Showing posts with label Au Lim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Au Lim. Show all posts

Friday, May 30, 2008


Au says, "Kaya!"

...and Au also says, "Whew!" This is not an easy challenge. The first reason being scheduling problems for me. Too many things to catch up on, too many balls up in the air...i swear some of them balls are already falling and hitting me on the head! But hey, I'm still here and still juggling so on it goes. And this is why i don't need extra baggage. Hence, despite feeling the pinch of work deadlines, this challenge is actually a good thing for me because it made me come to a decision to throw excess baggage off my ship. And so this layout is not just to document life but to make myself a pact.

My symbol: the flying bird for freedom!...because it's just too hard to fly when you're heavy with hurt feelings.

in all the forty two years i have spent on this earth, i have learned that people come and go in my life. some have made me happy. some helped me in my journey. yet some have disappointed, irritated, agitated, fooled me, ridiculed me, borrowed things and money yet never repaid me. some have even loved me yet eventually broke me, whether knowingly or unwittingly...

it is not easy to forget them, much less forgive...

but then again, i realized i could have done the same things to other people...whether intentionally or innocently...and so... I declare an AMNESTY

from here on i grant to all the people that i perceive to have hurt me in the past or owed me any kind of apology, extended or not and whether they are aware or not. i give complete and utter release from any blame i have pinned on them. i give to them my absolution.

...because in doing so, i absolve myself. i free myself.

...because ultimately, i only have to BE at peace with myself.

Materials used:
K&Co Mira paper, Ellison Thick Cuts Filmstrip #2 and Sizzix Roundabout dies, felt fabric, Provocraft rolling stamp, Prima flowers and blings chipboard, Radiant Rain glimmer mist

Techniques used:
cheap chipboard used to cut the film die and also used for the base for the journaling painted with black MM acrylics to seal off acidity. Radiant Rain shimmer mist painted on top of black paint for some shine. Journaling was placed on top blue texture photo and computer printed. Felt fabric was used to diecut letters using Roundabout letter dies.

About Me:
Hi I'm Au Lim. Pinoyscrapbookers mod and designing for Studio Azul. Mom to 5 kids, buckaroo wife to hubby Erwin, small scale entrepreneur, spiritual seeker, passionate scrapbooker/crafter and aspiring photographer. That's probably most of who I am in a nutshell.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Miller Groban Jolie

Au says, "KAYA!"

it was so hard to decide on just one idol to scrap about so i picked 3 instead. and these 3 will have to take the top spots among my many idols. Wentworth Miller is one of my best TV favorites because of his extreme good looks and mesmerizing gaze. Josh Groban is a multitalented person who i love not just for his amazing voice but also because i find it really hot when he plays the piano or drums. Angelina Jolie is a lady i admire because not only is she unbelievably beautiful physically but she is also beautiful where it really matters. she is one of the rare people whose inner and outer beauty matches. to top it off, i also love that she is a bit crazy(and i mean that in a good way) and has multiple tattoos i like!

i have always been a fan of the vintage and distressed styles but i am actually in graphic mood lately. since its rare for me to get the chance these days, i was so happy to do another one in this mode. to match it, i wanted the journaling to be truncated as well. so i limited myself to 3 words that best describe why i adore these people.

Wentworth Miller:
Josh Groban: voice.talent.yummy
Angelina Jolie: crazy.beautiful.human

Materials used: Bazzill cardstock, American Crafts paper, Darice foamies, QK Metro dies, handcut letters, assorted blings from Divi, Reese glitter glue, Radiant Rain Shimmer spray.

About Me: i am a TV junkie aside from a scrap-addict. i used to have a problem how to do them at the same time. i run from tv to scraptable and back. good thing hubby gifted me with a small dvd player with a little video screen. now i watch my favorite tv series(es?) on dvd while scrapping! i also design for this great little kit outfit called Studio Azul, the first in the Philippines. i do like blogging too and i do it here AND here.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Contemplating on my 3 Wishes for 2008

Au says, KAYA!

hahaha...ok, take 2...good thing this was a digi LO or i might not have time to edit. i forgot that i should use a black/white photo. i submitted one with a colored photo which i like better so i am putting it here just for exposure...hehehe...officially, my entry is the big one below.

i do believe wishes can come true especially if we take steps to make them a reality. creative visualization, as one can call this particular Kaya challenge is definitely a small yet significant step towards it. i was quite enthusiatic about making an entry for my wishes. the most difficult part was trimming them down to 3...and finding the time to do the layout. luckily, there's digital. so here is one of my rare attempts at it.

Find the time to exercise so i can get fit and healthier
- i wanna be able to do yoga regularly
Be able to drive my own car
- i must have the means to buy my dream SUV even if pre-owned
Find the time and space to be more in touch with my spiritual life
- i need to get back to doing my daily meditation and practice

Materials/Techniques used:
Adobe Photoshop CS2, various freebie digital kits: Tia Bennett Spring Time Fever stamp frame, Michelle Coleman ( Fall Splendor kit, Shabby Princess Sweet Serenity alphabets, fonts: Facelift, Dead Postman Typewriter, Hannibal Lecter

Since i had to re-edit to make the photo B/W and it does not match the papers, i made the photo layer even more transparent so the paper below will show thru. Opacity controls is at 30%

About Me:
Au Lim : I don't really consider myself a digital scrapbooker. Being one to be in front of the computer all day due to work and some leisure, the thought of scrapping digitally is not very appealing to me. I like the feel of touching real paper then cutting and glueing them down. However, with the new generation of hybrid products and scrapbookers cropping up, i can't help but be drawn to it. The new digital products that now match real paper and embellies are oh so lovely. Couple that with a quicker way to respond to challenges like these makes for a better case to spend more time in front of my trusty computer. If you have the time, please visit me at and I also currently design for the first kit club in the Philippines, Studio Azul. Yup, life is cool.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Holiday Hugs from The Lims

Au says, Kaya!

Hi all! According sa kasabihan: huli man daw at magaling...late pa rin...hehehe...

But i really love this sketch, especially since this gave me a great excuse/motivation to finally drag my family to a studio and get that long overdue family picture. Yes guys, to a studio no less and why not, since this is our first ever! I've been bugging hubby to for us to do a sit-down family picture at a studio year after year but it never materialized till now--20 years into our marriage. So you can see here now my kids almost all grown up, from my 19-year-old down to my 2-year-old. It was just really unfortunate that the studio shots couldn't be ready till January 4. Luckily, i had my own camera in my bag and the photographer agreed to take some shots with it. Wonderful Christmas indeed. I hope you peeps had a great one too!

Materials Used:
Bazzill cardstock, Provocraft papers, Prima flowers, CI brads, Inque Boutique stamps, Brilliance stamp pad Gold, embossing powder, Twinkling H2Os, sewing machine

About Me:
The closing year has really been a challenging yet rewarding one for me both in scrapbooking and in everything else in my life. I am so thankful for all the blessings we had and friendships I made. Hopefully, the coming year will be just as great, maybe it will be even better. And I wish for everyone to be just as lucky and blessed. What is probably important to remember in this regard is that everything is simply a matter of perspective.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wacky Girl

Au says, "KAYA!"

Whew! I made it!...Since I missed the deadline last month, I made it a point to do this one earlier. I finished last Wednesday evening but wasn't able to upload. I wanted to take the pic of the LO in the morning. Unfortunately, come next day, I was in a flurry because we confirmed that my youngest, Raj, has contracted dengue! We are still confined at the hospital till today but I took a short break to upload this. I wouldn't want to miss being saved from the island by Wonder Donna! Raj is doing well at this time, too so I could exhale as well.

This layout is about my little girl who is kinda zany with all her many moods. She is painfully shy but she often surprises me by being the brave one (she took to pre-school from the first day with no tears at all!) and by being a clown around people she is comfortable with. I think these pics, taken on the day of their school's Lakambini event while we were watching on at the bleachers captures her moods perfectly.

Reine has many moods. She is very shy around strangers yet totally wacky at home. But mostly, she is a sweet happy camper who loves giving me lots of hugs and sticky kisses.

Bazzill, Canson and DCWV cardstock, LeFranc watercolors, black pigment pen, White Uniball Signo pen, glue

Since I cannot embellish this layout much, I thought it was especially important for the photos to stand out. These photos were cropped close and edited using Adobe Photoshop CS to remove and blur all the extraneous elements that were distracting. Since we were sitting at the bleachers where there we many people, it was hard excluding them from the photo composition. Also, other than the white base and pink CS framing, this LO was perfect for using up some CS scraps. I simply tore them up in tiles, applied faux stitching with the white pen and rolled the torn edges to add in some texture. I also doodled in some faux eyelet lace since i cannot put in the real thing.

Au Lim: I just recently survived the Scrappin Moms Idol Challenge and it was one of the hardest yet most productive and fun scrapping experience i ever had. Since then, I think I have gained more confidence to join challenges so I tried again with Studio Azul's DT Call and became their first Blue Lady. Yup, it have been quite a ride for me, scrapwise, these past 3 months. Looking back, I am glad I heeded friends' proddings because I think braving these challenges despite my initial hesitation has made me grow more and gain more in the way of scrap stuff, scrapping mileage and best of all friendships. Visit me at and I'd love to hear from you, too!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Me and my Lolo

Au says, Kaya!

I was excited when I heard about this challenge because I had been hoarding ephemera and I am a fan of the vintage style. I thought this is a good time to break these out since I do not use them often enough. However, after seeing Leirs's LO, I thought true ephemera would be something related to my own life and Filipino setting rather than the "imported" ones I had. So I raided my Nanay's old photos and things and found these treasures. But the true treasure for me is this old and only photo in my possession of my Lolo. Being the bunso, all my lolos and lolas were gone by the time I was born except for this one. Let me tell you I was attacked with nostalgia when i saw it and got all misty gazing at it. It was a rush of feeling--just like when I hear an old song I haven't heard for a long time. So i hope my Lolo Sendong was looking over my shoulder as I made this one and i hope he likes it as much as I enjoyed making it.

This is a precious photo to me because my Lolo Rosendo here was the only grandparent I ever met. I was 3 on this pic. He doted on me being the youngest and only girl among his apos. I remember him always at my defense whenever I run to him while being teased by my elder brothers who call me "negra" and "Metring David" (after a comedienne with big feet). We only had a very short time together. I vividly remember staying beside him at his hospital bed during his last days when i was around 4 years old. We lost him to kidney disease.

Material/Techiques used:
K&Co Brenda Walton Maison and Cosmo Cricket papers, old coins and peso bills circa 60s-70s. Peso bills were scanned and printed while coins are the real thing. Buttons, charms, faux jewelry, Simply Scrappy acrylic brackets, Dymo tape labeller. UTEE to dimensionalize the M and E, Gelatins Festival Vintage stamps and metallic embossing powders for the word LOLO, lace, 7gypsies journalling tag, Prima flowers.

Au Lim: I love crafting and, recently, stamping. I only wish I had more time to do them. I admire the old, vintage and shabby styles and am hoarding stuff in this design although I rarely use them. Perhaps this challenge will trigger me to use them more often especially since i have unearthed a treasure trove of old photos my mother keeps. I also like blogging and bloghopping whenever i can steal some time away. Visit me at and I'd love to hear from you, too!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Au says, KAYA!

I looove stamping! I think it's a great (and ultimately cheaper) way to decorate one's pages. I usually rather buy stamps and inks than rubons and stickers because stamps never run out and I get them in colors i want. I was eagerly anticipating this month's challenge and wanted to do a LOT of stamping on the LO. Unfortunately, time constraints still prevented me from executing what I planned. But I did totally enjoy doing this LO despite that fact that it made me hungry while working on it. This one is based on a Pagemaps sketch in the May 2007 issue.

Hidden Journalling on the "The Story of:" tag reads:
Nita and I were cruising along T. Morato when she asked if I've tried this resto (The Red Crab). I said no so she immediately parked. The place was closing for the night but i cajoled the waiter to let us in. Boy! -- did i love meeting CRAB MARITESS with Laguna Salad on the side. Totally yummy with lots of garlic and olive oil to drizzle over hot rice. Uh-ummm!

Materials used:
Cosmo Cricket and Daisy D's papers. Stamping applications were the title Yumm! with foam stamps and acrylic paint, the red lace frame with Hero Arts rubber stamps and red embossing powder, and the strip journalling with Provocraft rolling stamp Circa and black inkpad. Other materials are 7gypsies tag, red vellum, lace and buttons from Divi. Edge distressing photos with Brilliance inks and papers with Distress Ink Tea Dye.

Hi! I'm Au Lim and I'm a stamping addict. I love crafts and have tried everything from cross-stitching, crocheting, quilting, candle and soap making. However, i have never been more hooked on anything than scrapbooking and lately, stamping. Mom to 5 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 fishes, and 2 turtles, yep our small home is a menagerie. Working for our humble biz, Ideas Enterprises, with hubby making CAD signages and also running on the side. I often think work gets in the way of play.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

There are only 3 colors, 10 digits, 7 notes...

Au says, KAYA!

At first i thought this challenge would be oh so hard. Funny it turned out to be the fastest LO i have ever done. I finished it in about 4 hours (madali na yun for me ah!) Severely limiting my choices makes things easier. This confirms to myself that my being spoiled for choice is what bogs me down. Hopefully, this discovery would make me a faster scrapper in the future.

This LO was inspired by last month's Kaya Challenge digital entry Musical Notes by Cabbie Jane. I thought the black and white format would go well with a piano LO i wanted to do since seeing Cabbie's LO. The quote is from an LO on the Elsie Flannigan book. I forgot to include credits for the person who quoted it so I am going to mention it here. The quote is by Jim Rohn.

The Note to Self tab is a 7Gypsies tag that pulls out. It contains the Journaling which reads:
I can never be too old or too slow to learn something new. This is why at 40, I restarted learning to play the piano. I dropped it when I was 11 due to sheer rebelliousness. Now, I regret this. I should have listened to Nanay then. Moms do know best.

Material/Techniques Used:
Black Bazzill cardstock as base. This was rubberstamped with Big Clock and Old French Script using Making Memories Acrylic Paint in Steel (gray). B/W pp is by Mambi, dotted paper is by Making Memories (kraft) and the musical notes paper was made by rubberstamping with black dye ink on plain white Bazzill CS torn and edge distressed with black chalk and inkpad. The quote on brown Canson CS strips was rubberstamped using my favorite Making Memories magnetic stamp base and Evolution letters with Brilliance Moonlight (white) inkpad. Double sided tape used to make a pocket behind the PP that anchors the Note to Self tag.

Photo was converted to grayscale and skintone recolored with brown tint. Finishing touch was the black stitched ribbon, with metal buckle, brown shades of Prima flowers and metal brads, and the Kelly Panacci butterfly sticker embellished with Making Memories glitter and dimensional glue.

About Me:
Au Lim : Work at home mom to 5 kids, Kiko 18, Gabey 16, Kara 12, Reine 4, and Raj 2, so I pretty much run the gamut of motherhood stages. Wife and business sidekick to Erwin. Scrapper since 2001 when I opened the yahoogroups PinoyScrapbookers hoping I would find camaraderie with lots of fellow scrappers—which I did some 5 years later. Went on and off different crafts including cross-stitch, crochet, quilting and modelmaking,. Currently trying to learn the piano and photography. Like most of you, a hopeless scrap-addict running a homebased/online scrap store,

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Kaya One

Hello all…to start the ball rolling, here’s the first challenge.

We usually scrap people but rarely do we scrap an item. Since favorites are also a part of our lives and usually tell something about us, it is fitting for us scrappers to DO a layout on a FAVORITE THING/ITEM! Here’s my latest. It’s hubby’s gift to me on my last birthday!


I didn’t think I’d get my wish since my b’day had come and passed. I had been dropping hints that I wanted a DSLR but the Canon 400D I wanted was beyond our budget. On this day Erwin took me to a store in Quiapo where I saw this one – Nikon D40. It was so highly recommended by the shopkeeper, Ramon AND it was within budget! This picture of me is the first shot off the camera w/c the shopkeeper took to show me how well it works. Needless to say, the camera came home with me! Thus far, I am lovin’ my Nikon D40!

Materials/Techniques Used:

DCWV cardstock as base, MM acrylic paints (Spotlight (white), Cranberry+Asphalt (black) mixed to get a dark red) and MM Dingbat foam stamps for title and corner trimmings, MM Magnetic rubber stamps for subtitle and dates, 3BIAR sticker for the quotation, 3BIAR French Country under my photo and K&Co pattern paper under the clear acrylic brackets by Simply Scrappy, Bazzill blossoms as pull-out for the 7Gypsies journaling card, Canson photo corners, buttons also work as a photo corner and finishing touch.

Kayang-kaya kaya? ---Scrap your FAVORITE THING/ITEM on a 12 x 12 traditional LO or a 12 by 12 format digital LO. [Polling will be on separate categories.]--- KAYA!

About ME:

Aurora Lim : Work at home mom to 5 kids, Kiko 18, Gabey 16, Kara 12, Reine 4, and Raj 2, so I pretty much run the gamut of motherhood stages. Wife and business sidekick to Erwin. Scrapper since 2001 when I opened the yahoogroups PinoyScrapbookers hoping I would find camaraderie with lots of fellow scrappers—which I did some 5 years later. Went on and off different crafts including cross-stitch, crochet, quilting and modelmaking,. Currently trying to learn the piano and photography. Like most of you, a hopeless scrap-addict running a homebased/online scrap store,