Showing posts with label Honey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Honey. Show all posts

Sunday, November 16, 2008

i.d. pics

Honey says, KAYA!

Here is the LO I made for Kaya week 2. I really enjoyed doing this LO. It was quick, very refreshing, and a first for me as I haven't done anything with this much negative space, LOL.

These are school ID pictures of my sons and I find that these pictures capture their personality quite accurately. The older one is serious and sulky while the younger one is charming and bubbly - complete opposites.


Today you are you that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is youer than you. - Dr. Seuss

Materials Used:
MM ledger bookkeeper pp, Sassa pocket full of rosies border, MM paint, AC thickers, Fancy pants rub-ons and button.

About ME:
Hi, I'm Honey, 30 years old. Mother to Adi and Anton and wife to Louis. I started scrapbooking in July 2007 and have been addicted to it ever since. It was actually my husband who pushed me into this craft. Well, sort of. He has been nagging me for years to put our children's pictures in albums and me being me, I decided to take it a step further just to shut him up, LOL. Well, the single step further developed into a lot of steps forward and that's how I got into scrapbooking!