Showing posts with label Cecel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cecel. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sweet Rain and So Happy Together

Cecel says, KAYA!

I realy enjoyed playing with this kit. Thanks to Dianne and Danielle. I got it early though I couldn't make something yet because of work contraints. Then, I had second thoughts of joining when I saw the gorgeous creations already posted here. So here's my take:

Materials used:
Springtime Feeling Kit by Danielle Young
font - Impact, Edwardian Script ITC

About ME:
I'm cecel. Working as an analyst here in SG for 9years now(whew!). An 'anything goes' kind of scrapper who enjoys traditional as well as digital. My weakness - journaling(arghh!). Married for 6years to my pards Lew who is very supportive of my expensive hobby(as long as I give him a rootbeer float while he waits for me as I shop at MWL hehe). we are still praying for our God's gift. You may checkout my blog at and our group at :)