"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul." -- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Today I’m sharing a crochet project that frankly I’m none too happy with. My daughter asked for what they call a cocoon. The item itself is actually not complicated. However, I found a pattern that she liked and I purchased it! (GASP!)
I should have just made it from scratch like I’d originally planned.
I bought the same yarn. Used the same needle and checked my gauge constantly. However, I had to do several modifications and buy more expensive yarn to make what turned out to be a heavy, bulky (and in my opinion) awkward looking garment. It looks nothing like the image presented with the pattern. So much so that I rechecked everything I used - again to be sure I had everything right. (sigh)
My daughter was still kind and appreciative as she works from home and though it is heavy, it is loose enough that she can work without it restricting her movements, but I am going to see about making another one for her using a different yarn.
I feel I need to share it because I have been crocheting for years and sometimes beginners need to know and understand that even people with experience can create something not so great. The trick is, not to give up, learn something from it and move onto your next project with joy and confidence!
Thanks for stopping by!