Bibles by U.S. Troops you gotta watch this- sold out and you...
Subject: FW: Burning Bibles by U.S. Troops you gotta watch this- sold out and you...
Please watch this.
Burning Bibles by U.S. Troops you gotta watch this- sold out and you...
All Christians should watch this video on the governments stand in regards to the Bible and the Koran.... Please watch before deleting...
Burning Bibles by U.S. Troops you gotta watch this-you have been sold out and you don't even know it.
Check this website. Very enlightening.
The Absurd extreme extent of today's political correctness is well demonstrated here.
This appears to be About one week old and should be seen and digested by everyone...
President Obama is an Evil Person for condoning any of this. It is his job to see to it that this country is ran by our Constitution. If he doesn't want to do that then he should resign...
USMC 1976-1986