Showing posts with label MRWD POLL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MRWD POLL. Show all posts

FW: Burning Bibles by U.S. Troops you gotta watch this- sold out and you...

Bibles by U.S. Troops you gotta watch this- sold out and you...

Subject: FW: Burning Bibles by U.S. Troops you gotta watch this- sold out and you...
Please watch  this.

Burning Bibles by U.S.  Troops you gotta watch this- sold out and  you...
All    Christians should watch this video on the governments stand in regards to the    Bible and the Koran.... Please watch before    deleting...
Burning    Bibles by U.S. Troops you gotta watch this-you have been sold out and you    don't even know it.
Check    this website. Very    enlightening.
The    Absurd extreme extent of today's political correctness is well demonstrated    here.
This    appears to be About one week old and should be seen and digested by    everyone...
President    Obama is an Evil Person for condoning any of this.  It is his job to see    to it that this country is ran by our Constitution.  If he doesn't want    to do that then he should    resign...


              USMC 1976-1986

Poll Results: Our right-wing counterparts feel Obama uses the Qur’ān! (68%)

Ok, ok.. So it wasn't all that scientific (35 votes), but the polling station has closed and the results are in:

Does your favorite Right-Wing'er believe Barack Obama... (check all that apply)

1. was sworn into public office using the Qur’ān in place of the Bible? (68%)

2. was raised radical Muslim? (60%)

3. has been enlisted by Muslims to destroy the US from the inside out? (40%)

4. has never been a Muslim? (8%)

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