Showing posts with label Pearl Rigonan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pearl Rigonan. Show all posts

Monday, January 21, 2008


Pearl says KAYA!

After a very long absence from joining the Kaya challenge, I am finally able to complete a layout for this month's theme. I join in everyone's sentiment that listing only three wishes is really impossible - but I am happy to comply with settling for only what is required for this challenge. I do have grand wishes - be a millionaire, own my own house, meet Oprah. But I did take a step back and focused on something more realistic. I had a fantastic 2007, albeit being far away from home. I have learned to cherish so many things now more than ever. So my wishes in this layout are not very far-fetched.

Meeting Oprah... A girl can only dream, right?

This year, I wish for good health, travel and photography lessons..

For 2008, I wish...... For good health - sound mind, body and spirit...
... To go to a real beach - like the PhiPhi Islands in Thailand...
... To finally take photography lessons...

So here's me crossing my fingers that all of them will come true this year.

Patterned Paper, Rub-on and Stamps: Basic Grey (Two Scoops & Phoebe); Cardstock: Bazzill; Flowers: Bazzill and Imaginesce; Ghost clock and alpha: Heidi Swapp; LoopyBrads and Floss: Karen Foster; Big Brad: Autumn Leaves; Ink: Tim Holtz and Tsukineko; Pen: Staedler; Thread: DMC; Others: Stickles

About Me:
My name is Pearl and I'm currently working in the small but mighty Republic of Singapore where carrying an umbrella is not a fashion statement but a necessity, anyone who is older than you is called auntie/uncle, where shopping is the national pastime, chili is a condiment to fresh fruits and the multicultural mix is just unbelievable. At 30, I am non-the-wiser than when I was 21 (at least I think so), and I am still trying to find my purpose for existing. I hibernate on the weekends to catch up on my sleep, watch the latest episode of Project Runway downloaded from the internet while sprawled on the floor scrapping and altering stuff.. I would like to do outreach service full time when I get tired of the corporate life. Learn more about me at

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Pearl says KAYA!

I have been wanting to scrap this pic of me and my friends Marian and Joy taken last May during our stroll along Orchard Road

A friend drops their plans when you're in trouble, shares joys in your accomplishments, feels sad when you are in pain, encourages your dreams and offers advice - but when you don't follow it, they still respect and love you. - by unknown.

Materials used:
Patterned papers: Jenni Bowlin Studios, Fancy Pants; Pens: American Crafts & Staedler; Plastic Brackets: American Crafts; Stamps: Technique Tuesday and October Afternoon (from the June 07 Story of My Own kit); Stamping ink: Tsukineko and Technique Tuesday

About ME:
My name is Pearl: avid scrapbooker, 90's music lover, coffee drinker. I am exploring the world and it's possibilities and opportunities for me - that's why I took this chance to work in Singapore. Three months into this country, I have now learned (more or less) to understand Sing-lish, that lugging an umbrella is not a fashion statement but a necessity, 'aiyo-lah!', and loving ban-mian so much I could have it every meal! Still missing Manila terribly.. Visit my blog at

Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Good Pair

Pearl says, KAYA!

If I were to chose between comfort and fashion, I would chose comfort in a heartbeat. And to those who really know me, it will be no surprise to them if I say that my Converse AllStar sneakers is on the top of my favorite things in the world. If I can afford to have these pair in all the colors of the rainbow (and in monochrome) I would. If I can come to the corporate office wearing these pair, I will. That's how much I love them :)

Materials Used:
Patterned paper: Creative Imaginations (scalloped) & Autumn Leaves; Stamps: Autumn Leaves (Journaling block) and Cat's Life Press (Exhibit A); Transparency: Hambly; Brads: JoAnn's; Stamping Ink: Dew Drop Tsukineko; Pen: American Crafts; Alpha Stickers: Making Memories; Decorative Tape: Heidi Swapp; Flowers: Prima

Techniques Used:

For the journaling, AL journaling blocks were stamped in AL patterned paper and adhered to the layout with foam tape for dimension. Apologies for the blurred pic - I'm still saving up for a really nice high-end camera..

About ME:
My name is Pearl Rigonan, I recently moved to Singapore to work for a MNC. I'm in my late 20's, single but that's okay.. My interest in scrapbooking started in 2004 but only seriously considered it as a hobby in 2005. Scrapbooking is my hobby of choice as it allows so much freedom in creativity, be it art in paper, words or pictures. Through this hobby, I have met and acquainted myself to so many people who share the same passion as I have in scrapbooking and they continue to inspire me to make more layouts and be better at the craft. When I scrapbook, I try to do whatever I want but my cardinal rule is always MAKE IT ACID FREE. I still haven't found my scrap-style but discovering how much you can do is half the fun of creating. Apart from scrapbooking, I also love to read, listen to music and travel. I'm addicted to chocolate and coffee. And I already miss Manila terribly!!!