Showing posts with label Challenge Mechanics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Challenge Mechanics. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Kaya 27 - It's Got To Be SomeTHING Mixed With aLpHaS!

Can it be? It's already July. Half the year is over. Time flies by so fast when you're having fun.

Starting this month, we thought we'd do things a little differently by sharing a bit more about our monthly challengers. Really, this blog is fueled not only by the participants' enthusiasm, but by the creativity and generosity of our challengers as well. We think it's just fitting that we get to know more about them.

Our challenger for this month is....ROXANNEE!

Roxannee (Rok-sa-ni) says,

I'm into my third year of scrapping now...I've been longing to do this way back in 2000 (that was when I started hoarding) but did not really get serious until baby number two came out. There are too many gorgeous moments of my family being captured and I thought that it is a shame to just frame them or keep them in a plain album. The reasons to start scrapping just started piling up since then.

Aside from the journaling, which reveals what's inside the heart of the scrapper, my favorite part of scrapping is the time before I finally complete the layout- this is when I realize that all the elements come together unintentionally. It's the time when every element is no more a piece of itself but becomes a part of a whole new thing. My least favorite is the beginning...what picture to scrap and what to do with it. I guess in any project, the planning stage takes so much of one's time.

I can only scrap on my free time - which is almost impossible to have when you are juggling running the house and having a school kid and a toddler. It makes me feel that work is my time to relax. :-)

Scrapbooking has given me so much more than I've expected. I have tried a lot of craft activities but this particular hobby is the best. I think it is the "preserving the memory" factor and no set rules. I discovered that in scrapbooking, you can evolve as a creative individual at your own pace, in your own time. No set rules, no counting threads or patterns.

Scrapbooking as a therapeutic activity is a cliche but I stand by it. The year 2008 was challenging and this hobby was my constant companion- it helped me focus on my new life now as a parent to my kids and a life partner to my hubby (they are my subjects most of the time). The process of moving on and letting go was more bearable. It made me feel better about myself & gave me something to look forward to. Not to mention the friends that I've met through this group. I think that I'll scrap throughout my life.

Visit Roksani's Creative Nook at


I’m pretty sure that you are undergoing a certain phase in your life right now.
It can be big or small, simple or complicated.
Whatever stage it might be, there must be some kind of THING that inspires you.
Or some THING that is a constant companion.
Some THING that is cherished and treasured...
Some THING that you really love or like- right now.

So for this month's challenge, I present:

It’s Got To be SomeTHING Mixed with aLpHaS!

The Rules are:

1. Make a layout of the most important THING (must be an inanimate object) in your life right here, right now. It can be 12x12 or 8.5x 11, traditional or digital.

2. Photo Requirement: Any size, any number, but must highlight that THING. If you are having a hard time looking for photographs, you can be in the photo, but remember it should emphasize/highlight the most important THING.

3. Use a mix of AlphABets for your title. Each word should contain a mixture of fonts and/or materials. For traditional lay out entries, any material will do (chipboard, stamped, cut outs, plastic, vinyl, etc.). Take this opportunity to use your left over alphabets and get creative with it!

4. You should include in your journaling why that thing is important to you right now. Remember, you are recording the memories of today. It will be nice to know one day why you took a picture of that thing.

5. The layout should be specifically made for this challenge.

6. You can submit as many pages as you can (traditional or digital) about your important thing, but you can only enter once in the drawing.

7. Deadline for submissions is on: July 30, 2009, 11:59 PM, Manila Time.

The lucky winners who will be drawn by my two boys will get these:

for the Traditional entry:

and these from Australian distributors and designers like Christina Re. ( I thought a little touch of Aussie scrapbooking RAK will be nice.)

And the Digital entry winner will get these:

and these:

So sisters in scrap, let’s go and take a photo of your most important thing right now! Kayang kaya ba?

There’s gotta be someTHING there...

Monday, April 30, 2007

Challenge Mechanics (as revised April 1, 2008)

Welcome to the Pinoyscrapbookers’ Challenge Blog. Please read on for the challenge details.

1) The Pinoyscrapbookers’ (PS) challenge is open to all members of the Pinoyscrapbookers e-group. To be a member of PS, you must have Pinoy roots. Click on the link at right to join.

2) Challenge calls are issued every 1st of the month. You can submit your entries anytime until the second to the last day of the month (either the 29th or the 30th). For team blog members, your entries are expected within the second week of the challenge call.

3) Unless otherwise specified in the challenge call, PS members can submit any number of entries, in any form. Therefore, please read the details of the month’s challenge closely.

4) All layouts should be submitted as attachments to with the following details:

For first-time submissions only (or until you want to change it):
a. A photo of yourself
b. A short introduction about yourself, how long you have been scrapping and what you like about it.

For each new LO entry:
a. Journalling
b. Materials Used
c. Techniques Used/Process

5) For easy uploading, file size should not exceed 300 KB.

6) The monthly challenger will randomly pick two layouts (one traditional, one digital) to be featured on the Kaya blog for a month. Should there be any RAKs from generous Kaya watchers, the RAKs shall go to the lucky owners of the two LOs mentioned above. LOs that do not meet all the challenge requirements are not eligible for the draw to be fair to those who adhered to the requirements.

7) Scrappers can only be picked once every three months but we encourage you to still submit as we want to see your take on the challenges. Ex., if you were picked for March, you will not be eligible for April and May.

8) You can submit as many LOs as you want for each challenge, but your name will be eligible for drawing once only.

9) Like our blog banner says, “A finished LO is a scrapper’s best reward!”, but resources and sponsors permitting, we will give away prizes from time to time.

10) Enjoy creating and appreciate your creation.

Thank you for joining us.