Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, Mexifornia, formerly known as California White minorities still trying to have English recognized as Mexifornia's third language. Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern United States crops and livestock. Baby conceived naturally! Scientists stumped. Couple petitions court to reinstate heterosexual marriage. Iran still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at least 10 more years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels. France pleads for global help after being taken over by Libya . No other country comes forward to help the beleaguered nation! Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking. Â Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $17.89 and reduces mail delivery to Wednesdays only. 85-year $75.8 billion study: Diet and exercise is the key to weight loss. Average weight of Americans drops to 250 lbs. Global cooling blamed for citrus crop failure for third consecutive year in Mexifornia and Floruba. Japanese scientists have created a camera with such a fast shutter speed they now can photograph a woman with her mouth shut. Abortion clinics now available in every High School in United States . Senate still blocking drilling in ANWR even though gas is selling for 4532 Pesos per liter and gas stations are only open on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Massachusetts executes last remaining conservative.
Illinois Supreme Court rules in favor of atheists, makes Illinois 3rd state to be declared a God free state, all churches must close by December 1.
New federal law requires that all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters and rolled-up newspapers must be registered by January 2060.
IRS sets lowest tax rate at 75 percent.
Floruba voters still having trouble with voting machines.
Now, send this to whomever you want and as many as you want, then, guess what....NOTHING will happen. No miracles, no money, absolutely nothing, except you might make someone smile or be very scared. Stop organized crime. Re-elect no one. |
Fwd: Fw: Year 2059 news (lc)
----- Original Message -----Subject: Fwd: Fwd: FW: THE END OF AMERICA AS WE HAVE KNOWN IT
The Will of the People Has Spoken and America Died!
The End of an Empire
- Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Our Constitutional Republic died a peaceful death on November 6, 2012. Having reached the point of no return in a comatose state after years of progressive and illegal immigration assaults, the fabric of conservative society is now completely unraveled and Uncle Sam’s America is no more.
The United States of America is now relegated to the dust bin of history as a “has been” empire. The Shining City on the Hill, the hope of so many millions since July 4, 1776, no longer exists. What rises from the ashes is a country that few of us will recognize, like, or learn to accept submissively.
After 236 years of existence, a new country emerges today, run by secular progressives who rejected our Constitution, what we stand for, and who we are as a nation. The Supreme Court will be forever altered after its last conservative members will be replaced by the liberal academics who call themselves “progressives.” The rule of law will be implemented by Executive Orders, making Congress irrelevant.The communist motto “Forward” that resonated with so many ignorant Americans will plunge us into many years of darkness!
The communist motto “Forward” that resonated with so many ignorant Americans will plunge us into many years of darkness from which we will never be able to recover. We have proven our Founding Fathers right, they did give us a Constitutional Republic and we were unable to maintain it.
The forces of the failed communist fundamental transformation that were driven underground in many places around the world, resurfaced with a vengeance in the United States and have now taken over.
How long we will still have freedom of speech, movement, assembly, and control of our private property remains to be seen. Faith and churches will be driven underground, allowing secularism to prosper and take deep roots among the progressives whose God is Mother Earth.The welfare dependent Americans, unions, and illegal aliens have chosen for the rest of us the dark path of serfdom!
The welfare dependent Americans, unions, and illegal aliens have chosen for the rest of us the dark path of serfdom to big government and to socialist utopia.
Who would have guessed that the very people who were complaining that the government is not extricating them from disaster or giving them the help they needed in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, would vote for the very politicians who turned their backs on needy Americans after the lights went dark when the political photo opportunities ended?
Who would have guessed that Americans were as ignorant and irresponsible as to choose fiscal destruction over fiscal sanity for their children and grandchildren, secularism and communism over faith, dependence over personal responsibility and self-reliance?
Americans have been protesting for the last four years the dismal state of the economy and the direction of our country, the corruption of our politicians, and the loss of personal and economic freedom.
Rallies in support of conservatism overwhelmed venues for Mitt Romney while rallies for our bumbling President became scarcer and scarcer. Yet, miraculously, at the ballot box, our President won all over the country.
We lost seats in the Senate. Americans chose liars and cheats to be their Senators and Representatives, rejecting those who protected the Constitution. The candidate from Massachusetts who claimed direct American Indian lineage to Pocahontas is now a Senator, having defeated Scott Brown. Representative Allen West lost his seat by a narrow margin but the infamous Wasserman Schultz from Florida kept hers.
Americans chose high unemployment, reduction of our military, communist indoctrination of their children, and loss of personal freedoms unlike we have never seen before in this country.
I am saddened by the loss of millions and millions of American soldiers who have died to preserve freedom yet we lost it on November 6, 2012. Those buried in cemeteries around the world and at Arlington must be rolling in their graves today. We shamelessly allowed their sacrifice of blood and treasure to go in vain. We have no honor because we let down all the soldiers who fought in recent times and returned home limbless with lives shattered from physical and mental wounds of war.
I mourn today the loss of my adopted country. I have fought hard over the last four years to prevent its overt and accelerated destruction but the darker forces stronger than many of us have overcome concerted efforts by millions of Americans to maintain the Republic. Mediocrity, sloth, godlessness, dependence, cowardice, using the law selectively or ignoring it, and hopeless corruption will define the new country.
Only God can save us now with his mercy and grace...
5/15/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, FLORIDA, GOD, MASSACHUSETTS, MITT ROMNEY | 4 Comments
Fw: Terror Tale
Mindset of northeast liberal academia at its worst…Tale of two terroristsBy JOHN M. MURTAGHNY Post Op Ed April 18, 2013Somewhere near Boston early Monday morning, he packed a bomb in a bag. It was by all accounts relatively crude — a pressure cooker, explosives, some wires, ball bearings and nails . . . nails which, hours later, doctors would struggle to remove from the flesh of bleeding victims.His motive is unclear. His intent is not: It was to maximize injury, suffering, pain, trauma and, yes, death.Perhaps Monday’s bomber will be caught, perhaps not.Perhaps Monday’s bomber will be offered a teaching job at Columbia University.Forty-three years ago last month, Kathy Boudin, now a professor at Columbia but then a member of the Weather Underground, escaped an explosion at a bomb factory operated in a townhouse in Greenwich Village. The story is familiar to people of a certain age.Three weeks earlier, Boudin’s Weathermen had firebombed a private home in Upper Manhattan with Molotov cocktails. Their target was my father, a New York state Supreme Court justice. The rest of the family, was presumably, an afterthought. I was 9 at the time, only a year older than the youngest victim in Boston.One of Boudin’s colleagues, Cathy Wilkerson, related in her memoir that the Weathermen were disappointed with the minimal effects of the bombs at my home. They decided to use dynamite the next time and bought a large quantity along with fuses, metal pipes and, yes, nails. The group designated as its next target a dance at an Officer’s Club at Fort Dix, NJ.Despite the misgivings of some, it is reported that Kathy Boudin urged the use of “anti-personnel bombs.” In other words, she wanted to kill people not just damage property. Before they could act, her fellows were killed in the townhouse explosion. The townhouse itself collapsed; Boudin fled.She reappeared over a decade later driving the getaway car for the rag tag mix of Weathermen and Black Panthers who held up a Rockland County bank in 1981, murdering three in the process. Survivors of the ambush along the New York State Thruway recount how Boudin emerged from the driver’s door, arms raised in surrender, asking the police to lower their guns. When they did, her accomplices burst from the back of the van guns blazing.As I said, people of a certain age remember this history. For those that don’t, Robert Redford is kindly about to release a movie recounting the Rockland robbery (albeit relocated to Michigan). By all accounts, the film lionizes the Weather Underground terrorists, Boudin and her accomplices.Perhaps to bring it full circle, Professor Boudin can soon guest-lecture at a film class at Columbia when the Redford movie is screened.Other than the passage of time, one can find no real distinction between the cowardly actions of last Monday’s Boston murderer and the terror carried out by Boudin and her accomplices. Yet today we live in a country where our leading educational institutions see fit to trust our children’s education to murderers and Hollywood sees fit to celebrate terrorists.The Web site of Columbia’s School of Social Work sums up Boudin’s past thus: “Dr. Kathy Boudin has been an educator and counselor with experience in program development since 1964, working within communities with limited resources to solve social problems.”“Since 1964” — that would include the bombing of my house, it would include the anti-personnel devices intended for Fort Dix and it would include the dead policeman on the side of the Thruway in 1981.Maybe, if he is caught, Monday’s bomber can explain that, like Boudin, he was merely working within the community to solve social problems.Perhaps Monday’s bomber will be caught, perhaps not. Perhaps, some day, Monday’s bomber will be offered tenure at Columbia University.John M. Murtagh is Of Counsel to the White Plains law firm of Gaines, Gruner, Ponzini & Novick, LLP. He lives in Westchester.
6/19/2013 08:24:00 AM | Key Words: MASSACHUSETTS, TERRORISM | 2 Comments
Fw: Fwd: Tsarnaev Family
Tsarnaev Family
THIS STINKSSo now we find out that the entire Tsarnaev family (Dad, Mom, 2 sons & 2 daughters)started receiving government assistance as soon as they set foot in our country.As political refugees they were entitled to settlement assistance from day one.(Section 8 Housing, public healthcare, food stamps etc.)Then their stellar older son impregnates and marries the daughter of a doctor,and this new little Muslim family receives 18 months of government assistance.They only came off welfare after the naive young “wife” starts working 70 hours a weekwhile husband Tamerlan stays home and builds bombs and plans to kill and injure the very Americanswho have paid for his pathetic existence for the past 12 plus years.A Breakdown of your and my investment into the Tsarnaev Family:Section 8 housingFree public healthcareFood stamps and other EFT transfer paymentsFederal Pell Grants for both sons and most likely their daughters as well.(That is $5200.00 per year for each son or daughter who attended a college.)City of Cambridge also awarded a $2500 per year scholarship to the younger son.Younger son also reportedly was receiving state college scholarship.What did we receive for our investment:Older son was arrested for domestic battery on a former girlfriend.The mother was arrested last year for shoplifting $1600 in merchandisefrom a Lord & Taylor store.Mother is facing immediate arrest for failure to appear regarding this matter.- Then of course we know that the two sons combined to kill four people(3 Americans & a Chinese exchange student), severely injure 100 plus other people,carjacked another victim and only let him live when he escaped.Now we have the two pathetic parents who have returned to Russiaand are claiming that their poor sons are innocentand are being framed by the same American governmentthat allowed for their pathetic existence the past 12 plus years.When are we going to put a stop to this madness?Please pass this on and commit to getting involved in the 2014 election process.
Fwd: Teaching IDIOCY
October 6, 2011
Let’s take another look at public education in America—the greatest system for breeding idiocy That the world has ever known. First we'll pay another visit to Fort Worth, Texas, where folly may be viewed in microcosm.
Last week the Fort Worth school district rescinded the suspension of a 14-year-old Honor Student for saying “homosexuality is wrong.” The alleged teacher who had him suspended had decorated his classroom with a poster of two men kissing, telling his students that Homosexuality is now “the way it is” and they'd “better learn to accept it.” When the boy’s Mother showed up with a lawyer, school officials backed down. Then they turned around and suspended the “teacher”—with pay, of course.
Now the teacher’s back to work, as reported in “the premier media source for LGBT Texas,” Dallasvoice.com.
The salient facts that emerge from the news report are these.
1. The “teacher” in question is openly “gay.”2. So is a key member of the Fort Worth Independent School DistrictBoard of Trustees.3. Other teachers at the high school are also overtly practicing homosexuals.4. As soon as the teachers’ union got involved, school officials abandoned all pretense of disciplining the “teacher.”5. No one has denied that this wretched man did indeed display, in his classroom, a picture of two men making out.
So, folks, there’s your Red State public school district: deep in the heart of Texas beats the heart of Massachusetts. There’s no difference. In all 50 states, the teachers’ unions control what happens in the public schools. Visit their websites. Read their declarations. They are fanatically committed to promoting homosexuality and socialism. To send your children to their schools, the public schools, is to consent to their agenda.
Now let’s turn to New York City, where the “Occupy Wall Street” protesters—all of them fine products of American education, honed to a fine edge of foolishness by “higher education”—have released a list of demands. Presumably if the American people accede to these demands, the protesters will go back to whatever dunce factory they escaped from.
Anyhow, here are the demands.
1. End “Free Trade” by slapping tariffs on everything imported —and while we're at it, raise the minimum wage to $20 per hour. Yes, that’s two demands, not one; but who says these people know the difference between one and two?2. They demand “a Universal single payer healthcare system,” with all private insurers banned.3. Pay everyone “a guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.” Hot dog! Nobody will have to work anymore.4. They demand “free college education.” They haven't got the foggiest idea who'll pay for it. Oh, such wisdom! Isn't it wonderful, what you can learn in college nowadays? But to continue:5. Abolish “the fossil fuel economy.”6. They demand “one trillion dollars in infrastructure spending now,” and7. Another trillion for “ecological restoration”! (Whatever that is.)8. They demand “racial and gender equal rights amendments” and9. “open borders migration,” an end to sovereign countries as we know them.10. The tenth demand is for American elections to conform to some “international standard,” probably to prevent Republicans from winning any. This is dwarfed by:11, “immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all.” The dealer doesn't get the rest of the money you owe him for the car, but that’s his tough luck, the capitalist pig.12. “Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.” How dare they snitch on deadbeats?And No. 13 is some drivel about union organizing.
Each of these demands is more asinine than the one before it. Egged on by hobgoblins like Michael Moore and Van Jones, the protesters flaunt the ignorance, the sheer fantasy, and the total lack of logic bestowed on them by our country’s public education system.
After twelve Years of grade school and several years of college, and the expenditure of staggering amounts of public and private money, they display the intellectual capacity and the emotional development of spoiled six-year-olds.
At no time in our history has it been more glaringly obvious that the day God withdraws His Grace, America goes down the drain—adios! We are spending a trillion dollars a year to turn a whole generation into intellectual paraplegics, incompetent, incapable, unable to live except as the perpetual dependents of a paternalistic government. The upside of that scheme is that it’s very nice for the ruling class, who get to stay in power for as long as that society endures.The downside is that our civilization will soon cease to be of interest to anyone but puzzled archeologists who will wonder how so many could have lost so much, so fast.
Pray for our deliverance. Maybe, for one last time, God will hear us.
We need a miracle.....
12/07/2011 06:57:00 AM | Key Words: GOD, MASSACHUSETTS, Occupy, TEXAS | 3 Comments
Fwd: FW: Ole and Sven in hell...
Ole and Sven in hell...
Ole and Sven have a snowmobiling accident, drunker than skunks, both
die, and go to Hell.
The Devil observes that they are really enjoying themselves.
He says to them, 'Doesn't the heat and smoke bother you?'
Ole replies, 'Vell, ya know, ve're from nordern Minnesooota, da land of
snow an ice, an ve're yust happy fer a chance ta varm up a little bit,
ya know.'
The devil decides that these two aren't miserable enough and turns up
the heat even more. When he returns to the room of the two from
Minnesota , the devil finds them in light jackets and hats, grilling
Walleye and drinking beer.
The devil is astonished and exclaims, 'Everyone down here is in misery,
and you two seem to be enjoying yourselves!'
Sven replies, 'Vell, ya know, ve don't git too much varm veather up
dere at da Falls, so ve've yust got ta haff a fish fry vhen da veather's
dis nice.'
The devil is absolutely furious. He can hardly see straight. Finally he
comes up with the answer. The two guys love the heat because they have
been cold all their lives. The devil decides to turn all the heat off.
The next morning, the temperature is 60 below zero, icicles are hanging
everywhere, and people are shivering so bad that they are unable to
wail, moan, or gnash their teeth. The devil smiles and heads for the
room with Ole and Sven. He gets there and finds them back in their
parkas, bomber hats, and mittens. They are jumping up and down,
cheering, yelling and screaming like mad men.
The devil is dumbfounded, 'I don't understand, when I turn up the
heat you're happy. Now it’s freezing cold and you're still happy.
What is wrong with you two?'
They both look at the devil in surprise and say, 'Vell, don't ya
know, if hell iss froze over, dat must mean da Massachuesetts elected dat Republican Senator!"
2/09/2010 11:22:00 AM | Key Words: MASSACHUSETTS, REPUBLICANS | 5 Comments
Fw: Headlines 2029
Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, Mexifornia,formerly known as California .
White minorities still trying to have English recognized as Mexifornia's third language.
Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern United States crops and livestock.
Baby conceived naturally! Scientists stumped.
Couple petitions court to reinstate heterosexual marriage.
Iran still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at least 10 more years before radioactiv ity decreases to safe levels.
France pleads for global help after being taken over by Jamaica . No other country comes forward to help the beleaguered nation!
Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking.
George Z. Bush says he will run for President in 2036.
Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $17.89 and reduces mail delivery to Wednesdays only.
85-year $75.8 billion study: Diet and exercise is the key to weight loss.
Average weight of Americans drops to 250 lbs.
Global cooling blamed for citrus crop failure for third consecutive year in Mexifornia and Floruba.
Japanese scientists have created a camera with such a fast shutter speed they now can photograph a woman with her mouth shut.
Abortion clinics now available in every
High School in United States.
Senate still blocking drilling in ANWR even though gas is selling for 4532 Pesos per liter and gas stations are only open on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Massachusetts executes last remaining conservative.
Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals violates their civil rights.
Average height of NBA players is now nine feet, seven inches.
New federal law requires that all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters and rolled-up newspapers must be registered by January 2030.
IRS sets lowest tax rate at 75 percent.
Floruba voters still having trouble with voting machines.
[Fwd: Fwd: Fw: Republicans and Democrats]
"Hi. ... I have an old friend who likes to send me this garbage, and even though he's never struck me as a hard-line wingnut, I also don't think he's very bright. He just thinks these things are funny/profound, and it gives him something to do. I guess. I don't have the heart to ask him to remove me from his forwarding list, and sometimes I even fire back a rebuttal. He says, "Hey, I didn't write it, I just send it on."
Anyway, now I have someone to forward these to - you.
Enjoy. Er, if that's the word for it.
Thanks Dana. Forwards are a very delicate matter. Feelings are at stake. I think many people see them as a way of relating to far away friends with minimal effort. Sort of like a free, one-click greeting card minus the personal note at the bottom. Are the right-wingers taking advantage of this easy means of relating?
The Pope took a couple of days off to visit the Rugged Mountains of Alaska for some sightseeing. He was cruising along the campground in the Popemobile when there was a frantic commotion just at the edge of the woods.A helpless Democrat, wearing sandals, shorts, a "Save the Whales" hat, and a "To Hell with Bush" T-shirt, was screaming while struggling frantically and thrashing around trying to free himself from the grasp of a 10-foot grizzly.
As the Pope watched in horror, a group of Republican loggers came racing up.
One quickly fired a 44 magnum into the bear's chest. The other two reached up and pulled the bleeding, semiconscious Democrat from the bear's grasp.
Then using long clubs, the three loggers finished off the bear and two of
them threw it onto the bed of their truck while the other tenderly placed
the injured Democrat in the back seat.
As they prepared to leave, the Pope summoned them to come over. "I give you my blessing for your brave actions!" he told them. "I heard there was a bitter hatred between Republican loggers and Democratic Environmental activists but now I've seen with my own eyes that this is not true."
As the Pope drove off, one of the loggers asked his buddies "Who was that guy?""It was the Pope," another replied. "He's in direct contact with Heaven and has access to all wisdom."
"Well," the logger said, "he may have access to all wisdom but he sure
doesn't know anything about Grizzly bear hunting! By the way, is the bait
holding up, or do we need to go back to Massachusetts and get another one?
8/16/2007 11:36:00 AM | Key Words: DEMOCRATS, LIBERAL, MASSACHUSETTS, POPE, REPUBLICANS | 4 Comments
FW: New Laurel and Hardy
Brought to you by the greatcommonwealth of
5/20/2007 11:28:00 AM | Key Words: JOHN KERRY, MASSACHUSETTS, TED KENNEDY | 0 Comments