These were the archives of the history of his own heart. ~Max Nordau (1849–1923), "The Art of Growing Old," How Women Love and Other Tales (Soul Analysis), translated from the German by an unnamed translator, 1896 [drawers of photos, letters, and other memories —tεᖇᖇ¡·g]
Good morning!
Recently I attended a one day crop event put on by a friend of mine that sells Close to My Heart products. It a nice break to spend a day seeing friends and crafting with like-minded people.
Denise always does these fun make and takes. Sometimes I post them. Sometimes I don’t. But this time she had us make a super cute 8 x 8 scrapbook page so I thought I would share.
I'm thinking I'll be trying this layout again later!
Now I don’t do much scrapbooking but I have found that I like to do the 8 x 8 size, then I mount on a 12 x 12 sheet of cardstock to fit my books. I feel accomplished without being overwhelmed with how to fill up a 12 x 12 sheet.
Supplies (8 x 8 page)
- All items are from Close to My Heart
(Hugs) Cara