Showing posts with label SIN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SIN. Show all posts

Re: FW: Something to think about...

"This one is obviously a fake. But I think it's a funny one." -Poopy

Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2008 10:36:05 -0600
Subject: Something to think about...

The Truth About John SIDNEY McCain

I send this message out to all AMERICANS who are concerned about the dire choice we face in this election. I don't think I need to explain to all of you what the stakes are. We are currently locked in a WAR for the culture and faith of this great nation and are stuck with two phenomenally awful choices.

But while the myriad SINS of Barack HUSSEIN Obama are well known to the majority of AMERICANS, less is known about the extremely suspect background of John SIDNEY McCain, the supposed candidate of the REPUBLICAN party. The MAINSTREAM MEDIA have done a shameful job vetting this man (if he can even be called that) and are engaged in ACTIVE SUPPRESSION of many troubling items on John SIDNEY McCain's record.

However, the MAINSTREAM MEDIA cannot suppress the truth. All of the information below has been testified to in a COURT OF LAW under oath on the very BIBLE itself. Please read it and consider; can we really afford to have a man with the character of John SIDNEY McCain in the WHITE HOUSE?


    John SIDNEY McCain has made a great deal of his experience as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War. He claims that because of this, he has learned the skills and has the character necessary to lead the US MILITARY in the WAR ON TERROR against the pig-religion of ISLAM.

      However, his accounts of his time in the prison camp do not hold up to even the most cursory of examinations. His conduct inside the prison camp following his capture has widely been described as perverse, shameful, and even TREASONOUS.

    It is well known that during John SIDNEY McCain's interrogations, he was given special attention since his father was an admiral in the US NAVY. As a navy pilot, John SIDNEY McCain also had a great knowledge about weapons, radar systems and deployment; information which was highly valuable to the North Vietnamese and their Soviet patrons. Several of SIDNEY McCain's fellow prisoners witness part of an interrogation, where McCain was questioned by Russian speaking officers. After this interrogation, John SIDNEY McCain was removed from the bamboo holding cage with his fellow prisoners and given extra rations of rice and canned yams. We can deduce from this that John SIDNEY McCain gave his captors vital information during this interrogation in order to get this special treatment, and thus put the lives of thousands of AMERICAN servicemen in danger. Hopefully, the extra rice rations were enough to fill not only the hunger in his belly, but also the deep hole in his conscience...


During his time in the prison camp, John SIDNEY McCain was subjected to torture in order to get him to sign statements critical of the UNITED STATES and its MILITARY. Experiences such as this were common to many prisoners. What is not common is the fact that John SIDNEY McCain ended up actually signing the statement given to him by his North Vietnamese captors.

His "confession" is rife with statements that are offensive to all AMERICANS. In it, he "apologizes" for the "murder" of civilians (a fact that is patently false...the majority of all civilian deaths in the Vietnam war were committed by the COMMUNISTS, since it is only through wholesale murder that they can enforce their ideology), as well as admitting that he was a tool for AMERICAN imperialism. His signature can be clearly seen at the bottom of the statement, so we can surmise that even if he didn't write all the words, he agrees with them. By doing so, he spit on every man and woman who has ever worn the uniform of the UNITED STATES MILITARY.

Besides the fact that by signing such a statement, he directly gave aid and comfort to the enemy, somebody also needs to tell John SIDNEY McCain that AMERICA is a REPUBLIC, not an EMPIRE. If he cannot tell the difference, then John SIDNEY McCain does not have the character to be President.


It is widely known that after a year of captivity by the Vietnamese, John SIDNEY McCain was offered the opportunity to go home in a prisoner exchange. As the son of an admiral, he was a high value prisoner and by staying inside the camp, he weakened the negotiating position of the UNITED STATES.

Though John SIDNEY McCain has stated that he refused to leave the camp because it would not have been fair to men who had been held captive longer than him, the record does not hold up to scrutiny. Since we've already established that McCain had given valuable information to the Vietnamese/Soviets and helped them spread their anti-imperialist/anti-GOD propaganda, why would he suddenly be driven by the welfare of his fellow soldiers?

In all, John McCain was held as a prisoner of war for six years, even though he could have left as soon as the first year. There are many reports that he was constantly bound with ropes and tortured. Why would this be done if he had already given all his information to his captors.

The answer is simple. From John SIDNEY McCain's own accounts of his torture, the acts he was involved in correlate closely to those of SADO MASOCHISM. These are acts that are regularly celebrated by the HOMOSEXUAL/PERVERT community.

Before he was killed in a highly suspicious car accident, one of McCain's fellow prisoners testified on the BIBLE that during his time in the prison camp, John SIDNEY McCain had been a "bottom" (this is a pervert designation for a homosexual who receives sodomy rather than gives it). This brave soldier also claimed that McCain frequently tried to dress in a feminine manner, and had sex with other prisoners and sometimes even his captors for extra cigarettes and plantains.

Even after his release, it seems that John SIDNEY McCain continued on with his homosexual acts. Several people have testified under oath that McCain was a constant figure in bars frequented by the homosexual/pervert community in Florida. It is these encounters that are widely known to have led to the end of McCain's first marriage.


Unfortunately, the infidelities of John SIDNEY McCain do not end there. It is a PROVEN FACT that John SIDNEY McCain fathered a child with a Bangladeshi woman named Dharba Sun Mahmoud. By this time, John SIDNEY McCain had already been elected to the Arizona senate and it is likely he met Ms. Mahmoud on a Senate tour of the region.

Likely, you are wondering how McCain having children through a heterosexual relationship matches up with the information given in the previous chapter on McCain's homosexual past. Many in the homosexual/pervert community often take on HETEROSEXUAL partners in order to pass as an upright straight citizen (thus necessitating the dissemination of tools that churches can use to identify homosexuals within their ranks). McCain could not be open though about an affair in a foreign country. He was likely involved in sex-tourism while abroad as representative of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.

Bangladesh is 88% Muslim, and so is Ms. Mahmoud, who remarried another Bangladeshi man after her encounter with John SIDNEY McCain (a man who is incidentally on terrorist watch lists in the United States, the UK and INTERPOL). Nothing more is known of McCain's half-child since it was likely honor killed in accordance with the Islamic law of Sharia.

However, there is no indication that Ms. Mahmoud was a recent convert to Islam, nor that she was not a Muslim when she had her encounter with John SIDNEY McCain. Sharia is extremely strict about extra-marital sex with someone who is not of Muslim lineage. Since Islam is a POLYGAMIST religion, there is a loophole where a man and a woman can become temporarily married in order to have an affair or liaison. In fact, many middle eastern brothels have a house Imam to facilitate such on the fly marriages that are often annulled as soon as the session is over.

It would be impossible for McCain to have had sex with a Muslim woman unless he converted to Islam and underwent an (albeit brief) marriage to the woman. Once converting to Islam, John SIDNEY McCain would be considered an apostate if he renounced his Islamic conversion, and would have a fatwa (death sentence) placed on his head. In the times John SIDNEY McCain has gone over to Iraq, there has been no serious assassination attempt on him, so we can only assume that John SIDNEY McCain never renounced his Islamic conversion.

So, MY FELLOW AMERICANS. Ask yourself, can we afford to have John SIDNEY McCain as leader of the FREE and CHRISTIAN world if he is actually secretly a Muslim?

Can we afford to have John SIDNEY McCain as president, who as a prisoner of war all but urinated on the sacrifices our men and women in uniform have made to make us safe from TERRORISM?

Can we afford to have John SIDNEY McCain as president if he opposed George W. Bush's tax cuts, which kept our most productive AMERICANS from going bankrupt? Is he secretly a MARXIST who believes in the redistribution of wealth from the productive class to the WELFARE CLASS?

Can we afford to have a HOMOSEXUAL as president of the United States, who will weaken the institution of MARRIAGE in this country and bring GOD'S WRATH upon our blessed nation?

Think this over carefully before you vote this fall. And thank you for reading.

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FW: Malachi 3.3, This is great

"...this forward about god burning me was sent by my well-meaning mother. I don't want to be melted into liquid but I guess it's for my own good. I also love the unnecessary quotes around the word highest. I'd file this one under GOD, SILVER, and, ? Keep up the good work." -Kevin

---begin forward----
Silver is Latin from Ancient Greek meaning 'white,shining' it has the 'highest' level of electrical and thermal conductivity and acts as a mirror in photographic film used today. Only non-metal diamonds are higher! Thank you Father for 'sitting' and taking the time to refine me today to be a pure as white, and shining for you. Amen

Love to all who read this today, be blessed in the refining fire of our Father.

Malachi 3:3 says:

'He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver.'

This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God.

One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible Study.

That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining silver.

As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities.

The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says:
'He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver.'

She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined.

The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.

The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, 'How do you know when the silver is fully refined?'

He smiled at her and answered,

'Oh, that's easy -- when I see my image in it.'

If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God has His eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you.

Pass this on right now. This very moment, someone needs to know that God is watching over them. And whatever they're going through, they'll be a better person in the end.

'Life is a coin. You can spend it anyway you wish, but you can only spend it once.


A priest was being honored at his retirement dinner after 25 years in
the parish. A leading local politician and member of the congregation
was chosen to make the presentation and give a little speech at the
dinner. He was delayed, so the priest decided to say his own few words
while they waited.

"I got my first impression of the parish from the first confession I
heard here. I thought I had been assigned to a terrible place. The very
first person who entered my confessional told me he had stolen a
television set and, when questioned by the police, was able to lie his
way out of it. He had stolen money from his parents, embezzled from his
employer, had an affair with his boss's wife, taken illegal drugs, and
gave VD to his sister. I was appalled. But as the days went on I knew
that my people were not all like that and I had, indeed, come to a fine
parish full of good and loving people.".....

Just as the priest finished his talk, the politician arrived full of
apologies at being late. He immediately began to make the presentation
and gave his talk. "I'll never forget the first day our parish priest
said the politician. "In fact, I had the honor of being the first one to
go to him in confession."

Moral: Don't ever be late

FW: WOW! 7%

[AMEN! A GUEST entry submitted by Sean, a glorious forward from his dad!]

How To Forgive

One day a while back, a man, his heart heavy with grief, was walking in the woods. As he thought about his life this day, he knew many things were not right. He thought about those who had lied about him back at his job.

His thoughts turned to those who had stolen his things and cheated him.

He remembered family that had passed on. His mind turned to the illness he
had that no one could cure. His very soul was filled with anger, resentment and frustration.

Standing there this day, searching for answers he could not find, knowing all else had failed him, he knelt at the base of an old oak tree to seek the one he knew would always be there. And with tears in his eyes, he prayed:

"Lord- You have done wonderful things for me in this life. You have told me to do many things for you, and I happily obeyed. Today, you have told me to forgive. I am sad, Lord, because I cannot. I don't know how. It is not fair Lord. I didn't deserve these wrongs that were done against me and I

shouldn't have to forgive. As perfect as your way is Lord, this one thing I cannot do, for I don't know how to forgive. My anger is so deep Lord, I fear I may not hear you, but I pray that you teach me to do this one thing I cannot do - Teach me To Forgive."

As he knelt there in the quiet shade of that old oak tree, he felt something fall onto his shoulder. He opened his eyes. Out of the corner of one eye, he saw something red on his shirt. He could not turn to see what it was because where the oak tree had been was a large square piece of wood in the ground. He raised his head and saw two feet held to the wood with a large spike through them.

He raised his head more, and tears came to his eyes as he saw Jesus hanging on a cross. He saw spikes in His hands, a gash in His side, a torn and battered body, deep thorns sunk into His head. Finally he saw the suffering and pain on His precious face. As their eyes met, the man's tears turned to sobbing, and Jesus began to speak.

"Have you ever told a lie?" He asked.

The man answered - "yes, Lord."

"Have you ever been given too much change and kept it?"

The man answered - " yes. Lord." And the man sobbed more and more.

"Have you ever taken something from work that wasn't yours?" Jesus asked?

And the man answered - "yes, Lord."

"Have you ever sworn, using my Father's name in vain?

"The man, crying now, answered - "yes, Lord."

As Jesus asked many more times, "Have you ever"? The man's crying became uncontrollable, for he could only answer - "yes, Lord."

Then Jesus turned His head from one side to the other, and the man felt something fall on his other shoulder. He looked and saw that it was the blood of Jesus. When he looked back up, his eyes met those of Jesus, and there was a look of love the man had never seen or known before.

Jesus said, "I didn't deserve this either, but I forgive you."

It may be hard to see how you're going to get through something, but when you look back in life,
you realize how true this statement is.

Read the following first line slowly and let it sink in.

"If God brings you to it - He will bring you through it."

When Jesus died on the cross, he was thinking of you! If you are one of the 7% who will stand up for him, forward this with the Title 7%. 93% of people won't forward this.

And remember only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you:

Jesus Christ and the American Soldier.

One died for your soul, the other died for your freedom.

FW: FWD: Heaven

Subject: Heaven

Al Gore and Bill and Hillary Clinton go to heaven, and God addresses
Al first. ''Al, what do you believe in?''
Al replies: "Well, I believe that I won that election, but that it
was your will that I did not serve. And I've come to understand that
God thinks for a second and says: "Very good. Come and sit at my
God then addresses Bill. "Bill, what do you believe in?''
Bill Replies: "I believe in forgiveness. I've sinned, but I've never
held a grudge against my fellow man, and I hope no grudges are held
against me.''
God thinks for a second and says: "You are forgiven, my son. Come and
sit at my right.''
Then God addresses Hillary. "Hillary, what do you believe in?''
She replies: "I believe you're in my chair.''

- end

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