Showing posts with label FBI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FBI. Show all posts

Fwd: Fw: Best Politoons yet!

Fwd: FW: : Not a mosquito

 This Is  Not A Mosquito!! Look  closely....................Incredible


  Have you  ever wished you could be a fly on the wall to spy on what's  going on or being said? How about being a mosquito  instead!

 No, this  isn't a real mosquito. It's an insect spy drone for urban  areas, already in production, funded by the US  Government.

   It can be  remotely controlled and is equipped with a camera and a  microphone.

   It can  land on you, and even has the potential to take a DNA sample  or leave RFID tracking nanotechnology on your  skin.

   It can fly  through a slightly open window, or it can attach to your  clothing until you unwittingly take it into your home.

 It can  then be guided to the top of a curtain  or other invisible location where it can scope entire rooms  and monitor everything being  said.

   Given  their propensity to request macro-sized drones for  surveillance, one is left with little doubt that the  government has big plans for  these micro gadgets.

(And to think we were  worried about West Nile virus!)

And now you know why our  government wants the law changed to allow drone surveillance  in the United States.

   This is a  great example of what THIS administration is doing to control  every aspect of your privacy, your freedom, your health care  and your finances!!!

   It's time  for a major housecleaning in Washington.

   If you are  naive enough to think we aren't headed for total government  control of the American population, just delete this. If  you're paying attention to what's happening, you know what to  do!

Fw: Personal safety

I've torn out my alarm system and I no longer lock my doors. 

I've de-registered from the Neighborhood Watch.

I've given my two guard dogs to the pound.

I can leave home at any time with the windows and garage door left open and the cars unlocked.

I've got two Pakistani flags raised in my front yard, one at each corner and the black flag of ISIS in the center.  The local police, CSIS and other intelligence services are all watching my house 24/7.

I've never felt safer.

Fwd: Fw: BREAKING: Robert Mueller's Corrupt Past Exposed - Time to Resign

BREAKING: Robert Mueller’s Corrupt Past Exposed – Time to Resign

November 4, 2017
Image Source: Screenshot
While Democrats have placed a lot of hope on the shoulders of special investigator Robert Mueller, Republicans and their conservative constituents are raising questions about his impartiality.
On Friday, Florida Republican Matt Gaetz, Arizona Republican Andy Biggs, and Texas Republican Louis Gohmert proposed in the House of Representatives that Mueller be forced to resign over “conflict of interest.” 

All three lawmakers specifically pointed to the fact that Mueller was the FBI Director during the days of the Uranium One deal, when the U.S. willingly sold twenty-percent of its uranium supply to Rosatom, a Russian company with deep ties to the Kremlin. A recent report from The Hill confirms that the FBI knew that the deal was fraught with bribery, kickbacks and possible pay-to-play corruption, yet did nothing.

So should a man who apparently consented to the coverup of one Russian corruption scandal be one charge of the investigation of a second? Gaetz, Biggs and Gohmert don’t think so:
“These deeply troubling events took place when Mr. Mueller was the Director of the FBI. As such, his impartiality is hopelessly compromised. He must step down immediately,” Rep. Gaetz said.

Mueller’s History, Part One

For the most part, Republicans in the House have focused on the fact that Mueller’s FBI was directly involved in the Uranium One deal. Namely, the FBI uncovered the fact that Rosatom and Russian agents were involved in money laundering, extortion, and bribes, and yet the FBI decided to sit on the information for years.

Mueller’s FBI also, thanks to Operation Ghost Stories, discovered that Russian intelligence agents had winnowed their way into Hillary Clinton’s inner circle.

Before these spies could be brought to trial, Secretary of State Clinton decided to let the accused return to Russia. The theory as to why Clinton made this decision involves the Uranium One deal. Namely, Clinton wanted to maintain good relations with Russia so that the deal could be finalized.

Note also, during this time Russian sources were happily forking over hefty donations to the Clinton Foundation. The New York Times admittedthis back in 2015, but are now singing a different tune because the Uranium One scandal is damaging both Mueller and Clinton.

Mueller’s History, Part Two

Robert Mueller has long worked in Washington, D.C. During the administration of George W. Bush, Mueller lied to Congress about the FBI’s illegal spying on antiwar groups.
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Given this history, and given the fact that Mueller’s prosecution team is full of Democratic donors, one must question why Mueller was given this task in the first place.
While Mueller is not under investigation for his role in the Uranium One scandal, it certainly should preclude him from holding the position of public trust he does now. Mueller should immediately resign as special prosecutor.

Fwd: Fw: Obama Admin Actively Blackmailed Uranium One Whistleblower

Report: Obama Admin Actively Blackmailed Uranium One Whistleblower

OCTOBER 27, 2017 AT 6:32AM
The lawyer for the unnamed FBI informant who blew the whistle on bribery, kickbacks and blackmail from Russian nuclear officials told a Washington-area radio station that the Obama administration threatened “his reputation and liberty” if he did not drop a lawsuit against the government to void an agreement that required him to keep quiet about his activities in the investigation.
According to The Daily Caller, as of Wednesday, the informant has been released from the agreement by the Trump administration.
That move would pave the way for the informant to testify before Congress about what he knew regarding Russian attempts to gain control of America’s uranium resources.
In a Thursday appearance on WMAL’s “Mornings on the Mall,” attorney Victoria Toensing said her client — an informant within Uranium One between 2009 and 2014 — was threatened into dropping the lawsuit by the Obama administration’s FBI and Department of Justice.
“The Russians have threatened him, and up until just last, night the U.S. government has threatened him,” Toensing said.
“He was told that if he didn’t dismiss the case his reputation and liberty were in jeopardy.”
While the FBI was investigating claims that the Russians had acted illegally to gain a foothold in the U.S. uranium mining and supply market, the Obama administration still signed off on the partial sale of Uranium One to Russian nuclear giant Rosatom in 2010, giving Kremlin-controlled companies access to 20 percent of the U.S. nuclear supply.
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The bribery story burst onto the public scene when a report in The Hill revealed that the FBI knew about the illegal activity at the time of the sale. Of particular interest to congressional Republicans is then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s role in signing off on the deal, particularly given ties between officials related to Uranium One and donations made to the Clinton Foundation.
What’s more, Toensing has said her client’s information ended up in the president’s daily intelligence briefings, according to The Hill.
“On at least two occasions, my client was told by his FBI agent handlers that information about the Russian nuclear bribery scheme he uncovered had been briefed to President Obama and that agents were keeping then-FBI Director Robert Mueller informed as well,” Toensing said earlier this week.
“One of the briefings occurred before the Obama administration approved the Uranium One deal in fall 2010.
“While he has not first-hand knowledge of what was in the president’s daily briefings, he was told unequivocally by the agents that information from the bribery case had been shared with the president and other senior officials and was given praise for providing that evidence,” she added.
Now, the Senate Judiciary Committee, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and the House Intelligence Committee all want to meet with this informant — and things are going to get very interesting.
After all, it isn’t just that the Obama administration knew the Russians were meddling. According to this informant’s lawyer, they blackmailed the person who knew that they knew into total silence.

Fwd: What has Donald Trump done since he has been in office

Subject: What has Donald Trump done since he has been in office


In spite of the obstacles placed in his path, our President is moving forward with accomplishments to 'make America GREAT' as the agenda he shared with us to elect him.

What has Donald Trump done since he has been in office!

By: Ray Schneider, PhD

1.             Supreme Court Judge Gorsuch.
2.             59 missiles dropped in Syria.
3.             He took us out of TPP.
4.             Illegal immigration is now down 70% (the lowestin 17 years).
5.             Consumer confidence highest since 2000 at index 125.6.
6.             Mortgage applications for new homes rise to a seven year high.
7.             Arranged from 7% to 24% Tariff on lumber from Canada.
8.             Bids for border wall are well underway.
9.             Pulled out of the lopsided Paris accord.
10.        Keystone pipeline approved.
11.        NATO allies boost spending by 4.3%
12.        Allowing VA to terminate bad employees.
13.        Allowing private healthcare choices for veterans.
14.        More than 600,000. Jobs created.
15.        Median household income at a 7 year high.
16.        The Stock Market is at the highest ever in its history.
17.        China agreed to American import of beef.
18.        $89 Billion saved in regulation rollbacks.
19.        Rollback of A Regulation to boost coal mining.
20.        MOAB for ISIS.
21.        Travel ban reinstated.
22.        Executive order for religious freedom.
23.        Jump started NASA.
24.        $600 million cut from UN peacekeeping budget.
25.        Targeting of MS13 gangs.
26.        Deporting violent illegal immigrants.
27.        Signed 41 bills to date.
28.        Created a commission on child trafficking.
29.        Created a commission on voter fraud.
30.        Created a commission for opioids addiction.
31.        Giving power to states to drug test unemployment recipients.
32.        Unemployment lowest since May 2007.
33.        Historic Black College University initiative.
34.        Women in Entrepreneurship Act.
35.        Created an office for illegal immigrant crime victims.
36.        Reversed Dodd-Frank.
37.        Repealed DOT ruling which would have taken power away from local governments for infrastructure planning.
38.        Order to stop crime against law enforcement.
39.        End of DAPA program.
40.        Stopped companies from moving out of America.
41.        Promoted businesses to create American Jobs.
42.        Encouraged country to once again — Buy American and hire American.
43.        Cutting regulations 2 for every one created.
44.        Review of all trade agreements to make sure they are America first.
45.        Apprentice program.
46.        Highest manufacturing surge in 3 years.
47.        $78 Billion promised reinvestment from major businesses like Exxon, Bayer, Apple, SoftBank, and Toyota.
48.        Denied FBI a new building.
49.        $700 million saved with F-35 renegotiation.
50.        Saves $22 million by reducing white house payroll.
51.        Dept. of treasury reports a $182 billion surplus for April 2017 (2nd largest in history.)
52.        Negotiated the release of 6 US humanitarian workers held captive in Egypt.
53.        Gas prices lowest in more than 12 years.
54.        Signed An Executive Order To Promote Energy Independence And Economic Growth.
55.        Has already accomplished more to stop government interference into people's lives than any President in the history of America.
56.        President Trump has worked with Congress to pass more legislation in his first 100 days than any President since Truman.
57.        Has given head executive of each branches 6 month time Frame dated march 15 2017, to trim the fat. restructure and improve efficiency of their branch. (Observe the push-back the leaks the lies as entrenched POWER refuses to go silently into that good night!)
58.        Last, Refused his Presidential Pay Check, donated it to Veterans issues.

I hope each and every one of you copy and paste this everywhere, every time you hear Trump hadn't done a thing!


Ray Schneider, PhD
Associate Professor Emeritus
Bridgewater College

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