Showing posts with label FLORIDA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FLORIDA. Show all posts

Fwd: Don D


Fwd: a sobering read - Bill

Curator Note:  First Left-wing forward I've seen in a long time.  Had to share.

On Apr 28, 2020, at 9:34 AM,  wrote:

Another sobering look at our situation. We must do all we can to assure Trump is not re-elected.
From one of my Emory classmates.

-On Apr 27, 2020, at 6:45 PM, wrote:

Subject: a really good editorial from the Irish Times......
Fintan O’Toole: Donald Trump has destroyed the country he promised to make great again

The world has loved, hated and envied the US. Now, for the first time, we pity it

April 25, 2020
By Fintan O'Toole

Over more than two centuries, the United States has stirred a very wide range of feelings in the rest of the world: love and hatred, fear and hope, envy and contempt, awe and anger. But there is one emotion that has never been directed towards the US until now: pity.

However bad things are for most other rich democracies, it is hard not to feel sorry for Americans. Most of them did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016. Yet they are locked down with a malignant narcissist who, instead of protecting his people from Covid-19, has amplified its lethality. The country Trump promised to make great again has never in its history seemed so pitiful.

Will American prestige ever recover from this shameful episode? The US went into the coronavirus crisis with immense advantages: precious 
weeks of warning about what was coming, the world's best concentration of medical and scientific expertise, effectively limitless financial 
resources, a military complex with stunning logistical capacity and most of the world's leading technology corporations. Yet it managed to 
make itself the global epicentre of the pandemic.

As the American writer George Packer puts it in the current edition of the Atlantic, "The United States reacted ... like Pakistan or Belarus - e and a dysfunctional government whose leaders were too corrupt or stupid to head off mass suffering."

It is one thing to be powerless in the face of a natural disaster, quite another to watch vast power being squandered in real time - willfully, malevolently, vindictively. It is one thing for governments to fail (as, in one degree or another, most governments did), quite another to watch a ruler and his supporters actively spread a deadly 
virus. Trump, his party and Rupert Murdoch's Fox News became vectors of the pestilence.

The grotesque spectacle of the president openly inciting people (some of them armed) to take to the streets to oppose the restrictions that save lives is the manifestation of a political death wish. What are 
supposed to be daily briefings on the crisis, demonstrative of national unity in the face of a shared challenge, have been used by Trump merely 
to sow confusion and division. They provide a recurring horror show in which all the neuroses that haunt the American subconscious dance naked 
on live TV.

If the plague is a test, its ruling political nexus ensured that the US would fail it at a terrible cost in human lives. In the process, the idea of the US as the world's leading nation - an idea that has shaped 
the past century - has all but evaporated.

Other than the Trump impersonator Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, who is now looking to the US as the exemplar of anything other than what not to 
do? How many people in Duesseldorf or Dublin are wishing they lived in Detroit or Dallas?

It is hard to remember now but, even in 2017, when Trump took office, the conventional wisdom in the US was that the Republican Party and the 
broader framework of US political institutions would prevent him from doing too much damage. This was always a delusion, but the pandemic has 
exposed it in the most savage ways.

Abject surrender. What used to be called mainstream conservatism has not absorbed Trump - he has absorbed it. Almost the entire right-wing half of American politics has surrendered abjectly to him. It has sacrificed on the altar of wanton stupidity the most basic ideas of responsibility, care and even safety.

Thus, even at the very end of March, 15 Republican governors had failed to order people to stay at home or to close non-essential businesses. In Alabama, for example, it was not until April 3rd that governor Kay Ivey finally issued a stay-at-home order.

In Florida, the state with the highest concentration of elderly people with underlying conditions, governor Ron DeSantis, a Trump mini-me, kept the beach resorts open to students traveling from all over the US for spring break parties. Even on April 1st, when he issued restrictions, DeSantis exempted religious services and "recreational activities".

Georgia governor Brian Kemp, when he finally issued a stay-at-home order on April 1st, explained: "We didn't know that [the virus can be spread by people without symptoms] until the last 24 hours."

This is not mere ignorance - it is deliberate and homicidal stupidity. There is, as the demonstrations this week in US cities have shown, plenty of political mileage in denying the reality of the pandemic. It is fueled by Fox News and far-right internet sites, and it reaps for these politicians millions of dollars in donations, mostly (in an ugly 
irony) from older people who are most vulnerable to the coronavirus.

It draws on a concoction of conspiracy theories, hatred of science, paranoia about the "deep state" and religious providentialism (God will protect the good folks) that is now very deeply infused in the mindset of the American right.

Trump embodies and enacts this mindset, but he did not invent it. The US response to the coronavirus crisis has been paralyzed by a contradiction that the Republicans have inserted into the heart of US 
democracy. On the one hand, they want to control all the levers of governmental power. On the other they have created a popular base by intent is innately evil and must not be trusted.

The contradiction was made manifest in two of Trump's statements on the pandemic: on the one hand that he has "total authority", and on the 
other that "I don't take responsibility at all". Caught between authoritarian and anarchic impulses, he is incapable of coherence.

Fertile ground. But this is not just Donald Trump. The crisis has shown definitively that Trump's presidency is not an aberration. It has grown on soil long prepared to receive it. The monstrous blossoming of misrule has structure and purpose and strategy behind it.

There are very powerful interests who demand "freedom" in order to do as they like with the environment, society and the economy. They have 
infused a very large part of American culture with the belief that "freedom" is literally more important than life. My freedom to own assault weapons trumps your right not to get shot at school. Now, my 
freedom to go to the barber ("I Need a Haircut" read one banner this week in St Paul, Minnesota) trumps your need to avoid infection.

Usually when this kind of outlandish idiocy is displaying itself, there is the comforting thought that, if things were really serious, it would 
all stop. People would sober up. Instead, a large part of the US has hit the bottle even harder.

And the president, his party and their media allies keep supplying the drinks. There has been no moment of truth, no shock of realization that 
the antics have to end. No one of any substance on the US right has stepped in to say: get a grip, people are dying here.

That is the mark of how deep the trouble is for the US - it is not just that Trump has treated the crisis merely as a way to feed tribal hatreds but that this behavior has become normalized. When the freak 
show is live on TV every evening, and the star is boasting about his ratings, it is not really a freak show any more. For a very large and solid bloc of Americans, it is reality.

And this will get worse before it gets better. Trump has at least eight more months in power. In his inaugural address in 2017, he evoked "American carnage" and promised to make it stop. But now that the real carnage has arrived, he is reveling in it. He is in his element.

As things get worse, he will pump more hatred and falsehood, more death-wish defiance of reason and decency, into the groundwater. If a new administration succeeds him in 2021, it will have to clean up the toxic dump he leaves behind. If he is re-elected, toxicity will have become the lifeblood of American politics.

Either way, it will be a long time before the rest of the world can imagine America being great again.

Fwd: Fw: WHAT IF THEY LEFT -USA- Especially Colorado

Considering the Denver Post is a very liberal paper I'm surprised they published this.  This really shows how the hiring of illegals is false economic practice.

Tina Griego is a Free-Lance reporter for the Denver Post.  She writes some really good stuff and she is a strong advocate for LEGAL immigration Homework on issues is part of her make-up and fabric ...

What if they left?

Somebody really did their homework on this one.  Best on the subject to date.  It does not have a political slant to it, it’s just the facts:  Not Democratic, not Republican, not liberal and not conservative.

What if 20 Million Illegal Aliens Vacated America?
  I, Tina Griego, journalist for the Denver Rocky Mountain News wrote a column titled, "Mexican Visitor's Lament."
  I interviewed Mexican journalist Evangelina Hernandez while visiting Denver last week.  Hernandez said, "Illegal aliens pay rent, buy groceries, buy clothes.  What happens to your country's economy if 20 million people go away?"
Hmmm, I thought, what would happen?

So I did my due diligence, buried my nose as a reporter into the FACTS I found below.

It's a good question... it deserves an honest answer.  Over 80% of Americans demand secured borders and illegal migration stopped.  But what would happen if all 20 million or more vacated America?  The answers I found may surprise you!

In California, if 3.5 million illegal aliens moved back to Mexico, it would leave an extra $10.2 billion to spend on overloaded school systems, bankrupt hospitals and overrun prisons.  It would leave highways cleaner, safer and less congested.  Everyone could understand one another as English became the dominant language again.

In Colorado, 500,000 illegal migrants, plus their 300,000 kids and grandchildren would move back "home," mostly to Mexico. That would save Coloradoans an estimated $2 billion (other experts say $7 billion) annually in taxes that pay for schooling, medical, social-services and incarceration costs.

It means 12,000 gang members would vanish out of Denver alone.
Colorado would save more than $20 million in prison costs, and the terror that those 7,300 alien criminals set upon local citizens.  Denver Officer Don Young and hundreds of Colorado victims would not have suffered death, accidents, rapes and other crimes by illegals.

Denver Public Schools would not suffer a 67% dropout/flunk rate because of thousands of illegal alien students speaking 41 different languages.  At least200,000 vehicles would vanish from our gridlocked cities in Colorado.  Denver's 4% unemployment rate would vanish as our working poor would gain jobs at a living wage.

In Florida, 1.5 million illegals would return the Sunshine State back to America, the rule of law, and English.

In Chicago, Illinois, 2.1 million illegals would free up hospitals, schools, prisons and highways for a safer, cleaner and more crime-free experience.

If 20 million illegal aliens returned 'home,' the U.S. economy would return to the rule of law.  Employers would hire legal American citizens at a living wage. Everyone would pay their fair share of taxes because they wouldn't be working off the books.  That would result in an additional $401 billion in IRS income taxes collected annually, and an equal amount for local, state and city coffers.

No more push '1' for Spanish or '2' for English.  No more confusion in American schools that now must contend with over 100 languages that degrade the educational system for American kids.  Our overcrowded schools would lose more than two million illegal alien kids at a cost of billions in ESL and free breakfasts and lunches.

We would lose 500,000 illegal criminal alien inmates at a cost of more than $1.6 billion annually.  That includes 15,000 MS-13 gang members who distribute $130 billion in drugs annually would vacate our country.

In cities like L.A., 20,000 members of the ' 18th Street Gang' would vanish from our nation.  No more Mexican forgery gangs for ID theft from Americans! No more foreign rapists and child molesters!

Losing more than 20 million people would clear up our crowded highways and gridlock.  Cleaner air and less drinking and driving American deaths by illegal aliens!

America's economy is drained  Taxpayers are harmed.  Employers get rich.  Over $80 billion annually wouldn't return to the aliens' home countries by cash transfers.  Illegal migrants earned half that money untaxed, which further drains America's economy which currently suffers a $20 trillion debt.  $20 trillion debt!!!

At least 400,000 anchor babies would not be born in our country, costing us $109 billion per year per cycle.  At least 86 hospitals in California, Georgia and Florida would still be operating instead of being bankrupt out of existence because illegals pay nothing via the EMTOLA Act.

Americans wouldn't suffer thousands of TB and hepatitis cases rampant in our country - brought in by illegals unscreened at our borders.
Our cities would see 20 million less people driving, polluting and grid locking our cities.  It would also put the 'progressives' on the horns of a dilemma; illegal aliens and their families cause 11% of our greenhouse gases.

Over one million of Mexico's poorest citizens now live inside and along our border from Brownsville, Texas, to San Diego, California, in what the New York Times called, 'colonias' or new neighborhoods.  Trouble is, those living areas resemble Bombay and Calcutta where grinding poverty, filth, diseases, drugs, crimes, no sanitation and worse.  They live without sewage, clean water, streets, roads, electricity, or any kind of sanitation.

The New York Times reported them to be America's new ' Third World ' inside our own country.  Within 20 years, at their current growth rate, they expect 20 million residents of those colonias.  (I've seen them personally in Texas and Arizona; it's sickening beyond anything you can imagine.)

By enforcing our laws, we could repatriate them back to Mexico.  We should invite 20 million aliens to go home, fix their own countries and/or make a better life in Mexico.  We already invite a million people into our country legally annually, more than all other countries combined.  We cannot and must not allow anarchy at our borders, more anarchy within our borders and growing lawlessness at every level in our nation.

It's time to stand up for our country, our culture, our civilization and our way of life. Interesting Statistics!

Here are 14 reasons illegal aliens should vacate America, and I hope they are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the reader gets sick of reading them:

1.  $14 billion to $22 billion dollars are spent each year on welfare to illegal aliens (that's Billion with a 'B')

3.  $7.5 billion dollars are spent each year on Medicaid for illegal aliens.

4.  $12 billion dollars are spent each year on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they still cannot speak a word of English

5.  $27 billion dollars are spent each year for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.

6.  $3 Million Dollars 'PER DAY' is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.  That's $1.2 Billion a year.

7.  28% percent of all federal prison inmates are illegal aliens.

8.  $190 billion dollars are spent each year on illegal aliens for welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.  < TRANscriptS/0610/29/ldt.01. html >

9.  $200 billion dollars per year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.

10.  The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens.  In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US.

11.  During the year 2005, there were 8 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our southern border with as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from other terrorist countries.  Over 10,000 of those were middle-eastern terrorists.  Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin, crack, guns, and marijuana crossed into the U.S. from the southern border.

12.  The National Policy Institute, estimates that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion, or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period. 
13.  In 2006, illegal aliens sent home $65 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin, to their families and friends.

14.  The dark side of illegal immigration:  Nearly one million sex crimes are committed by illegal immigrants in the United States!
Total cost a whopping $538.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR!

If this doesn't bother YOU, then just delete the message!!! Otherwise, forward this to everyone YOU know!


Fwd: Fw: Year 2059 news (lc)


Ozone created by  electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest  country in the world, Mexifornia, formerly known as  California
White minorities still trying  to have English recognized as Mexifornia's third  language. Spotted Owl  plague threatens northwestern United States crops and  livestock. Baby conceived  naturally! Scientists stumped.    

Couple petitions  court to reinstate heterosexual  marriage.


Iran still closed off;  physicists estimate it will take at least 10 more years before  radioactivity decreases to safe  levels.


France pleads for global  help after being taken over by Libya . No other country comes  forward to help the beleaguered  nation!

Castro finally dies at age 112;  Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but President Chelsea  Clinton has banned all smoking.


Postal Service raises  price of first class stamp to $17.89 and reduces mail delivery  to Wednesdays only. 

85-year $75.8 billion  study: Diet and exercise is the key to weight  loss.


Average weight of  Americans drops to 250 lbs. 

Global cooling blamed for citrus  crop failure for third consecutive year in Mexifornia and  Floruba.


Japanese scientists  have created a camera with such a fast shutter speed they now  can photograph a woman with her mouth shut.


Abortion clinics now  available in every High School in United States  .


Senate still blocking drilling in ANWR  even though gas is selling for 4532 Pesos per liter and gas  stations are only open on Tuesdays and  Fridays.

Massachusetts  executes last remaining conservative.


Illinois Supreme Court  rules in favor of atheists, makes Illinois 3rd state to be  declared a God free state, all churches must close by December  1.


New federal law requires  that all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters and rolled-up  newspapers must be registered by January  2060.


IRS sets lowest tax  rate at 75 percent.

Floruba voters still  having trouble with voting machines.

Now, send this to whomever you want  and as many as you want, then, guess what....NOTHING will  happen. No miracles, no money, absolutely nothing, except you  might make someone smile or be very scared.

Stop organized crime.  
Re-elect no  one.

Fwd: FW:

     I hope anyone who has a military background, or is an American, will read and forward this.

If you are not a veteran, send this to those that you know who are, or to those who may know veterans.
(The 2014 United States elections will be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2014. During this midterm election year, all 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives and 33 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate will be contested in this election. Get out and VOTE!!)
A movement has been started by our armed forces to get out the vote in 2014. They are organizing themselves, but this can be done by all of us. The President has made the Rules of Engagement (ROE) so difficult, that our troops are often killed before they can even get permission to fight. Nothing has been done to stop our troops from being murdered by the Afghanis they are training, either. 
Now, the President wants the US to sign on to the UN's International Criminal Court (ICC), which would allow the UN's ICC to arrest and try US troops for War Crimes, without the legal protections guaranteed under US Law, and from which there is no appeal. 
The President, with his Democratic control of the Senate, has nearly all the power. If the Republicans, can take back the Senate in 2014, our troops can once again be protected from unnecessary danger. Please consider this, and send it on to your mailing lists. 
Thank You. 
Interestingly enough, when GW Bush was President you heard about the military deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan almost daily. With Obama in the White House, the mainstream media has been strangely quiet. --- Because of the Obama Rules of Engagement, more than 1,000 American soldiers have lost their lives in Afghanistan in the last 27 months. This is more than the combined total of the nine years before. Thirty have died in August alone. During the last month, over 50 additional NATO and US servicemen have been murdered, inside jobs by those who are hired to be a force for good in Afghanistan.
The commander in chief is AWOL. Not a peep, although he ordered the White House flag flown at half-staff for the Sikhs that were killed. There is a deep disgust, a fury, growing in the ranks of the military against the indifferent incompetence of this president. 
It has taken on a dangerous tone. No one knows what to do about him, but the anger runs deep as the deaths continue with no strategic end in sight to the idiocy of this war. Obama has had 5+ years to end this futile insanity, during which time he has vacationed, golfed, campaigned, and generally ignored the plight of our men and women in uniform. But, there is now a movement afoot in the armed services to launch a massive get out the vote drive against this president. 
Not just current active duty types, but the National Guard, Reserves, the retired, and all other prior service members. This is no small special interest group, but many millions of veterans who can have an enormous impact on the outcome of the November election if they all respond. 
The one million military retirees in Florida alone could mean an overwhelming victory in that state if they all show up at the polls. It might not keep another one hundred U.S. troops from dying between now and November, but a turn out to vote by the military against this heart breaking lack of leadership can make a powerful statement that hastens a change to the indifference of this shallow little man who just lets our soldiers die. 
Veterans: Please forward to your lists. High Priority! 
In God We Trust.

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