date: | Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 3:10 AM | ||
subject: | Beck: ‘I’m out of the Republican Party’ |
date: | Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 3:10 AM | ||
subject: | Beck: ‘I’m out of the Republican Party’ |
4/15/2015 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: glenn beck, REPUBLICANS | 7 Comments
> Subject: Sneaking across the border into Canada
> From The Manitoba Herald
> The flood of American liberals sneaking across the border into Canada has intensified in the past week, sparking calls for increased patrols to stop the illegal immigration. The recent actions of the Tea Party are prompting an exodus among left-leaning citizens who fear they'll soon be required to hunt, pray, and to agree with Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck.
> Canadian border farmers say it's not uncommon to see dozens of sociology professors, animal-rights activists and Unitarians crossing their fields at night.
> "I went out to milk the cows the other day, and there was a Hollywood producer huddled in the barn," said Manitoba farmer Red Greenfield, whose acreage borders North Dakota . The producer was cold, exhausted and hungry. He asked me if I could spare a latte and some free-range chicken. When I said I didn't have any, he left before I even got a chance to show him my screenplay, eh?"
> In an effort to stop the illegal aliens, Greenfield erected higher fences, but the liberals scaled them. He then installed loudspeakers that blared Rush Limbaugh across the fields. "Not real effective," he said. "The liberals still got through and Rush annoyed the cows so much that they wouldn't give any milk."
> Officials are particularly concerned about smugglers who meet liberals near the Canadian border, pack them into Volvo station wagons and drive them across the border where they are simply left to fend for themselves.
> "A lot of these people are not prepared for our rugged conditions," an Ontario border patrolman said. "I found one carload without a single bottle of imported drinking water They did have a nice little Napa Valley cabernet, though."
> When liberals are caught, they're sent back across the border, often wailing loudly that they fear retribution from conservatives. Rumors have been circulating about plans being made to build re-education camps where liberals will be forced to drink domestic beer and watch NASCAR races.
> In recent days, liberals have turned to ingenious ways of crossing the border. Some have been disguised as senior citizens taking a bus trip to buy cheap Canadian prescription drugs. After catching a half- dozen young vegans in powdered wig disguises, Canadian immigration authorities began stopping buses and quizzing the supposed senior-citizens about Perry Como and Rosemary Clooney to prove that they were alive in the '50s. "If they can't identify the accordion player on The Lawrence Welk Show, we become very suspicious about their age," an official said.
> Canadian citizens have complained that the illegal immigrants are creating an organic-broccoli shortage and are renting all the Michael Moore movies. "I really feel sorry for American liberals, but the Canadian economy just can't support them," an Ottawa resident said. "How many art-history majors does one country need?"
> In an effort to ease tensions between the United States and Canada , Vice President Biden met with the Canadian ambassador and pledged that the administration would take steps to reassure liberals. A source close to President Obama said, "We're going to have some Paul McCartney and Peter, Paul & Mary concerts. And we might even put some endangered species on postage stamps. The President is determined to reach out," he said.
> A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.
> Edward R. Murrow
9/19/2010 08:43:00 AM | Key Words: CANADA, glenn beck, LIBERAL, RUSH LIMBAUGH | 6 Comments
of concern I have expressed about what is happening in the criminally
corrupt and unconstitutional actions of those in control of our
government in Washington . The attached article published by World
Net Daily provides an interesting analysis of speculation over the
outstanding job that Glenn Beck has done in documenting the blatant
headlong effort of the Obama administration to ignore and trash the
Constitution in the interest of his obsession to convert this nation
into a Marxist/Socialist society. If you have not heard the Glenn
Beck programs on Fox News you have missed the most honest, factual
documentation of the criminal corruption of what is happening in
Washington, and I would encourage everyone to see as many of his
programs as you possibly can. This country has only about six months
to assure the complete reversal of Congressional control in this
country. If that does not happen, the freedoms that our country has
enjoyed for well over 250 years will be past history. Unfortunately we do not have enough
strong leaders in Congress who can and will stand up and expose the
sinister agenda that is in the process of being implemented at this
time. As you read the summations of the author of this article he
speculates about four possibilities of what might happen to Glenn
Beck in the near future. Your attention is directed to the first of
his four options as to what might happen to Glenn Beck. His thoughts
there are exactly what I have been fearing for the last six months.
Glenn has exposed so much criminal corruption in the Apollo Alliance
and the Chicago Carbon Exchange (CCX) and the level to which George
Soros, Al Gore, the corrupt union leadership such as the SIEU, and
Barack Obama have been involved. What I have been fearing is the
same "strange, unfortunate accidents" that happened to the
acquaintances of Bill & Hillary Clinton during the early days of
their political career. Don't be naive enough to think it could not
happen with this bunch. I suggest you read this article carefully,
then listen to Glenn Beck's program as often as you can. Our country
is in the most perilous time of its 250 year history. Our children
and grand children will not enjoy the freedoms, privileges and
prosperity that we have enjoyed if this November election does not
clean house with this Congress, and create the potential for the
impeachment of at least three of the current leaders in Washington .
Glenn Beck's Departure from Fox News - Part 1By Robert Ringer
has a dramatic impact on politics, culture, or both. Glenn Beck is
one of those figures. He is surely the biggest, fastest, most
controversial star in the political commentary business in my
commentator in the 1976 film classic Network. Beale whipped his
cultish TV audience into a frenzy, exhorting them to stick their
heads out the window and chant, ''I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going
to take this anymore!''
Beck is not a fictional character. He's real, and he has succeeded in
enlightening his audience far beyond Beale's simple rants about the
unfairness of life. Beck is much more knowledgeable, much more
factual, much more rational, and much more focused on the key issue:
America 's loss of liberty.
News gave Beck his first forum on television. There, he created a
huge stir with his ''rodeo-clown'' antics and his willingness to talk
openly about his drug- and alcohol-addicted past. But as he
increasingly added his political views to the mix, people started
asking, ''Why isn't this guy on Fox News?''
January 2009, he brought him to Fox and fit him into the 5:00 p.m.
time slot. While Beck had been moving more and more toward political
commentary at CNN Headline News, from the moment he came to Fox his
transition to near-total politics was swift.
incredible research staff, Beck became a household name seemingly
overnight. In truth, of course, he had been in media for thirty
years, but he had never before had a forum like Fox News.
it on a regular basis, it's almost impossible for him to understand
the true causes of the moral and economic collapse of the United
States - or even that it is collapsing - because no one else on TV
covers most of the stories he dissects in impeccable detail. His
modus operandi has been to expose the bad guys through their own
words by playing audios and videos of them shooting off their mouths
and by quoting their writings.
at exposing the truth, so well respected, and so powerful that the
Forces of Darkness in the White House and Congress view him as a
major threat to their aspirations to eliminate the Constitution, the
rule of law, and individual sovereignty in the United States . (In
fact, they now refer to him as ''the Beck problem.'')
situation with Beck. If its leaders ignore him, he will continue to
disrobe Chairman Obama and his malevolent progressive pals through
their own spoken and written words.
to discredit Beck, the more attention they draw to him - and the more
people will learn about the details of how they plan to fundamentally
transform America . Worse, their childish mudslinging is no match for
Beck's sixty minutes of hard-core truth five days a week (not to
mention his three-hour daily radio show).
that the oligarchy in Washington sees him as a major obstacle between
where they are today and their ultimate goal: a firmly entrenched,
all-powerful federal government that controls every aspect of
people's lives.
has been chosen by a Higher Power to lead the charge against the
evildoers in government. If so, it's not the first time God has
surprised the world with his choice of a messenger.
recovering alcoholic, he's already been at the bottom, so nothing
scares him. ''The worst thing that can happen in my life,'' Beck has
said, ''is to lose my honor and to return to my Heavenly Father
without honor - without doing what I was supposed to do.'' When
people talk like this, it represents a very big problem for those in
that's what it takes to convey the truth to as many people as
possible. And, as the far left knows all too well, a man who is
willing to lose everything can be a huge obstacle to its achieving
its socialist objectives.
successful revolutionary, or, in Beck's case, a
counter-revolutionary. How many people do you know who are prepared
to lose everything to fight for what they believe in? Not long ago,
Beck came right out and said, ''I'm going out swinging.'' That
statement carried with it some very strong implications. Clearly,
something has to give. My best guess? I hope I'm wrong, but I have
long had the feeling that Glenn Beck will be leaving Fox News other
than through old-age retirement.
see it, there are four possible avenues of exit.
their dirty underwear every day at 5:00 pm, I ponder what the
Obamaviks will do to try to stop him from destroying their
full-speed-ahead efforts to transform the U.S. into a collectivist
boots and his ending up at the bottom of the East River . He has also
assured his audience that he has no inclination to jump off a tall
building, and if something like that were to ever happen to him, it
would not be accidental.
this isn't about him, that each and every one of them must stand up
and carry on the fight. When he says this, it sparks memories of
Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous words at a rally in Memphis the night
before he was murdered:
with me now. Because I've been to the mountaintop ... and I've looked
over, and I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you,
but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the
promised land.''
that those on the far left unabashedly believe that their morally
superior objectives justify the use of violence. The problem they
have with Beck is that using violence to eliminate him is dangerous,
given that he has already warned the public to be on the lookout for
his sudden demise. Plus, a martyred Glenn Beck could be as powerful
for the liberty movement as a martyred Barack Obama would be for the
movement to turn America into a socialist police state.
else, then, might cause him to leave Fox News?
single-handedly propped up the free press in this country, being so
good at his job that Fox News has been able to render its left-wing
media competition almost irrelevant. When Ailes, who recently turned
seventy, leaves Fox, there is no assurance that Rupert Murdoch will
pick a replacement with equally strong conservative beliefs.
Fox News would undoubtedly either terminate Beck or place
restrictions on what he could and could not say. And if the latter
occurred, you can be sure Beck would depart Fox - with his honor
intact, as promised.
the reality is that he's seventy-nine years old. And, as I've written
about in the past (Fox News's Liberal Future), Murdoch's children and
son-in-law are liberals who have long complained that Fox News is too
conservative. With Murdoch gone, there would surely be a major
shakeup, and both Roger Ailes and Glenn Beck - perhaps along with a
few others - would quickly be out the door. It would be the end of
Fox News as we have come to know it.
With liberal Democrats dropping like flies in primaries and special
elections, he can't afford to wait too long for Roger Ailes to retire
or Rupert Murdoch to pass on.
Rupert Murdoch and make him ''an offer he can't refuse.'' In keeping
with Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd's clearly stated objective to force
''some people to step down to make room for others,'' the offer might
be as straightforward as: (1) If you get rid of Glenn Beck, Fox News
can stay on the air; (2) if you choose to keep him, Fox News will be
shut down.
someone's bed to improve his perception of reality.
''the most dangerous man in America '' - says he wants to use
government power to stop ''conspiracy theories.'' (Translation:
Repress the truth by using whatever means necessary to silence the
occasion, he said that even if the bad guys succeed in forcing him
off radio and television, he will come back with a louder voice and
larger platform than ever. I found that to be a tantalizing
statement, one that caused me to speculate on what such a platform
might be.
United States . Beck says he would never run for president, because he
wouldn't want to risk losing his soul. The implication is that a
person can't run for president, and certainly can't hold the office
of the presidency, and keep his honor intact.
of his heroes, George Washington. He emphasized a number times that
what made Washington unique was that he did not want to be president.
He accepted the office only out of a sense of duty, and refused to
stay in office longer than two terms.
watching and listening to him - that Beck sees himself in much the
same way. I think he feels a sense of duty to do whatever he can to
help save America . He knows that George Washington did not want to be
president, yet he served out of a sense of duty. Even more
interesting, Beck has said that ''Americans are looking for someone
like George Washington.''
high-profile station in life for a purpose. Which means he may not
have a choice but to throw his hat into the political ring - if not
in 2012, perhaps in 2016.
to using his fame, his fortune, and his enormous talents to help
defeat the poisonous progressive movement that is fundamentally
transforming the United States into a destitute socialist nation.
has no choice but to run for president?
their minds to the truths he would expose to elect him president?
the greatest - and most unpopular - patriots in American history.
Unpopular because, like George Washington, he would not be willing to
trade his honor for popularity.
interesting to see what his platform will be three to five years down
the road. Right now, at Fox News, he's a ticking time bomb for the
progressive movement in this country.
9/13/2010 12:09:00 PM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, FOX News, glenn beck, PRESIDENT | 11 Comments
A friend, who is visiting relatives up in Kansas, just sent this one to me. He asked if “this is another Pearl Harbor , but without a shot being fired”. A very legitimate question, if you ask me. On his FOX show, Glenn Beck has talked about most of this.
What a mess we find our self in?
Have a good one,
Hey! Is this another Pearl Harbor but without a shot being fired? There is too much, too fast, happening to suit me----and we are virtually paralyzed. It looks as if the only way out is to actually have a civil war. This is really getting scary to me. What do you think?
....... Chew on this Thought for the Day......
It's the quietest disaster coming from the press then ever seen before, usually they are standing out on a disaster talking about it every few seconds...what's going on?
Something in the Gulf Smells and it’s not the Deepwater Horizon Blowout
This is not just my opinion... These are all verifiable facts... Question is, "Why isn't our esteemed press investigating and making this page one news and leading every broadcast... why aren't they interrupting regularly scheduled prime time shows with "Dateline" type broadcasts!?!?!". For that matter, why isn't our justice department doing anything either!?!?!
1. Four weeks before the BP blowout, Obama builds an alibi... "I am opening offshore drilling in all the Coastal U.S." Goldman Sachs dumps nearly all of its stock (40 %+) in BP, a very profitable winner. Days before, they dump the rest.
2. BP ignores the advice of all the drilling contractors on making the well safe. British Petroleum had a manager directing drilling who had never been on an offshore rig before and purposefully ignored all safety warnings. BP ignores TransOceanic warnings about a problem with the blowout preventer. BP ignores repeated warnings on numerous problems from numerous sub-contractors.
3. The well explodes under suspicious circumstances, but BP does nothing immediately to control it. Why? And the Dutch offer to have it controlled in 48 hours. They are ignored.
4. Obama sacks his National Intelligence Director (a Navy Admiral) who cannot comment on intelligence or the reasons he was sacked because of Federal Laws.
5. BP top-kills the well but fails as was predicted by numerous oil professionals causing downhole damage to the well which has caused a massive pollution of the southern U.S. The way they bungled everything, the Gulf may be dead for decades!
6. Obama now declares ALL drilling suspended in the Gulf and makes numerous PR trips to the Gulf to look as though he is outraged.
7. John Podesta is Obama's man that built his cabinet and all his Czars.
8. John Podesta is also head of George Soros' Center for American Progress (a socialist organization dedicated to killing capitalism in America and building, according to Soros, "A New World Order"). John Podesta's brother is the lead lobbyist for British Petroleum, whose services are now in huge demand.
9. Soros was a major contributor to Obama’s campaign.
10. Soros invested $900 million in Petrobras, the Brazilian government controlled oil company that plans on drilling offshore in Brazil , yet cannot get the deepwater rigs operating in the Gulf.
11. Days after Soros’ investment, Obama grants $2 billion of U.S. Taxpayer’s dollars to Petrobras to drill offshore in Brazil ... the company nets over $15 Billion annually.
12. U.S. drilling companies must do something with their now idled rigs and are planning on moving them off to South America… to Petrobras which will supply the oil to the U.S. as an import.
13. Obama gives a patsy White House Oval Office speech on the disaster but, also during the speech, he states the need for Carbon Taxes... Cap and Trade!
14. The carbon tax exchange will be based in, you guessed it, Chicago ... and called the CCX...The CHICAGO Climate Exchange
15. The Joyce Foundation -- A private U.S. foundation which provides funding and support to initiatives focusing on education, environment and employment in the Great Lakes region. The Joyce Foundation was established in 1948 by Beatrice Joyce Kean of Chicago . Since its inception, the foundation has made grants of more than $600 million. Some of those grants include $1.1 million to Richard Sandor in 2000-2001 to create the Chicago Climate Exchange. Former Board of Directors’ members include President Barack Obama (1994-2002) and Valerie Jarrett, his top adviser.
16. Who will benefit from the Chicago Climate Exchange? You guessed it... Obama and his buddies, Goldman Sachs and the Chicago crew.
17. Who will benefit from Obama's shutdown of drilling in the Gulf? You guessed it... Obama and his buddy, George Soros.
18. Who benefits from Obama sending $2 Billion of taxpayer dollars to a company that Nets $15 Billion per year? You guessed it...Obama and his buddies.
19. Who is Obama getting to again? You guessed it... The American Citizens.
20. Barack Hussein Obama is intent on the total destruction of America . He does nothing to stop the Illegal invasion from Mexico, he does nothing to fix the banking problem, he does nothing to stop the blowout, he DOES NOTHING to stop the downfall of America while he plays golf, travels to Ohio for 10 minute speeches at a cost of $750,000, listens to Paul McCartney concerts, and goes to baseball games in NY. What do you expect from someone that never produced his birth certificate, has gone around the world apologizing for America ’s past actions, and bowing to the head of the Muslim World?
Yes, something down right stinks!!!
8/17/2010 06:35:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, FOX News, George Soros, glenn beck, Gulf Spill | 11 Comments
--------- Forwarded message ----------
Subject: Fwd: Oil Drilling- Follow the Money!
This should get you going! FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!
Obama for offshore drilling in Brazil
This is a perfect example why many refrain from watching the news on ABC, NBC, CBS, or MSNBC.
Today on a segment of the "Glen Beck Show" on FOX (Fox Cable News) was the following:
".. Even though President Obama is against off shore drilling for our country, he signed an executive order to loan 2 Billion of our taxpayers dollars to a Brazilian Oil Exploration Company (which is the 8th largest company in the entire world) to drill for oil off the coast of Brazil ! The oil that comes from this operation is for the sole purpose and use of China and NOT THE USA ! Now here's the real clincher...the Chinese government is under contract to purchase all the oil that this oil field will produce, which is hundreds of millions of barrels of oil"..
We have absolutely no gain from this transaction whatsoever!
Wait, it gets more interesting.
Guess who is the largest individual stockholder of this Brazilian Oil Company and who would benefit most from this? It is American BILLIONAIRE, George Soros, who was one of President Obama's most generous financial supporter during his campaign.
If you are able to connect the dots and follow the money, you are probably as upset as I am. Not a word of this transaction was broadcast on any of the other news networks!
Forward this factual e-mail to others who care about this country and where it is going. Also, let all of your Government representatives know how you feel about this.
Below is the Wall street Journal article to confirm this.
7/20/2010 06:08:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, CHINA, FOX News, George Soros, glenn beck, OIL | 5 Comments
6/29/2010 11:59:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, glenn beck, MUSLIM | 7 Comments
6/24/2010 11:53:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, glenn beck, MUSLIM | 9 Comments
The first one is interesting and very revealing.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
What Would a Pro-Islamist American Presidency Look Like?
Why is it So Difficult for Bill O'Reilly to Understand?
Monday, April 12, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Obama Birth Certificate Issue More Urgent than Ever - Joan Swirsky
Joan Swirsky discusses in print, what others whisper and silently email to their trusted friends -- are you at least taking the last option?
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
4/19/2010 11:52:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, BIRTHER CONSPIRACY, glenn beck, GOD, MIKE HUCKABEE, MUSLIMS ARE SCARY | 15 Comments
Date: February 21, 2010 11:25:59 AM CST
Subject: Glen Beck at CPAC
Okay for all you conservatives and you progressives, I think you will find something to your liking in Glen Beck’s speech last night. While Rush did a fantastic job last year, Glen Beck is equally impressive, I have to say. For those of you and that includes me, that always can use a refresher course on American History (some of you slept during these classes in school and I know who you are :-)), Glen does a good job explaining how lessons in history can help us from making the same mistakes. For those of you who want to stick your fingers in your ears and say, nah, nah….what are you afraid of? If Glen talks about truths, then there is really nothing to fear…but fear…(you can quote me on that)….
You have to search out part 1 through part 6. I really suggest that you watch and listen to the last part regarding the Statue of Liberty…
I am glad to be American and yes, there will be a tomorrow morning….one way or the other….
Playlist Results for glen beck at cpac
2/22/2010 11:09:00 AM | Key Words: glenn beck, RUSH LIMBAUGH | 7 Comments
In case you missed it, on a recent Glenn Beck Show, he had a graph that illustrated the percentage of each past president's cabinet who had worked in the private business sector prior to their appointment to the cabinet. You know what the private business sector is... a real life businesses, not a government job. Here are
the percentages presented by Glen Beck.
T. Roosevelt........ 38%
Wilson ................. 52%
Coolidge.............. 48%
Hoover .................. 42%
F. Roosevelt......... 50%
Eisenhower.......... 57%
Kennedy.............. 30%
Nixon................... 53%
Ford...................... 42%
Carter................... 32%
GH Bush.............. 51%
Clinton ................. 39%
GW Bush............. 55%
And the winner of the Chicken Dinner is..............
Obama................. 8% !!!
Yep! Thats right! Only Eight Percent!!!..the least by far of the last 19
presidents!! And these people are trying to tell our big corporations how
to run their business? They know what's best for GM...Chrysler... Wall
Street... and you and me?
How can the president of a major nation and society...the one with the most
successful economic system in world history... stand and talk about business
when he's never worked for one?.. or about jobs when he has never really had
And neither has 92% of his senior staff and closest advisers.! They've spent
most of their time in academia, government and/or non-profit jobs....or as
"community organizers" ..when they should have been in an employment line.
1/09/2010 05:42:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, GEORGE W. BUSH, glenn beck, NIXON, REAGAN, ROOSEVELT | 10 Comments
11/05/2009 06:29:00 AM | Key Words: glenn beck | 3 Comments