Showing posts with label Voting Kaya 10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Voting Kaya 10. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Voting Time for Kaya 10

But first, Kayang-Kaya Kaya? would like to thank the following:

Diane, for effectively running a great challenge. I do believe the PS membership increased because of her and this challenge.

To Danielle Young, for letting us use such a wonderful kit. We hope we did justice to your digital creation.

To the scrappers who joined this challenge, many of you first-timers in the digital world, you all did yourself proud. To the more experienced digi-scrappers, thanks for showcasing your talent and creativity to us.

There are 37 digital layouts submitted in response to Diane's challenge. Unfortunately, we have to disqualify three because they were submitted after the deadline. You will still see their layouts below because they deserve to be shown and appreciated. However, they will not be included in the voting in deference to those who complied with all the requirements.

We are doing something differently this month. Instead of posting a summary showcasing all the layouts, we would like you to scroll down so you could read again the stories behind these creations and the scrappers that made them.

Voting is now open until February 29, 2008, 12:00 noon, Philippine time. Shortly, thereafter. Diane will announce the winner of the challenge.

Thank you very much.