Showing posts with label SOUTH AMERICA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SOUTH AMERICA. Show all posts

Fwd: FW: Armed robbery in a pizzeria Brazil

date:Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 1:06 PM
subject:Fwd: FW: Armed robbery in a pizzeria Brazil

.No arrest, no trail and no prison time.................

Fwd: Countries Which Offer Birthright Citizenship

Subject: Fwd: Countries Which Offer Birthright Citizenship

This is surely something we should give real serious thought to before we have nothing left to give !!!


1.  United States

That's right, every other modern developed nation in the world has gotten rid of birthright citizenship policies!  Yet during the last few months most of the U.S. news media and many politicians have ridiculed comments by other politicians that it is time for the U.S. to put an end to birthright citizenship for tourists and illegal aliens.

Folks, the U.S. stands alone.

There used to be all  kinds of developed countries that gave away their citizenship as freely as  we do in the U.S.  But one by one they all
have recognized the folly of that policy.


    *  Canada was the last  non-U.S ... holdout.  Illegal aliens stopped getting citizenship for their babies in 2009

    *  Australia's birthright  citizenship requirements are much more stringent than those of H.R. 1868 and took effect in 2007

    *  New  Zealand repealed in 2006

    *  Ireland repealed in 2005

    *  France repealed in 1993

    *  India repealed in 1987

    *  United  Kingdom repealed in 1983

    *  Portugal repealed in 1981

The United States is now the laughing stock of the modern world.

Only the U.S. values its citizenship so lowly as to distribute it
promiscuously to the off-spring of foreign citizens visiting Disney World on tourist visas  and to foreign citizens who have violated their promises on their visitor, work and student visas to stay illegally in the country, as well as to those who just plain sneak across our borders.

It's not just Mexico and South America who are sending illegals across our borders.  Currently, the CBP reports that of those apprehended
illegally crossing the border, China is number one.

Wake up America.

Illegal  aliens from China, India, Russia, the Middle East and a host of other  nations are flooding the country.  Ironically, some of these
illegals and/or their offspring are given positions at the front of the line
for Government jobs, contracts and assistance while the American worker seeking a job goes without.

Look around you! 

We are giving away our culture, and economic and fiscal strength because our borders are not secure and we bestow citizenship irresponsibly.

Please  share  this!


*Sent:* Monday, June 29, 2009 6:27:17 PM


If you are receiving this email it is because we need your help.

There has NOT been a coupe in Honduras , The country is NOT in crisis. This
all started over a year ago when our president Mel Zelaya with the help of
Hugo Chavez and Daniel Ortega began shredding the Honduran Constitution and
setting the stage for him to become dictator of Honduras . As we neared the
November elections that would seat a new president Mel Zelaya became more
ruthless. Zelaya was informed more than once that his actions were outside
the bounds of the Honduran Constitution. Zelaya earlier this year denounced
democracy and announced he would seed an Venezuelan style of government, he
then began receiving large sums of cash from Hugo Chavez.

This last week tensions mounted as the National Congress after a ruling from
the Honduran SUPREME COURT that Mel Zelaya has committed crimes against the
Constitution. As Chavez and Ortega offered Military assistance the National
Congress of Honduras, The people of Honduras and the Courts of Honduras did
not flinch, They stood beside their Constitution and detained by order of
the National Congress Mel Zelaya for crimes against the Constitution.

President Zelaya and a small portion of the population tried to highjack the
country and destroy democracy in favor of a Chavez-style government. Zelaya
was shredding the constitution he swore to protect in order to stay in power
past constitutional limits and firmly align Honduras with Venezuela .

President Zelaya was clearly, and more than once, informed officially that
his actions were outside of the constitution and law. Given his obedience
to Hugo Chavez and Chavez's money, Zelaya was a traitor to this country in
the truest sense of the word. I am writing to you as an American investor
living in Honduras to express my admiration and respect for this country and
how its government handled this crisis. They were faced with a difficult
situation that was only growing worse. This was NOT a coup, but a criminal
arrest. Hondurans should be applauded for how they handled this! They used
their Constitution and stood firmly in the face of Chavez, Orgega, Morales,
and Castro and said no to this form of Government. You would think the US
would be applauding the situation. The US will if not careful give Chavez
and Ortega the fuel they need to invade Honduras and remove our democratic
form of Government. We can not believe the news reports and the statements
by our representatives. We need your help. All Americans and Hondurans are
franticly emailing and sending information to the US . We need you to
forward this email to your local news station, CNN, contacts that you may
have at any level of government. Email your senator, congressman, Please
pass this along. If the US ushers Zelaya back into power they are condemning
this country to a communist regime.

Has a deal been struck between the US and Chavez for Honduras ??????

Written by Kent Burns

Fw: World map for Americans

----- Original Message -----

My son, the Navy aviator, sent me this new map that was created to help Americans have a better understanding of the world.

Subject: Please Read

-----Begin Forwarded Message-----

No beef for me anymore at McDonalds!

This is true I looked it up on Snopes...

I'm sure those of you who aren't in the cattle business don't understand the issues here. But to those of us who who's living depends on the cattle market, selling cattle, raising the best beef possible... this is frustrating. As far as my family, we don't eat at McDonald's much (Subway is our choice of fast food), but this will keep us from ever stopping there again, even for a drink.

The original message is from the Texas Cattle Feeders Association.

American cattle producers are very passionate about this.

McDonald's claims that there is not enough beef in the USA to support their restaurants. Well, we know that is not so. Our opinion is they are looking to save money at our expense. The sad thing of it is that the people of the USA are the ones who made McDonald's successful in the first place, but we are not good enough to provide beef.

We personally are no longer eating at McDonald's, which I am sure does not make an impact, but if we pass this around maybe there will be an impact felt. Please pass it on

Just to add a note, all Americans that sell cows at a livestock auction barn had to sign a paper stating that we do NOT EVER feed our cows any part of another cow. South Americans are not required to do this as of yet.

McDonald's has announced that they are going to start importing much of their beef from South America. The problem is that South Americans aren't under the same regulations as American beef producers, and the regulations they have are loosely controlled.

They can spray numerous pesticides on their pastures that have been banned here at home because of residues found in the beef. They can also use various hormones and growth regulators that we can't. The American public needs to be aware of this problem and that they may be putting themselves at risk from now on by eating at good old McDonald's.

American ranchers raise the highest quality beef in the world and this is what Americans deserve to eat. Not beef from countries where quality is loosely controlled. Therefore, I am proposing a boycott of McDonald's until they see the light.

I'm sorry but everything is not always about the bottom line, and when it comes to jeopardizing my family's health, that is where I draw the line.

I am sending this note to about thirty people. If each of you send it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300) ... and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000) ... and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth generation of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers!

I'll bet you didn't think you and I had that much potential, did you? Acting together we can make a difference. If this makes sense to you, please pass this message on.

David W. Forrest, Ph.D., PAS, Dipl. ACAP Department of Animal Science

Texas A&M University Phone

(979) 845-3560

2471 TA! MU Fax (979) 862-3399 College Station, TX

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