Interesting..These 11 States now have More People on Welfare than they do Employed. Last month, the Senate Budget Committee reports that in fiscal year 2011, between food stamps, housing support, child care, Medicaid and other benefits, the average U.S. household below the poverty line received $168.00 a day in government support. What’s the problem with that much support? Well, the median household income in America is just over $50,000, which averages out to $137.13 a day. To put it another way, being on welfare now pays the equivalent of $30.00 an hour for a 40-hour week, while the average job pays $25.00 an hour.
I just heard an interview on the news with the Mississippi Governor. They asked the Governor how he feels about the way Obama is handling the oil spill.
The Governor answered...
"Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself".
Running stop light = $100.00 DUI = $5000.00 Not wearing a seat belt = $50.00 Putting you and your girlfriend on your fake drivers license = PRICELESS
REMEMBER!! When making a fake ID, attach a picture of yourself only...
no matter how much you love your girl.
This is an actual Drivers License from a traffic stop...
I think this M.D. has hit the nail on the head with his observation.
Doctor's letter to the editor
Many wish this was an article on the front page of every newspaper in America --- I know that there are similar incidents in the ER of all hospitals......
This letter appeared in the Jackson , Mississippi Clarion-Ledger dated August 23rd
Dear Sirs:
During my last night's shift in the ER, I had the pleasure of evaluating a patient with a shiny new gold tooth, pierced tongue, multiple elaborate tattoos, a very expensive brand of tennis shoes and a new cellular telephone equipped with her favorite R&B tune for a ringtone.
Glancing over the chart, one could not help noticing her payer status: Medicaid.
She smokes more than one costly pack of cigarettes every day and, somehow, still has money to buy beer.
And our president expects me to pay for this woman's health care? Our nation's health care crisis is not a shortage of quality hospitals, doctors or nurses. It is a crisis of culture - a culture in which it is perfectly acceptable to spend money on pleasures and vices while refusing to take care of one's self or, heaven forbid, purchase health insurance. A culture that thinks "I can do whatever I want to because someone else will always take care of me." is a museum dedicated to following the course of American history through a unique lens -- the emails "Red-America" forwards worldwide. Take a look around the archive using the keywords below, and leave a comment or two.
This museum displays unedited, often offensive and untrue material with no endorsement intended by curators or contributors.
Forward your dad's FWD:s to and let the world enjoy the right-wing folk media hiding in your in-box.