FW: FW: Official Chimpout Advisory Guide
4/20/2021 05:30:00 AM | Key Words: AFRICA, BLACK, BLACK LIVES MATTER, CALIFORNIA, RACISM, Trayvon Martin | 0 Comments
Fwd: FW: His 3 Sons
3/30/2018 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: AL SHARPTON, BARACK OBAMA, BLACK, JESSE JACKSON, LIBERAL MEDIA, Trayvon Martin, WHITE | 4 Comments
Fw: Fwd: Cute little guy and some statistics; thought provoking
This RW FWD: is an updated version of this submission already in the archives.
Subject: Fwd: Cute little guy and some statistics; thought provoking
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 00:38:07 -0500
Sent: Thu, Dec 11, 2014 8:55 am
Subject: Fw: Fwd: Cute little guy and some statistics; thought provoking
THIS IS ENLIGHTENINGSubject: FW: Cute little guy and some statistics; thought provokingPart I.
See, my family made the mistake of being white in a 73% non-white neighborhood, but my murder wasn’t ruled a ‘hate crime.’
I’m one of the youngest murder victims in our great Nation's history, but the media didn’t care to cover the story of my being killed in cold blood.
There isn’t a white equivalent of Al Sharpton, because if there was he would be branded a ‘racist.’ So no one’s rushing to Brunswick , Georgia to demonstrate and demand ‘justice’ for me. There’s no ‘White Panther’ party, either, to put a bounty on the lives of the two black teens who murdered me.
So while you’re out seeking ‘justice for Trayvon’ and Michael Brown, please remember to seek ‘justice’ for me. Tell your friends about me, tell you families, get T-shirts with my face on them, and make the world pay attention, just like you did for Trayvon.
I won’t hold my breath.
1/05/2015 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: AL SHARPTON, BARACK OBAMA, BLACK, Ferguson, GEORGIA, JESSE JACKSON, Trayvon Martin, WHITE | 8 Comments
Fwd: He wuz a good boy
From:Subject: Re: He wuz a good boy
Date: August 31, 2014 11:29:03 AM PDT
It's funny this will not be allowed in court------ but the officers history is open book?Appears to be adequately fact checked to me, a major dem fiasco.In God We TrustHere is our local Trayvon. Just thought you would like to know what a nice guy he was, with going to college and all. Good oil' Al Sharpton was on all three local networks today. I thought he was supposed to give a eulogy, but I heard an incite to riot talk.Subject: He wuz a good boyThe Ferguson, MO black populace insists that Michael Brown was a good boy… a nice young man,… just a sweet kid. He meant no harm to anyone. Well, the facts tell a different story!The “Gentle Giant” was known on the streets as “Big Mike” and was a bully and gang member who committed “strong-arm” robbery at a convenience store just minutes before being shot by police. His accomplice was 22 years old Dorian Johnson who was a wanted fugitive with an outstanding police warrant. Both these nice young boys have police records.mail_ne1_yahoo[1].jpg>A popular drug cocktail used in the rap/hip-hop scene called “lean,” “purple drank” and “Hawaiian sizzurp” is often made from Robitussin, Skittles, vodka and Hawaiian Punch and generally causes irresponsible aggressive behavior in users.Note the photo above… look closely.And in the photo below… note the gang sign!mail_ne1_yahoo[2].jpg>
THE POOR LITTLE TEEN AGER--6 FT. 4 INCH 295 lbs.MICHAEL BROWN WAS A HOODLUMThis is going to be another Trayvon case as most Libs and blacks are not going to like the outcome.The WAPO reported that Mister Brown was college bound and makes it sound like the police officer involved just singled him out for no reason. Luckily the internet filters the news now. Here's some background on Mister Michael Brown.......The new Racial poster boy Michael R Brown has felony's pending in Court. Yes, that guy who was on his way to College was arrested and charged with Burglary, Armed criminal action, Assault with the intent to do great bodily harm, and again armed criminal action. He was scheduled to go to court in Sept. (Now, I thought he was supposed to go to college in Sept? Imagine that!)
You can look all this up yourself onCase.net Missouri. Do a search for St. Louis County in 2014; you'll find him.
It seems whenever Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Obama chime in, it winds up being another Tawana Brawley type case. PHONY!They destroyed Zimmerman and they will destroy this fine officer as well, even though it most likely will be found the officer was justified in the use of lethal force in this case.According to Casenet, this unarmed teenager (Michael Brown) was already charged with:Description: Burglary – 1st Degree { Felony B RSMo: 569.160 }Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 1401000
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD
Next Charge/Judgment
Description: Armed Criminal Action { Felony Unclassified RSMo: 571.015 }
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 3101000
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD
Next Charge/Judgment
Description: Assault 1st Degree – Serious Physical Injury { Felony A RSMo: 565.050 }
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 1301100
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD
Next Charge/Judgment
Description: Armed Criminal Action { Felony Unclassified RSMo: 571.015 }
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 3101000
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST. ANN PDThis “unarmed teenager”, as the liberal media like to portray Michael Brown, was nothing but a punk hoodlum, who used his size to intimidate others.God Bless America!
10/08/2014 08:36:00 AM | Key Words: AL SHARPTON, Ferguson, MISSOURI, Trayvon Martin | 6 Comments
date: Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 5:53 PM
signed-by: yahoo.com
I am now retired, own my own home, have 6 children by ONE WOMAN, and we all have the SAME LAST NAME. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Arts, a Master’s Degree in Sociology. My retirement, VA disability from combat in the Korean War (I only have one leg), and part-time pay in a local college, is about $125,000 a year. From dirt poor nigger to old, black, proud American. ,Yes, I am black, and I can say “nigger,” because I understand the true meaning of the word.
Let’s clear up a few things about the Michael Brown incident.
Fact: It is not called "shoplifting or stealing," it's called "robbery," which is a felony. Brown stole something and assaulted someone, that means ROBBERY. It’s on video and it’s a fact. Not shoplifting, not theft, not “lifting” a few cigars, but ROBBERY!
Michael Brown, like Trayvon, was portrayed by the media as a “little black boy,” cute little headphones, and his cap and gown photo, gunned down by a ruthless police assassin - executed by “whitey.” First, I have never seen a cop drag a person into their car’s driver door to arrest them. So, let us be clear, Michael Brown was a nigger - a sorry assed, criminal, hoodlum, nigger. Nobody wants to say that, but I will. He had a criminal record a mile long, was known for numerous assaults, robberies, including the one you saw with your own eyes, and still refuse to call a robbery. He was, like so many others, living a life that he thought he was “entitled” to, just for being alive. Gangsta rap, weed, drinking, guns, and those stupid-assed low profile rims, makes him some kind of bad-ass nigger.
I have fought communist Chinese and North Korean soldiers in the 1950’s with more honor than that nigger. Yep, I peeled potatoes and shot communists. That’s the only job a nigger soldier could get.
Rodney King? Black Riots!
Trayvon? Black Riots!
Hurricane Katrina? Black Riots!
O.J. Simpson? Kills white man and white woman and found NOT GUILTY. Did white folks riot? Nope!
In fact, when is the last time white people rioted? Civil War, maybe? That’s because they are, relatively, civilized people, much like many black Americans. Protesting is one thing - hell, I’m all for it. Even if you are an ignorant idiot, you have a right to protest.,
Stop only showing the young black "cap and gown" photos of Michael. Charles Manson may have a few of those laying around, as well. Show the nigger "gangsta" photos of the "poor unarmed teenager" (grown man) pics that have been removed from his Facebook page, holding the loaded pistol, smoking weed, with a mouthful of money.
Militarization? The stupid-assed media that publicizes this has no idea what “militarization” really is. Cops wear helmets and vests, and drive armored vehicle because unemployed niggers throw bricks and Molotov cocktails at them, moron! You put on an "Adam 12" uniform and walk down the streets of Ferguson during the criminal riots. I can guarantee that you'll jump into the first armored "military tank" that you see.
You only "want the police" when you "need the police," otherwise, you mock and fear what you do not understand about the police. And by the way, the police are trained to take your s--t, but I wouldn’t mess around with those Army National Guard, they aren’t as well disciplined “culturally” to take your s--t like police do every day. They will ventilate your black asses with M-16s with military precision and extreme prejudice.
And finally, is the way we protest and demand justice is to run down the streets breaking s--t, looting stores, and acting like a bunch of untrained monkeys? Hell, after Rodney King, criminal niggers were actually killing people, thinking they were entitled to be worse criminals than they already were. For those black criminals that do that, you are a disgrace to your race, inflamed by idiots like Al Sharpton, instead of listening to logic from proud black Americans, like Bill Cosby, Samuel Jackson, Colin Powell, Allen West, me, etc.
You blame white people for your ignorance, criminal acts, unemployed laziness, etc.
You blame white people for 89% of the prisons in America being full of blacks. They did nothing wrong, the racists white cops framed them all. Right? No chance at school, no chance for college, military, employment? BULL S--T!
More niggers kill niggers, than niggers killing whites, whites killing niggers, and whites killing whites ... COMBINED! I find this astounding.
It's not white peoples' faults, the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by a white man years ago. You can go to school, get a job, buy a house, and vote, JUST LIKE WHITE FOLKS!!!! You are not a slave, you are not discriminated against! Slavery is abolished, and nobody alive today was alive when it was popular. Get over it! You are discriminated against because you are a criminal, sorry-assed nigger. Otherwise, black Americans are treated like everyone else.
If you choose to create "baby daddy and baby mama," and fake disabilities as an excuse for laziness to draw Social Security disability instead of husband, wife, family, job, mortgage, it's YOUR FAULT, not white folks. And there are a lot of proud black Americans that will tell you the same. I AM ONE OF THEM!!!
Remember, the way you act on the camera, is remembered by everyone who sees it. They will never forget it. It shows them how you, as the black race, respond to situations that don’t particularly go the way you think they should. It will become a reference standard, something they expect from you when the next media report doesn’t go your way. Stop being stupid niggers and be a proud black American. My parents raised me well, but they were wrong about one thing - I am not a nigger.
I will not be around long. While my mind is still sharp, and my aim is still good, my body is eating away with cancer. It started in the prostate, and is spreading rapidly. After I die, I have asked my children to publish my writings and include my name. Although I am not expecting any miracles, I can only hope that Americans will stop blaming color, start blaming criminals, and see people for what they really are.
We have too many countries that want us dead. We should not be fighting each other.
9/16/2014 08:28:00 AM | Key Words: BLACK, Ferguson, RACISM, Trayvon Martin, WHITE | 13 Comments
Date: Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 9:19 AM
Subject: Quiz with 10,685 POSSIBLE CORRECT ANSWERS.
10/24/2013 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: AL SHARPTON, BLACK, JESSE JACKSON, RACISM, Trayvon Martin | 4 Comments
Fw: Fwd: This is how ...
Subject: FW: This is how ...
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 20:12:23 -0400
Content-ID: <003101ce9cd2 c91de70="" span="">
X-Attachment-Id: 8202ddad3ee1fa17_0.1003101ce9cd2>
9/13/2013 02:51:00 PM | Key Words: PHOTOSHOP IS HILARIOUS, RACISM, Trayvon Martin | 5 Comments
FW: Interesting imformation
Subject: Interesting imformation
How the Zimmerman Mindset Has Rigged the Justice System
It is the Zimmerman mindset that must be found guilty – far more than the man himself. It is a mindset that views black men and boys as nothing but a threat, good for nothing, up to no good no matter who they are or what they are doing. It is the Zimmerman mindset that has birthed a penal system unprecedented in world history, and relegated millions to a permanent undercaste.
- A black male born in 2001 has a 32% chance of spending some portion of his life in prison. A white male born the same year has just a 6% chance. [Sentencing Project]
- In major American cities, as many as 80% of young African-American men have criminal records. [Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow]
- African-Americans who use drugs are more than four times as likely to be incarcerated than whites who use drugs. African Americans constitute 14% of the population and 14% of monthly drug users. But African-Americans respresent 34% of those arrested for a drug offense and 53% of those sentenced to prison for a drug offense. [American Bar Association]
- In seven states, African Americans constitute 80% or more of all drug offenders sent to prison. [Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow]
- Black students are three and a half times as likely to be suspended or expelled than their white peers. One in five black boys recieve an out-of-school suspension. Education Secretary Arne Duncan who commissioned the study, said “The undeniable truth is that the everyday education experience for too many students of color violates the principle of equity at the heart of the American promise.” [New York Times]
- Black youth who are referred to juvenile court are much more likely to be detained, referred to adult court or end up in adult prison than their white counterparts. Blacks represented 28% of juvenile arrests, 30% of referrals to juvenile court, 37% of the detained population, 35% of youth judicially waived to criminal court and 58% of youth admitted to state adult prison. [National Council on Crime And Deliquency]
- The United States imprisons a larger percentage of its black population than South Africa did at the height of apartheid. [Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow]
8/02/2013 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: BLACK, RACISM, Trayvon Martin | 13 Comments
Fw: Where were the "protectors" when I was murdered?
You won't recognize me. My name was Antonio West and I was the 13-month old child who was shot at point blank range by two black teens who were attempting to rob my mother, who was also shot. A Grand Jury of my mommy's peers from Brunswick GA determined the teens who murdered me will not face the death penalty...too bad I was given a death sentence for being innocent and defenseless.
My family made the mistake of being white in a 73% non-white neighborhood, but my murder was not ruled a Hate Crime. Nor did President Obama take so much as a single moment to acknowledge my murder. Neither did Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson take any notice. Not did Eric Holder. Nor any other of the professional race baiters.
I am one of the youngest murder victims in our great Nation's history, but the media doesn't care to cover the story of my tragic demise, President Obama has no children who could possibly look like me - so he doesn't care and the media doesn't care because my story is not interesting enough to bring them ratings so they can sell commercial time slots.
There is not a white equivalent of Al Sharpton because if there was he would be declared racist, so there is no one rushing to Brunswick GA to demand justice for me. There is no White Panther party to put a bounty on the lives of those who murdered me. I have no voice, I have no representation and unlike those who shot me in the face while I sat innocently in my stroller - I no longer have my life.
So while you are seeking justice for Treyvon, please remember to seek justice for me too. Tell your friends about me, tell you families, get tee shirts with my face on them and make the world pay attention, just like you did for Treyvon.
Thank you.
7/22/2013 08:27:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, BLACK, Trayvon Martin | 13 Comments
Fwd: Two Tragedies Two Interpretations:
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Date: Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 7:50 AM
Subject: Two Tragedies Two Interpretations:
4/02/2013 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, BLACK, FLORIDA, GEORGIA, Trayvon Martin | 7 Comments
Fw: Fwd: FW: Recognize this guy?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 1:53 PM
Subject: FW: Recognize this guy?
Subject: Recognize this guy?Recognize this guy?
Don't know how much coverage this story has had in your area, but, if it has, here's a new look at it!
For those of us who thought we were well informed and weren't.....quite the realty check.
That old adage applies here: "there are two sides to every story." We don't always get the truth from the media. One of my favorite rants - the liberal controlled media, television news, newspapers, magazines, radio; all continue to show 12 year old Trayvon; NOT 17 year old Trayvon.
They continue to show the 5 year old picture BECAUSE it helps to cement in your mind the little, cute, hoodie-wearing youngster who was stalked by this monster
In reality "little Trayvon" at the time of his death stood almost 6'2" tall and weighed 175 muscular pounds. He had numerous run ins with authorities (both at school and local police), had been stopped and almost arrested two days before his death for smacking a bus driver in the face, because the driver refused to let him ride for free. He was released because the driver was told not to press charges by the bus company and to continue on his route.
When "little Trayvon" was suspended at school it was not only because he tried to bring a little marijuana in with him, he was in possession of wedding rings and other jewelry, watches, etc. that he said he "found" along with a large screwdriver while on the way to school that day. The jewelry was turned over to the Police by the school.
I am not trying to say this was a good shooting.
I am not trying to say this kid deserved to die. I am saying the media in the USA is controlled by liberals who twist and distort what you see and hear in order for you to see things their way.
Not a single paper has printed RECENT photos of this kid, because it would not keep your interest in this case.
Not a single paper will admit that this kid was a marijuana dealer.
His friends on Facebook all say he had the "best plants". Not a single paper will show you any of his recent photos where he shows off a mouthful of gold teeth and all of his tattoos.
Not a single newspaper will tell the news like it really is....and NOT how they want you to think it is...
President King Obama looked at the FIVE year old photo the media chose to show the Nation and said, "If I had a son...he would look like Trayvon.." So from that comment should I assume you did not bother to look for the facts in this shooting..or should I assume you want a son who is a 17 year old drug dealing, gold teethed thug whose name on one of his facebook profiles was "wild nigga" who 'finds" jewelry and burglary tools on the way to school?
A fair and impartial news media in the USA ? One that does not follow the liberal agenda? Is NOT looking to further divide this already fractured Nation?
I didn't compose this. I'm only passing it on.
Never trust the news media for anything.
9/19/2012 07:25:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, LIBERAL MEDIA, Trayvon Martin | 5 Comments
Fw: Stanford, FL Shooting-Facts not fiction
One of my favorite rants...the liberal controlled media...television news...newspapers...magazines...radio...all continue to show 12 year old Trayvon...NOT 17 year old Trayvon...they continue to show the 5 year old picture BECAUSE it helps to cement in your mind the little, cute, hoodie wearing youngster who was stalked by this monster.
In reality.."little Trayvon"...at the time of his death...stood almost 6'2" tall...weighed 175 muscular pounds...had numerous run ins with authorities (both at school and local police)...
had been stopped and almost arrested two days before his death for...smacking a bus driver in the face...because the driver refused to let him ride for free... he was released because the driver was told not to press charges by the bus company and to continue on his route.
When "little Trayvon" was suspended at school...it was not only because he tried to bring a little marijuana in with him...he was in possession of wedding rings and other jewelry...watches etc. that he said he "found" along with a large screwdriver...while on the way to school that day...the jewelry was turned over to the Police by the school.
I am not trying to say this was a good shooting...I am not trying to say this kid deserved to die...I am saying...the media in the USA is controlled by liberals who twist and distort what you see and hear in order for you to see things their way.
Not a single paper has printed RECENT photos of this kid...because...it would not keep your interest in this case...Not a single paper will admit that this kid was a marijuana dealer...his friends on facebook all say he had the "best plants"...Not a single paper will show you any of his recent photos where he shows off a mouthful of gold teeth....all of his tattoos...
Not a single paper will tell the news like it really is....and NOT how they want you to think it is...
As usual...our president Obama...looked at the FIVE year old photo the media chose to show the Nation...and said..."If I had a son...he would look like Trayvon"
So from that comment...should I assume you did not bother (as usual) to look for the facts in this shooting…or should I assume you want a son who is a 17 year old drug dealing, gold teeth wearing thug whose name on one of his facebook profiles was "wild nigga"... who 'finds" jewelry and burglary tools on the way to school ?
I didn't compose this. I'm only passing it on.
Attached are current 2012 photo of George Zimmerman.
Right is what the TV is showing.
Left was the current 17 Year old Trayvon Martin.
Right is what TV news is showing; taken when he was 12 years old.Obama said that if he had a son he would look just like Trayvon. Based on this comment, do you believe he has ever been shown the current picture.
Never believe the news media is for anything but sensationalism.
When life is over, it's not important who you were... it is whether or not you made a difference in someone's life!
C. Ray Davis
6/11/2012 07:04:00 AM | Key Words: FLORIDA, LIBERAL MEDIA, Trayvon Martin | 7 Comments
Fw: Where are Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, and Obama on this?
Subject: Where are Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, and Obama on this?
Think about it. After 65 years of marriage. After serving our country. After 90 years of life, Mr. Strait has lost his wife to a rapist/murderer. NO ONE in the national media gives a flip. They're interested in their wonderful hero, Trayvon Martin.
5/17/2012 06:49:00 AM | Key Words: AL SHARPTON, BARACK OBAMA, BLACK, JESSE JACKSON, LIBERAL MEDIA, Trayvon Martin | 7 Comments