Showing posts with label INDIANA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label INDIANA. Show all posts

Fw: Natural Born Citizens (too funny to be true?)

date:Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 4:39 PM
subject:Fw: Natural Born Citizens (too funny to be true?)

Subject: Natural Born Citizens
Purdue University: Natural Born Citizens
Those of you who worry about Democrats versus Republicans -- relax, here is our real problem.
In a Purdue University classroom, they were discussing the qualifications to be President of the United States. It was pretty simple. The candidate must be a natural born citizen of at least 35 years of age.
However, one girl in the class immediately started in on how unfair it was of the requirement to be a natural born citizen. In short, her opinion was that this requirement prevented many capable individuals from becoming president. The class was taking it in and letting her rant, and not many jaws hit the floor when she wrapped up her argument by stating, "What makes a natural born citizen any more qualified to lead this country than one born by C-section?" 
We need more help than we thought we did!

Fw: A Lawyer or NOT a Lawyer?

It just keeps coming . . .

Sent by a friend.......... interesting. I just wish they would PROVE without a doubt his citizenship/natural born status. Something is very wrong there also. Why else would he block all his information from the press etc. He needs to be removed from office!!!!
Subject: Fwd: A Lawyer or NOT a Lawyer?

Man, wouldn't you like to wake up some morning and just be able to read just one positive thing about this president? just one? This is getting ridiculous. We might have been better off with Robert Mugabe or Idi Amin as president, don't ya think? Well, okay . . . maybe not, but it would be close!

US President and Former Constitutional Law Lecturer Makes Up Constitutional Quotes During State Of The Union (SOTU) Address.

Consider this:

1. President Obama, former editor of the Harvard Law Review, is no longer a "lawyer". He surrendered his license back in 2008 in order to escape charges he lied on his bar application. NOTE: Click on "lawyer" to see the actual documents.

2. Michelle Obama "voluntarily surrendered" her law license in 1993.

3. So, we have the first black President and wife - who don't actually have licenses to practice law: Fact

4. A senior lecturer is one thing. A fully ranked law professor is another. Barack Obama was NOT a Constitutional Law professor at the University of Chicago.
5. The University of Chicago released a statement in March, 2008 saying Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) "served as a professor" in the law school -- but that is a title Obama, who taught courses there part-time, never held, a spokesman for the school confirmed in 2008.

6. "He did not hold the title of professor of law," said Marsha Ferziger Nagorsky, an Assistant Dean for Communications and Lecturer in Law at the University of Chicago School of Law.

7. This former Constitutional lecturer cited the US Constitution during his State of the Union Address. Unfortunately, the quote he cited was from the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution.

8. The B-Cast posted the video:

9. Free Republic: In the State of the Union Address, President Obama said: "We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution: the notion that we are all created equal.
9a. Wrong citing, wrong founding document, Mr. President. By the way, the promises are not a notion, our founders named them "unalienable rights." The document is our Declaration of Independence and it reads: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

10. And this is the same guy who lectured the Supreme Court moments later in the same speech? When you are a phony it's hard to keep facts straight.

Pres. Barack Obama - Editor of the Harvard Law Review- Has No Law License?
May 15, 2009 by Johnny Alamo
I saw a note slide across the #TCOT feed on Twitter last night that mentioned Michelle Obama had no law license. This struck me as odd, since (a) she went to school to be a lawyer, and (b) she just recently held a position with the University of Chicago Hospitals as legal counsel - and that's a pretty hard job to qualify for without a law license.

But being a licensed professional myself, I knew that every state not only requires licensure, they make it possible to check online the status of any licensed professional. So I did, and here's the results from the ARDC Website:

She "voluntarily surrendered" her license in 1993. Let me explain what that means. A "Voluntary Surrender" is not something where you decide "Gee, a license is not really something I need anymore, is it?" and forget to renew your license. No, a "Voluntary Surrender" is something you do when you've been accused of something, and you 'voluntarily surrender" you license five seconds before the state suspends you.

Here's an illustration: I'm a nurse. At various times in my 28 years of nursing I've done other things when I got burned out; most notably a few years as a limousine driver; even an Amway salesman at one point. I always, always renewed my nursing license - simply because it's easier to send the state $49.00 a month than to pay the $200, take a test, wait six weeks, etc., etc. I've worked (recently) in a Nursing Home where there was an 88 year old lawyer and a 95 year old physician. Both of them still had current licensures as well. They would never DREAM of letting their licenses lapse. I happen to know there is currently in the Indiana State Prison in Michigan City Indiana an inmate who is a licensed physician, convicted of murder when he chased the two burglars who entered his home and terrorized his family into the street and killed them. (And I can't say I blame him for that, either.) This physician still has an active medical license and still sees patients, writes prescriptions, etc all from inside the prison.

And he renews his medical license every two years, too.

I tried looking up why she would "Voluntarily surrender" her license, but Illinois does not have its 1993 records online.
But when I searched for "Obama", I found this: "Voluntarily retired" - what does that mean? Bill Clinton hung onto his law license until he was convicted of making a false statement in the Lewinsky case and had to "Voluntarily Surrender" his license too. This is the former editor of the Harvard Law Review who doesn't seem to care about his law license.

Something else odd; while the Search feature brings up the names, any searches for the Disciplinary actions ends quickly. As in, Too Quickly. Less than a half-second quickly on a Search Engine that can take five seconds to Search for anything. As in, "there's a block on that information" kind of thing.

So we have the first lawyer President and First Lady -who don't actually have licenses to practice law.
There's more to this story, I'm sure. I'll let you know when I find it.

Sign in an INDIANA store front window

Subject: Fwd: Sign

Subject: Sign

Sign in an INDIANA store front window:

This sign was prominently displayed in the window of a business in
Whiting, Indiana. You are probably outraged at the thought of such an inflammatory
However, we are a society which holds freedom of Speech as perhaps our greatest
And after all, it is just a sign.
You may ask what kind of business would dare post such a sign.
Answer: " Owen's Funeral Home"
You gotta love it!!!
God Bless America!!!

Fwd: Federal Reserve Power

Whoa.. This paranoid rant was sent by Jennifer, who pointed out this article in Wikipedia. Strangely, if I stand on my head and close one eye, gazing beyond the occasional spelling of "goverment", I'd have to agree with the underlying message of this right-wing call to arms. Federal income taxes feel like such a sham, especially after reading this informative forward. Anyone care to rise and join a bipartisan rebellion? Well you're in luck, since the last line reads,"This article maybe reproduced and distributed freely WITHOUT changes." Start forward'in!

-----Forwarded Message-----

Federal Reserve Power
Federal Reserve Power

Below is quote from Representative Louis T. McFadden, Chairman of the Committee on Banking and Currency for 12 years as quoted from the Congressional Record

The Federal Reserve Board, ..., has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt...Our people's money to the extend of $1,200,000,000 has within the last few months been shipped abroad to redeem Federal Reserve Notes and to pay other gambling debts of the traitorous Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks...............

1a. The Federal Reserve (FED) is a PRIVATELY OWNED, organization. Unbelievable? Check the ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA.
b. Below is the list of the owners of the 12 Central Banks:
- Rothschild Bank of London
- Rothschild Bank of Berlin
- Lazard Brothers of Paris
- Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
- Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
- Warburg Bank of Hamburg
- Lehman Brothers of New York
- Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
- Goldman, Schs of New York
- Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
In all, there are about 300 VERY POWERFUL, partly foreign individuals that owns the FED.

2. Although the FED is required to give back most of its PROFITS back to the Treasury Dept., there is NO ORGANIZATION that has the power to AUDIT the FED (not even the Congress or the IRS). This creates a HUGE opportunity for "creative accounting" to hide the profit that ROBS the US Tax Payers Hundreds of Billions of Dollars annually.

3. Every year, a few Congressmen introduced a legislation to AUDIT the FED, and every year, the legislation is defeated. The owners of the FED is the most powerful, invisible lobbying power there is.

4. The owners of the FED own the controlling interests in ALL major media in the US. Rockefeller, through Chase Manhattan bank, controls CBS and ABC and 28 other broadcasting firms. Each of the other owners of the FED also have controlling interest in the US media. This explain why the media have
been silent about the FED scam. The FED fraud is the biggest and longest cover-up in the US today.

5. According to Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, the US Congress has the power to print money (The Congress shall have the coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, ..). According to the Supreme Court, the Congress can not transfer its power to other organization like the FED.


After several attempts to push the Federal Reserve Banking Act through Congress, a group of bankers funded and staffed Woodrow Wilson's campaign for President. In 1913, Nelson Aldrich, maternal grandfather to the Rockefellers, pushed the Federal Reserve Act through Congress just before Christmas, when most Congressmen were on vacation. Naturally, president Wilson passed the Act when he was elected as a pay back to the bankers.


The US goverment runs a $400 billion deficit annually. To cover this, the US goverment issues bonds which are bought by the FED.

Since the FED has the POWER TO PRINT MONEY, it can buy any amount of the US. Government bonds at almost NO COST, save for the expense of printing money (~3 cents/$100).

At this point, the owners of the FED already profit $99.97 for every 3c they invested to print the money. Basically, they exchange something that costs almost nothing to them with the US Government Bonds.

Since the FED can NOT be AUDITTED by the IRS (or even by Congress), most of this profit can go anywhere the FED owners want to. BTW, did I mention that the profit is TAX-FREE?

After buying the bonds, the owner of the FED can either:
1. Keep the bonds, and collect the interest the US Government now OWES them.
2. Sell the bonds to the US Tax Payers or foreigners.

In either case, the FED owners have profitted $99.97 for every 3 cents it invested to print the money. Remember, the FED is a PRIVATELY OWNED corporation, just like the Federal Express. The profit of the FED goes to the FED owners.

The US Government now owes the FED owners the interest on those bonds. Remember that the FED owners DO NOT EARN the bonds. They simply PRINT the money to buy the bonds. In other words, they created money out of thin air, and exchange it for the interest bearing bonds.

In order to pay for the bonds' interest, the US Government taxes the US population.

When a US Citizen holding US Government bonds receives his/her return of investment on the bonds, essentially the money he/she receives is the tax money he/she is paying to the Government.

When the OWNERS of the FED receives the interest on the BONDS they're holding, they are receiving that money for FREE (save the initial 3cent/$100 investment to print the money)! Not only that, the FED owners receive the money TAX FREE.

Under the LAW, the FED is REQUIRED to RETURN its PROFIT back to the US Treasury. However, NEITHER the Congress NOR the IRS have the POWER to AUDIT the FED. The FED has used this obvious loophole to profit via 'creative accounting'.

Consider this: every year, the FED profits by hundreds of billions of dollars by buying US Government Bonds. Yet it only returns ~$20 billion to the US Treasury. The rest of the profit has been spent as "Operational Expenses".

The FED expects us to believe that the FED operational expenses amounts to $100's billion dollars annually!!!

The truth is, those profits were spent as "DIVIDENDS TO SHAREHOLDERS"!!!!

Year after year, the FED owners bleed the US Tax Payer dry by hundreds of billions of dollars. Keep this going, and the US will go bankrupt in a few more years. Small wonder why the National Debt is increasing at its current rate.


1. The US Congress has the option to buy back the FED at $450 millions (per Congressional Records).
When the Congress does this, it will own back the billions of US Government Bonds held by the FED.
The US Government will actually PROFIT by buying back the FED! Also, the US government no longer has to pay interests to the FED owners on those bonds.

2. Through their ownerships in the FED, FOREIGN POWERS CAN and WILL influence the US economy. By controlling our interest rates and money supply, they can actually create economic disaster in the US, should the US disagree with them.

3. Although the FED directors must be confirmed by the Senate, the awesome lobbying power of the FED owners makes this process meaningless. The owners of the FED can and will put whoever they wish in the position.

4. Abolishing the FED will lead to lower inflation. At this moment, the FED prints as much money as needed to buy the US Government Bonds. Since the FED prints this MONEY out of THIN AIR, this leads to an INCREASE of MONEY SUPPLY, WITHOUT increase in GOODS/SERVICES. This, as all of us know it, leads to INFLAFION.

If the general public buy those bonds with money that they EARNED by providing GOODS/SERVICES, the money supply level is contant in relation to the goods/services level. Thus, there is no inflationary pressure from selling these bonds.

5. Abolishing the FED will reduce the national debt level. By buying back the FED at $450 millions, the US Government will buy back the billions of dollars of bonds held by the FED. Thus, the net effect is a reduction in national debt. After buying back the FED, the US Government does not have to pay interest on those bonds it buys back, further reducing the national debt.

6. Abolishing the FED will lead to eventual balance budget. Today, even if the US Economy only grows by a meager 2%/yr, the US Government should be able to put 2% of US-GDP dollars into circulation WITHOUT INFLATION.

Consider, if the goods/services grow by 2% and the money supply grows by 2%, the ratio of goods/services vs. money supply remains constant. Thus, no inflation is created.

The government can use this extra money supply to fund its project without raising taxes.

As long as the government does not print money more than the goods and services available in the US, there will be no inflationary pressures.

This had in fact been done with Executive Order 11110 of President Kennedy. Kennedy ordered the Treasury Dept. to print a US GOVERNMENT NOTES (vs. FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES). In effect, Kennedy bypassed the FED by making the Treasury Department printed REAL US MONEY, instead of selling bonds to the FED for almost free.

The sad fact is, the US Government does not do this anymore. Instead, the US Government sell bonds to the FED, which buys those bonds using money they don't earn. Thus, the US Government must now pay interest on those money that it "borrows" from the FED.

7. By point (6) above, the US Government can actually reduce taxes on everybody since it has more interest free money to spent in the amount equal to the growth of the US GDP. KEEP IN MIND,
THIS MONEY WILL NOT CAUSE INFLATION, since the money is printed along with the growth of the goods and services.

What you can do to save the United States of America

The FED should either be AUDITTED every year, or be abolished. I have done my part providing this information. It is up to you to decide the future of the US economy. Please do the followings:

If everything that I wrote here sounds too far fetched to be true, I challenge everyone of you to do your own research, and see for yourself.

Recommended literatures:
- Encyclopaedia Britannica.
- Congressional Record
- "The Federal Reserve Bank" by H.S. Kenan
- "Repeal the Federal Reserve Bank" by Rev. Casimir Frank Gierut
- "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Mullins

when you are sure about the facts,

2. Call your Congressman and tell him to support the legislation to AUDIT the FED.

3. Call your representatives and ask them to support legislation introduced by Congressman Henry Gonzales to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

4. Push for your home states to introduce and pass a legislation to end the FED scam. The following states have already done so:
Arizona, Washington, Arkansas, Idaho, Oregon, Indiana, and Texas.
Even if you live in these states, contact your representatives and tell them to support the legislation. THEY WILL LISTEN if you care to TELL THEM!!!

5. Ask your STATE and COUNTY government to abolish the FED. Since the FED is CONSTITUTIONALLY ILLEGAL, it MUST be abolished. Ask your state/county governments for the proper paperworks.
If the US Congress refuses to abolish the FED, your STATE/COUNTY governments can do it.

6. Collect signature on petitions calling for the end of the FED.

7. Tell friends and family about this fraud, and ask them for supports. Secrecy is the FED's main strength. Since the media has been quiet, no one even notice this FRAUD that goes on for decades.
Now it is up to the tax payer to be informed. Inform everyone you know about this, and be organized!!!

8. Contact "America Betrayed",
Center for Action,
652 N. Glenview,
Nesa, AZ 85213

9. Contact "National Committee to Repeal the Federal Reserve Act",
P.O. Box 1205, Middleburg, IL60599

10. This article maybe reproduced and distributed freely WITHOUT changes.

FW: It made me tear up!!!- I love this one

"This (along with many other silly things) was forwarded to me by a co-worker. We work in a public school, and she just sends these to a bunch of us. I don't know why.
Enjoy!" - Marie

I was sobbing with gratitude after reading this! Thanks Marie. Dig the font!

better grab a hanky...

In September 1960, I woke up one morning with six hungry babies and just 75 cents in my pocket.

Their father was gone.

The boys ranged from three months to seven years; their sister was two.

Their Dad had never been much more than a presence they feared.

Whenever they heard his tires crunch on the gravel driveway they would scramble to hide under their beds.

He did manage to leave $15 a week to buy groceries.

Now that he had decided to leave, there would be no more beatings, but no food either.

If there was a welfare system in effect in southern Indiana at that time, I certainly knew nothing about it.

I scrubbed the kids until they looked brand new and then put on my best homemade dress, loaded them into the rusty old 51 Chevy and drove off to find a job.

The seven of us went to every factory, store and restaurant in our small town.

No luck.

The kids stayed crammed into the car and tried to be quiet while I tried to convince who ever would listen that I was willing to learn or do anything. I had to have a job.

Still no luck. The last place we went to, just a few miles out of town, was an old Root Beer Barrel drive-in that had been converted to a truck stop.

It was called the Big Wheel.

An old lady named Granny owned the place and she peeked out of the window from time to time at all those kids.

She needed someone on the graveyard shift, 11 at night until seven in the morning.

She paid 65 cents an hour, and I could start that night.

I raced home and called the teenager down the street that baby-sat for people.

I bargained with her to come and sleep on my sofa for a dollar a night.

She could arrive with her pajamas on and the kids would already be asleep

This seemed like a good arrangement to her, so we made a deal.

That night when the little ones and I knelt to say our prayers, we all thanked God for finding Mommy a job. And so I started at the Big Wheel.

When I got home in the mornings I woke the baby-sitter up and sent her home with one dollar of my tip money -- fully half of what I averaged every night.

As the weeks went by, heating bills added a strain to my meager wage.

The tires on the old Chevy had the consistency of penny balloons and began to leak. I had to fill them with air on the way to work and again every morning before I could go home.

One bleak fall morning, I dragged myself to the car to go home and found four tires in the back seat. New tires!

There was no note, no nothing, just those beautiful brand new tires.

Had angels taken up residence in Indiana ? I wondered.

I made a deal with the local service station.

In exchange for his mounting the new tires, I would clean up his office.

I remember it took me a lot longer to scrub his floor than it did for him to do the tires.

I was now working six nights instead of five and it still wasn't enough.

Christmas was coming and I knew there would be no money for toys for the kids.

I found a can of red paint and started repairing and painting some old toys. Then I hid them in the basement so there would be something for Santa to deliver on Christmas morning.

Clothes were a worry too. I was sewing patches on top of patches on the boys pants and soon they would be too far gone to repair.

On Christmas Eve the usual customers were drinking coffee in the Big Wheel. There were the truckers, Les, Frank, and Jim, and a state trooper named Joe.

A few musicians were hanging around after a gig at the Legion and were dropping nickels in the pinball machine.

The regulars all just sat around and talked through the wee hours of the morning and then left to get home before the sun came up.

When it was time for me to go home at seven o'clock on Christmas morning, to my amazement, my old battered Chevy was filled full to the top with boxes of all shapes and sizes.

I quickly opened the driver's side door, crawled inside and kneeled in the front facing the back seat.

Reaching back, I pulled off the lid of the top box.
Inside was whole case of little blue jeans, sizes 2-10!

I looked inside another box: It was full of shirts to go with the jeans.

Then I peeked inside some of the other boxes. There was candy and nuts and bananas and bags of groceries. There was an enormous ham for baking, and canned vegetables and potatoes.
There was pudding and Jell-O and cookies, pie filling and flour. There was whole bag of laundry supplies and cleaning items.

And there were five toy trucks and one beautiful little doll.

As I drove back through empty streets as the sun slowly rose on the most amazing Christmas Day of my life, I was sobbing with gratitude.

And I will never forget the joy on the faces of my little ones that precious morning.

Yes, there were angels in Indiana that long-ago December. And they all hung out at the Big Wheel truck stop....

THE POWER OF PRAYER. I believe that God only gives three answers to prayer:

1. "Yes!"
2. "Not yet."
3. "I have something better in mind."

God still sits on the throne, the devil is a liar.

You maybe going through a tough time right now but God is getting ready to bless you in a way that you cannot imagine.

My instructions were to pick four people that I wanted God to bless,
and I picked you.

Please pass this to at least four people you want to be blessed and a copy back to me.

This prayer is powerful, and prayer is one of the best gifts we receive. There is no cost but a lot of rewards

Let's continue to pray for one another. Here is the prayer:....

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