Showing posts with label Pete Buttigieg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pete Buttigieg. Show all posts

Fwd: Fw: Conservative Cartoons

In hard left turn, big government pots and
kettles call each other names.

Who will it be?

Pandemic fear grips Wall Street.

The Resistance has shifted. Establishment Democrats
now resist Bernie. They think he’s a loser.

He’d actually be the tallest.

Let’s not forget about Medicare for All

The open-border Democrats with their Iowa caucus
disaster, claim they have a better Coronavirus plan than Trump.

We've only just begun... Dems freak about Bernie Sanders' lead.

Biden doesn't know what state he's in or which office
he's running for. A family member should probably
step in at this point.

Stock Market fears.

And it smells worse than it looks

Many Democrats fear America will never
elect socialist Sanders president.

Bernie offers us a terrible conflagration
that will be fueled by the loss of our freedom.

The Democrats and the Mainstream Media
seem almost giddy at the possibility of the
coronavirus making Trump look bad.

Bernie recently applauded Fidel Castro's
"massive literacy program" on 60 Minutes. 

FW: FW: Feel the Bern!!!

FW: FW: The Democrats are wearing white again

FW: FW: What Liberals Think is Presidental

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