Showing posts with label All Kaya 9 Entries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label All Kaya 9 Entries. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

All Kaya! 9 Entries

Talk about starting the new year right. Seems to me like everyone is bent on keeping their resolutions, like joining all the Kaya! challenges. And so far, so good. Everyone has been very participative and creative. Congratulations on another layout done and thanks to all of you for joining.

Of course, many thanks to this month's challenger, Sheryl, who put out a very good challenge, one that got us thinking of at least three wishes that we really really want to come true this year. Remember that at the end of the year, Sheryl will be giving a special prize to the person who had the most number of listed wishes come true. So work on making those wishes realities, guys.

So feast your eyes on these beauties. I am pretty sure it's gonna be darned difficult to choose just one favorite this month. To find out more about each layout, simply click on the title.



3 Wishes from the Heart

Thanks also to the following scrappers for joining this challenge. Their layouts are all creative and wonderful. Unfortunately, they did not fully satisfy the requirements of the challenge:

Khei's "3 Wishes"

Mich's My 3 Wishes

3 Little Wishes, Big Dreams

Three New Year Wishes


Joy's "3 Wishes"

Mitch's "3 Wishes"

Contemplating on my 3 Wishes for 2008

Voting is open from January 30 - 31, 2008, 11:59 PM, Philippine time. Results will be posted imnediately after. Thank you for voting for the traditional and digital layouts that truly deserve to be timeless favorites.