FW: FW: Jan 6th
2/14/2022 05:30:00 AM | Key Words: 9/11, BLACK LIVES MATTER, DEMOCRATS, Jan 6th Riot, WORLD WAR II | 1 Comments
Fwd: Pre-Election MUST READ
Rowboat Comes For You...
True success is always a work of the Spirit within us
By: Bob Dervaes
July 24, 2020
I am forwarding this to a lot of people, but I already know my democrat friends will immediately get turned off and will probably not finish reading it.
We are in a world of trouble, and if Trump is not re-elected in November, then for the first time in my life I will be glad I am in my twilight years. God please be with our children and grandchildren.
This may be the best and most honest political promotion statement you will ever read. It decidedly does not brush objections aside.
You hate Biden? READ it. You hate Trump? READ it. You think there's no choice? READ it. And, read it with your grown-up hat on.
READ THIS. Read every single word. It'll take you about three minutes. Be sure to read to the end.
We've all been dealt huge responsibility with this election. The first step toward accepting responsibility is accepting it, and the first step toward accepting it is recognizing it.
Are you sickened and despondent with the current campaign and upcoming presidential election?
I consider myself a conservative and do truly believe our country is at a political/economic/moral/ social crossroads. I need to let you know I could/would never vote for Joe Biden to lead this country. To me, he represents everything that is wrong with our current political structure. On the flip side, I look and listen to Donald Trump and I cringe at every rude, insulting comment he makes.
If you find yourself in a similar state of mind, please read the following article:
A Message For Christians About Donald Trump:
Here's a famous joke about God and how he talks to us.
A deeply faithful Christian man is stuck on roof at home with massive flooding up to the 2nd floor.
Rowboat comes. He says, "No, I'm waiting for God. I prayed and I know he's coming."
2nd Rowboat. "No, I'm waiting for God."
3rd Rowboat. "No, I'm waiting for God."
Water rises. The man drowns.
Now he's meeting God in heaven. The religious man says, "Where were you God? I prayed. I was faithful. I asked you to save me. Why would you abandon me?"
God says, "Hey, I sent you 3 rowboats."
Did you ever consider Trump is our rowboat?
Maybe God is trying to tell us something important--that now is not the time for a "nice Christian guy" or a "gentleman" or a typical Republican powder puff. Maybe now is the time for a natural born killer, a ruthless fighter, a warrior. Because right about now we need a miracle, or America is finished. Maybe the rules of gentlemen don't apply here. Maybe a gentleman and "all-around nice Christian" would lead us to slaughter.
Or do you want another Mitt Romney, Bob Dole, John McCain, Gerald Ford or Paul Ryan? Did any of them win? Did they lead the GOP to "the promised land?" Did they change the direction of America? No, because if you don't win, you have no say.
Paul Ryan couldn't even deliver his own state, Wisconsin! Nice, but obedient. I mean Paul Ryan...not my dog. My dog is actually a pretty good defender and loyal.
Maybe God is knocking on your door loudly, but you're not listening.
Maybe God understands we need a "war leader" at this moment in time.
Maybe God understands if we don't win this election, America is dead. It's over. The greatest nation in world history will be gone. Finished. Kaput. Adios.
And with one last breath, maybe what we need to save us at the last second, is someone different. Someone you haven't ever experienced before-- because you weren't raised in rough and tumble New York where nothing good gets accomplished unless you're combative, aggressive, outrageous, on offense at all times, and maybe just a tad arrogant too.
Someone with a personality you've never seen on stage at your church. Maybe, just maybe, being a nice gentlemanly Christian would not beat Biden and his billion dollars, and his best friends in the media who will unleash the dogs of hell upon the GOP nominee.
I guess you think God is only nice and gentlemanly. Really? Then you've missed the whole point of the Bible. When necessary, God is pretty tough. When necessary, God strikes with pain, death and destruction. When necessary, God inflicts vengeance.
Maybe you think God couldn't possibly be associated with someone like Trump. Trump is too vicious, rude and crude.
When we won WWII, was God "nice?" Were we gentlemanly when defeating Hitler? Were we gentlemanly when firebombing Germany? Were we gentlemanly when dropping atomic bombs on Japan ? Is God ever "nice" on the battlefield? Or does he send us vicious SOB's like General George S. Patton so the good guys can defeat evil?
It's pretty clear to me God sends unique people to be "war leaders." That's a different role than a pastor or church leader. God understands that.
And maybe it's time to re-define "nice." Maybe Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan aren't nice at all--because they led us to defeat. And losing again would mean the end of America . And God can't allow that. Maybe Romney and Ryan mean well, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Or maybe they're just jealous they had their chance and blew it. Maybe they'd rather help elect Biden than allow a Trump victory that would make them look weak, feckless and incompetent.
"Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint." (Isiah 40:30-31)
God is about miracles. We don't need a "nice guy" or a "gentleman" right now. It's the 4th quarter and we're losing 14-0. We need a miracle.
So let me repeat my message to Christians:
I believe Trump is our miracle. I believe Trump is our rowboat. Except he's more like a battleship!
No one is saying Trump is perfect. No one is saying Trump is a perfect conservative. But he is a patriot. He is a warrior. He is a capitalist. He is the right man, at the right time. Yes, he's a bit rude and crude and offensive. But that may make him the perfect warrior to save America, American exceptionalism, capitalism and Judeo-Christian values. The choice should be easy for Christians.
It's Trump...or it's the end of the American dream.
8/11/2020 05:30:00 AM | Key Words: 2020 Election, BIBLE, CHRISTIANS, Donald Trump, GENERAL PATTON, gerald ford, GERMANY, GOD, HITLER, JAPAN, JOE BIDEN, JONH MCCAIN, MITT ROMNEY, NEW YORK, Paul Ryan, war, WORLD WAR II | 2 Comments
On a rainy afternoon, a group of protesters were gathered outside the grocery store handing out pamphlets on the “evils” of America. I politely declined to take one.
There was an elderly woman behind me and a young (20-ish) female protester offered her a pamphlet, which she politely declined.
The young protester gently put her hand on the old woman's shoulder and in a patronizing voice said, "Don't you care about the children of Iraq?"
The old woman looked up at her and said: "Honey, my father died in France during World War II, I lost my husband in Korea , and a son in Vietnam All three died so a naïve, ignorant, self-centered bimbo like you could have the right to stand here and badmouth our country; and if you touch me again, I'll shove this umbrella up your ass and open it."
Fwd: Fw: I talked to a man today
I talked to a MAN todayI talked with a man today, an 90+ year old man. I asked him if there was anything I can get him while this Coronavirus scare was gripping America.He simply smiled, looked away and said:"Let me tell you what I need! I need to believe, at some point, this country my generation fought for... I need to believe this nation we handed safely to our children and their children...I need to know this generation will quit being a bunch of sissies...that they respect what they've been given...that they've earned what others sacrificed for."I wasn't sure where the conversation was going or if it was going anywhere at all. So, I sat there, quietly observing."You know, I was a little boy during WWII. Those were scary days. We didn't know if we were going to be speaking English, German or Japanese at the end of the war. There was no certainty, no guarantees like Americans enjoy today.And no home went without sacrifice or loss. Every house, up and down every street, had someone in harm's way. Maybe their Daddy was a soldier, maybe their son was a sailor, maybe it was an uncle. Sometimes it was the whole damn family...fathers, sons, uncles...Having someone, you love, sent off to war...it wasn't less frightening than it is today. It was scary as Hell. If anything, it was more frightening. We didn't have battle front news. We didn't have email or cellphones. You sent them away and you hoped...you prayed. You may not hear from them for months, if ever. Sometimes a mother was getting her son's letters the same day Dad was comforting her over their child's death.And we sacrificed. You couldn't buy things. Everything was rationed. You were only allowed so much milk per month, only so much bread, toilet paper. EVERYTHING was restricted for the war effort. And what you weren't using, what you didn't need, things you threw away, they were saved and sorted for the war effort. My generation was the original recycling movement in America.And we had viruses back then...serious viruses. Things like polio, measles, and such. It was nothing to walk to school and pass a house or two that was quarantined. We didn't shut down our schools. We didn't shut down our cities. We carried on, without masks, without hand sanitizer. And do you know what? We persevered. We overcame. We didn't attack our President, we came together. We rallied around the flag for the war. Thick or thin, we were in it to win. And we would lose more boys in an hour of combat than we lose in entire wars today."He slowly looked away again. Maybe I saw a small tear in the corner of his eye. Then he continued:"Today's kids don't know sacrifice. They think a sacrifice is not having coverage on their phone while they freely drive across the country. Today's kids are selfish and spoiled. In my generation, we looked out for our elders. We helped out with single moms who's husbands were either at war or dead from war. Today's kids rush the store, buying everything they can...no concern for anyone but themselves. It's shameful the way Americans behave these days. None of them deserve the sacrifices their granddads made.So, no I don't need anything. I appreciate your offer but, I know I've been through worse things than this virus. But maybe I should be asking you, what can I do to help you? Do you have enough pop to get through this, enough steak? Will you be able to survive with only 113 channels on your TV?"I smiled, fighting back a tear of my own...now humbled by a man in his 90's. All I could do was thank him for the history lesson, leave my number for emergency and leave with my ego firmly tucked in my rear.I talked to a man today. A real man. An American man from an era long gone and forgotten. We will never understand the sacrifices. We will never fully earn their sacrifices. But we should work harder to learn about them..learn from them...to respect them.I read this and it was to good not to share
4/01/2020 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: coronavirus, Donald Trump, REAL TRUE STORY, SHUTDOWN, WAR VETS ARE SUPERIOR TO YOUR LAZY ASS, WORLD WAR II | 2 Comments
Fwd: Fw: Faces From The Greatest Generation
Russell Johnson, US Army Air Corps. B-24 crewman who was awarded Purple Heart when his aircraft was shot down by the Japanese in the Philippines. And of course we have Audie Murphy, America’s most-decorated soldier, who became a Hollywood star as a result of his US Army service that included his being awarded the Medal of Honor. Would someone please remind me again how many of today’s Hollywood elite put their careers on hold to enlist in Iraq or Afghanistan? The only one who even comes close was Pat Tillman, who turned down a contract offer of $3.6 million over three years from the Arizona Cardinals to enlist in the US Army after September 11, 2001, and serve as a Ranger in Afghanistan, where he died in 2004. But rather than being lauded for his choice and his decision to put his country before his career, he was mocked and derided by many of his peers. Ladies and Gentlemen, I submit to you that this is not the America today that it was seventy years ago. And I, for one, am saddened. My generation grew up watching, being entertained by and laughing with so many of these fine people, never really knowing what they contributed to the war effort. Like millions of Americans during the WWII, there was a job that needed doing they didn’t question, they went and did it, those that came home returned to their now new normal life and carried on, very few ever saying what they did or saw. They took it as their “responsibility”, their “duty” to Country, to protect and preserve our freedoms and way of life, not just for themselves but for all future generations to come. As a member of a later generation, I’m forever humbly in their debt.
Please pass this on to remind people of what real men were like, not the show dogs of today's screen.
1/22/2020 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: 9/11, AFGHANISTAN, Greatest Generation, Hollywood, IRAQ, nostalgia, REAGAN, WAR VETS ARE SUPERIOR TO YOUR LAZY ASS, WORLD WAR II | 5 Comments