Showing posts with label Yoyin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoyin. Show all posts

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kaya 25 Challenge Part 2 - Put Two and Two Together

First of all, thanks to everyone who joined our first challenge for this month. And again, I must apologise for the late posting of a few entries. Blame it on my intermittent internet connection. All qualified entries will be included in the RAK draw at the end of the month.

Second, here's our last challenge as cooked up by Yoyin. Since this is Kaya's 2nd anniversary, everything must be in TWO.


1) The word "two" must be included in the title (not the number 2).
2) There must be two of each material used.
3) Any size/number of photos allowed; 12x12 or 8.5x11 traditional layouts.
4) Please indicate the pairs in your materials list.
5) Layout must be made specifically for Kaya 25-2.
6) You may submit as many layouts as you want but you will only be entered once in the drawing.
7) Deadline for submissions for this challenge is on May 30, 2009 at 11:59PM.

In Yoyin's layout below, there are 2 cardstocks + 2 patterned papers + 2 stamps + 2 ribbons + 2 fonts/alphas + 2 stickers + 2 buttons.

As with the last challenge, Scrapbooks Hawaii is again graciously sponsoring the RAK prize.

Happy scrapping!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Kaya 25 - The Anniversary Edition

KAYA! is celebrating it's second anniversary this month of May. And as such, we have alot in store for you.

For this month, we will have not one but two challenges. That means you all have two chances of winning. So get your stuff together and get ready for the first challenge.


1) No patterned paper allowed. For the purposes of this challenge, distressed cardstock like Basic Grey will be considered patterned paper.

2) Use plain-colored cardstock only for your base.

3) For journaling and titles, you may use any material except patterned paper.

4) Your layout must have a) fabric/textile AND b) ribbons, lace and/or fiber.

5) Any size/number of photos allowed; 12x12 or 8.5x11 traditional layouts.

6) Layout must be made specifically for Kaya 25.

8) You may submit as many layouts as you want but you will only be entered once in the drawing.

9) Deadline for submissions for this challenge is on May 15, 2009 at 11:59PM.

10) Random drawing will be on May 31, 2009. Since the anniversary comes only but once a year, everyone, even most recent winners, are eligible to win this generous RAK sponsored by Scrapbooks Hawaii. Thank you so much, Marisa.

And here is a lovely layout to get your mojo going created by one of Scrapbooks Hawaii's DT - Yoyin Mallig.

Materials Used:
Kraft cardstock, black felt cloth, various laces and ribbons, Amy Butler fabric, thread, MM tiny alphas, Zig pen, Fiskars pinking shears.

So, kayang-kaya kaya? Everybody say, KAYANG-KAYA!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

To Isabel, aged 9 1/2 months: to be opened on your high school graduation

Yoyin says, KAYA!

This is my first (ever!!!) Kaya Challenge entry. Woohoo... eversince I started scrapbooking, I've (almost) always made it a point to include hubby (either by asking for his opinion or ideas - but most of the time, asking for his money...hehehe). So when I saw Lee's challenge, I thought that this would be a perfect opportunity to "really" have him participate... hubby was really excited to write the letter - and even though I asked him not to make it a long one, he still ended up using SIX (!!!!) pieces of paper. [luv yah, sweetie]

So, here is "our" layout ----

Hidden Journaling [handwritten by dear hubby]:
(April 24, 2008)
Dearest Isa,
It's exactly 9pm right now. Your mom's busy cutting away on various kinds of paper as she's busy making her layout where this letter will be placed. It's actually a big thrill for both of us to be doing this for you. We're really excited! :) You're just 9 1/2 months old right now and Mamu's taking care of you and that's why your mom and I found time to do this. Hehehe :) Otherwise, if you're also here in our room, you'd be very "malikot" and we'd be very busy chasing you around the bed instead.

Anyway, I'd like for you to know how blessed we all have been ever since you came into this world. Your antics have never failed to brush away our stress and fatigue from work. You are our inspiration in all the things we do. Your mom and I are always excited to see and hold you everytime we come home. Your smile, your shouts and your waves are always a sight to behold.
However, we know that your being small will not last very long. In fact, you've been growing in such a fast pace lately and your mom and I are realizing that soon enough, you'd be running around the house and the garden and/or climbing the roof or the trees!! :) And as you grow, we'll be doing our very best to shower you with all the love we have in our hearts. We will support you every step of the way until you'd be strong enough to topen up your own wings and fly to the top of the world! Your mom and I will guide you the best way we can and we will provide you with all the things you'd need.

As early as now, your mama and I already know that someday you'd have to leave us. You will have to discover the world on your own. Oh, don't worry. We'll always be around. We'd still be here. We'll just be a little bit farther from you. :) You know, anak, it's precisely for this reason why I chose that you open this on your high school graduation. We know that when you go to college, you'd have to leave us for awhile. And leaving us is actually a good thing. It will be part of your development.

You will carry with you, in your heart, all of the things we've shared with you. You'll have all that you'll need to face the demands of college. In your heart - that's where your mama and I will always be. :) Whenever you're down or faced with adversity, just close your eyes and soon, you will realize that we're always with you no matter where you are. No matter what - nandiyan lang kami sa puso mo, anak.

I know that when you go to college, things here at home will never be the same. We know that the house will be a lot cleaner as your clutter will be in their right place. We know that it would be a lot quieter since you won't be around listening to your type of music. But most of all, we know that we'll miss you. Things are just not going to be the same without our Isa-hot-hot around.

I guess we would really have mixed emotions on this day. We will surely be happy and proud as you go up the stage to get your diploma and all the possible medals and trophies that you deserve for your hard work. However, we would also be saddened knowing that soon it will be college life for you. It's going to be very hard for us, especially your mama, to let you go and have you exposed to the world's reality. This is something that we'll be preparing for as early as now.
Anak, it's time. Open your wings! Flap them slowly, then, as you feel the wind beneath them, flap them faster as fast as you can! Fly high, our Isa. Fly high! We are very proud of you. You deserve nothing but the best. Discover the world! Discover who you are! Rest assured, we'll be here. Ok? I want for you to love life. Be swept away. Have fun as you face the hurdles of college!

Go, our Isa! Go! Fly!
We love you so much!


Materials Used:
Autumn Leaves - Tres Swirls, Scenic Route - blue grid/white background, Heidi Swapp chipboard letters, Fancy Pants chipboard, Autumn Leaves - techno pop buttons, foam die-cuts, star eyelets, bling, AC slick writer, Versamark (white), Colorbox - chestnut roan, rub-ons (Jenni Bowlin, Cosmo Cricket), plain cardstock

About Me:
Hi. I'm Yoyin - a legal analyst (from Monday-Friday), a mom to an adorable little girl named Isa (24/7) and a self-confessed scrapbook addict (365 days a year). Feel free to drop by my blog: Hope to meet all of you at the Scrapfest!!! :)