Showing posts with label bill ayers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bill ayers. Show all posts


Begin forwarded message:

by Don Fredrick, ©2012, blogging at The Obama Timeline..

(Oct. 1, 2012) — As I noted in the introduction to my book, The Obama Timeline, a jury at a murder trial will often find the accumulated circumstantial evidence so overwhelming that a guilty verdict is obvious—even though there may be no witness to the crime. “The jurors in the Scott Peterson trial believed the collection of evidence more than they believed Scott Peterson. Among other things, the jury thought that being arrested with $15,000 in cash, recently-dyed hair, a newly-grown goatee, four cell phones, camping equipment, a map to a new girlfriend’s house, a gun, and his brother’s driver’s license certainly did not paint a picture of a grieving husband who had nothing to do with his pregnant wife’s disappearance and murder.”

In the four years I have been gathering information about—and evidence against—Barack Hussein Obama, I have encountered hundreds of coincidences that strike me as amazing. None of those coincidences, by themselves, may mean much. But taken as a whole it is almost impossible to believe they were all the result of chance.

Consider the Obama-related coincidences:

Obama just happened to know 60s far-left radical revolutionary William Ayers, whose father just happened to be Thomas Ayers, who just happened to be a close friend of Obama’s communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis, who just happened to work at the communist-sympathizing Chicago Defender withVernon Jarrett, who just happened to later become the father-in-law of Iranian-born leftist Valerie Jarrett, who Obama just happened to choose as his closest White House advisor, and who just happened to have been CEO of Habitat Company, which just happened to manage public housing in Chicago, which just happened to get millions of dollars from the Illinois state legislature, and which just happened not to properly maintain the housing—which eventually just happened to require demolition.

Valerie Jarrett also just happened to work for the city of Chicago, and just happened to hire Michelle LaVaughan Robinson (later Obama), who just happened to have worked at the Sidley Austin law firm, where former fugitive from the FBI Bernardine Dohrn also just happened to work, and where Barack Obama just happened to get a summer job.

Bernardine Dohrn just happened to be married to William Ayers, with whom she just happened to have hidden from the FBI at a San Francisco marina, along with Donald Warden, who just happened to change his name to Khalid al-Mansour, and Warden/al-Mansour just happened to be a mentor of Black Panther Party founders Huey Newton and Bobby Seale and a close associate of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and al-Mansour just happened to be financial adviser to a Saudi Prince, who just happened to donate cash to Harvard, for which Obama just happened to get a critical letter of recommendation from Percy Sutton, who just happened to have been the attorney forMalcolm X, who just happened to know Kenyan politician Tom Mboya, who just happened to be a close friend of
Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., who just happened to meet Malcolm X when he traveled to Kenya.

Obama, Sr. just happened to have his education at the University of Hawaii paid for by the Laubach Literacy Institute, which just happened to have been supported by Elizabeth Mooney Kirk, who just happened to be a friend of Malcolm X, who just happened to have been associated with the Nation of Islam, which was later headed by Louis Farrakhan, who just happens to live very close to Obama’s Chicago mansion, which also just happens to be located very close to the residence of William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who just happen to have been occasional baby-sitters for Malia and Natasha Obama, whose parents just happen not to mind exposing their daughters to bomb-making communists.

After attending Occidental College and Columbia University, where he just happened to have foreign Muslim roommates, Obama moved to Chicago to work for the Industrial Areas foundation, an organization that just happened to have been founded by Marxist and radical agitator Saul “the Red” Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals, who just happened to be the topic of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s thesis at Wellesley College, and Obama’s $25,000 salary at IAF just happened to be funded by a grant from the Woods Fund, which was founded by the Woods family, whose Sahara Coal company just happened to provide coal to Commonwealth Edison, whose CEO just happened to be Thomas Ayers, whose son William Ayers just happened to serve on the board of the Woods Fund, along with Obama.

Obama also worked on voter registration drives in Chicago in the 1980s and just happened to work with leftist political groups like the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and Socialist International (SI), through which Obama met Carl Davidson, who just happened to travel to Cuba during the Vietnam War to sabotage the U.S. war effort, and who just happened to be a former member of the SDS and a member of the Committees of Correspondence for democracy and Socialism, which just happened to sponsor a 2002 anti-war rally at which Obama spoke, and which just happened to have been organized by Marilyn Katz, a former SDS activist and later public relations consultant who just happened to be a long-time friend of Obama’s political hatchet man, David Axelrod.

Obama joined Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC), whose pastor was
Reverend Jeremiah Wright, a fiery orator who just happened to preach Marxism and Black Liberation Theology and who delivered anti-white, anti-Jew, and anti-American sermons, which Obama just happened never to hear because he just happened to miss church only on the days when Wright was at his “most enthusiastic,” and Obama just happened never to notice that Oprah Winfrey left the church because it was too radical, and just happened never to notice that the church gave the vile anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan a lifetime achievement award.

Although no one had ever heard of him at the time, Obama just happened to receive an impossible-to-believe $125,000 advance to write a book about race relations, which he just happened to fail to write while using the cash to vacation in Bali with his wife Michelle, and despite his record of non-writing he just happened to receive a second advance, for $40,000, from another publisher, and he eventually completed a manuscript called Dreams From My Father, which just happened to strongly reflect the writing style of William Ayers, who just happened to trample on an American flag for the cover photograph of the popular Chicago magazine, which Obama just happened never to see even though it appeared on newsstands throughout the city.

Fw: Obama's Path to the PRESENT

Subject: Fw: Obama's Path to the PRESENT
From this afternoon's mailbag:�� Why it is absolutely necessary to VOTE AGAINST BARACK OBAMA...VABO!!!


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:Obama's Path to the PRESENT
Date:Sat, 14 Apr 2012 00:08:13 -0400 (EDT)

From one of my e mail friends who has served our nation with honor .�� 

���� There is nothing new in this writing to me, or anyone else, who has kept themselves informed of Obama's rise to power. This writing giving names and places is correct and accurate, and worthy of note.
����The meat of the writing is in the last two paragraphs. I've marked them in RED. The first tells of his rise to power, and his efforts and ways to destroy the United States.
���� The second, talks about what will happen if we re-elect Obama, and asks a question. Have you not wondered how he came as an unknown, from nowhere, with NO credentials for the highest office in the world; without giving any proof of "who he was" or "where he came from" and what he actually meant when he said, "in just five more days, we will fundamentally transform America ?"
���� Many who read this believe Obama has been a failure as president. Nothing could be further from the truth.�� He has succeeded beyond his wildest expectations. First, and foremost, he conned 53% of the voters in 2008 to vote for him.�� No small feat !�� ��Second, he has the US and all of us, at a "tipping point," contingent on his reelection, and he really believes he can do it just one more time. Even if he is not reelected, it is questionable if the US can long endure. That 16 trillion debt can NEVER be repaid, and right now China owns us, lock, stock and barrel !�� China, Russia and other countries are pushing to replace our dollar as the 'worlds' currency, and it will happen.�� Most of you have no idea of what that will mean to the US and all of us.
�� I have said many times, "folly enacts a price," one we are not going to like paying !

John C. Drew, Ph.D., is a former Marxist-Leninist who met Barack Obama when he was a sophomore at 
Occidental College in California.
Drew spent an evening with Obama and a group of Marxist-Leninist friends at a restaurant where they discussed politics and Communist revolution.
Drew had graduated from Occidental and was doing graduate work at Cornell Universitywhen he returned to visit friends at Occidental.
Dr. Drew was still a Marxist-Leninist at the time he debated Communism with Obama and his friends. Drew had grown disillusioned with the idea that violent revolution could come to industrialized societies, but Obama disagreed.
According to Drew, ���He [Obama] was arguing a straightforward Marxist-Leninist class-struggle point of view, which anticipated that there would be a revolution of the working class, led by revolutionaries, who would overthrow the capitalist system and institute a new socialist government that would redistribute the wealth.���
Drew notes that Obama arrived at the dinner party with his patron, a wealthy Pakistani Muslim named Mohammed Hasan Chandoo. They roomed together in Chandoo���s house and arrived in a BMW.
Obama rejected Drew���s analysis of a Marxist revolution in 
America: ���He was pretty persistent, that I didn���t know what I was talking about.���
Drew saw Obama once again at a party that Obama and Chandoo gave at their house in June 1981. (Drew has long since rejected Marxism.)
In his autobiography, ���Dreams From My Father,��� Obama says this: ���To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.���
Drew points out that ���What he���s not saying is that he was in 100 percent total agreement with those Marxist professors. When you understand that, Obama���s later associations and policies make more sense, including why he was taken in by Rev. Wright���s ideology.���
Dr. Drew was interviewed on a radio talk show recently and spent an hour describing Obama���s Marxist-Leninist beliefs and his career path that was helped by known Marxists in Chicago.
One of Obama���s college professors at Occidental was a socialist and they remain good friends to this day.Groomed To Serve Marx/Lenin
As more and more information is uncovered about Obama���s childhood and his path into politics and power, it is evident that he was mentored and helped along the way by Islamists and by hard-core Marxists.
His own mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, had embraced Marxist ideology as a high school student in Washington state. She had been taught by Marxist teachers and was a proud atheist.
In Hawaii, he lived with his grandfather and grandmother while his mother stayed inIndonesia doing anthropological work. His grandfather introduced teenage Obama to Frank Marshall Davis, a black Communist, as a mentor. Davis had come out of the radical black Marxist movement in Chicago, which began flourishing during the 1930s.
According to John Drew, the Marxist-Leninists he attended school with at Occidental all either went into college professorships or became community organizers. Drew became a college professor; Obama became a community organizer and later a college professor.
Obama���s entrance into Harvard Law School was aided by two radical Marxist-Black Muslims. One of these men was Khalid al-Mansour, who has served as an advisor to a Saudi billionaire.
(Mansour���s real name is Don Warden.) Al-Mansour was a mentor of Black Panther Party members Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, both criminals.
The other man who helped Obama get into Harvard was Percy Sutton, who was a lawyer for Black Muslim Malcolm X.
Obama���s spiritual advisor for 20 years was Pastor Jeremiah Wright, a Black Liberation theology advocate. Black Liberation theology is based on the Marxist ideology proposed by black racist Professor James Cone.
Obama���s political career was launched in Chicago with the help of Alice Palmer, a state senator who was also known to be a hard-core Communist.
Obama���s campaign for the U.S. Senate was started in the home of Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, both violent founders of the Weather Underground. Ayers had been involved in bombing a New York City police department, Capitol Building and the Pentagon in the 1970s.
In summary, from the very beginning of his life, Barack Obama has been imbued with Marxist thinking ��� from his mother, Frank Marshall Davis, his college professor at Occidental, and his Pastor Jeremiah Wright.
In addition, his path to political power was greased by black and white Communists and anti-white Black Muslims.
Para 1: All along the way, Barack Obama���s career has been on a trajectory to political power aided by the sworn enemies of the United States. He owes his existence to his Marxist-Leninist patrons and he is paying them back as President of the United States. Every policy he is pursuing is designed to destroy capitalism, undermine traditional morality, and weaken the United States militarily and diplomatically. President Obama���s policies and personnel must be politically quarantined and rendered ineffective before he succeeds in his agenda.
Para 2: If America re-elects him after all we now know about this Pretender-In-Chief and his stated (admitted) intentions, it will tell us far more about current day America than we may ever manage to learn about Barack Hussein Obama, Barack Hussein Obama II, Barak Obama, Batock Obama, Barok Obama, Barrack Obama, Barry Soetoro or whatever his real name is . In the meantime, ask yourself this: Where are all the Woodward and Bernstein wannabes?...because the truth behind this nightmare come to life, would make Watergate look like a lemonade stand robbery by a seven year old with a squirt gun!


T'was the night before elections
And all through the town
Tempers were flaring
Emotions all up and down 
I, in my bathrobe
With a cat in my lap
Had cut off the TV
tired of political clap-trap 

When all of a sudden
There arose such a noise
I peered out my window
Saw Obama and his boys 
They had come for my wallet
They wanted my pay
To give to the others 
Who had not worked a day! 
He snatched up my money
And quick as a wink
Jumped back on his bandwagon
As I gagged from the stink
He then rallied his henchmen
Who were pulling his cart
I could tell they were out
To tear my country apart
'On Fannie, on Freddie,
On Biden and Ayers!
On Acorn, On Pelosi'
He screamed at the pairs!
They took off for his cause
And as they flew out of sight
I heard him laugh at the nation
Who wouldn't stand up and fight!
So I leave you to think
On this one final note—


Fw: [Bulk] Fwd: Fw: STOP CAP & TRADE

Sent: 7/5/2010 7:40:45 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Fwd: Fw: STOP CAP & TRADE

Call your Senator. STOP CAP & TRADE!

This is a little long, but worth the read!

>The people of the United States have been hoodwinked.
>It is legal and ethical to make a profit and huge sums of money
>by selling ice-cream or computers, but when you sell the American public -
>or force upon us - a socialistic bill, and taxes which are founded in
>make-believe data re: global warming, carbon footprints, polar bear
>extinction, etc., then, that is downright fraud/greed! You (or someone out
>there in computer land) voted this man and all of his bandit cronies into
>and around the White House, and I leave it up to you to vote these crooks
>out of office - Democrats and Republicans alike.
>This is an interesting story put together from various articles and TV
>shows by the British Times paper. It shows what Obama and his friends
>are really all about. It's not hope and change, it is money.
>I warn you, the first part is a little boring, but stick with it. The
>second part connects all the dots for you (it will open your eyes). The
>end explains how Obama and all his cronies will end up as
>multi-billionaires. (It's definitely worth the read. You will not be
>A small bank in Chicago called SHOREBANK almost went bankrupt during the
>recession. The bank made a profit on its foreign micro-loans (see
>below) but had lost money in sub-prime mortgages in the US. It was
>facing likely closure by federal regulators. However, because the bank's
>executives were well connected with members of the Obama Administration,
>a private rescue bailout was arranged. The bank's employees had donated
>money to Obama's Senate campaign. In other words, ShoreBank was too
>politically connected to be allowed to go under.
>ShoreBank survived and invested in many "green" businesses such as solar
>panel manufacturing. In fact, the bank was mentioned in one of Obama's
>speeches during his election campaign because it subjected new business
>borrowers to eco-litmus tests.
>Prior to becoming President, Obama sat on the board of the JOYCE
>FOUNDATION, a liberal charity. This foundation was originally
>established by Joyce Kean's family which had accumulated millions of
>dollars in the lumber industry. It mostly gave funds to hospitals but
>after her death in 1972, the foundation was taken over by radical
>environmentalists and social justice extremists.
>This JOYCE FOUNDATION, which is rumored to have assets of 8 billion
>dollars, has now set up and funded, with a few partners, something
>called the CHICAGO CLIMATE EXCHANGE, known as CXX. It will be the
>exchange (like the Chicago Grain Futures Market for agriculture) where
>Environmental Carbon Credits are traded.
>Under Obama's new bill, businesses in the future will be assessed a tax
>on how much CO2 they produce (their Carbon Footprint) or in other words
>how much they add to global warming. If a company produces less CO2 than
>their allotted measured limit, they earn a Carbon Credit. This Carbon
>Credit can be traded on the CXX exchange. Another company, which has
>gone over their CO2 limit, can buy the Credit and "reduce" their
>footprint and tax liability. It will be like trading shares on Wall
>Well, it was the same JOYCE FOUNDATION, along with some other private
>partners and Wall Street firms that funded the bailout of ShoreBank.
>The foundation is now one of the major shareholders. The bank has now
>been designated to be the "banking arm" of the CHICAGO CLIMATE EXCHANGE
>(CXX). In addition, Goldman Sachs has been contracted to run the
>investment trading floor of the exchange.
>So far so good; now the INTERESTING parts.
>One ShoreBank co-founder, named Jan Piercy, was a Wellesley College
>roommate of Hillary Clinton. Hillary and Bill Clinton have long
>supported the bank and are small investors.
>Another co-founder of Shorebank, named Mary Houghton, was a friend of
>Obama's late mother. Obama's mother worked on foreign MICRO-LOANS for
>the Ford Foundation. She worked for the foundation with a guy called
>Geithner. Yes, you guessed it. This man was the father of Tim Geithner,
>our present Treasury Secretary, who failed to pay all his taxes for two
>Another founder of ShoreBank was Ronald Grzywinski, a cohort and close
>friend of Jimmy Carter.
>The former ShoreBank Vice Chairman was a man called Bob Nash. He was the
>deputy campaign manager of Hillary Clinton's presidential bid. He also
>sat on the board of the Chicago Law School with Obama and Bill Ayers,
>the former terrorist. Nash was also a member of Obama's White House
>transition team.
>(To jog your memories, Bill Ayers is a Professor at the University of
>Illinois at Chicago. He founded the Weather Underground, a radical
>revolutionary group that bombed buildings in the 60s and 70s. He had no
>remorse for those who were killed, escaped jail on a technicality, and
>is still an admitted Marxist).
>When Obama sat on the board of the JOYCE FOUNDATION, he "funneled"
>thousands of charity dollars to a guy named John Ayers, who runs a
>dubious education fund. Yes, you guessed it. The brother of Bill Ayers,
>the terrorist.
>Howard Stanback is a board member of Shorebank. He is a former board
>chairman of the Woods Foundation. Obama and Bill Ayers, the terrorist,
>also sat on the board of the Woods Foundation. Stanback was formerly
>employed by New Kenwood Inc. a real estate development company co-owned
>by Tony Rezko.
>(You will remember that Tony Rezko was the guy who gave Obama an amazing
>sweet deal on his new house. Years prior to this, the law firm of Davis,
>Miner, Barnhill & Galland had represented Rezko's company and helped him
>get more than 43 million dollars in government funding. Guess who worked
>as a lawyer at the firm at the time. Yes, Barack Obama).
>Adele Simmons, the Director of ShoreBank, is a close friend of Valerie
>Jarrett, a White House senior advisor to Obama. Simmons and Jarrett also
>sit on the board of a dubious Chicago Civic Organization.
>Van Jones sits on the board of ShoreBank and is one the marketing
>directors for "green" projects. He also holds a senior advisor position
>for black studies at Princeton University. You will remember that Mr.
>Van Jones was appointed by Obama in 2009 to be a Special Advisor for
>Green Jobs at the White House. He was forced to resign over past
>political activities, including the fact that he is a Marxist.
>Al Gore was one of the smaller partners to originally help fund the
>CHICAGO CLIMATE EXCHANGE. He also founded a company called Generation
>Investment Management (GIM) and registered it in London, England. GIM
>has close links to the UK-based Climate Exchange PLC, a holding company
>listed on the London Stock Exchange. This company trades Carbon Credits
>in Europe (just like CXX will do here) and its floor is run by Goldman
>Along with Gore, the other co-founder of GIM is Hank Paulson, the former
>US Treasury Secretary and former CEO of Goldman Sachs. His wife, Wendy,
>graduated from and is presently a Trustee of Wellesley College. Yes, the
>same college that Hillary Clinton and Jan Piercy, a co-founder of
>Shorebank attended. (They are all friends).
>Interesting? And now the closing...
>Because many studies have been exposed as scientific nonsense, people
>are slowly realizing that man-made global warming is nothing more than a
>money-generating hoax. As a result, Obama is working feverishly to win
>the race. He aims to push a Cap-and-Trade Carbon Tax Bill through
>Congress and into law.
>Obama knows he must get this passed before he loses his majority in
>Congress in the November elections. Apart from Climate Change he will
>"sell" this bill to the public as generating tax revenue to reduce our
>debt. But, it will also make it impossible for US companies to compete
>in world markets and drastically increase unemployment. In addition,
>energy prices (home utility rates) will sky rocket.
>But, here's the KICKER (THE MONEY TRAIL).
>If the bill passes, it is estimated that over 10 TRILLION dollars each
>year will be traded on the CXX exchange. At a commission rate of only 4
>percent, the exchange would earn close to 400 billion dollars to split
>between its owners, all Obama cronies. At a 2 percent rate, Goldman
>Sachs would also rake in 200 billion dollars each year.
>But don't forget SHOREBANK. With 10 trillion dollars flowing though its
>accounts, the bank will earn close to 40 billion dollars in interest
>each year for its owners (more Obama cronies), without even breaking a
>It is estimated Al Gore alone will probably rake in 15 billion dollars
>just in the first year. Of course, Obama's "commissions" will be held in
>trust for him at the Joyce Foundation. They are estimated to be over 8
>billion dollars by the time he leaves office in 2013, if the bill passes
>this year. Of course, these commissions will continue to be paid for the
>rest of his life.
>Some financial experts think this will be the largest "scam" or "legal
>heist" in world history. Obama's cronies make the Mafia look like rank
>amateurs. They will make Bernie Madoff's fraud look like penny ante

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