Showing posts with label COMIC SANS FONT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COMIC SANS FONT. Show all posts


date:Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 12:10 AM

A Californian and an Arizonian were elk hunting in the Arizona
mountains when an illegal alien runs across a clearing.

The Arizonian takes careful aim, shoots and kills him.

"You can't do that!" cried the guy from California .

"It's legal here in Arizona " replies the Arizonian.

Later that night the Californian goes to town to buy some beer from Wal-Mart.
He puts the beer on the roof of his truck and while he's making Room behind the seat,
an illegal alien runs by, grabs the beer and runs away.
The Californian draws his pistol, shoots and kills him.
As he is retrieving his beer the police come and arrest him.

"But I thought it was legal to shoot illegal aliens here in Arizona ", protests the Californian.

"Well, yeah," says the cop, "but you can't use bait."

Fwd: FW: ISIS Precision Drill Team Practice

date:Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 3:52 PM
subject:Fwd: FW: ISIS Precision Drill Team Practice

Really pretty impressive.

 Subject: ISIS Precision Drill Team Practice

15 second video of elite ISIS precision drill team member practicing.


date: 2 November 2014 08:31
subject: Fw: Fwd: Fw: Fwd: BNSF RAILROAD

Keeps the railroad stock up! One good thing Obama has done.

The "environmental" reason the Keystone pipeline is delayed.  Green as in the color of money. And the pipeline could transport it more safely.  Just ask Lynchburg VA.
So - you thought opposition to the Keystone Pipeline was pure and noble and environmentally based!

Read on...

The "environmental" reason the Keystone pipeline is delayed.  Green as in the color of money. And the pipeline could transport it more safely.  Just ask Lynchburg VA.

So - you thought opposition to the Keystone Pipeline was pure and noble and environmentally based!Read on...

Fwd: FW: Hunting buddies

Stanley died in a fire and his body was burned badly. The morgue needed someone to identify the body, so they sent for his two best deer hunting friends, Cooter and Gomer. The three men had always hunted and fished together and were long time members of a hunt camp.
 Cooter arrived first, and when the mortician pulled back the sheet, Cooter said, 'Yup, his face is burned up pretty bad. You better roll him over.' The mortician rolled him over and Cooter said, 'Nope, ain't Stanley .'

 The mortician thought this was rather strange, So he brought Gomer in to confirm the identity of the body. Gomer looked at the body and said, 'Yup, he's pretty well burnt up, Roll him over.' The mortician rolled him over and Gomer said, 'No, it ain't Stanley .'

 The mortician asked, 'How can you tell?' Gomer said, 'Well, Stanley had two ass-holes.'

 'What! He had two ass-holes?' asked the mortician.

 'Yup, we never seen 'em, but everybody used to say: 'There's Stanley with them two ass-holes.

 Cooter and Gomer are both now employed in the Obama administration as planning, development, and strategy consultants for the IRS & Justice Department.

FW: Almost 13 years ago at Yankee Stadium

Let's all hope that better times are coming for this country.

Subject: FW: Almost 13 years ago at Yankee Stadium


I don't think your political persuasion matters when you watch this video!

Don't know if you have ever seen this but it is well worth the time!!

 Opening World Series Pitch – Almost 13 Years Ago.

Most people are not aware that a secret  service guy dressed as an umpire the night President Bush threw out the first pitch during the 2001 World Series at Yankee Stadium. Great story. None of the newspaper guys ever picked up on the "stranger" in  the umpire's uniform.

Remember this was just after 9/11...................This is the U.S.A. at one of its best moments....Watch  this ..... it's great ..


Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 14:57:47 -0800

----- Forwarded Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 10:40 AM

NO  SHIT .............. !

FW: Women in combat?

For sure !


Subject: Women in combat?

Ever heard the saying “throws like a girl”?

Who wants to work with the gals on the grenade range?

Fw: Fwd: Tsarnaev Family

Subject: Fw: Fwd: Tsarnaev Family
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Tsarnaev Family

 Tsarnaev Family 

So now we find out that the entire Tsarnaev family (Dad, Mom, 2 sons & 2 daughters)  
 started receiving government assistance as soon as they set foot in our country.
As political refugees they were entitled to settlement assistance from day one.  
 (Section 8 Housing, public healthcare, food stamps etc.)
Then their stellar older son impregnates and marries the daughter of a doctor, 
  and this new little Muslim family receives 18 months of government assistance.
They only came off welfare after the naive young “wife” starts working 70 hours a week  
 while husband Tamerlan stays home and builds bombs and plans to kill and injure the very Americans  
 who have paid for his pathetic existence for the past 12 plus years.
A Breakdown of your and my investment into the Tsarnaev Family:
Section 8 housing
Free public healthcare
Food stamps and other EFT transfer payments
Federal Pell Grants for both sons and most likely their daughters as well.
(That is $5200.00 per year for each son or daughter who attended a college.)
City of Cambridge also awarded a $2500 per year scholarship to the younger son.
Younger son also reportedly was receiving state college scholarship.
What did we receive for our investment:
Older son was arrested for domestic battery on a former girlfriend.
 The mother was arrested last year for shoplifting $1600 in merchandise
from a Lord & Taylor store.  
 Mother is facing immediate arrest for failure to appear regarding this matter.
- Then of course we know that the two sons combined to kill four people  
 (3 Americans & a Chinese exchange student), severely injure 100 plus other people,  
 carjacked another victim and only let him live when he escaped.
Now we have the two pathetic parents who have returned to Russia
and are claiming that their poor sons are innocent
and are being framed by the same American government  
 that allowed for their pathetic existence the past 12 plus years.
When are we going to put a stop to this madness?
Please pass this on and commit to getting involved in the 2014 election process.




Green and white shirt, black tee shirt, gray pants and tennis shoes. He must be a grandpa……

How many know that he hosts a few Wounded Warrior weekends at his ranch every year?

Dancing with a Wounded Warrior.

I doubt we will ever see a story like this about our current Commander-in-Chief….

Fw: Fwd: Football Question

Just me

Football Question
The Football Question

Last year.....after the Packers / Bills game, Buffalo released quarterback Trent Edwards.

During the Packers / Eagles game, the Packers injured Philadelphia quarterback Kevin Kolb.

Philadelphia then had to play backup quarterback Michael Vick.

During a playoff game against the Eagles, the Packers injured Michael Vick and another backup was needed.

After the Packers / Cowboys game, Dallas fired Wade Phillips and most of his staff .

After the Packers / Vikings game, Minnesota fired Brad Childress and most of his staff.

Four weeks after losing to the Packers, the 49er's coach Mike Singletary and most of his staff were fired and replaced.

During the Bears Playoff game, the Packers injured Jay Cutler and backup Todd Collins forcing the

Bears to go with 3rd string quarterback Caleb Hanie.

So here's the question..... .............

Is it just me, or did the Packers create more jobs last year than Obama?

Fw: I LOVE Chick-Fil-A

Really EXCELLENT!!! YOU have to watch this. Great for kids too.


Subject: I LOVE Chick-Fil-A

YES!!!   >:o 

God Bless You Chick-Fil-A

You'll LOVE this!!
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Fw: Fwd: Wedding Photo in Toronto

This is a lovely souvenir photograph of 24 newly wedded couples in Markham, Ontario
(near Toronto ) 
I just hope, for their sake, that each husband goes home with the right tablecloth! 

FW: Good point!

Subject: FW: Good point!

Good point!

    After reading the headlines today about the US soldier who shot up
Afghanistan civilians, I couldn’t help noticing an irony.  There is all this
clamor to try this guy quickly and execute him, never mind his having
suffered a traumatic brain injury.  Yet this Major Hasan, who shot up Fort
Hood while screaming Allah akbar, still hasn’t stood trial, and they are
still debating whether he was insane, even with the clear evidence regarding
his motive: slay as many infidels as possible.

So we have a guy in a war zone who cracks, and he must be executed immediately.
But this Muslim psychiatrist who was stateside in a nice safe office all day murders 13,
wounds 29 of our own guys, and they try to argue the poor lad suffered
post-traumatic stress syndrome, from listening to real soldiers who had
actual battle experience.  Two and a half years later, they still haven’t
tried the murderous bastard.

FWD: Missing Bill Clinton

-------Original Message-------
Subject: Missing Bill Clinton
It doesn't matter what party you belong to - this is hilarious.

From a show on Canadian TV, there was a black comedian who said he misses Bill Clinton.

"Yep, that's right - I miss Bill Clinton! He was the closest thing we ever got to having a real black man as President.

Number 1 - He played the sax.

Number 2 - He smoked weed.

Number 3 - He had his way with ugly white women.

Even now? Look at him ... his wife works, and he doesn't! And, he gets a check from the government every month. Manufacturers announced today that they will be stocking America 's shelves this week with " Clinton Soup," in honor of one of the nations' distinguished men. It consists primarily of a weenie in hot water.

Chrysler Corporation is adding a new car to its line to honor Bill Clinton. The Dodge Drafter will be built in Canada .

When asked what he thought about foreign affairs, Clinton replied, "I don't know, I never had one."

The Clinton revised judicial oath: "I solemnly swear to tell the truth as I know it, the whole truth as I believe it to be, and nothing but what I think you need to know."

Clinton will be recorded in history as the only President to do Hanky Panky between the Bushes."

ya gotta love it!


The skunk has replaced the Eagle as the new symbol for the President.
It is half black, half white, and everything it does stinks.

FW: Let's All Get Together!

Subject: FW: Let's All Get Together!

Please join in this effort...

There is less than a year until the election, an election that will decide
the next President of the United States. The person elected will be the
president of all Americans, not just the Democrats or the Republicans.

To show our solidarity as Americans, let's all get together and show each
other our support for the candidate of our choice. It's time that we come
together, Democrats and Republicans alike. If you support the policies and
character of the Republican party, please drive with your headlights on
during the day. If you support Obama, please drive with your headlights
off at night.

FW: The sign

Subject: FW: The sign

Subject: The sign

Dear President Obama,

Yours sincerely,
Rural America

Fw: Funniest joke of 2011

A fleeing Taliban, desperate for water, was plodding through the Afghan desert when he saw something far off in the distance. Hoping to find water, he hurried toward the oasis, only to find a little old Jewish man at a small stand, selling ties.
   The Taliban asked, "Do you have water?"
The Jewish man replied, "I have no water. Would you like to buy a tie? They are only $5."
The Taliban shouted, "Idiot! I do not need an over-priced tie. I need water!
 I should kill you, but I must find water first!"
   "OK," said the old Jewish man, "It does not matter that you do not want to buy a tie and that you hate me. I will show you that I am bigger than that. If you continue over that hill to the east for about two miles, you will find a lovely restaurant. It has all the ice cold water you need. Shalom."
  Cursing, the Taliban staggered away over the hill. Several hours later he staggered back, almost dead & said,
Your f*cking brother won't let me in without a tie!"


Curator's note: This is a new version of this submission already in the archive.

Subject: HUNTERS

May have seen this before, but it’s a good reminder!!

After the Japanese decimated our fleet in Pearl Harbor Dec 7, 1941,
They could have sent their troop ships and carriers directly toCalifornia
To finish what they started.
The prediction from our Chief of Staff was we would not be able to stop a
Massive invasion until they reached the Mississippi River .
Remember, we had a 2 million man army and war ships…...
All fighting the Germans.

So, why did they not invade?

After the war, the remaining Japanese generals and admirals were asked that question.
Their answer…...
They know that almost every home had guns and the Americans knew how to use them..

The world's largest army.... America's hunters!
I had never thought about this....

A blogger added up the deer license sales in just a handful of states and
Arrived at a striking conclusion:

There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state ofWisconsin ..
Allow me to restate that number.
Over the last several months, Wisconsin's hunters became the eighth
Largest army in the world.

More men under arms than in Iran ..

More than in France and Germany combined.

These men deployed to the woods of a single American state to hunt
With firearms, and no one was killed.

That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods of
Pennsylvania and Michigan's 700,000 hunters All of whom have now returned home.

Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally
Establishes the fact that the hunters of those four states alone
Would comprise the largest army in the world.

The point?

America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower.
Hunting -- it's not just a way to fill the freezer. It's a matter of national security.

That's why all enemies, foreign and domestic, want to see us disarmed.

Food for thought when next we consider gun control.

FW: Agree or Delete

Subject: Agree or Delete



This is by a daughter of a murdered couple in   Raytown , MO. who had a Bible and Bookstore on 63rd street   ...

When I had to testify at the murder trial of my parents a week ago, I was asked to raise my right hand... The bailiff started out "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"

I stood there and waited but she said nothing. She said "Do you?"

I was so stunned I blurted out "What happened to "so help me God'?"

She came back with "Do you?" I replied yes, but I was perplexed.

Then the judge said .
"You can say that if you want to."
I stopped, raised my right hand, and finished with
"So help me God!"
I told my son and daughter that when it came time for them to testify, they should do the same.

I don't know what can be done about it, but it's time for us to step up and DO something.

NBC this morning had a poll on this question.. They had the highest number of responses that they have ever had for one of t heir polls, and the percentage was the same as this:

86% to keep the words, 14% against.. That is a pretty 'commanding' public response.

I was asked to
send this on if I agreed or delete if I didn't.

Now it is your turn.. It is said that
86% of Americans believe in God.

Therefore, I have a very hard time understanding why there is such a mess about having
"In God We Trust" on our money and having God in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Why is the world catering to this 14%?

If you agree, pass this on, if not, simply delete....
In God We Trust

If You Choose To Delete Perhaps Then You Are Part Of The Problem
Me? I'm Passing It On.   It seems to get worse daily.
"GOD BLESS AMERICA "Don't let the 14% remove God!

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