Showing posts with label Barbie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barbie. Show all posts

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Two by Two

Barbie says, KAYA!

Hay, Kaya, what would I do without you? I love that you make us think outside the box and try things outside of our comfort zone, making us experiment and discover things that we wouldn’t ordinarily come across. :)

This was a pic from my college classmate’s last Christmas get-together, and without intending to, we all look so “paired”. I thought it would be a great “two” picture! Went a bit crazy with the “two” theme – using 2 of the word ‘two’ and even making 2 sizes of holes for a border (love that Crop-a-dile!)

Walang prompt yang pic na yan, we didn’t know we were all so “couple-y” until we saw the image in the camera. I think it’s a neat way to capture the moment when we all realized “Oh, my god, we’ve grown up.”


Two by Two

HC SSC 1999, Bay Laguna 2008

Our Christmas gatherings used to be “no partners” until we all had partners who were more or less permanent. Now, gatherings are family affairs, with people showing up in pairs… soon, kids!

Materials used:

2 plain generic cardstock: photo mat and journaling mat

2 K&Co patterned cardstock: red wave and main mat

2 colors of chalk (Chalklets) on journaling block

2 types of chipboard letters – AC Thickers and ProvoCraft Alphaletterz

2 colors of ink for distressing : one for the photo mat, and the other for the edges of the wave

2 sets of alphabet stamps: Autumn Leaves Stampology (“by”) and EK Success Image Tree Antique Alphabet (subtitle)

2 Really Big Brads

About me: I wanted to use blue in this layout, but my artistic director said NO. So I'm giving credit where credit is due - here's a photo of my AD, who chewed up the corners of my entire stash of blue patterned paper while I was not looking. :( His assistant, not shown in pic, was working on my pinks when I caught them.

Me, I'm just a happy scrapper.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

My job ate it, and Activist

Barbie says, KAYA!

Happy Anniversary to Kaya Challenge Blog!

I never thought I could make a page for this challenge, let alone two. But I had a particularly stressful week and I just HAD to scrap. What better to do than join the Challe

My first page was inspired by the Domo-kun collection my office seatmate kept by her pc. I was almost instantly unpopular that first week, when I caught myself saying "Oh, hey, cool, you have the 'God kills kittens monster'," before I realized that the most popular "God kills a kitten" mantra at the time was... unprofessional. She forgave me, thankfully, and became one of my staunchest friends, who w
eathered many a storm with me at work. This is for you, Kaybee!

I used to have a life, but my job ate it.

Brown fabric from what used to be an eyeglass bag
Prima flowers for the hands
Brown ribbon (generic)
white and red cardstock (generic)
DCWV cardstock, Charteruse
MM Canvas letter stickers, Passport
Really Big Brads

Resist chalking, inking, paper piecing

The second page is something I thought I'd do as part of the album I'd always wanted to make - something about me and my work as an LGBT activist. The journaling is too raw, I think. Even had to cut out some stuff. It came out kinda pretty, though.

I've been a lesbian activist for 16 years. My advocacy began in high school, where teachers tried hard to punish the gay out of me. (Catholic school is not the best place to discover your sexuality.)

Freshman year in college saw me joining CLIC (Can't Live In The Closet) - but not really. I had to wait until I was 18 before I was allowed to join CLIC activities like seminars and discussion groups.

Today I am Reformist in my beliefs, trusting that education and discussion will lead to change. I am a founding member of Lesbian Advocates Philippines, and a member of its Execom. I was also part of the original editorial team of the most successful (so far) LGBT magazine in the country, and I have been part of almost every Pride March.

My activisim is very anti-violence against women (VAW) and youth-oriented.

Canvass cloth, unprimed
MM foam stamps
acrylic paint, classic red
rainbow ribbon
Assorted paper flowers from BJay
DCVW Kraft cardstock
Prima journaling card
colored markers


About me:
Writer, wife, mom to cats, sister, working person, activist, environmentalist, scrapper, friend, entrepreneur, student, teacher. Basically, exhausted but happy.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Magnificent Mayon

Barbie says KAYA!

Whew! The final challenge, what a ride! These pages seemed to resist getting made - the photos were lost, then the newly-developed ones got forgotten overnight at the developing shop. Then the original idea was UGLY. Then the cat stepped in the paint and did his own rendition of the LO. To top it all off, I had holiday baking to do.


Finally, reworked twice, a spread about our 2003 trip to see the Mayon volcano - a trip my siblings and I were not even excited about until we saw the perfect cone rising in the distance.

It may look really simple, but most of the time, that's how my pages look.

You always hear tales of how awesome a place is and think, "Meh. It's just another mountain. But when you get there, you're amazed at how much humbled you are by the beauty before you. And you never forget.

Materials Used:
Reeves acrylic paint, Colorbox chalklets, MM ink pads, K&Co patterned Pape, MM foam stamps

Painting, inking, chalking, paper tearing, stamping

About ME:

I'm Lianne Barbieto, but most people know me as Barbie. 30 years old, life partner to Fire, freelance writer and editor. Finally coming to grips with the fact that my style may be more simple than I'd like it to be.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Play Hard

Barbie says, KAYA!

Aaaack, barely made it! These challenges are truly challenging when the week's so hectic, though I have scrapped more than ever trying to find a good page to submit. :D

I used pictures from my family's trip last November 8. Bolinao doesn't offer much in the way of swimming spots, but it does have fantastic beaches, and the weather was right for endless volleyball games.

What do you get when you put four A-type personalities on a stretch of lonely beach with a volleyball and a net? All-out war!! Later, the game degenerated into a rousing game of touchball.
Bolinao 2008

Materials Used:
Making Memories ink, cardstock, Basic Grey and Provocraft patterned paper, SEI Kinda Bold cardstock letter stickers, Craft Express transparent stickers.

Inking, sanding, paper tearing

About ME:
I'm Lianne Barbieto, but most people know me as Barbie. 30 years old, life partner to Fire, freelance writer and editor. I've been scrapping for a while now, and I still haven't found my scrapping mojo... :(

Friday, November 14, 2008

Live, laugh, love, DARE and I Love You

Barbie says, KAYA!

I always thought I used a lot of negative space before I tried this challenge. Was I ever wrong! While I may suck at this now, I believe it's something I will keep trying my hand at in the future.

It's our habit to take pictures of our feet in every new place we visit. It's part documentary, part reminder to ourselves to remember to dare to be more adventurous and make time in our lives for exploration and fun. The journaling refers to the effort to make a difference in the world where we live, a concept that is very important to our faith.

The world is HUGE, and we're so tiny in comparison that sometimes it feels like we do nothing SIGNIFICANT. But that's not true. Every choice matters. We alter reality with every breath. We impact the universe simply by existing. We owe it to ourselves to be fully alive, truly human. It's a RESPONSIBILITY to be all that we can be, because we have been blessed with potential, free will, and the power to create a better world for everyone.

Materials Used:
DCWV cardstock and pp, MM travel stickers, Sakura pens, EK Chalklets, Darice metal embellishment, MM rub-ons


Billie is our cat, shown here with Zhong Mao, one of the kittens that she fostered. She has had two litters and fostered four kittens not her own, producing milk even though she had not borne the kittens.

Billie, you're such a great forster mom. Despite your initial reluctance, you came through for Zhong, Zen, Edi, Smarmy, and your own babies, giving them love and care as well as nourishment.

Materials Used:
Cardstock, Prima journaling tag, rhinestones from Divi, AMM chipboard shapes, and stickers from MM.

About ME:
I'm Lianne, but most people know me as Barbie. 30 years old, freelance writer and editor. I've been scrapbooking since high school but only got into the scientific method of it five years ago. I still consider myself a newbie, though.

Friday, November 7, 2008

In Enjoy Being a Girl

Barbie says, KAYA!

My first thought upon reading the challenge was "Wow, if I could finish four LOs in a month, that's 4 times more than I've managed to make all of the months of 2008!' But then I saw the first challenge and I balked at the bow. I don't have enough kiddie pics to choose from, and very few of what I do have warrants a bow.

Luckily enough there was this pic of Fire before her uncle's wedding, where she had (disastrously) dyed her hair orange and wearing blue(!!!) eyeshadow. It gave me the perfect segue.

When Tina gave you this song to sing solo at your first ACC Concert, she didn't know she would start an inside joke that would haunt you even after 10 years of directing the ACC Concert. Plus her now infamous quote: "For this song, I chose three girls, and I chose girls who look like... girls."

Few people know how appropriate that song was - IS - for you. Looking at you now, no one suspects how kikay you are, how sweet and feminine; much less those huge guys you teach self-defense to.

But that femmy side is a big part of what I fell in love with. It's a secret you share with me, one Tina seems to have prophesied!

Materials Used:
MM neon pink paint, Basic Grey chipboard letters, DCWV Old World pp, buttons, pink Sakura Souffle pen, pink sheer bow, and American Traditional Designs Lil' Charms.

About ME:
I'm Lianne, but most people know me as Barbie. 30 years old, freelance writer and editor. I've been scrapbooking since high school but only got into the scientific method of it five years ago. I still consider myself a newbie, though.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Nothing is Too Wonderful to be True

Barbie says, KAYA!

I've never entered a Kaya entry before, I keep missing the deadlines. This time I was determined to make this one, even by the skin of my teeth. Hopefully I'll work up the nerve to join some more.


Nothing is too wonderful to be true

Look at the way the moon behaves.
Look at the way she paints
A silver ribbon on the waves.
One thing I've leanred and I'll share
with you-
Nothing is too wonderful to be true.

Each moment opens like a flower.
The age of miracles comes
Every hour on the hour.
Turn any corner,
There's something new
And nothing is too wonderful
To be true.

If I'm preceived to be
Naive to be the way I am
Let people say I am a silly goof

Is life a plateful? Am I grateful?
Every day I am,
It's an amazing world in which we live
And I've got living proof.

Look at the way the moon behaves.
Look at the way she paints
A silver ribbon on the waves
Leading directly to me and you.

Nothing is too wonderful to be true.

PP from Making Memories, colored vellum, Provocraft Alphaletterz, and Creative Imaginations clear letter stickers

About ME:
I'm Lianne, but most people know me as Barbie. 30 years old, freelance writer and editor. I've been scrapbooking since high school but only got into the scientific method of it five years ago. I still consider myself a newbie, though.