Showing posts with label Kaya 28. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kaya 28. Show all posts

Sunday, August 30, 2009

What a Hoot

Marix says, KAYA!

After a few months of absence due to some personal issues I'm finally back, and a deadline beater yet again. I decided to scrap my extra passport/ID photos from the past to present, so no photo goes to waste no matter how horrendous it may look, LOL.

What a Hoot

(Typical conversation with the immigration officers scrutinizing my passport)
"Is this you?"
(Like I could say NO to that)
"Yes it's me 100 lbs ago." *with a cheeky smile of course*

Materials used:
Grant cs; MME pps, die cuts (owl, title), transparency; Colorbok journaling spots; Cosmo cricket chipboard; Sassafrass border; MR elastic ribbon; Robin's nest; buttons

Marix is currently addicted to Facebook... still taking time to scrap the way I used to... missing my Mama terribly... happy to spend my medical leave with my Dad here in Singapore... feels so blessed surrounded by family and friends. Still blogging here.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Daddy & Me

Rianne says, KAYA!


Sing me a song again, Daddy.
Sing me a lullaby.
Wrap me inside your arms, Daddy,
'Though this is not goodbye.
Your songs will live forever in my heart.
When times get rough
The ones I'll most remember
Are your songs of love.

Missing Daddy. August 27, 2009

Materials Used:
Papers and elements from Peppermint Creative free kits Daditude, After Midnight and Candy Fairway.

Techniques Used:
Layering, drop shadows

About ME:
Hi, I'm Rianne, analyst, part-time writer, procrastinating blogger and recent bride, recovering from the recent loss of my father. I realized that I've been scrapbooking in some form or another since high school. Right now I'm dabbling in digital scrapbooking since I spend so much time in front of the computer anyway--and most of our pictures are only in digital form. Still, that doesn't stop me from hoarding!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Are We There Yet?

Mel says, KAYA!

At last another LO for KAYA! The requirements were pretty simple so it would be a shame if I don't join.

"June 8, 2009- I usually travel once or twice a year for business reasons but this time it was all fun. We were going to Disneyland! You, me, Lolo, Lola, Tito Kim, Anya and Lance. Sa airport pa lang memorable na. We almost didn't make it. You were oblivious to the whole thing. It will be a long time till we do this again but there are lessons learned. Incidents or no incidents, I'm glad you were with me."

Materials Used:
Teresa Collins Travelogue, strips of SEI, MM Passport

About ME:
I'm Mel, 32, infanticipating to my second child and proud mom to my first born Ian who is mostly my scrapbook subject. The photos were taken during our trip to Hongkong Disneyland last June at the height of AH1N1 flu scare. All I can say is flu be damned. We had lots of fun and lots of photos too

Fellow Again

Arnie says, KAYA!

For my digital entry, the pics I chose were taken during the Opening Ceremonies of the Annual Convention of the Philippine Society of Pathologists. It was during this time where I was one of those who was bestowed the title of Fellow in Anatomic Pathology for the second time, the first time being 4 years ago as Fellow in Clinical Pathology. It was during this moment that I felt truly complete - having attained the highest title of my profession, being side by side with my husband, and with our baby to complete the whole package.

Opening Ceremonies. PSP Annual Convention. 04/09 Diamond Hotel

Summer Bloom papers by Nicole of DigiDesigns; Sugar Plum Swirly Bits elements; Bea Couleur de L'inde Brilliant elements; AWP Citrus Berry alphas; Fashion Colors Journaling strip

Adobe Photoshop; Scrapbook Factory Deluxe

I am Laarni "Arnie" Pedrosa-Uy from Taguig City, a pathologist/medical transcriptionist who is into traditional (2002) and digital scrapbooking (2007). I am wifey to my honeybee Edison and mommy to our 6-month old baby boy Eagan

Sweet Summer Sunshine

Arnie says, KAYA!

For my traditional entry, I chose pics taken with baby Eagan (then barely a month old) and my dear mother-in-law before she left for Seattle. It was one of those weekends where my husband felt just like driving away from the craziness of the city and randomly picked White Rock. Our stay was only short but sweet, just relishing the moment under the sun with loved ones amidst the warm summer breeze.

Materials Used:
Prima Iron Orchid Designs Angelique Collection papers and flowers; Prima Nancy Kubo Designs Urban Cosmos paper; All About Scrapbooking C&S lace; Puffy Stickers; fibers from Carolina's.

paper cutting, paper tearing

About ME:
I am Laarni "Arnie" Pedrosa-Uy from Taguig City, a pathologist/medical transcriptionist who is into traditional (2002) and digital scrapbooking (2007). I am wifey to my honeybee Edison and mommy to our 5-month old baby boy Eagan. Visit me at

Finally... I'm Pregnant

Joy says, Kaya
Lee called my attention regarding my entry. The challenge should be "me" pala as my subject so I decided to create one again. Thanks again Lee.

I waited for you for six long years until one day you come to our life. The day I tested positive, Erwin and I had a mixed emotions. Happy because I’m pregnant again for the 4th time and afraid because I might had a miscarriage again. We seek advice from friends and I finally ended up to have a very good doctors around me who keeps on monitoring my conditions. I was house arrest for 6 months. Everyday injections were administered. Tons of medicines were taken everyday. Weekly checkup and ultrasound was done Erwin was so fragile with my condition until the BIG day come, Dec 06, 2008, 4:49AM I gave birth to our son,
Enzo Jeremiah Lim

Joyful Kit by Choukette, Play Day template by Mzimm


About Me:
I'm Joyleen Dianne Co Lim married for 6 six years and a mother to a 8 month old baby boy, Enzo. Currently quite busy with our little boy. During my spare time I try to create digital layouts as of the moment, no time for traditional yet. Do visit my blog for my updates.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Just for Fun

Chiqui says, KAYA!

I haven’t been able to make layouts for Kaya! for quite sometime now but I’m happy I’m back this month. Thanks for the challenge, Leica!

Jump! Let loose! Play! Daddy & I felt like we were little kids playing with you but it was definitely worth it. (Feb 2009, HK Disneyland Hotel Grounds)

Materials Used:
PP’s: Fancy Pants & Scenic Route; Fancy Pants & Journaling Card; Making Memories ribbon slider; WRMK ribbon; 7Gypsies cardstock sticker; Chatterbox journaling die-cut; Making Memories brads; Prima flowers; AC thickers; MM tiny alphas; Doodlebug loopy alphas; AC precision pen.

About Me:
I’m Chiqui Gutierrez, part time pediatrician, full time wife and mother to 2 girls (Julia is almost 7 and Ally is 3). I’ve been scrapping since July 2007 and enjoying it immensely. You can see more of me and my layouts at my blog: See you!

R & R

Marissa says, KAYA!

I haven't been active lately due to so many personal commitments, but when I saw that digital LOs are accepted for this challenge, I whipped up a quick one and uploaded right away before procrastination sets in. These pictures were taken last week in Chicago.


Very simple...
oh... the places we went and the things we saw...

R&R Alpha by Shabby Princess' Promise Alpha, fonts used: Matisse ITC and Arial; flower border and lace templates by CraftFairy1; program used: CS3 ext, all the rest are from TipToe Studio.

About Me:

Barbie collector, traditional and digital scrapbooker.
My latest project: crocheting flowers and lace to use in my scrapbook layouts and handmade cards. My next project: learn to tat.
AKA... CraftFairy1

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Being Me

Mye says, KAYA!

I like Leica's challenge. Since it is about ourselves, I chose the portrait shots that my husband took after buying his first strobist kit. I am not very much into posing for the camera but since it was only him and I inside the room, it became easier and the shots turned quite well and he was able to practice.

I was thinking of whether to use traditional or digital. I still have a couple of unused kits in my stash but I cannot properly execute the things I want in paper so I opted for a digital layout.

Technique Used:
Drop Shadows, Layering

Materials Used:
Jubilant and Pocketful of Sunshine by Connie Prince.
Fonts: Century Gothic and Edwardian Script

About ME:
I am Myrlyn De Leon from Rizal. A scrapper, event coordinator and mom to my twins, Scieszka Raine and Elysia Raine. Scrapping and blogging has been my diversion from the serious and busy life in the city as a working mom. Visit me at Scrap Like Crazy.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Be Me

July says, KAYA!

This is my take on Leica's challenge. I really like this challenge which talks about vain and OCness. I'm a little like one.

Princess love yourself wholeheartedly. Scrapping is the me time. I wonder {always} how much money I've wasted on this...but I'm not gonna stop just like that because this makes me a different person I wanted to be...& I'm loving this...

My mind's eye- Out and About , CS-Scrapbook Depot, Prima Flowers, AC thickers, Fancy pants transparency, Lace and beads, Prima Rub-ons- Tea and Silk collection.

About ME:
I'd love to experiment my Scrapping Style but this is indeed a therapy for me. I'm practically new to blogging also but glad if you can visit me at

A Perfect Day

Alby says, KAYA!

About a week ago, I received an announcement that We Are Story Tellers is closing down and all digital items in the website are on sale. I purchased a couple of masks, templates, brushes and alphas and I've been itching to use them since. Hence, I've decided to go digital with this challenge and I used some of my fave vacation photos.

Touring Bantayan Island in rented bikes was really a great idea. We had so much fun exploring the community. I was a bit wary at first because I was afraid I won't be able to keep up with you. I thought I did ok, a bit sweaty from the exercise but happy to have tried something new. (April 2007)

Digital Kit: Express Yourself by Ronna Penner, Template: Photo Clusters #3 by Kellie Mize, Font: FG Maria

About Me:
I'm Alby - weekend scrapper, weekday corporate slave, nightly internet stalker, blessed with a sweet and loving hubby and surrounded with four playful canine babies. Together with my hubby, I love exploring new places be it remote islands of the Philippines, religious and historical monuments or nature reserves elsewhere in the world. I document our exploits in my travel and leisure blog and once I have the photos printed, I scrap them and post in my scrapbooking blog. See you around!

Star of the Day

Joy says, Kaya

At last I was able to join the kaya challenge. I miss this a lot. Been busy with our little Enzo and facebook lately. I took time out to do layouts again. Thanks Leica for this challenge. Hoping that these would break my mojo and start scrapbooking again.

Happy Birthday DS4 Kit by Glayce Cavalcante, Hannah Made Template
Fonts: Time New Romans

You look so adorable in your dalmatian costumes. Mommy loves seeing you smile and giggles while you are being photographed.

Bel Vidotti Scraps ~ Get Fresh Taggers kit, Ruth Melody- R-Template Vol1

Century Gothic

About Me:
I'm Joyleen Dianne Co Lim married for 6 six years and a mother to a 8 month old baby boy, Enzo. Currently quite busy with our little boy. During my spare time I try to create digital layouts as of the moment, no time for traditional yet. Do visit my blog for my updates.

Beginning Today...

Issa says, KAYA!

Oh here I am again, making a layout about myself! I cannot resist to scrap my FB profile photo, thanks to my cousin Ronald for this hocus-focus shot last month. I have a design layout in mind but I just don't have a title for this one. Timi and Yvette thought about the title "Beginning Today" because of my new shift in life and career (kuno!) and that I must continue to grow and find peace in whatever I want to do. Tama nga naman and so here's my layout...

Journalling: In a time of new beginnings, continue to grow, to dream, and to make new memories. Whatever gives you peace within yourself will allow you to see the special person you truly are... just copied this quote from a Blue Mountain book.

Materials: Spanish Soccer pps, Prima Urban Cosmo pps, cardstocks, Prima artistry flowers, foam flowers, silk leaves, Hambly transparency, glittered glue, corrogated board, Basic Grey Wilma chiboard letters, AC Thickers foam letters, Ranger glossy accents and distressed ink-antique linen, MM acrylic paint-evergreen.

Technique Used: Painting and Masking, I masked 2 flowers on the upper left corner and the other one on the lower right corner.

About ME:
Hello everyone, I'm Issa! And I'm so happy to be here at PS' blog and joining another Kaya Challenge. I'm a little bad in blogging, but you can visit me here... Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Jenny Jean says, KAYA!

Here is my take on Leica's August Challenge.

For our third anniversary, we have decided to take a weekend trip to Malaysia. We enjoyed the sights, and had a taste of the local delights. It was a wonderful vacation. But what made it even more memorable is when my Cookie popped the question. And with tears brimming in my eyes, I said "Yes!".

Materials Used:
Text Printout with foam tape (for the Yes! title), Pink Ribbon, Colored paper (just some leftover pieces), Walter Knabe Card Stamp&Scrap Paper Pack (Provincial) for the Journalling page, White Photo Corners, Cut-outs (Heart Clipart with text)

Techniques Used/Process:
Cropping/Resizing for the photos, Layering, Cutting

About ME:
I am Jenny Jean, an IT professional practicing in Singapore. My fiance and I love to take photos and I found scrapbooking to be the best way for preserving the memories that comes with them. In between the day job, housechores, and (very rarely these days) scrapping, I will soon need to start preparing for a 2010 wedding. Cookie is a term of endearment between me and my fiance.

Monday, August 17, 2009

@ 32

Jona says, KAYA!

Hidden Journaling:
Life is sweeter, thankful for the blessings coming our way. I am more wiser and stronger and more loved by my family and age is not yet showing.

Materials Used:
Fancy pants overlay, Bazill cs, prima flowers, fancy pants rub ons, thickers, 7 gypsies paper clip and misc buttons and ribbons.

About ME:
I am Jona Panesa, working mom to a three year old toddler Zid. I have been scrapping for almost 3 years now.

Off to the Countryside

Jenn says, KAYA!

This layout was supposed to be posted last week, but I cannot find my craft knife to cut out the letters for the titles. Good thing I found it last night, so now I can post this layout. Thanks for the challenge, Leica. This is now layout #2 for this year for me. I know it sounds funny, but it was more of a relief that I am slowly getting back.

Off to the Countryside

"Coming home after our visit to the cemetery, brother and I decided to come with our Aunt and cousins back to their house for us to take pictures of the tobacco and corn fields. It was supposed to be for a cell phone photo contest I wished to join, but I think I got more than what I hoped for. Aside from taking the pictures, I was able to enjoy playing in the haystack with nieces Michelle and Ian, and I was also able to herd goats. A great day, indeed!"

Materials Used:
I seriously can't distinguish all - for my papers were quite old, some I bought from scrapbook sales, some were given to me by the ever nice and generous scrappers, but I do know some papers were SEI, Cherry Arte, and Making Memories. The font for the "countryside" is Syncronous, and the font for the journaling is Century Gothic. I also used DMC thread for the stitching, and a jelly letter sticker (the letter "J" in the middle of the flower) from Craft Express.

Stitching, Distressing

About ME:
A person with multiple personalities who's very much into blogging, traveling, photography, and eating. Trying to come back into scrapbooking and is hoping to create more layouts based on the pictures she took. Check her blogs at: Jenn Was Here and An Autobiography in the Works among others.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Val says, KAYA!

This is kinda easy. Arnold and I have a lot of pictures in his car mainly because we get bored while on the road. Also, I find it funny that even while driving he'd look straight in the camera not minding that his attention deviates from the road for a few secs.

Technique Used:
I layered some papers to create some sort of dimension. The "swirl accent" was actually traced from a backing of a chipboard on an old gift wrapper. I just placed some rhinestone accents to put more emphasis on it. I made a "polaroid frame" on the biggest picture to put focus on that picture.

About ME:
I am Valerie Cacanindin and I started scrapbooking early this year. It's a great way for me to not only document the important events of my life but to also find my inner creative self.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Owa's Girl

Marian says KAYA!

We always have dinner with my in-laws on Saturday evening. Sometimes we take turns hosting it at our homes and sometimes we eat out. Sophia always looks forward to these get-togethers as she gets to play with her cousins. She sat still on my lap in these photos as her playmates hadn't arrived yet.

Journalling: We've been bonding more now that I pick you up from school. I enjoy this role a lot. Lately I've noticed you choose to sit with me rather than with Mommy or Tita Kate.You've become Owa's girl.
Who: Sophia & Owa
What: Dinner at Balducci
When : Aug. 8, 2009

Materials used: Template from Jessica Sprague, Papers and elements from
Retrodiva's Tweet Tweet Collection downloaded from Digital Freebies

About me:

I am a stamper, cardmaker and scrapbooker. I hope Sophia learns these crafts too.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Out of Town

LG says, KAYA!

Thank God for this easy challenge. No excuse for me not to join you fabulous ladies. Thanks, Leica! You rock!

Before we got married, we loved oddball adventures. We travelled a lot. We enjoyed visiting different places and having so much fun along the way. These photographs were taken on our 2nd trip to Villa Lorenza last February 10, 2007. We visited the place once before but it felt a bit short and we couldn't really get to unwind as much. This time around, we stayed there for the weekend. We relaxed, watched movie, did karaoke, and of course...we swam like fishes to our hearts contest. Wish we can do that more often now, with Hannah tagging along.

Materials Used:
October Afternoon Road Map pps, AC Thickers, Kaiser Bling, signage sticker

About ME:
I'm from Manila and I'm a proud mother to my 9 month old baby girl, Hannah Dominique, and a loving wife to my very supportive husband Regie. Started scrapping in October of 2008 and I'm currently enjoying and learning more about my new found passion. You can visit me at

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Spice of Life

Ching says, KAYA!

Even though we are fortunate to have the opportunity to play golf, daily, on our golf course in Florida, we welcome the opportunity to play at the Intramuros Golf Course in Manila.
Whenever, we drive pass the golf course, on our way back to Quezon City, after a visit to Manila, we think about the pleasant times we have experienced at one of the Philippines most beautiful golfing facilities.

Intramuros Golf Club
Manila, Philippines

Materials Used:
Wausau cardstock, DCWV pattern paper, Cricut die-cut machine, MS Scallop Dot border punch, Fiskars round corner punch, Cuttlebug Swiss Dots embossing folder, Sewing machine/threads, Provo Craft and Ms. Elizabeth's sticker letters, scotch double sided tape and glue stick, Vellum, Computer type journaling

Paper: embossing, machine stitching, die-cutting, punching, layering

About Me:
A SAHM to a 16 year old son, married to a wonderful man.
Love to shop, play golf and like to try different foods.

Ching -