Showing posts with label BLAGOJEVICH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BLAGOJEVICH. Show all posts

Fw: Illinois Student

A young student in Illinois attended the state University. Half way through the semester, he foolishly squandered all of his money.

He calls home. "Dad," he says, "You won't believe what modern education is developing! They actually have a program here in Champaign that will teach our dog, Bo, how to talk!"

"That's amazing," his Dad says. "How do I get Bo in that program?"

"Just send him down here with $1,000" the young man says. "I'll get him in the course."

So, his father sends the dog and $1,000.

About two-thirds of the way through the semester, the money again runs out. The boy calls home.

"So how's Bo doing son?" his father asks. "Awesome, Dad, he's talking up a storm," he says, "but you just won't believe this - they've had such good results they also have started to teach dogs how to read!"

"Read!?" says his father, "No kidding! How do we get Bo in that program?"

"Just send $2,500, I'll get him in the class."

The money promptly arrives. But our hero has a problem. At the end of the year his father will find out the dog can neither talk, nor read.

When he arrives home at the end of the year, his father is all excited. "Where's Bo? I just can't wait to see him read something and talk!"

"Dad," the boy says, "I have some grim news. Yesterday morning, just before we left to drive home, Bo was in the living room, kicked back in the recliner, reading the Wall Street Journal, like he usually does. Then he turned to me and asked, "So, is your dad still messin' around with that little redhead who lives in town?"

The father exclaimed, "I hope you shot that &*%$# before he talks to your Mother!"

"I sure did, Dad!"

"That's my boy!"

The kid would become a successful lawyer; he then went on to become the
Governor of Illinois ..

Fwd: Blago and Rahm Chicago chums forever

Blago and Emanuel on tape--warning-bad language
Rahm Emmanuel & Rod Blogojevich FBI taped conversation

The US Attorney in Chicago, Patrick Fitzgerald, released a wiretapped
conversation between Rahm Emmanuel (Obama's Chief of Staff ) and Illinois Governor Rod Blogojevich and it is a doozey!
FBI File #9536B Wiretap on line 312-XXX-XXXX November 10th, 2008
12:42 PM Eastern Time
Rush transcript:

RAHM EMANUEL: This is Rahm.

ROD BLAGOJEVICH: Hey Rahm, yeah it's Rod.
EMANUEL: Uh-huh. What's going on governor, I'm busy.
BLAGO: Well, it's about that Senate appointment. ..

EMANUEL: We already gave you the list of people we like.

BLAGO: Yeah, I been looking the list over. Interesting names. Good
people. How's the transition going?

EMANUEL: It's going fine, governor. Are you calling to fucking tell me
anything, or what, cause I--

BLAGO: No no, I'm just wondering if you have all your picks already
made. I heard something about Dashle for HHS--

EMANUEL: I'm not gonna discuss ongoing deliberations, gov, you know

BLAGO: Hey, come on Rahm, let's not act like I'm a stranger here.
EMANUEL: Did I call you a stranger? If I thought you were a stranger,
you think I'd be interrupting my important fucking business to take this fucking phone call?
BLAGO: Hey you don't have to get curt with me, Rahm.

EMANUEL: This isn't me being curt, Gov, this is me being fucking busy.
Now what did you call about?
BLAGO: I'm just feeling you out, seeing if Valerie [Jarret] still wants
that Senate seat, just wondering what kind of priority that is for the President-Elect.

EMANUEL: Actually, it's not a priority. Valerie's had second thoughts
about the job.

BLAGO: What, she doesn't want it anymore?

EMANUEL: She's having second thoughts. You want more details, you ask

BLAGO: She won't take my calls.

EMANUEL: Big fucking surprise.

BLAGO: What's that supposed to mean?

EMANUEL: Um, I don't know, what's it supposed to mean governor? A.)
You're a fucking crook. B.) You're a fucking asshole. C.) All of the above.

BLAGO: I'm clean Rahm, you know this. You think that fucking Fitzgerald
would being twiddling his fucking thumbs if he had shit to go on?

EMANUEL: I gotta go, Gov. You appoint who you want, we really don't give
a shit.

BLAGO: What if I appoint Valerie, what if she takes it?

EMANUEL: What do you want me to say? We'd appreciate it, I'm not gonna
fucking kiss your ring over it.

BLAGO: "Appreciate it"? Come on, this is a senate seat we're talking
about. It's worth a fuck of a lot more than appreciation.

EMANUEL: You asked us for a list, we gave you a fucking list, you want
to make your own list then make your own fucking list. [Raising voice] But if you're asking for anything else from me, or Barack, or Valerie, then you can fucking stop talking right now Rod.

BLAGO: Wait a sec there Rahm. Wait just a fucking minute. Who are you to
talk to me like that? I fucking made you.

EMANUEL: You made me? You made me? Tell me you're fucking joking.

BLAGO: No no no, you listen to me shit-face. You see this list I got,
the names motherfucking Obama fucking wants for the Senate. I just ripped it in two. How you like that? Oops, Harris just dropped it in the shredder. Harris?

HARRIS (muffled): Yes sir?

BLAGO: Did you just drop that list in the shredder?

[Whirring, shredder noise]

HARRIS (muffled): I did.

EMANUEL: Do you have me on fucking speakerphone?

BLAGO: It's in the shredder, Rahm. The list is bye bye.

EMANUEL: Hold on a sec -- you got me on fucking speakerphone? Who the
fuck do you think I am?

BLAGO: Who are you Rahm? Who are you? You're shit, you hear me? Don't
come back to Chicago Rahm, it's not your town any more.

EMANUEL: Pick up the phone Rod.

BLAGO: I'll put someone in the senate who will fucking fuck you. I might
even put myself in there, how you like that Rahm? How you gonna explain that to fucking Barack, every time he's gotta call me up for my fucking vote. He'd have to take my calls then, wouldn't he?

EMANUEL: [Screaming] I said pick up the FUCKING phone!
BLAGO: [Picks up phone, speakerphone off] I got your attention now,
didn't I?

EMANUEL: Shut the fuck up and listen to me for one second Rod. And I
want you to listen carefully, because this is the last time I'm ever going to talk to you. You are fucking dead to me. You been fucking dead to Barack since '06, now you're dead to me. Know what that means? That means you're dead to my people in Chicago, Daley on down, and all these friends you think you have aren't gonna touch you with a ten foot fucking pole.

BLAGO: Oh now you're the fucking Godfather? Fuck you.

EMANUEL: No fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.

BLAGO: Fuck you!

EMANUEL: Listen up asshole. The shit's gonna hit the fan, maybe
tomorrow, maybe next month, and when Fitz finally brings down the hammer it's gonna be my name that's going through your head. You won't know the hows or the fucking whys, but it's gonna have my fucking fingerprints all over it. Have a great life fatso.

BLAGO: Hey fuck--

EMANUEL: [Click.]

End of conversation

End transcript.


To understand the next 4 years you have to understand the world according to Chicago . While it is a city of Illinois it is also a completely different country with a whole different set of morals and language.

There are only three rules there which anybody can understand. You don't even need an attorney to understand them and if you need an attorney , well . . you know too much so look out for Rule #3!

RULE #1 No matter what you see, hear, or do you don't know anybody and you don't know nutin!

RULE #2 If you capture something on tape or camera it doesn't reveal nutin!

RULE #3 If you know what anybody knows in Chicago , well . . . dat's da last ting you'll ever know and you'll wish youse never knew nutin!

Now pay close attention we don't want to have ta say dis more dan once It's very simple . . . we'll illustrate. If you have too, read slow!

These two? They don't know each other!

Remember the first picture? Be sure you only remember that they don't know and you certainly don't either! Da fellas in da background in this picture? Well . . . what fellas? We don't see nutin!

Oops! How did that get in here?

Da guy on the left? For all you know he's Santa Claus. And the guy on the right . .well, he's Da Easter Bunny! That's all you need to know and you're better off if you don't know that.

Go to your eye doctor, your eyes is liein to yas! Capish?

We don't want to know what they're saying.

Remember Jimmy Hoffa!

He knew too much and now . . .well . . . now no one knows where he is.

Is da big picture clear?

Not these pictures gumwad, cuz youse already forgot dem!

Now, ain't dat simple?

They don't know nutin and neither do we!

And don't fuhget it!

P.S. If you pass this on to your friends, don't forget Rule #1 and, that ways, there's nutin to fear about #3


P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

FW: Caroline Kennedy and The Banana Republic of New York

When you’re done reading the Blagojevich complaint, with its attendant insights into Illinois politics, spare a thought for New York — where Caroline Kennedy wants a sit-down with Governor David Paterson, with the aim of claiming Hillary Clinton’s soon-to-be-vacant Senate seat.
Is there anything wrong with that picture?
Well, let’s imagine for a moment that it’s not New York State we’re talking about, but some province – call it the State of Banana — in some nameless republic rife with dynastic politics.
Here’s a sample of the politics:
Eight years ago, a Senate seat from the Banana State was won by the wife of a sitting president of the republic. That wife had never before resided in Banana State, but she bought a house there, campaigned with the aura and entourage accorded to a presidential spouse, and with one leap, winning her first elected office ever, she became a senator.
Riding a national political machine to re-election for a second term, that former first lady swiftly turned her Senate seat into a springboard for her own campaign for the presidency. She lost, but took a job in the new administration, leaving the governor of Banana State to appoint a replacement senator.
That governor was himself a replacement, due to the resignation of the elected governor, a crusading moralist caught in a prostitution scandal. As the replacement governor prepared to name a replacement senator, a former president’s daughter declared her interest in the Senate seat — which one of her uncles had won some 44 years earlier, and was using as a springboard for his own presidential run, after serving as attorney-general in his brother’s presidential administration. This former first daughter had recently worked on the campaign of the President-elect — an experience that awakened in her an appetite for politics – but she had reached the age of 51 with no direct experience of her own in public office. Nonetheless, another of her uncles, also a senator, was ready to endorse her for this leap to the Senate. So was the mayor of Big Plum (the biggest city in Banana State), who on his own turf had just succeeded in scrapping a two-term limit so he could run for a third term — which he justified as a way of offering people a broader choice (namely, himself).
That’s how it works in Banana Republics. Whatever Caroline Kennedy’s native abilities, celebrity mantle and political connections, if she thinks this is a good way for things to work in New York State, that alone is reason to worry about her qualifications for the job.

Fw: Fwd: My 2 cents on Gov Blago

Dear MRWD,

Below is a forward my brother received from our stepfather. My brother is in the army, so my stepfather is under the mistaken impression that he's a right-wing nutjob, too.

My brother's response is above, but the forward is below that. And it's also in that one font!



note: names have been changed to protect the guilty and innocent from further awkward exchanges at the next family get-together.

-------begin forward--------

--- On 12/14/08, Mark wrote:
From: Mark
Subject: Re: FW: My 2 cents on Gov Blago
To: "Rich"
Date: December 14, 2008,

Hey Chuck, here's my two cents: if you need to bolster the credibility of your argument with racism, then your argument probably isn't very strong.

2) Jessie Jr is going to throw Daddy under the bus and deny any knowledge of his ole man doin " BIDNIT " on his behalf

On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 10:22 AM, Rich wrote:

------ Forwarded Message

Subject: Fw: Fwd: My 2 cents on Gov Blago

----- Forwarded Message -----

here is an interesting theory, not mine, but I like it. What poetic justice, after all these years of shaking down businesses, Jessie Sr. gets nailed shaking down the gov. for his son! HA!

Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 14:59:35 -0600
Subject: My 2 cents on Gov Blago

They way I see it is as follows:

The reason Rev Jessie Sr has not been seen during the last few days of his son possibly being in trouble ----------IS-----------!!!!!

1) Rev Jessie Sr is the one who approached Blago about appointing Jessie jr and giving him BIG BUCKS FROM RAINBOW PUSH to appoint his boy as Senator

2) Jessie Jr is going to throw Daddy under the bus and deny any knowledge of his ole man doin " BIDNIT " on his behalf

3) Why else is Sr not puttin his MUG all over the Tele in defense of his family's name

4) Blago then tried shakin down Valerie Jarrett ( Obamas girl ) for more than what Sr was offering , she tells Rahm Emanuell and he drops a dime to Fitzgerald and that takes ALL OF THE DOGS DOWN

Lets see if my years of Police work pays off !!!!!

Nothing further your Honor

The State rests !!!!!


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