everything I start. Most crafters are full of ideas and love to see and learn about new techniques and products. They often have the supplies for various projects stashed in their home just waiting for the time to come when it is possible to spend the time to try something new. Sometimes, you can accumulate a huge amount of material only to find that your interests change or a new craft or product comes along and captures your attention. Then you have to decide what to do next and what to do with the inventory of items you have for a craft that is no longer your primary interest.
Do you have supplies and tools for crafts you are no longer interested in pursuing? Have you progressed in your level of ability from a basic creative level to a place where you want to go further to explore and master a craft at a new level? Are there activities and crafts you used to enjoy that you no longer find interesting?
How do you decide that it is time to move on and try a more sophisticated version of your craft? If you are a knitter and fascinated with yarns and fibers, do you start spinning and weaving your own yarns? Many quilters I know end up getting involved in dying their own fabrics to get just the effects they want. If you only use the commercially available ingredients to create your projects will you be fulfilled or will you find it limiting and ultimately frustrating?
When is it OK to just let the old materials for the craft you are no longer doing move on to someone else? Do you have trouble getting rid of things if you don't think they are going to a "good home" with someone who will enjoy and use them? Were you brought up to believe that it is wrong to "quit" something? If you find a better or different way to do the crafts you are interested in should you "convert" completely or just add another set of tools to your inventory? I am curious to know if you have any thoughts about this - and whether you have let go of the materials and tools that no longer fulfill your creative goals.
Please leave a comment with your thoughts if you'd like to join in the discussion. I'll be sure to add a link to this post at the end of each post for the next week or so in case you want to think about the topic and evaluate whether there are some things that you should just stop doing to make room for other things that you find more intriguing...
Wednesday was the Senior Prom night in our town and I went to a neighbor's home to watch a large group get ready to leave in a huge limo together. The girls all looked lovely and the boys were quite handsome in their suits and tuxes. I took some photos of the flowers in the flower boxes as well as some of the corsages.
I edited a few of my flower photos and added them to a quick page incorporating the Reflection for the Day. I may use these flower images for a new project I am working on - more about that soon. I think I will be letting go of some things at our neighborhood yard sale this weekend...
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