Showing posts with label TED KENNEDY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TED KENNEDY. Show all posts

Fwd: Fw: 10 Most Destructive Americans

The 10 Most Destructive Americans of My 8 Decades
America has undergone enormous change during the nearly eight decades of my life. Today, America is a bitterly divided, poorly educated and morally fragile society with so-called mainstream politicians pushing cynical identity politics, socialism and open borders. The president of the United States is threatened with impeachment because the other side doesn’t like him. The once reasonably unbiased American media has evolved into a hysterical left wing propaganda mob. How could the stable and reasonably cohesive America of the 1950s have reached this point in just one lifetime? Who are the main culprits? Here’s my list of the 10 most destructive Americans of the last 80 years.
10) Mark Felt – Deputy director of the FBI, aka “Deep Throat” during the Watergate scandal. This was the first public instance of a senior FBI officially directly interfering in America’s political affairs. Forerunner of James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and Andrew McCabe.
9) Bill Ayers– Represents the deep and ongoing leftist ideological damage to our education system. An unrepentant anti-American terrorist who evaded punishment, he devoted his career to radicalizing American education and pushing leftist causes. Ghost wrote Obama’s book, “Dreams of My Father.”
8) Teddy Kennedy – Most folks remember Teddy as the guy who left Mary Joe Kopechne to die in his car at Chappaquiddick. The real damage came after he avoided punishment for her death and became a major Democrat force in the US Senate, pushing through transformative liberal policies in health care and education.  The real damage was the 1965 Hart-Cellar immigration bill he pushed hard for that changed the quota system to increase the flow of third world people without any skills into the US and essentially ended large-scale immigration from European countries.
7) Walter Cronkite – Cronkite was a much beloved network anchor who began the politicalization of America’s news media with his infamous broadcast from Vietnam that described the Tet Offensive as a major victory for the Communists and significantly turned the gullible American public against the Vietnam War. In fact, the Tet offensive was a military disaster for the NVA and Viet Cong, later admitted by North Vietnamese military leaders. Decades later Cronkite admitted he got the story wrong. But it was too late.  The damage was done.
6) Bill and Hillary Clinton— It’s difficult to separate Team Clinton. Bill’s presidency was largely benign as he was a relative fiscal conservative who rode the remaining benefits of the Reagan era. But his sexual exploits badly stained the Oval Office and negatively affected America’s perception of the presidency. In exchange for financial support, he facilitated the transfer of sensitive military technology to the Chinese.  Hillary, a Saul Alinsky acolyte, is one of the most vicious politicians of my lifetime, covering up Bill’s sexual assaults by harassing and insulting the exploited women and peddling influence around the globe in exchange for funds for the corrupt Clinton Foundation. She signed off on the sale of 20% of the US uranium reserve to the Russians after Bill received a $500,000 speaking fee in Moscow and the foundation (which supported the Clinton’s regal lifestyle) received hundreds of millions of dollars from those who benefited from the deal.  Between them, they killed any honor that might have existed in the dark halls of DC.
5) Valerie Jarrett - The Rasputin of the Obama administration.  A Red Diaper baby, her father, maternal grandfather and father-in-law (Vernon Jarrett who was a close friend and ally of Obama mentor Frank Marshall Davis) were hardcore Communists under investigation by the U.S. government. She has been in Obama’s ear for his entire political career pushing a strong anti-American, Islamist, anti-Israeli, socialist/communist, cling-to-power agenda.
4) Jimmy Carter  - Carter ignited modern day radical Islam by abandoning the Shah and paving the way for Ayatollah Khomeini to take power in Tehran. Iran subsequently became the main state sponsor and promoter of international Islamic terrorism.  When Islamists took over our embassy in Tehran, Carter was too weak to effectively respond thus strengthening the rule of the radical Islamic mullahs.
3) Lyndon Johnson – Johnson turned the Vietnam conflict into a major war for America. It could have ended early if he had listened to the generals instead of automaker Robert McNamara. The ultimate result was: 1) 58,000 American military deaths and collaterally tens of thousands of American lives damaged; and 2) a war that badly divided America and created left wing groups that evaded the draft and eventually gained control of our education system.  Even worse, his so-called War on Poverty led to the destruction of American black families and their entire culture with a significant escalation of welfare and policies designed to keep poor families dependent on the government (and voting Democrat) for their well-being. He deliberately created a racial holocaust that is still burning today to insure blacks “ … would be voting democrat for the next 200 years." A strong case could be made for putting him at the top of this list.
2) Barack Hussein Obama - Obama set up America for a final defeat and stealth conversion from a free market society to socialism/communism. As we get deeper into the Trump presidency, we learn more each day about how Obama politicized and compromised key government agencies and senior military, most prominently the FBI, the CIA and the IRS, thus thoroughly shaking the public’s confidence in the federal government to be fair and unbiased in its activities. He significantly set back race and other relations between Americans by stoking black grievances over blatant lies and pushing radical identity politics of hate. Obama’s open support for the Iranian mullahs and his apologetic “lead from behind” foreign policy seriously weakened America abroad. His blatant attempt to interfere in Israel’s election trying to unseat Netanyahu is one of the most shameful things ever done by an American president.=
1) John Kerry – Some readers will likely say Kerry does not deserve to be number one on this list. I have him here because I regard him as the most despicable American who ever lived.  After his three faked Purple Hearts during his cowardly service in Vietnam, he was able to leave the US Navy early. As a reserve naval officer and in clear violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, he traveled to Paris and met privately with the NVA and the Viet Cong. He returned to the United States parroting the Soviet party line about the war and testified before Congress comparing American soldiers to the hordes of Genghis Khan. It was a clear case of treason, giving aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of war. We got a second bite of the bitter Kerry apple when as Obama’s secretary of state, he fell into bed with the Iranian (“Death to America”) mullahs giving them the ultimate green light to develop nuclear weapons along with billions of dollars that further supported their terrorist activities. Only the heroic Swift Vets saved us from a Manchurian Candidate Kerry presidency. Ultimately we got Obama.
Dishonorable Mentions! (Just missed the list)
John Brennan – Obama’s CIA director who once voted for Communist Gus Hall for president. A key member of the Deep State who severely politicized the CIA. Called President Trump treasonous for meeting with the president of Russia.
Jane Fonda – movie actress who made the infamous trip to Vietnam during the war in support of the Communists. She represents hard left Hollywood that has done so much damage to our culture.
Jimmy Hendrix and Janice Joplin – Both revered entertainers helped usher in the prevailing youth and black drug cultures and personally suffered the consequences. Karma’s a bitch.
Robert Johnson /BET – Helped advance and popularize ho’s, bitches and pimps while making millions on such classic hits as “Jigga my Nigga”, “Big Pimpin’”, “Niggas in Paris” and “Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z.”   Many scholars within the African American community maintain that BET perpetuates and justifies racism for financial gain by adopting and encouraging the stereotypes some held about African Americans, affecting the psyche of young viewers through the bombardment of negative images of African Americans. He is the Al Sharpton of music. Who can disagree?
Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr./The New York Times –Once the gold standard of American journalism, the paper always had a liberal tilt and occasionally made bad mistakes for which it published corrections. As the years have gone along, the paper has slid further and further left and today is virtually the primary propaganda arm of the increasingly radical Democrat Party. Still retains influence in Washington and New York. Retractions and corrections no longer grace its pages.
George Soros – Jewish former Nazi collaborator in his native Hungary who sold out his own Jewish people to curry favor and wealth from Nazi's, and as a self-made billionaire has poured hundreds of millions of dollars into radical left wing groups and communist causes. The damage he has caused is difficult to measure, but it’s certainly large. He has funded much of the effort to kill the Trump presidency.  When he calls someone a Nazi, it defines irony. 
Frank Marshall Davis - Anti-white, black Bolshevik, and card-carrying Soviet agent.  Probable birth father and admitted primary mentor of young Barak Hussein Obama.                       
Frank Hawkins is a former US Army intelligence officer, Associated Press foreign correspondent, international businessman, senior newspaper company executive, founder and owner of several marketing companies and published novelist. He is currently retired in North Carolina. 



Short Books!

These books hold the world record for the shortest stories, and you must have a pretty good long term memory and be well informed to fully appreciate the humor.  Just remember some of these are very, very short books.

World's ShortestBooks

By Tiger Woods


By Jane Fonda, Cindy Sheehan
& Michelle Obama
Illustrated by Michael Moore
Foreword by George Soros


By "The Rev Jesse Jackson" & "The Rev Al Sharpton"

By Hillary Clinton

By Bill Clinton

By Bill Gates

By Dennis Rodman

By Al Gore & John Kerry
By Amelia Earhart


By Dr. Jack Kevorkian

By Ellen DeGeneres & Rosie O'Donnell

By Mike Tyson


By O. J. Simpson &  Casey Anthony

By Ted Kennedy

By Bill Clinton
With introduction by
The Rev. Jesse Jackson
And foreword by
Tiger Woods with John Edwards


My Complete Knowledge of Military Strategy

By Nancy Pelosi
And the shortest book of them all.......................


By Barack Obama

FW: A List of The World's Shortest Books

Curator's note: This RW FWD: is an updated version of this submission already in the archive.

Date: Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 12:36 PM
Subject: A List of The World's Shortest Books

World's Shortest Books
by Barack Obama

by  Tiger Woods

 by Jane Fonda & Cindy Sheehan
Illustrated by Michael Moore

by  Rev Jesse Jackson & Rev Al Sharpton
by  Hillary Clinton

By Bill  Clinton
 by Bill Gates

by Dennis Rodman

by Al Gore & John Kerry
by Dr. J. Kevorkian

by Ellen de Generes & Rosie O'Donnell
by Mike Tyson
by O. J. Simpson

by Ted Kennedy

by Bill Clinton
with introduction
by the 
Rev. Jesse Jackson
My Complete Knowledge of Military Strategy
by Nancy Pelosi


----- Original Message -----


He destroyed the Clinton Political Machine: Driving a stake thru the heart of Hillary's Presidential aspirations - something no Republican was ever able to do. Remember when a Hillary Presidency scared the daylights out of you!

He killed off the Kennedy Dynasty: No more Kennedy's trolling Washington looking for booze and women wanting rides home. American women and Freedom are safer tonight!

He is destroying the Democratic Party before our eyes!
Dennis Moore had never lost a race - quit
Evan Bayh had never lost a race - quit
Byron Dorgan - had never lost a race - quit
Harry Reed - in all probability - GONE
These are just a handful of the Democrats that whose political careers Obama has destroyed! By the end of 2010 dozens more will be!
In December of 2008 the Democrats were on the rise. In the last two election cycles they had picked up 14 senate seats and 52 house seats. The press was touting the death of the Conservative Movement and the Republican Party.
In one year Obama put a stop to all of this and will probably give the house, if not the senate back to the Republicans.

He has completely exposed liberals and progressives (extremists) for what they are. Every Generation seems to need to relearn the lesson on why they should never actually put liberals in charge. He is bringing home the lesson very well!
Liberals tax, borrow and spend - check
Liberals won't bring themselves to protect America - check
Liberals want to take over the economy - check
Liberals think they know what is best for everyone - check
Liberals aren't happy till they are running YOUR life – check

He has brought more Americans back to conservatism than anyone since Reagan
In One year he rejuvenated the Conservative movement and brought out to the streets millions of Freedom Loving Americans
Name me one other time in your life that you saw your friends and neighbors this interested in taking back America!
In all honesty one year ago I was more afraid than I had ever been in my life. Not of the economy but of the direction our country was going. I thought Americans had forgotten what this country was all about. My neighbors, friends, strangers proved to me that my lack of confidence of the Greatness and Wisdom of the American people was flat out wrong.

When the American People wake up, no smooth talking teleprompter reader can fool them!
Barack Obama woke up these Great Americans!
Again I want say - “Thank you Barack Obama”!

Fw: Scott Brown's Daughter Singing w/Boston Pops Orchestra

no matter what your political leanings this is beautiful

Subject: Fw: Scott Brown's Daughter Singing w/Boston Pops Orchestra

Listen to Scott Brown's daughter singing The Star Spangeled Banner with the Boston Pops Orchestra. What a beauty and what a voice!!!

Newly elected Republican Senator Brown in Mass who won the Kennedy's seat. His Daughter -- singing with the Boston Pops Orchestra with her tremendous voice, a wonderful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.

Fw: Christening

Subject: Fw: Christening

Fw: Fwd: Ted Kennedy

"That [state] which separates its scholars from its warriors will have its
thinking done by cowards, and its fighting by fools." Thucydides, 'The
Peloponnesian Wars'

>Senator Ted Kennedy is a traitor.
> The antipathy that congressional Democrats have today toward President
>George W. Bush is reminiscent of their distrust of President Ronald Reagan
>during the Cold War, a political science professor says.
> "We see some of the same sentiments today, in that some Democrats see
>the Republican president as being a threat and the true obstacle to peace,
>instead of seeing our enemies as the true danger," said Paul Kengor, a
>political science professor at Grove City College and the author of new
>book, The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism.
> In his book, which came out this week, Kengor focuses on a KGB letter
>written at the height of the Cold War that shows that Sen. Edward Kennedy
>(D-Mass.) offered to assist Soviet leaders in formulating a public
>relations strategy to counter President Reagan's foreign policy and to
>complicate his re-election efforts.
> The letter, dated May 14, 1983, was sent from the head of the KGB to
>Yuri Andropov, who was then General Secretary of the Soviet Union's
>Communist Party.
> In his letter, KGB head Viktor Chebrikov offered Andropov his
>interpretation of Kennedy's offer. Former U.S. Sen. John Tunney (D-Calif.)
>had traveled to Moscow on behalf of Kennedy to seek out a partnership with
>Andropov and other Soviet officials, Kengor claims in his book. (Emphasis
>In my opinion, Kennedy's act was traitorous. At the time, Russia was our
>enemy, and Kennedy sought to work in concert with our enemy to defeat US
>foreign policy.
>At a minimum Kennedy demonstrated a stunning cynicism about our form of
>government - the kind of disrepect that should disqualify him for public
>office. He wasn't alone. A number of other Democrats were involved. Rather
>than work hard to win at the ballot box, these traitors prefer to work
>secretly to undermine the will of the people.
>Imagine the outcry if a US Senator was caught today offering , in a letter,
>to assist Al Qaeda to overcome Bush's policy for democracy in the MidEast.
>The traitorous streak runs deeply in the Democrat party. For them, the
>possession of power is more important than the survival of our country. Ted
>Kennedy. Jane Fonda. John Kerry. All claim to be patriots. All actively
>work to undermine our country. All directly offer to help our enemies
>defeat us. They don't need to be defeated at the ballot box. They need to
>be arrested, tried and imprisoned.
>For his traitorous act, Kennedy enters the Hall of Shame. (Hat tip to
>UPDATE: Curt, at Flopping Aces, has much more evidence of Kennedy's
>dealings with the Soviets, going back well before Reagan.
>It includes this stunning little tidbit.
> Kennedy suggested that he could provide a venue to bring Soviet views to
>the major networks and into American living rooms by inviting ABC
>television network chairman of the board Elton Rule, Walter Cronkite or
>Barbara Walters to Moscow. (Emphasis mine.)

Fw: Fw: Retired Marine Sergeant Major

Subject: retired Marine Sergeant Major

J.D. Pendry is a retired Marine Sergeant Major who writes for Random House.
He is eloquent, and as taught by the Marines, he seldom beats around the

'The Axis of Idiots' 0D

Jimmy Carter, you are the father of the Islamic Nazi movement. You threw the
Shah under the bus, welcomed the Ayatollah home, and then lacked the spine
to confront the terrorists when they took our embassy and our people
hostage. You're the runner-in-chief.

Bill Clinton, you played ring around the Lewinsky while the terrorists were
at war with us. You got us into a fight with them in Somalia and then you
ran from it. Your weak-willed responses to the USS Cole and the First Trade
Center Bombing & Our Embassy Bombings emboldened the killers. Each time you
failed to respond adequately, they grew bolder, until 9/11/2001.

John Kerry, dishonesty is your most prominent attribute. You lied about
American Soldiers in Vietnam . Your military service, like your life, is
more fiction than fact. You have accused our military of terrorizing women
and=2 0children in Iraq . You called Iraq the wrong war, wrong place, wrong
time, the same words you used to describe Vietnam . You are a fake. You want
to run from Iraq and abandon the Iraqis to murderers just as you did to the
Vietnamese.. Iraq , like Vietnam , is another war that you were for, before
you were against it.

John Murtha, you said our military was broken. You said we can't win
militarily in Iraq . You accused United States Marines of cold-blooded
murder without proof and said we should redeploy to Okinawa -- Okinawa ,
John? And the Democrats call you their military expert! Are you sure you
didn't suffer a traumatic brain injury while you were off building your war
hero resume? You're a sad, pitiful, corrupt and washed up politician. You're
not a Marine, sir. You're a phony and a disgrace. Run away, John.

Dick Durbin, you accused our Soldiers at Guantanamo of being Nazis, tenders
of Soviet style gulags and as bad as the regime of Pol Pot, who murdered two
million of his own people after your party abandoned Southeast Asia to the
Communists. Now you want to abandon the Iraqis to the same fate. History was
not a good teacher for you, was it? Lord help us! See Dick run.

Ted Kennedy, for days on end you held poster-sized pictures from Abu Ghraib
in front of any available television camera. Al Jazeera quoted you saying
that Iraqi's torture chambers were open under new management. Did you see
the news, Teddy? The Islamic Nazis demonstrated another beheading for you.
If you truly supported our troops, you would show the world poster-sized
pictures of that atrocity and demand the annihilation of it.Your legislation
stripping support from the South Vietnamese led to a communist victory
there. You're a bloated, drunken fool bent on repeating the same historical
blunder that turned freedom-seeking people over to homicidal, genocidal
maniacs. To paraphrase John Murtha, all while sitting on your wide,
gin-soaked rear-end in Washington .

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Carl Levine, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Russ
Feingold, Hillary Clinton, Pat Leahy, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, the
Hollywood Leftist morons, et al, ad nauseam: Every time you stand in front
of television cameras and broadcast to the Islamic Nazis that we went to war
because our President lied, that the war is wrong and our Soldiers are
torturers, that we should leave Iraq , you give the Islamic butchers - the
same ones that tortured and mutilated American Soldiers - cause to think
that we will run away again, and all they have to do is hang on a little
longer. It is inevitable that we, the infidels, will have to defeat the
Islamic jihadists. Better to do it now on their turf, than later on ours
after they have gained both strength and momentum.

American news media, the New York Times particularly: Each time you publish
stories about national defense secrets and our intelligence gathering
methods, you become one united with the sub-human pieces of camel dung that
torture and mutilate the bodies of American Soldiers. You can't strike up
the courage to publish cartoons, but you can help Al Qaeda destroy my
country. Actually, you are more dangerous to us than Al Qaeda is. Think
about that each time you face Mecca to admire your Pulitzer.

You are America 's 'AXIS OF IDIOTS.' Your Collective Stupidity will destroy
us. Self-serving politics and terrorist-abetting news scoops are more
important to you than our national security or the lives of innocent
civilians and Soldiers.. It bothers you that defending ourselves gets in the
way of your elitist sport of politics and your ignorant editorializing.
There is as much blood on your hands as is on the hands of murdering
terrorists. Don't ever20doubt that. Your frolics will only serve to extend
this war as they extended Vietnam . If you want our Soldiers home as you
claim, knock off the crap and try supporting your country ahead of
supporting your silly political aims and aiding our enemies.

Yes, I'm questioning your patriotism. Your loyalty ends with self. I'm also
questioning why you're stealing air that decent Americans could be
breathing. You don't deserve the protection of our men and women in uniform.
You need to run away from this war, this country. Leave the war to the
people who have the will to see it through and the country to people who are
willing to defend it.

Our country has two enemies:Those who want to destroy us from the outside
and those who attempt it from within.

Semper Fi, J. D. Pendry - Sergeant Major, USMC, Retired

(This is a savvy man. He has nailed it down pretty good. Too bad it won't do
any good. There won't be 1 in 10 that receive it that will forward it. It
sure loses steam that way.)

Fw: New radios

I bought a new GMC Sierra and returned to the dealer
yesterday because I couldn't get the radio to work.
The salesman explained that the radio was voice activated.

'Nelson,' the salesman said to the radio. The radio replied, 'Ricky or Willie?'
'Willie!' he continued and 'On The Road Again' came from the speakers.

Then he said, 'Ray Charles!', and in an instant 'Georgia On My Mind' replaced Willie Nelson.

I drove away happy, and for the next
few days, every time I'd say, 'Beethoven,' I'd get beautiful classical music,
and if I said, 'Beatles,' I'd get one of their awesome songs.

Yesterday, some guy ran a red light and nearly creamed my new truck, but
I swerved in time to avoid him.

I yelled, 'Ass Hole!'
Immediately the Iranian National Anthem began to play,
sung by Jane Fonda and Barbara Streisand, backed up by
Michael Moore and The Dixie Chicks, with John Kerry
on guitar, Al Gore on drums, Dan Rather on harmonica,
Nancy Pelosi on tambourine, Harry Reid on spoons,
Bill Clinton on sax and Ted Kennedy On Scotch.

Damn, I LOVE this truck!

Fwd: The little red hen

The little red hen called all of her Democrat neighbors together and said,
"If we plant this wheat, we shall have bread to eat.  Who will help me
plant it?"

                          "Not I," said the cow.
                          "Not I," said the duck.
                          "Not I," said the pig.
                         "Not I," said the goose.

  "Then I will do it by myself," said the little red hen, and so she did.
         The wheat grew very tall and ripened into golden grain.
        "Who will help me reap my wheat?" asked the little red hen.

                          "Not I," said the duck.
                 "Out of my classification," said the pig.

                  "I'd lose my seniority," said the cow.
        < "I'd lose my unemployment compensation," said the goose.

  "Then I will do it by myself," said the little red hen, and so she did.

                  At last it came time to bake the bread.

       "Who will help me bake the bread?" asked the little red hen.

              "That would be overtime for me," said the cow.

              "I'd lose my welfare benefits," said the duck.

           "I'm a dropout and never learned how," said the pig.

  "If I'm to be the only helper, that's discrimination,"  said the goose.

          "Then I will do it by myself," said the little red hen.

  She baked five loaves and held them up for all of her neighbors to see.
   They wanted some and, in fact, demanded a share.  But the little red
               hen said, "No, I shall eat all five loaves."

             "Excess profits!" cried the cow.  (Nancy Pelosi)

          "Capitalist leech!" screamed the duck.  (Barbara Boxer)

        "I demand equal rights!" yelled the goose.  (Jesse Jackson)

              The pig just grunted in disdain.  (Ted Kennedy)

    And they all painted 'Unfair!' picket signs and marched around and
             around the little red hen, shouting obscenities.

  Then the farmer (Obama) came.  He said to the little red hen, "You must
                            not be so greedy."

            "But I earned the bread," said the little red hen.

     "Exactly," said Barack the farmer.  "That is what makes our free
 enterprise system so wonderful.  Anyone in the barnyard can earn as much
      as he wants.  But under our modern government regulations, the
 productive workers must divide the fruits of their labor with those who
                           are lazy and idle."

   And they all lived happily ever after, including the little red hen,
   who smiled and clucked, "I am grateful, for now I truly understand."

   But her neighbors became quite disappointed in her.  She never again
 baked bread because she joined the 'party' and got her bread free.  And
       all the Democrats smiled.  'Fairness' had been established.

    Individual initiative had died, but nobody noticed;  perhaps no one long as there was free bread that 'the rich' were paying for.

Fwd: Fw: TEDDY - Hero or Jerk?

Begin forwarded message:

> The Last of The Kennedy Dynasty
> As soon as cancer was found, I noticed the immediate attempt at canonization of old Teddy by the main stream media. They are saying what a "great American" he is. I say, let's get a couple things clear & not twist the facts to change the real history.
> 1. He was caught cheating at Harvard when he attended it. He was expelled twice, once for cheating on a test, and once for paying a classmate to cheat for him.
> 2. While expelled, Kennedy enlisted in the Army, but mistakenly signed up for four years instead of two. Oops, the man can't count to four. His father, Joseph P. Kennedy, former U.S. Ambassador to England (a step up from bootlegging liquor into the US from Canada during prohibition), pulled the necessary strings to have his enlistment shortened to two years, and to ensure that he served in Europe, not Korea, where a war was raging. No preferential treatment for him like "he" charged President Bush received.
> 3. Kennedy was assigned to
Paris, never advanced beyond the rank of Private, and returned to Harvard upon being discharged. Imagine a person of his "education" NEVER advancing past the rank of Private.
> 4. While attending law school at the
University of Virginia, he was cited for reckless driving four times, including once when he was clocked driving 90 miles per hour in a residential neighborhood with his headlights off after dark. Yet his Virginia driver's license was never revoked. Coincidentally, he passed the bar exam in 1959, amazing!!!
> 5. In 1964, he was seriously injured in a plane crash, and hospitalized for several months. Test results done by the hospital at the time he was admitted had shown he was legally intoxicated. The results of those tests remained a "state secret" until in the 1980's when the report was unsealed. Didn't hear about that from the unbiased media, did we.
> 6. On
July 19, 1969, Kennedy attended a party on Chappaquiddick Island in Massachusetts. At about 11:00 PM, he borrowed his chauffeur's keys to his Oldsmobile limousine, and offered to give a ride home to Mary Jo Kopechne, a campaign worker. Leaving the island via an unlit bridge with no guard rail, Kennedy steered the car off the bridge, flipped, and into Poucha Pond.
> 7. He swam to shore and walked back to the party, after passing several houses and a fire station. Then two friends returned with him to the scene of the accident. According to their later testimony, they told him what he already knew, that he was required by law to immediately report the accident to the authorities. Instead Kennedy made his way to his hotel, called his lawyer, and went to sleep. Kennedy called the police the next morning and by then the wreck had already been discovered. Before dying, Kopechne had scratched at the upholstered floor above her head in the upside-down car. The Kennedy family began "calling in favors", ensuring that any inquiry would be contained. Her corpse was whisked out-of-state to her family, before an autopsy could be conducted. Further details are uncertain, but after the accident Kennedy says he repeatedly dove under the water trying to rescue Kopechne, and he didn't call police because he was in a state of shock. It is widely assumed Kennedy was drunk, and he held off calling police in hopes that his family could fix the problem overnight. Since the accident, Kennedy's "political enemies" have referred to him as the distinguished Senator from Chappaquiddick. He pled guilty to leaving the scene of an accident, and was given a SUSPENDED SENTENCE OF TWO MONTHS. Kopechne's family received a small payout from the Kennedy's insurance policy, and never sued. There was later an effort to have her body exhumed and autopsied, but her family successfully fought against this in court, and Kennedy's family paid their attorney's bills... a "token of friendship"?
> 8. Kennedy has held his Senate seat for more than forty years, but considering his longevity, his accomplishments seem scant. He authored or argued for legislation that ensured a variety of civil rights, increased the minimum wage in 1981, made access to health care easier for the indigent, and funded Meals on Wheels for fixed-income seniors and is widely held as the "standard-bearer for liberalism". In his very first Senate roll, he was the floor manager for the bill
> that turned
U.S. immigration policy upside down and opened the floodgate for immigrants from third world countries.
> 9. Since that time, he has been the prime instigator and author of every expansion of and increase in immigration, up to and including the latest attempt to grant amnesty to illegal aliens. Not to mention the Pious grilling he gave the last two Supreme Court Nominees, as if he were the standard bearer for the nation in matters of right. What a pompous ass.
> 10. He is known around
Washington as a public drunk, loud, boisterous and very disrespectful to ladies. JERK is a better description than "great American".
> Let's not allow the spin doctors make this jerk a hero -- how quickly the American public forgets what his real legacy is...

Fw: Australian Cartoons

(click on pics to enlarge)

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Looks to me like the Aussies have a better handle on American politics than a heck of a lot of Americans do. Wish these could be seen by more here in the USA. - so I'm sending to all of you to pass them along. These are the best I've ever seen, and how true!!

These are not American cartoons.

God Bless the Aussies!

Remember these are from Australia ...

they have a handle on our politics

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