Is not each and every baby the sweetest, best, and most delightful little darling that ever did or ever will exist? ~Eliza Cook, "Prize Babies," 1854
So, I’m one of those people that can’t sit still for long periods of time. I HAVE to be doing something so I generally have a piece of crochet by my chair to fiddle with when watching a movie or TV with my husband.
For this post, I’m way behind as I made this afghan in 2019 for the baby girl of some dear friends of ours! It has been so long I can’t find the pattern I used to make it. I can tell you the design has dragonflies in it.
According to the Internet, The Dragonfly has been a symbol of happiness, new beginnings and change for many centuries. It means hope, change, and love. Which is what I want for this special kidlet.
Anyway, here is. If I locate the pattern and yarn information, I’ll update the post!
Close up - can you see the dragonflies?
Thanks for stopping by!