Showing posts with label Kaya 6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kaya 6. Show all posts

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Just Another Day

Tin says KAYA!

I have to admit, I was totally blown away with this challenge. I had no idea how dependent I was with my rub ons, my bling, etc. It was one thing to use only cardstock, but to use nothing else except the basics! *whew* You really kept me on my toes super Donna, kaya dapat lang sagipin mo na ako hehehe

This LO is an ode to my one and only daughter, how we spend our time together, our petty fights, what we do . . . it may be just another day, but being able to record what we did in our every day "days" will surely bring back memories.

Sunday, October 28, 2007
- late for church again!
- had to know endlessly at your door to hurry up!
- had a yummy lunch at Powerplant . . . via Kaya Express with Josh and Tito Arthur.
- pestered me for enrolling you at the local driving school
- we finally got you those curls
- bugged me for another take at the SAT's
- you gave Josh a wedgie! And he tattled all the same.
- had a quick chat with Tita Kitchie
- shopping
- spent some mom and daughter time
- argued hot to fix your hair . . . hairband or not!
- endless kuwento
- laughed at my choice (and having decided not to purchase . . .) my Florline (?) Maria jacket at Zara
- gotta love those ALDO chose! 2 pairs each :-)
- argued about packing and clothes (ok, more ME)
- had another fun dinner with the family!

Materials Used:
Paper --> Bazzils white, aqua and light aqua
Pens --> Micron- black, Zig Millenium-black, Staedler triplus fineliner, Tsukineo Impress Dual Marker-black

Techniques Used:
lots and lots of doodles and handwriting!

About Me:

A single mom of 2, who are often my favorite scrapbook subjects. They have no choice but to contend with my camera up their faces, my constant bugging with possible journalling questions and my incessant time spent at my scrap table. Hence, I have situated my scrap area at our den to make sure we see and spend time with each other . . . or else they would wonder what this stranger is doing cutting paper in their house!
Photo courtesy of my personal photographer aka my 17 year old daughter :-)

Ice Cream Lover

Raissa says, KAYA!


Its amazing to see how you love ice cream so much that you can carry one gallon from the sala to the kitchen. Seeing how determined you were to eat some ice cream, we finally let you have some. Besides, with that cute, chubby face, who could resist?

Materials Used:
DCWV cardstocks, faber castle watercolour pencils, and staedler black pen and pentel pens.

Techniques Used:
quilling and doodling

About ME:
I'm Raissa Villanueva from Ilocos. Got into scrapbooking late last year. Got hooked but had to stop because of work... But since I love this hobby so much, I'm trying to find a balance so I wouldn't have to give up scrapping. I'm still single so my LOs are usually of me and of my friends. Still learning... Still trying... Still scrapping... LOL! Hope to someday scrap like my idols in pinoy scrapping which is practically everyone. hehehe!

Wacky Girl

Au says, "KAYA!"

Whew! I made it!...Since I missed the deadline last month, I made it a point to do this one earlier. I finished last Wednesday evening but wasn't able to upload. I wanted to take the pic of the LO in the morning. Unfortunately, come next day, I was in a flurry because we confirmed that my youngest, Raj, has contracted dengue! We are still confined at the hospital till today but I took a short break to upload this. I wouldn't want to miss being saved from the island by Wonder Donna! Raj is doing well at this time, too so I could exhale as well.

This layout is about my little girl who is kinda zany with all her many moods. She is painfully shy but she often surprises me by being the brave one (she took to pre-school from the first day with no tears at all!) and by being a clown around people she is comfortable with. I think these pics, taken on the day of their school's Lakambini event while we were watching on at the bleachers captures her moods perfectly.

Reine has many moods. She is very shy around strangers yet totally wacky at home. But mostly, she is a sweet happy camper who loves giving me lots of hugs and sticky kisses.

Bazzill, Canson and DCWV cardstock, LeFranc watercolors, black pigment pen, White Uniball Signo pen, glue

Since I cannot embellish this layout much, I thought it was especially important for the photos to stand out. These photos were cropped close and edited using Adobe Photoshop CS to remove and blur all the extraneous elements that were distracting. Since we were sitting at the bleachers where there we many people, it was hard excluding them from the photo composition. Also, other than the white base and pink CS framing, this LO was perfect for using up some CS scraps. I simply tore them up in tiles, applied faux stitching with the white pen and rolled the torn edges to add in some texture. I also doodled in some faux eyelet lace since i cannot put in the real thing.

Au Lim: I just recently survived the Scrappin Moms Idol Challenge and it was one of the hardest yet most productive and fun scrapping experience i ever had. Since then, I think I have gained more confidence to join challenges so I tried again with Studio Azul's DT Call and became their first Blue Lady. Yup, it have been quite a ride for me, scrapwise, these past 3 months. Looking back, I am glad I heeded friends' proddings because I think braving these challenges despite my initial hesitation has made me grow more and gain more in the way of scrap stuff, scrapping mileage and best of all friendships. Visit me at and I'd love to hear from you, too!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Patches of Happiness

Lee says, "SAVE ME!!!"

From my desolate side of the island, I know that other survivors are being rescued as I hear the sound of helicopters and the faint but definite sounds of rejoicing. From my vantage point, I see Wonder Donna going back to the mainland with scrapper after scrapper.

I have almost given up. Most of my scrapbooking materials are waterlogged. And my photos were soaked and torn to pieces. Certainly, going back to basics in scrapbooking was not part of my girl scout training. But I want to be rescued. Desperate times call for desperate measures. So even if what I made is embarassing (Kahlo called it scary), here it is.

Life is complicated. It has its ups and downs. Life moulds me with its challenges. Life is not black and white, there are various shades of grey. But life can be colorful, too. Life makes me who I am. I welcome the difficulties but I cherish the happy the most.

DCWV cardstock, Colleen watercolor pencils, scissors, UHU glue, Zig pens.

I was inspired by some layouts by Sharon Laakonen and Vicki Boutin wherein they tore their photos to represent layers of themselves and their lives. It looks way better when they did it. Painted a rainbow to represent hope and optimism. Handwrote the title and journaling.

I like the Kaya challenges because I can be experimental (this is the first time I'd use watercolor pencils) while not being pressured to come up with a truly great layout all the time. I can just play.

About ME:
I am partner to a visual artist, mom to three KiDS whom I take care of, full-time. I like scrapbooking as it combines all my loves - photography, writing and keeping track of life. I especially love the friends I have made in this hobby.

I Love Apples

Sym says, KAYA!

"Please don't peel the skin, its my favorite part of the apple"

Materials Used:
card stocks
knife, scissors
glue, pen

I drew the frames. I cut the words "I love apples" from the mat/frame and slipped the picture in. No glue is holding that particular picture. It's held there by the words I cut to the matting/frame. The apples are handdrawn and handcut, too. (Felt like a kindergarten/grade school, assembling this LO, hehehe.)

About ME:
I'm Symbelly, 30 y/o, wife to supportive hubby Sherwin, and mother to 2 beautiful children, Vien 5 and Will 2. I'm a working mom who loves scrapbooking. It lets me have a world of my own... my own rules, my own taste, just pleasing my own, boss of my own. Yeah! I love my scrapbook friends EBs and mini-EBs. They add color and love to my life. Makes me realize I'm not alone, that I've got lots of friends. Visit me at

Friday, October 26, 2007


Candy says, KAYA!

Hidden Journaling:
If I were stranded on an island, I'd like you to come and find me. You will be my inspiration, my hope, my dream. My lifeguard, guarding my life.

Materials Used:
Bazzill cardstock colors: white, cream, dark blue, light blue, mint green, olive green and brown; Filstar cardstock orange (from mini-book project); COX watercolor paints, Prince color pens, Crayola Crayons.

Paper-tearing cardstock (I decided I wanted to go one step further and lose the pair of scissors while marooned in the island.) Layering cardstock, but outlining them with watercolor to show definition. Water-color painting over cardstock with both dry brush, and wet-on-wet technique (wet paper, wet brush) so it smears. Doodling with water-based color pens to give an impression of pattern on paper, then washing/painting them with a little water, careful not to erase all of the doodling.

About ME:
Hello, I'm Candy Bonoan-Lagazon, Montessori teacher, wife to Arn, and mother to Galo, my 3 year old son. Aside from teaching, I love arts and crafts, drawing, painting, singing, playing the piano, and tracing my Bonoan Family Tree. I've been scrapping for 3 years ever since my son's birth, but only joined scrapping forums this August. I'm learning more about this craft in the last 3 months just by hanging around other
scrappers than I'v e ever done scrapping alone. Scrapping is the ultimate art release for me as it combines materials I love and techniques I've learned over the years. Lately, I'm challenged to combine my love for scrapping and for genealogy by coming up with LOs using old photos of my relatives.

Simple Bonding

Vani says, KAYA!

Hello! Here's my entry for the Kaya 6 challenge. Thanks for reminding and naming us Ms. Lee. Hehe! (No problem, Vani. You deserve to be saved by Wonder Donna!)

Materials Used:
White DCWV cs, Faber Castell watercolour pencils and Uhu glue.

About ME:
Hi! Im Vanessa C. Aguilar. 28 years old. Single. I'm a newbie at scrapping. This is my only my second layout. The first one I made during an EB. Im still finishing the altered box I got from the scrapfest. Like most of you guys, I shop more than I scrap.

Color My World

Cookie says, KAYA!

Hello!!! Finally, Here's my LO entry for Kaya 6. Very effective ang pag-ro-roll call. Hihi! (Thanks for heeding the call, Cookie. - Mods)

Materials Used :
DCWV Cardstock, Pilot black pentel pen

About ME:
I'm Cookie C. Aguilar - My first attempt in this craft was roughly two years ago, I stopped after giving birth to Harvey due to mommy duties. All I did for the time being was to scrapshop. I attended last year's scrapfest to buy materials but never produce any LO. Come May of 2007, I've decided to join the May Scrappinmoms Challenge and Joined Pinoy scrapbooker's eb, that was when I began to make Scrapbook Layouts again. Style? well since I consider myself a newbie, I haven't discover my style yet.. I still have a lot to learn but love to layer pps and love the vintage look on some of my LOs. Please do visit my blog :

These Eyes

Marj says, KAYA!

After almost a month of being stranded in the island, swimming (oooops, forgot I can’t swim) and talking to myself, I suddenly realized I must be rescued..I gathered the remnants of my scrap stuff then got to work…

Bazzill CS and glue

Cut equal sizes of cream CS then thin strips of pink CS were glued on each white CS. Made two rows leaving a bit of brown CS showing. Cut a wide strip of lighter pink CS and two half moon (this was done by drawing a line using a CS then after a few tries, was able to make a half moon which was traced to make two pieces) to give the impression of a circle in the middle. Outlined with short strips of green CS. I drew a big and small flower then again traced to make the other flowers. A thin strip of pink CS was glued on each petals of the brown ones. Smaller green flowers are then glued on to give dimension then doodled on.

(This was inspired by a layout which I forgot the name of the artis. I tried looking for the lo again but couldn’t.. my bad!)

About ME:
Hi! I am Marjorie, Marj to most of my friends. A stay-at-home-mom of 2 adorable girls, Francine and Isabella. I got into scrapbooking May 2007 after I saw some of the digital LOs my sister did. I finally took the plunge and been loving it ever since. I am also a self-taught cake decorator but I find it impossible to do baking and decorating with 2 kids clamoring for my attention all the time. Learn more about me at Happy scrappin'!!!


Mich says, KAYA!

I did not have any intentions of making this lay-out when I made it. Work was just so unbelievable and my doctor has advised me to take things easy and to sleep early. My parents even took the kids for an overnight just so that I could have a proper sleep but since I have been used of staying awake until the wee hours, I entertained myself and did some doodling and coloring and ended up with this Schunga Sisters lay-out. Schunga is the name of my group back when we were in college. The word schunga to us just means so many things like, loko-loko, bading, tanga-tanga, saya-saya... and many others. Its a generic term which we all understood. We give great respect to this name. And so, am dedicating this LO to my Schunga Sisters who I miss so much.

Permanent Black Pen, Doodle Template, Colored Pencils of my daughter and cardstock.

About ME:
Im Mich Sonza, married to a very supportive husband - Gilbert; with 2 kids Dominique (4) and Benedict (2). Been scrapping since I was little but just started achival scrapbooking last 2006. Since then I have been addicted to this craft because at least now, I share it with people with the same passion that I have. I have committed myself to restore and document family events. I have disciplined myself to only scrap only when there is a dead time on my hands. Family time is still my priority. So far, everything is just so great!

Monday, October 22, 2007


Mitch says, KAYA!

Journaling: Perseverance at work!!! Keep out!!!

Materials Used: Bazzill CS and Crayola Marker

About Me: I'm Mitch, married with one kid. I started scrapbooking January 2007. I have always been in love with crafts. I tried crossstitching, making pop up cards, paper tole, 2d and 3d puzzles, origami...Please visit my webstore at

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Swimming Lesson from Papa

Beth says, KAYA!

Pheww…this layout almost didn’t make it. The winds at this part of the island where I’ve settled were still pretty strong and kept blowing on my small pieces of paper. (Wink.) Kidding aside, halfway into the layout, I grew tired of shredding CSs and gluing them back together that I just stopped working on it. One day, as I was viewing and admiring the other entries in the challenge blog, the words in red on the header of the blog caught my attention…"Kayang-kaya, kaya?” I retrieved my unfinished project and resumed working on it. Na-kaya ko!

For her final lesson, Papa threw a startled Erika to the deep part of the pool. Her instinct was to panic. But we urged her to swim to the edge. And she did!

Tools and materials used:
CSs – blue, orange, black, white; Bic Marking Ultra Fine Point Permanent Marker – blue and black; Pentel pens – blue, black; Scissors; UHU Twist & Glue

Cutting the blue and white CSs into bits and gluing the pieces to the black CS.

About ME:
I’ve had a purely retail professional experience of more than 20 years before I stopped working March of 2006. So far, I have not considered going back to work as I’m enjoying my new role as stay-at-home wife to Raffy and mom to Erika (9). I graduated from UP Diliman with a degree in BS Industrial Engineering. I discovered about scrapbooking only through the internet. I used to be involved in cross stitching and candlemaking before I learned about this craft. I began collecting scrapbooking supplies and tools late 2006 but only started making layouts early this year. I used to wonder why scrappers would still subscribe to expensive scrapbooking magazines when there are a lot of materials in the web. I found the answer to this question after I bought my first magazine, the Top 10 issue of CK. I also enjoy shopping for patterned papers but would rather look at them than use them. Scrapbooking relaxes me. It also complements my love for taking photos of everything.

Friday, October 19, 2007


Marian says, KAYA!

I found this picture while trying to sort things out at home. It is a surprise treasure (although picture quality not too good) as Alex and I have very few pictures together while he was my boyfriend. (This is a scraplift from Kim Watson in the CK Sept 07 issue.)

We were soul mates. We were good for each other and understood each other completely. We evolved and became better persons without a conscious effort to change each other. This is the reason we lived and loved together in almost perfect harmony for more than 33 years. Pretty good record for a relationship which my parents predicted was doomed from the start and couldn't last.

This is my tribute to you, my thanks to you for being a good husband, good father and even better grandfather. I am sure if you were blessed with a longer life, we would still be together for another 33 years or even more. 10/14/07
Photo - Alex and Marian circa 1975

Materials Used:
Bazzill white CS, DCWV textured CS. Tools used: scissors, watercolor pencils, Staedler Triplus pen and glue.

I used bond paper to make my own temporary templates to see if the swirls looked ok and if the letters would fit into the space. It took several attempts before finally tracing the template at the back of the cardstock and then cut with scissors. I doodled the flowers on white CS with black pen and colored them with water color pencil, cut them out and glued to CS. Doodled a few more small flowers directly on the background CS. Used the triplus pen for journalling. I usually don't hand journal because my writing is ugly and sometimes even I can't read what I wrote.

About ME:
I started rubber stamping and card making before actually getting into scrapbooking. My favorite subjects are my granddaughter and 2 daughters. I love to shop for new paper, embellishments and anything related to scrapbooking.
My husband just passed away more than a month ago. This has given me more time for myself but also added other duties which I don't quite enjoy. I escape through scrapbooking.


Khei says, KAYA!, again.

(Thanks Khei for your understanding and for being game. - Mods)

Be kind, be happy, be inquisitive, be bold, be strong, be sensitive, be loving, be caring, be brave, be you
Bazzill dark blue and cream cardstock, Sterling scrapbook papers, blue pen, glue, scissors, green Faber Castel highlighter, black marker

Technique used:
All are hand cut. I mat the photo on a yellow CS then handwrite the poem. I cut s strip of light blue CS and doodled circles to make it look like a patterned paper. I then cutted another strip using a cream CS and cut strips of green, yellow, red and blue CS to make it look like a patterned paper. I drew 6 circles of the 3 each of the same size in a yellow, red and green. The smaller circles I drew 4 small circles in the center to make it look like buttons. I then cut a big circle on a red CS and drew running stitch around it and wrote Andrei and the date using a blue pen. I used a green highlighter to write the title on a green CS and used a black marker to outline it.

About ME:
I am Katrina but my friends call me Khei. I am 22 years old, mother to 3 year old Benedict Andrei. I started scrapbooking 3 years ago but I only scrapbook full time last June when I met Joanne Yap and introduced me to the SE. I love scrapbooking because it’s my de-stresser and it makes me remember good memories. I can challenge myself to be creative. Feel free to visit my blog:

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Love yourself


I was inspired by Bjay's "Love yourself" layout in commemoration of breast cancer awareness this October. I used her title but with a photo of myself, i think that we as women of the new decade should be aware of how and what breast cancer is and how early detection can make a difference for us.

i incorporated some patterns of the haliotis specie (abalone) as part of my doodling. well, nothing significant about it. i just want to divert and explore possibilities instead of using flowers. the eyes-like design on the middle part if you look closely, would suggest awareness ( i had written the word aware all over those eyes-like patterns).

the symbol of the breast awareness ribbon takes a strong place here. it symbolizes what my layout is all about.


breast cancer can affect doesn't choose... it doesn't care
let the world be aware that this condition seeks those who doesn't care...

Materials used:

dcwv cardstocks
lyra watercolor pencils
crayola and whispers markers
zig sketch black pen

Techniques used:

About me:
im cabbie to the scrapbooking world. i have 4 boys who are so active. i am a full time homemaker to them. i love books, journals, cafe, tincans and of course scrapbooking. i love the shabby chic, vintage style although i love to explore other styles too!! i have been scrapping acid frees since last year. you can visit my blog

i am also currently one of the co-moderators of pinoyscrapbookers egroup.


Jill says, KAYA!

Journaling reads:
‘Only when you get love and laughter will you get a happily ever after.’

Materials used:
Miss Elizabeth Cardstocks: base in Cream, flowers and swirls in Pink, Maroon, Red, Brown and Green, Foray permanent marker and black pens, Scotch glue.

Flowers and swirls are made by doodling and cutting; quilling; title and journaling are hand drawn.

About Me:
I’m Jill Santos from Manila, a mom to 2 loving kids, Gelo and Erin. I recently got hooked to scrapbooking when my mom told me she’s into it also. She gave me some papers to start with, so I tried. Now I’m uber addicted to it and I’m dying to learn new techniques and I’m very glad I got into this group of very creative and talented ladies where I get inspirations and new ideas. Thanks guys!

All About Ian

Julie says, KAYA!

I liked this challenge very much. Can you tell that I am using it to catch up on Ian’s childhood album? I also thought this is a great opportunity to try doodling. I’ve always liked basic LOs, and they are most appealing to my kids.

Ian interviewed me last weekend for a magazine feature he is writing at school (that inspired me to create this LO.) Just like any 8-year old kid would, he chose the topic, “About Me”  …what, when, where, how….was I when I was 3?”

You were… "a very curious kid...climbing trees was what you liked never forget “Little Tree.” you did not like naps…you started reading at 3 ½ loved reading - you’re a voracious reader... you loved to watch TV…your best friend was Jason – still became big brother at had always been a very loving big brother...Mom and Dad love you a lot!”

Materials/Techniques Used:
First I doodled and wrote journal lines with a black millennium zig pen on yellow cardstock, then cut each journal line. Then I adhered each cutout to a darker yellow cardstock. I colored in the letters with markers to add some life to the otherwise all-black journal. Then I doodled away!

Inspiration Used:
CK Hall of Fame winner, Mou Saha (Creating Keepsakes Hall of Fame 9 Special Issue); Elsie Flanagan (of 52 Scrapbooking Challenges) and Rhonna Farrer (Autumn Leaves).

About ME:
Full time Mom to Ian and Sara Jade; wife to the loving, funny and handsome Jeff. Philippine-born, living with my family in the US for almost 2 decades. Volunteer Art and Reading teacher in my kids’ classrooms. When not involved with kids, I work from home as President of my own Human Resources and Learning Management International Consulting firm, and as hands-on partner of Scrapbooking is a hobby my kids, friends, and I share and enjoy very much. Cardmaking, Photography, Suzuki Music (piano and violin), and Interior Design (only of my own home) and cooking are great interests of mine. “Doodling” is now added to the list.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Marix says KAYA!

Arghhh! That was my reaction when I read about Donna's challenge, not again! So after sleepless nights *LOL*, and tons of sketches, I finally gave it a go. Turned out my LO was pretty easy, I just based my design with my outfit.

It was St. Therese's Church feast dinner and the theme was RETRO! Bought this outfit 5 hours b4 the event! Yeah baby!

Materials used:
Bazzill cs, pentel pen, pilot sign pen, grant glue stick

Everything was handdrawn directly to cs using pentel pen, hand cutting

About ME:Hi! I'm Marix, single and currently working as a Systems Analyst in Singapore. I've been scrapbooking since highschool but never knew such a term ever existed. Back then I've been using magazines to cut out titles and images and used the magnetic albums which sadly are all not acid free. I only discovered the term scrapbooking and acid free in 2004 and have been doing it since then. I scraplift, use sketches and find inspiration through advertisements. I'm a traditional scrapper and learning to do digital. I consider myself as a free style scrapper who loves embellishments and texture in a layout. You can read about my scrappy life at and also please visit to see the LOs of our fellow scrappers based here in sg. Thanks!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Like A Flower

Me-Anne says, KAYA!

Actually, I already started an LO using my youngest daughter's picture (Hannah), but my eldest MJ asked me, siya naman daw, because recently, most of my challenge LOs were Hannah's pictures. She chose pictures of her and she has chosen plenty. I am actually having a hard time figuring out what to do with those pictures. I wanted to highlight every picture because for me she is just so lovely and gorgeous...

After 2 days of thinking I got this idea and here and it is:

There is so much about you that we all like, each day you make us feel happy and proud
and we admire to see you a flower!

Material Used:
CS (yellow, light green for the mat, green for the leaves/Faber Castel Wax Color/American Craft Slick writer black.

Technique Used:
Free handcutting of photos, mat, flowers and leaves. Doodling without any templates and drawing.

About ME:
Joining the challenges makes me feel already a winner, because the LO itself is my prize. The more my loveones, my friends and you guys feel happy about my LO gives me the self-fulfillment already and it gives me the drive to scrap more and learn more because I'm still a work in progress on this passion that I started to love -Scrapbooking! TFL!


Zabeth says, KAYA!

I had a hard time thinking what will be my LO, hard time finishing my work, running out of pictures for my LO, can't think of any styles and can't draw pictures on what to do on this month challenge - mental block for short. Finally, almost 2 weeks of thinking on this LO I just came out with this. I am not impressed with the outcome of my LO's but almost liking it, too.

Kinder Zoo inside Manila Zoo.
“A-alligator” just like any ordinary zoo kinder zoo inside the Manila zoo is a great place for animal lover. Here you could really play with the rabbits, feed the sheep, touch the alligator, and play with the butterflies. October 11, 2007.

Materials Used:
DCWV cardstock, Stabilo marker pen, Bic glue pen, Faber-Castell coloring pen.

Make mat for the pictures, draw my embellishment leaves and flowers,cutting it and hand writing the title and journaling.

About ME:
Elizabeth, Zabeth for short. Can speak Chinese. I am into traditional LOs and my new is in Digital LOs. New into scrapbooking for 6 months, I am still improving and learning ideas from the scrapbooking masters and idols. I love taking photos of different angle to my daughter, love to shop, love scrapbooking and love to participate and join challenges.