Showing posts with label Kaya 5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kaya 5. Show all posts

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Donna says, KAYA!

Another one of those photo-finish layouts!! Did a trad lo for this challenge BUT idiot me, didn't borrow a camera to take a photo of my lo... hmmm... so, resorted to digital scrapping hehehe. TFL!

"the way your eyes twinkle is such a priceless sight whenever you are inside the PLAYHOUSE." ~ Cheska, 09-2007

Materials used:
6 pps - background pink checkered pp, blue stitched floral pp (2peas - Rhonna Farrer Sew Scrappea), strip blue with diamonds pp, pink with colored circles pp, strip blue multifloral pp, green swirl pp (2peas - A. Langpap July), Orange and pink flowers (A. Langpap July 2peas), Stitches (COF_ACOT), Ribbons and knot- Ronna Penner Express Yourself, Tracy Collins Sugar, Staple wire, buttons and Alpha - Tracy Collins (Tag sale and Naturally), Fonts - FG Amelia and Arial Narrow, Dymo label - my own design. Software - Adobe PS7.

Techniques used:
Nothing much here, I just enlarged the photo and put brown colored stroke to serve as matting. All drop-shadowed elements/pps. "Dymo label" is a simple rectangle shape filled with black color. Played with the text (cheska and date) with some drop shadows and bevel & emboss options.

About ME:
I'm Donna Espiritu. I love life, I love to laugh and I love this photo hehehe
Proud to say I am a DT for MLA (first ever hee hee)
And I just got my prize for the 3BIAR II challenge (yippppeeee!!)
Click here to check out my blog.

U & Me

Diane says, KAYA!

My goodness I made this LO when I saw the email of my dear friend Lee at 6pm telling me that she is still waiting for my LO to be posted here. I finished doing this at 7:45pm! Photo finish indeed! So here is my digital LO featuring my sister and her shitzu doggy named Weet. I love these pictures so much because they are so cute together. I guess Weet missed my sister so much since she was left here at my parents house. My sister can no longer take care of Weet because her thesis is taking much of her time. But she still loves her doggy.

(sorry I didn't include any journaling since I am cramming already)

Materials Used:
Fiesta kit and Cornered Stamp by Jennifer Howland, Circle Matties by Corina Nielsen, Folded Corner by Karah fredricks, Funky Flowers by Annie Manning, Black polka dot frame by Laura Deacelis, Doodled Paper Alpha by Kate Hadfield, Stapled Frame by Leah Riordan, Font: Arial

Techniques Used:
I edited the photos to make it sepia, Added some drop shadows to the page and the LO was created using Adobe Photoshop CS2.

About ME:
I am Diane, 24 years old from Bicol, Philippines. I've been married to Jun for 3 years. And a mom to my two little angel up in heaven named Huey Dhale (3 years old) and Riyo (6weeks old in my tummy). I am a paper and digital scrapbooker. I've been hooked to scrapbooking since May of 2005. I love photography. Someday I want to have a good camera like Nikon or Canon. I also love to doodle on my LO's. This gives my LO's a personal touch.

Ten Years After

Lee says, Kaya!

Acckkkk...Is it the 27th already? I thought I had enough time to make something special for DH as an anniversary present. Woke up this morning to a sweet kiss and I'm like OMG! I forgot to get him a present. So this afternoon, while waiting for the KiDS to come home from school, I made him this. I hope he buys it when I tell him I sweated over it. :-) And most importantly, I hope he likes it.

On photo: How do I love thee, let me count the ways.
On tag: truly...madly...deeply...

Supplies Used:
Rhonna Farrer Free Love papers, frame; Ronee Parsons Sand in the City striped paper; J. Crowley Spring Chicken corner adorner and pink buttons; Lauren Reid swirl paper; Misty Cato tag; Kim Hill stamp; Leah Riordan flower; K. Schmidt green button.

The photo was taken by my nine-year old son Diego, and it was a bit blurred so I edited it in Photoshop for a dreamy look. Still using Photoshop CS, I cut and layered the elements from the different digital kits.

About ME:
Married 10 years to a visual artist, with three children. Slowly gaining confidence in scrapbooking especially after survived the Scrappin Moms' Idol challenge. I hope I survive the finals unscathed, too. I like digital scrapbooking because it's quick and easy and free, but I still prefer traditional scrapbooking for the texture, colors and dimension.

FRIENDS 'til the bitter end

Jenn says, KAYA!

Here I am again, beating another Kaya Challenge deadline. I don't have any excuse but procrastination, as I have already planned this layout since the week the challenge was announced. Yesterday, I was so shocked to realize it's already the 26th, and I feared not being to submit a layout because our computer got re-formatted and brother cannot install MS Office. Having slow computer and Internet connection also threatened me, but I am happy to pull this off in under three hours. Since we don't have MS Office, I cannot print anything, hence my handwritten journal. Biggest challenge was choosing the papers to use, as I am not really that good in picking papers for my layouts.

This layout is about me and my friend Ahdz when she came to sleep over in our place last July 14. In our 8 years of friendship, this had only been the fourth time we've seen each other personally, yet I could tell in an instant that she's one of the closest friends I have.
Layout based on a Becky Fleck sketch. Sorry for the poor scan.

Journaling Reads:
I met Ahdz nearly a decade ago when I signed up at a Hanson fan listing in hopes to gain more pals who are just as crazy as I am, Hanson-wise. We started as pen pals, and as time passed, not only did we share stories and opinions about the band, we've also shared things about ourselves. Now, we're constant text mates and closer than ever before. We rarely see each other, but our communication keeps our friendship growing. I am so blessed knowing a sweet friend like her. She's definitely a friend for keeps.

Materials Used:
Patterned Papers - DCWV, Craft Express, Imaginisce, Miss Elizabeth's * Pen - Sakura Gelly Roll (brown), Sakura Pigma Micron 04 (black) * Flowers - Prima * Others - Rick Rack, mini flower brads (AAS)
Techniques Used:
Layering, Inking (I don't have any stamp pad, so I lined my paper with my black pen)

About ME:
A 27-year old lady who has been into crafts since high school but just officially dived into real scrapbooking September of 2006. Even though I think I am probably the poorest of all the scrapbookers here in the Philippines, I don't see financial constraints as hindrance for me to create layouts about my life’s memories. Actually, with the very few materials that I have, I am now doing my third album. Style wise, I love to do multiple pictures in my layouts, and as much as possible, I want to put as much memories from a life’s event into one layout. Aside from scrapbooking, I am also into cross-stitching, card making (though I only create cards for select people), and altering boxes to accommodate my knick-knacks and old letters from friends. To know more of me and my scrapbooking, please check my scrapblog at: or head on to my personal site at:


Marissa says, KAYA!

From almost a “bald” baby, cradled in the fold of my arms, to a toddler who followed me around like a shadow, to a headstrung teen who knows what she wants and goes for it, you’ve grown too fast before my eyes. I shouldn’t have dared blink!

Supplies Used:
Petal shapes cut from DCVW summer stack; edges of petals inked with Cotton Candy Pink pigment ink by Scrappy Cat; BLOOM ready-cut alpha by ProvoCraft; alpha beads; glass beads; flower beads from Craftfing Expressions; yellow and blue cardstock; Skippy DoDa distressed stamp by Lauren Grier; Pentel silver/pink outline marker Scotch quick-dry adhesive; Font: ITC Franklin Gothic; craft foam pieces

Technique used:
Made a petal pattern and traced on seven different scraps of paper; used pink pigment ink to define the edges of each petal; hand sewn most of the flower beads on the petals using glass beads in the center of the flower beads; glued each petal layering each one on top of the other in a circle; used craft foam adhered at the back of the word "Bloom" which is arranged in a way depicting the stem of the flower; glued alpha beads below the "stem"; defined the edges of the petals with dots using Pentel outline marker.

About ME:
Mother to a teen who is everything I've wanted to be when I was her age, experiencing a lot of good opportunities more than I have in my life time, such as the opportunity to go to school and not worry about where the next school supplies and pocket money will come from; the opportunity to travel out of the town where she lives at any given moment; the opportunity to drive a car at the age of 16; go to the movies and shop with her friends almost every weekend, have access to modern technology and still gets bored because "there is nothing to do!" Boy! she has it so good she doesn't even know it!

Thank you for looking.

Art Attack

Nita says, KAYA!

I fondly remember this guy in Nickelodeon who hosts the show “Art Attack”. I love the way he puts together ordinary items to form an ingenious work of art. Well, when my daughter drew on the wall with a yellow crayon, he was the first thing that came to my mind. Sam’s barely 2 yrs old, but I can already see that she has the same artistic interest like me. Being the consenting stage mother that I am, I intend to give her all the opportunity to artistically express herself – just as long as it is not on the walls of our house. LOL. I believe this is one of the thrills of having a child, that you are able to mold and support your kids to meet their full potentials. I can’t wait to see her bloom in the coming years. For now, I shall content myself in scrapping her everyday antics. Hope you like my entry as much as I enjoy doing this page. Thanks for viewing :D

Journaling Reads:
Sam woke me up one morning from a blissful slumber and said, “Mama, pi-sel”. I mumbled, “Yes-yes, darling” and immediately went back to sleep. A few minutes later, she nudged me again and said, “MAMA, PI-SEL!” showing me a yellow object on one hand and a torn page of a coloring book on another. Realization immediately dawned on me and I sharply turned to the wall behind the bed. There, in all its glory, is my daughter’s own rendition of the Sistine Chapel! I couldn’t help but laugh as she innocently laughed with me. Inasmuch as I hate to be the sour puss in the family, I handed her a baby wipes and she eagerly helped me clean up her very first work of ART.

Materials Used:
1) Daisy D’s Salt Water Taffy “Sweet” PPS; 2) Daisy D’s “Salt Water Swirl” PPS; 3) Daisy D’s Salt Water Taffy “Pineapple Scroll” PPS; 4) AMM “Juicy” PPS; 5) Daisy D’s Sidewalk Chalk Stripe PPS; 6) Daisy D’s Playground Plaid PPS; Daisy D’s cardstock stickers; Prima flowers; Craft Express alpha chipboard; MM brads; Decorative bead; MM acrylic paint; Colorbox stamp pad.

Other Materials:
Simply Scrappy nested circle and ultimate circle template; Cuttlebug alpha dies (Olivia); Typewriter.

Technique Used:
Layering and inking.

About ME:
Proudly a Scrappinmoms Idol survivor :D Didn’t expect to come this far but am sure glad I didn’t quit when I intended to – and that was almost every week. LOL. Read more about my scrapping misadventures at I admit, I have neglected it for quite sometime but I intend to update it pretty soon. See you there :D

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Ella says KAYA!

I was not able to do a LO for last month's challenge so I ensured that I'll have a LO for this month. This LO was almost done early this month but I felt something is missing. Can't make up my mind on what embellish to add. I ended up removing the previously added embellish and be back to where I started - not much embellishment.



Since it was my 1st time in a WAX Museum, I enjoyed and had fun.

Materials Used:

DCWV PPS Retro (6pcs), Black and Blue Baz CS, Gin-x Coaster, Thickers, Eyelet, Rickrack, Ribbon, Buttons, CE Stickers, Sakura Pen, Chipboard Tag, AAS Brads.

Techniques Used:
1. Layering

I am Ella Mendoza-Go. Just turned 31 yo last July. Started scrapping june of 2006. My inspiration is my scrappin' hubby Ariel. I haven't discover my style yet. Trying hard to learn and apply new techniques. Thanks to our e-group for being helpful. (Learn more about Ella at

Built for Comfort

Tins says KAYA!

I hardly use more than 3 patterened papers at a time, so this was quite a challenge for me. The photo was taken by my eldest daughter, of Josh just happily playing away on his PSP. They both enjoy staying at their lola's house, after all, it's like Christmas everyday hehe

Staying at lola Julie's house in Dasma has always been a real treat for you.
Sitting in her favorite couch, PSP in hand and all the chips and chocolates
you can eat . . . totally built for comfort!!!

Materials Used:
K& Co., Scenic Route Capetown Main Street & Somerset Ave., Dreamstreet Hopes, American Crafts Bookshelf, Chatterbox Chateau Plaid, Liquid Pearls White Opal, Autumn Leaved Mod stickers, Thickers foam Eggnog, Thickers felt Pajamas, red felt, American Crafts felt arrows, Aqualip Black and Uniball Signo White

Techniques Used:
Layering of papers and handcutting, use of puffy paint

About Me:
Single mom to two kids that hopefully didn't take after my craziness :-) I love to scrap, i love to scrap SHOP, and i love to shop for pretty much anything. Scrapping is my respite from the daily grind, my usual scrapping hours are either before the kids arrive from school and when they're fast asleep. And they both know, mom's scrap supplies are not toys . . . moms scrap supplies are not used for school projects . . . mom's scrap supplies? Nooooo touchy! :-)

About A Girl

Raissa says, KAYA!

Finally, after a long while I am finally able to join in a challenge again. I had a hard time making this LO because I'm admittedly poor in color combinations and making use of different patterned papers. Thanks to Lee and Diane who gave suggestions on what color of papers to use for this photo. I'm not that satisfied with my LO, but then, its a start... I mean, at least I'm back to scrapping again. Hopefully, tuloy-tuloy na ito.

Hidden journaling (pull out tag with red and green circle with a green button):
Remember who you are
Who you want to become
Everything will fall into place,
When the time comes.

Don't forget I love you's
Every chance you get
The time may be short,
There is no time to regret.

Journal in front:
shy, sincere, friendly, loyal, quiet, creative

Materials Used:
Patterned Papers: DCWV Spring Stack, (paper with hearts, paper w/ diagonal stripes, paper with words, light green paper with small flowers. paper strip with circle chain) flowers from Around the Block Patterned Paper,Green patterned paper used for title from Craft Express also used as strips. you're unique title from Around the Block, buttons

Techniques Used:

About ME:
I'm Raissa Villanueva from Ilocos. Got into scrapbooking late last year. Got hooked but had to stop because of work... But since I love this hobby so much, I'm trying to find a balance so I wouldn't have to give up scrapping. I'm still single so my LOs are usually of me and of my friends. Still learning... Still trying... Still scrapping... LOL! Hope to someday scrap like my idols in pinoy scrapping which is practically everyone.

My Wish Came True

Mary Anne says, KAYA!

I'm pleased to share my layout. Thanks for coming out with this challenge.

It sure is every girls' dream to be wedded or to be married someday. I even say a prayer or two for this alone. I've been in a different relationship and each of which experience I dreamt that it would last down the aisle.

I almost gave up to that dream 'coz all I would have were pains and no less than heartaches.

Until I fervently pray for it and it came upon a decision to take each steps at a time, and seemly dont just jump to any man that would show me pa-cuteness.

Loo and behold, I didn't realize that my long time friend, a fellow leader, a confidante would be my man of my dreams.

I used to joke on him and would matched him with one of my bestfriends...but it didnt work out coz he actually likes me even more than her...than our love story began and MY WISH CAME TRUE!

Materials Used:
Patterned paper - (1) BG Mellow Seasoned (Base), (2) BG Mellow EBB (1st layer after the base), (3) BG Recess Elementary (2nd layer after the base), (4) BG Infuse Stew (Photo Mat), (5) BG Infuse Saturate ( the scallop with circle), (6) BG Infuse Instill (after the scallop), Flower cut from BG Mellow Flavourful, Sequin Flowers
Others - Ribbons, FP Rub-ons, Hinges, MM Mini Brads, IP-Coasters Hearts Fire, Buckle Ribbon, BG Infuse Ribbons, Fillstar Heart, HCI Clear sticker quotes.

Layering, paper cutting, stamping

About ME:
I'm a working Mom by day, a servant of God after office, a mother to two lovely daughters after that, and a wife to my ever understanding husband. I started scrapbooking 2 years ago, but on ocassional basis only during birthdays and anniversaries coz I would always give handcrafted gifts like scrapbooks to my loveones. Later I meet an e-grouper and my enthusiasm become now a passion. I find scrapbooking as a therapy that it helps me forget any issues in the office and make me feel happy after coming out with something at my level of experience okay. I would love entering challenges and hear comments regarding my creations good or bad coz this will help me better of next time. Kaya, you will see the other side of me here. TFL. Learn more about me at my blog

Monday, September 24, 2007

Full of Wonder

Lee says, KAYA!

Layering six patterned papers was quite a challenge for me primarily because I'm a cheapskate. Why use SIX patterned papers when you can get away with two or three? And, some people find layering easy to do because they just cut and paste, cut and paste. Me? I'm so cheap I will have to cut out the parts of paper that will be covered up by the photos or other paper. If you check the backs of my LOs, they have holes. Nothing bad with that, except that it takes more time to do. The idea that I am "saving" makes me less guilty about my spending for scrap materials although to be honest, I have yet to use those itty bitty scraps I have saved.

This layout is of my oldest Diego who just turned five when this photo was taken with another Diego, in Abra de Ilog, Mindoro, ca. 2003. I love how they bonded immediately although that was the first time they met.

May you always face everything life has to offer with this same youthful exuberance.

Materials Used:
Patterned Papers - Daisy D's for 1) blue base, 2) red vertical strip, 3) striped horizontal strip, 4) dots and 5) plaid photo mats; 6) Sandy Lion Kelly Panacci for texts; Daisy D's rubons, Colorbox Ink (dark brown), Stazon (black), Autumn Leaves stamps, blue ric rac, blue buttons, UHU glue, Sakura Aqualip black.

Followed a sketch from, but added sheets to comply with the requirements. Inked edges of the papers to add definition.

About Me:
I'm mom t0 three KiDS and partner to an artist who is very supportive of my scrapbooking. I have my very own art consultant at home although I don't always take his advise. :-) I am a full time mom and I work part-time at the family's arts studio as an executive assistant (glorified secretary, yup!) I scrap, to remember and be remembered. I enjoy it because I can do three things I love all at the same time - photography, writing, and creating. Oh, make that four - and to relive and preserve precious memories (or does that make it five?) I have a blog, do visit sometime.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Sheryl says, KAYA!

Yes, I guess no matter what goes on in our lives - good, bad or indifferent- it does pay to create something from within. I have been besieged with many changes lately, most of it are positive so I can't really complain, but it's refreshing, it's good to just pay attention to something or someone who makes you happy. And this page really shows that happiness.

Journaling Reads:
I would not have known how it feels to be complete, until you two came along. And I couldn't be any happier.

Materials Used:
Paper background and elements are all from Ronna Penner's Page sets & Elements Digital Kits.

About ME:
Working Mom.
Happy Mama to Lilaa and Maia, wife to my one big love. Rekindled my love affair with Scrapbooking in May 2006. I have not had the time and the inspiration to create lately but I am positive the muse will come back soon.
I also c0-own and co-manage an online bookstore with a good friend and kababayan Julie Kelly who is also a member of Pinoy Scrapbookers.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Enjoy Life

Marj says, KAYA!

I found this picture that was taken about 10 years ago and when I looked at myself, I was amazed how 10 years had passed in a blur. So many things I would rather forget, but a lot more memories will never be forgotten. I was thinking of not submitting any LO for this month’s challenge because I felt I was not into layering. But after looking at this picture and my papers, I felt the inspiration and almost automatically cut and layered the papers.

Growing old is nothing more than mind over matter. If you don’t mind, then it doesn’t matter.

I did not do a lot of techniques here. I just let the layers make the page.

Materials: Foof-a-la PPS (5 pp), the mat around the photo is also a PP (The Paper Studio), MM mini brads, Primas, bling, Zots, We R Memory Keepers Precious Metals (silver), alpha brads (Paper Studio), vellum sayings (DCWV expressions)

About ME:
Hi! I am Marjorie, Marj to most of my friends. A stay-at-home-mom of 2 adorable girls, Francine and Isabella. I got into scrapbooking May 2007 after I saw some of the digital LOs my sister did. I finally took the plunge and been loving it ever since. I am also a self-taught cake decorator but I find it impossible to do baking and decorating with 2 kids clamoring for my attention all the time. Learn more about me at Happy scrappin'!!!

Free to Be Me

Julie says, KAYA!

I gave this LO as a gift to my 8-year old son, Ian because we were having a rough time with safety rules. It is the beginning of the school year and the “No TV, No Computer” rule is back in the Kelly house, so he is frustrated. Last week, I thought I lost him in a hardware store, when we have an “always stay close to Mommy” rule in public places (I found him sitting in a corner reading a book!) When he got punished for knowing the rule and yet intentionally breaking it, he said “Why aren’t you letting me read there? You never let me be myself!” We used this LO at dinnertime, to get the conversation started on safety rules what it means to be “free to be me.” (Can you tell his parents are in the training/learning biz?) Picture: circa 2002, The Dunes, Mt. Baldy.

Materials/Techniques Used:
Started with a Pierre Auguste Renoir “Seascape” cardstock by Paper House. Tore brown cardstock and inked its edges to match sand. Painted a pink and brown ribbon with blue-green acrylic to resemble ocean. Cut out paper for arch and rays. Layered 6 different cardstock on each ray: Paper Reflections, Creative Memories, Carte Postale, Rhonna Farrer, etc. Adhered fisherman’s net rope (from leftover goodie bag on Ian’s birthday.) Embellishment is made of a 3-layer diecut Flower Brad Metal Art by K&Co, added to 6 layers of strips of different patterned papers. Title is made of DCWV gold glittered die cut letters, edges inked in black.

Inspiration Used:
Somerset Magazines

About Me:
Philippine-born, living in the US for almost 2 decades. Primarily full time mom and homemaker. Volunteer Art and Reading teacher in my kids’ classrooms. When not involved with kids, I work from home as President & CEO of my own Human Resources and Learning Management International Consulting firm, and as hands-on partner of Scrapbooking is a hobby my kids, friends, and I share and enjoy very much. Cardmaking, Photography, Suzuki Music (piano and violin), and Interior Design (only of my own home), are now great interests of mine.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

This Is Me

Marissa says, KAYA!

I love this picture of my niece's daughter, so mesmerized with the task that is set before her. I hope that for most of the time, the toys she would be given to play with is a sheet of paper and a few pieces of crayons.

Hannah, 1 year old; This is Me

Supplies Used:
AmandaMcGee-Bloom Paper-Pink [background]; AnitaLP Designs GoingToNana's dotted paper, solid peach & green scraps; AnitaLP Designs Country Delite green paper with white flowers; white paper with colored flowers; JenReed Heart & Soul MiniFlourish; Lively Cubic Stiches; AmyTeets 2Ps Series 1 crayon frame; MindyArmour Rhapsody-This is Me doodle

About Me:
I am Marissa, grand aunt to two darling one-year old girls. More into digital scrapbooking because time is the essence...there are just so many pictures to write about and digital scrapbooking is faster, cleaner, and cheaper.

I also love traditional scrapbooking. Two weeks ago I completed 41 pages of traditional LOs for my friend's officemate. It was very challenging as I was given a few stickers, few sheets of papers, a glue pen, and a week to complete everything!


Alby says, KAYA!

I've been wanting to scrap some of the pictures of my friend's daughter Yana. I've always admired Yana's photos because of the way she looks at the camera. Her mom told me that even as a little toddler, Yana's dad would ask her to "look at the lens". She has a lot of beautiful photos but I chose this one because the colors of her clothes match my digital papers perfectly.

Where has time gone? In a blink of an eye, you have blossomed into a beautiful young lady.

Adobe Photoshop CS2; Summer Afternoon Kit by Bren Boone; Rhonna Farrer Color My World Green Paper; Tracy Collins' Raspberry Mocha Button; MacFont - Taylor Mackenzie

About ME:
Hi! My name is Alby Laran, the scrap-crazy wife of Ariel. I have been buying scrapbooking stuff and working on an album since 2002 but didn't know anything about acid-free materials until early 2006. It w then that I attended my very first scrapping workshop and later got invited to Pinoyscrapbookers. There was no turning back after that.

I enjoy scrapping because it is never routine, and therefore, never boring. Each layout is a different experience. There is an endless list of techniques to try and it is constantly evolving. Most importantly, it allows me to express myself creatively, and to preserve my precious memories. It also reunited me to my old hobby - photography. I am mainly a paper scrapper and it will always be my biggest love. I
like that I can touch the layout, feel the texture, open flaps, insert tags, and interact with the art. Recently though, I started to dabble into digital scrapping and I am enjoying it. It allows me to scrap on weekdays when I am away from my paper scrapping supplies and tools.

Discover Serenity

Mitch says, KAYA!

Materials used: Papers from MME, 7 Gypsies, and AL. Rub ons from Luxe Designs and 7 Gypsies. Metal tab, typewriter word, and hinge from 7 Gypsies. Stamp from Inkadinkado. Colorbox ink.
About ME:

I'm Mitch, full time mom with 1 kid. I have been scrapbooking since January 2007. My online store is finally operating. Please visit

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Pinata Time

Zabeth says, KAYA!

I am learning many things here at the Kaya challenge, so monthly, I participate to improve and share my LOs. As you all know, my Kaya 4 is "1st B-day party". This time it's Pinata time, a continuation of my Kaya 4. I choose this LO for I am very happy to see the reactions of my guests as they tried to catch those goodies from inside the pinata.

Grace Kelly 1st B-day ends with Pinata Time. So many goodies inside the pinata, kids with their parents try to catch as many as they can, everyone still want some more, and it's a lot of fun celebrating parting with them.

Materials Used:
6 Paper Pizazz, Scrapbooking stencils, flower faces sticker, DCWV cardstock.

Technique Used:
Cutting, Layering, Inking.

About Me:
Hi, I am Elizabeth Gochuico, people call me Eliz, Liz, Beth, but I prefer Zabeth. I started scrapbooking in June 2007. My scrapbooking materials keep growing and filling my rooms. I recently made my account on blogger and you may want to view my LOs, and leave me a message at

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

3 Decades and a Year

Mich says, Kaya!

Seeing LOs with layered patterned papers seems so easy but when you do it on your project, it becomes a challenge. You've got to have color coordinated papers.... like clothes. But when you get the hang of it, you'd realize that it's fun also... like dressing up!

It was a fun day to celebrate your birthday at Market! Market! Not because it was new to the kids but because we have bonded well. Happy birthday, Manong! Thank you for being a good and supportive brother and being a good Uncle. We love you!

Heidi Swapp flowers, blings, ribbons, Wholly Cow rub-on, Ssakura pen,
Paper: Sandylion, Sassafras, Tres Jolie and My Mind's Eye

About ME:
Im Mich Sonza, married to a very supportive husband - Gilbert; with 2 kids Dominique (4) and Benedict (2). Been scrapping since I was little but just started achival scrapbooking last 2006. Since then I have been addicted to this craft because at least now, I share it with people with the same passion that I have. I have committed myself to restore and document family events. I have disciplined myself to only scrap only when there is a dead time on my hands. Family time is still my priority. So far, everything is just so great!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Time to Relax

Joy says Kaya!

Layering is one of my favorites when doing digital layouts. When I saw this challenge, I got excited to do it as soon as I can. I finished this LO in a flash less than an hour to be exact. Layering 10 digital papers is easier compared to the traditional one. No mess and the sheet of papers are cut uniformly.

Finally... I was able to convinced Erwin to have a weekend break, we grabbed the long weekend to drove all the way ro Catalagan, Batangas to relax ourselves. The climate was colder as compare to the hot and sunny weather of Manila. We can breathe normally with the fresh air that we can feel. The place was so cozy, relaxing enough to relief stress and tensions. We both agreed to left our own GADGETS to have quality time for each other. Thank you Erwin for leaving his TOYS for me. At Batangas, we were able to relax and feel the comfort of one another. My heart was filled with joy and laughters to the stories and moments we shared that will last a lifetime.

Inspirations Kit by Summer Driggs
Overlay Brushes

Mat the photos
Rotate and flip the flower doodle

About Me:
I'm Joyleen Dianne Co Lim, 30 years old, a wife to a VERY supportive hubby, Erwin. I can still recall, when my family goes on vacation, I was the one who will put all the pictures in our magnetic photo album. Use cut outs magazines, and brochures and wrappers to decorate very single page. The term Acid free wasn't that known that time. Until 2002, then I got married, I started scrapbooking. My first project was my wedding album. My sister and I helped one other to finish the entire album then I stopped due to low supply. Until one day, someone invited me to join PINOY SCRAPBOOKERS and SCRAPBOOK EXCHANGE, BOOM!!!! I'm so HAPPY to know that FINALLY I can buy some scrap stuffs and start working again. I'm glad to know that there are a lot of scrappers here at Philippines, I never thought that SCRAPBOOKING (expensive hobby) will be the fad of many moms here. My heart is overwhelmed to meet fellow scrappers and learn different kind of techniques each day. Do visit my website at and