Showing posts with label Nita Ang. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nita Ang. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Moments to Cherish

Nita says KAYA,

During the last PS EB on November 2007, Cookie had captivated all of us with her altered clock tutorial. Almost all the members who attended that day herded their way to the mall within days to hoard on wall clocks – LOL. I was one of those who immediately bought two just in case I ran out of stock due to the frenzy she had created, which isn’t far fetched considering the track record we have as scrappers :D

Sadly though, those wall clocks remained untouched for months till I had gathered enough courage to even attempt altering one for my sister-in-law. Like most of us who braved to follow Cookie’s footsteps, it seems the greatest thrill we encountered was to discover that the clock was still functioning after we had put it back together – hehehe. In fact, the joy of creating the layout for it only came in a close second. Well, at least it was for me.

So now I am down to one last clock. Thank God Cookie called on this challenge for Kaya or else it would have remained doomed in storage for more months to come. Thank you, Cookie, for this brilliant spark of inspiration. You truly are a gem to our scrapping community.

Journaling Reads: Never a moment goes by that I don’t thank God for the gift of YOU.

Materials Used: BG Perhaps pps (Beatrice & Julia); K&Co pps; Hero Arts rubber stamp (Manuscript Background); K&Co Brenda Walton embossed stickers; MM tiny alphas (Pink Ledger); American Craft glittered letter stickers (Sprinkles); Mulberry paper; Crystal blings; Cotton lace; Wall clock.

About Me: My name is Nenita Sy-Ang, but to be quite honest, I much prefer being called Nita. Somehow, hearing my maiden name being called out in full still brings back repressed memories of my teacher’s voices: “Nenita Sy, where is your homework?!” (Nita shudders) See what I mean? – hehehe. Kidding aside, I am 44-years-old. I work as an accounting manager for a manufacturing company, by day… and a family-documentary recorder, by night. Do visit me at to view more of my works. Hope to see you there :D

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Comfort Food

Nita says, KAYA!

My daughter, Sam, is a finicky eater. In fact, if it were not for the bribes of dessert, I doubt if she will be able to finish a decent meal. She has a soft spot though for dairy products, which I shamelessly abuse to my advantage - hehehe. So, to pay tribute to this wonderful concoction called Milk, I have decided to do this layout of Sam with her favorite food.

Journaling Reads: Be it chocolate, cheese, yogurt or ice cream... your favored comfort food has to have one essential ingredient - "Dede".
Materials Used: BG Sultry pps (Posh & Swell); BG Sultry chip stickers; American Craft thickers (Gift Box & Rootbeer Float); Prima Say It In Crystals; American Craft slick writer (brown); Crochetted flower; Checkered ribbon.
Other Materials: Simply Scrappy circle template; EK Success corner punch.

About Me:
I am a terribly slow scrapper. I keep telling myself that I am just relishing the process, but as we all know... that is just an excuse. While scrapping, it is normal to see me on my knees searching under the table for missing embellishments. You see, I have 3 devious cats who delights in taking up space on my table and swiping things on it from time to time. They are terribly cute though and good company, too. So I let them get away with it and leave them alone with their whiskers unplucked - for now.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Favorite Words

Nita says, KAYA!

As I was hoarding Off lotion from a neighborhood drug store (na-Dengue scare kasi ako), this vitamin box displayed on the shelf grabbed my attention. I liked the simplicity of it's packaging design and the color combination + font of the brand seems perfect for scraplifting. I politely asked if I could have the box (kapal ko ano? Anything for scrapbooking talaga. LOL) and the man was nice enough to give it to me. As soon as I got home, I took out my cardstock collection and started sorting for colors to match the brand. I was very happy to find out that I have all the colors. Then I thought to myself, "you know what... this is do-able" :D

Now, my eldest brother Henry is completely bonkers over my daughter. He goes to my mother's house where my daughter is staying while I'm away at work. I mean, he goes there 3x a day just to see her! Anyway, he did this list of my daughter's favorite words and compiled drawings (some he lovingly did, himself in Corel Draw). I decided to use the materials he did and integrated it in my LO.

There is no actual journaling, but in case you are curious what this toddler-talk means, here it is: Ma-Do - Mc Do; Eber - Hippo; Bider - Spider; Wain - Rain; Nanana - any device that has an ear piece (Ipod, cellphone, etc.); Aufufu - Octopus; Da - Frog (don't ask me why...) ; Wai-O-Wai - Dragonfly; Dader - Turtle; Owait - Chocolate; and Mem - Worm.

Materials Used: Bazzill, Making Memories, DCWV cardstocks; Various scraps of PPS (Scenic Route, American Craft, Chatterbox, Cherry Arte, DCWV); Cotton Lace; Blings; Buttons; Eyelets; Flowers; White alphabet rub-ons.

Tools Used: Simply Scrappy square template; Simply Scrappy circle template; Coluzzle knife; Crop-A-Dile; Fiskars paper edgers.

Font Used: Impact

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Art Attack

Nita says, KAYA!

I fondly remember this guy in Nickelodeon who hosts the show “Art Attack”. I love the way he puts together ordinary items to form an ingenious work of art. Well, when my daughter drew on the wall with a yellow crayon, he was the first thing that came to my mind. Sam’s barely 2 yrs old, but I can already see that she has the same artistic interest like me. Being the consenting stage mother that I am, I intend to give her all the opportunity to artistically express herself – just as long as it is not on the walls of our house. LOL. I believe this is one of the thrills of having a child, that you are able to mold and support your kids to meet their full potentials. I can’t wait to see her bloom in the coming years. For now, I shall content myself in scrapping her everyday antics. Hope you like my entry as much as I enjoy doing this page. Thanks for viewing :D

Journaling Reads:
Sam woke me up one morning from a blissful slumber and said, “Mama, pi-sel”. I mumbled, “Yes-yes, darling” and immediately went back to sleep. A few minutes later, she nudged me again and said, “MAMA, PI-SEL!” showing me a yellow object on one hand and a torn page of a coloring book on another. Realization immediately dawned on me and I sharply turned to the wall behind the bed. There, in all its glory, is my daughter’s own rendition of the Sistine Chapel! I couldn’t help but laugh as she innocently laughed with me. Inasmuch as I hate to be the sour puss in the family, I handed her a baby wipes and she eagerly helped me clean up her very first work of ART.

Materials Used:
1) Daisy D’s Salt Water Taffy “Sweet” PPS; 2) Daisy D’s “Salt Water Swirl” PPS; 3) Daisy D’s Salt Water Taffy “Pineapple Scroll” PPS; 4) AMM “Juicy” PPS; 5) Daisy D’s Sidewalk Chalk Stripe PPS; 6) Daisy D’s Playground Plaid PPS; Daisy D’s cardstock stickers; Prima flowers; Craft Express alpha chipboard; MM brads; Decorative bead; MM acrylic paint; Colorbox stamp pad.

Other Materials:
Simply Scrappy nested circle and ultimate circle template; Cuttlebug alpha dies (Olivia); Typewriter.

Technique Used:
Layering and inking.

About ME:
Proudly a Scrappinmoms Idol survivor :D Didn’t expect to come this far but am sure glad I didn’t quit when I intended to – and that was almost every week. LOL. Read more about my scrapping misadventures at I admit, I have neglected it for quite sometime but I intend to update it pretty soon. See you there :D

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

San Francisco

Nita says, Kaya!

This is what excites me about Kaya, every month there's always new challenges which pushes me to scrap in ways I would have otherwise not explored. I am compelled to try out new techniques and am most of the times pleased with the outcome. Don't get me wrong though, almost everytime a new challenge is posted, I always feel I may not rise up to the occassion. I am left stumped for days on end, but eventually a spark of inspiration would motivate me to try. Thank you, Nina, for giving me the opportunity to grow a bit more this month.

Hidden Journaling Reads: It was supposed to be a family trip but for Alain and I, it felt like a long-overdue honeymoon. Out of all the places we went to, San Francisco is the one place we held dearest to our heart. We both adore the quaint rows of houses, sloping streets, cable cars, picture windows with a cat perched on it drinking in the sun and its beautiful, cold weather. It felt like we were both transported back in time and we were like the cat drinking in every minute of it. Even now, whenever I close my eyes, I can almost smell the cinnamon and orange-peel potpourri which permeates the hallway of the Cartwright Hotel where we stayed in. We both yearn to come back someday, just the two of us to rekindle our romance with San Francisco and fall in love with each other all over again.

Materials Used: DCWV white core CS; Rusty Pickle Mayflower PPS (Priscilla Mullins; Myles Standish; Capt. William Bradford); Prima flower; Craft Express chipboard alphabet; Tres Jolie Tres Bien play card; MM Acrylic Paint; Staz-On.

Other Materials Used: Railway tickets; paper crimper; cotton lace; brass embelise; silver nameplate; U.S. coins; ribbons.

Hey, whaddayaknow... this time, it ain't a scraplift. Could it be that I am growing into a bolder scrapper? Naahhh, it's just one of those days when everything seems to click and all the embellies matches. I wish I could be as lucky each time. One thing I did notice though, this group is growing into a vibrant community and all you talented ladies are helping to motivate and inspire me to be a better scrapper. Thank you, everybody :D

Friday, July 13, 2007

Simply Because

Nita says, KAYA!

After seeing all the beautiful entries of the talented members of PS, I must admit I was intimidated. I almost did not want to submit any entry because for almost 2 weeks I felt an anxiety attack creeping in. LOL. Eventually, I remembered our motto and told myself I shouldn't be competiting with anybody else but myself. This blog was initially conceptualized to motivate ourselves to overcome our barriers and allow us to spread our wings. Using Becky Fleck's June 2006 Page Map sketch, below is my attempt to overcome my fear of stamping. I hope you like it.

Journaling Reads:
This picture is begging to be scrapped simply because you looked adorable in it.

Materials Used:
Daisy D's Playground Plaid and Sidewalk Chalk Plaid pps; Heidi Swapp Hibiscus foam stamp; Memory Makers Magnetic Stamp (Rummage); Craft Express chipboard alphabet; Imaginations Camp Grandma stickers.

Other Materials:
Simply Scrappy Circle Template; Acrylic paint; Pigment Ink; Embossing powder; Ribbons; Colored staple wire.

1. Cut out the scalloped edge using the smallest circle in Simply Scrappy's circle template.
2. Lightly pencil a circle outline and use it as a guide for foam stamping the hibiscus flowers using acrylic paint. Then attach the picture w/c was outlined w/ white acrylic paint and stamp the corner w/ more hibiscus flowers.
3. Paint the chipboard alphabet with lavender acylic paint. Let it dry and attach w/ liquid glue to the page.
4. Use alphabet stickers to spell out the sub-title.
5. Use pigment ink and alphabet rubber stamp for the journaling. Then sprinkle w/ embossing powder and set w/ heat gun.
6. For the finishing touch, attach 3 different ribbons using colored staple wire.

About ME:
Been scraplifting since April of this year and happily contented about it. I've never been as productive and creative as when I embraced this approach. It helps me get started and propel me to finish an LO in no time. As Jana Lillie puts it in Creative Keepsakes, "(scraplifting is) the art of taking someone else's good idea for a page, accent or technique and adapting it for your own creation. You look like a genius - and you don't have to break a sweat. What's not to love?" I totally agree :D (Thanks for the quote, Lee)

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Nita says, KAYA!

I have to say, this month’s challenge left me stumped for days. On top of which, my husband has been bullying me to do a lay-out of his ‘sports’ bike. He refuses to have it called a motorcycle (eyes rolling). Eventually, when the idea came to me, it was so simple to execute. For the title, I intentionally chose a mushy theme so that when people see it and my husband, they would automatically connect the two. Until you read the journaling, that is.

Journaling Reads:
Alain may call me ‘love’, but this baby right here is his ‘sweetheart’. It’s a Kawasaki KRR SSR model 2002, 150 cc sport bike and powered by KIPS. He bought this over a year ago and he is always tickled pink whenever the topic comes around to his it. He can discuss its attributes for hours and tell you in detail about his plans for its improvement. If you want to make his day, all you needed to do is mention something nice about his bike. He has no intention whatsoever to sell his baby but it gives him joy whenever somebody comes forward to bid him for it. He keeps it spotless and shiny at all times and he feels antsy whenever he sees a speck of dirt on it, which I guess is why he never rides it if there’s any hint of a drizzle. His main highlight for the week is to clean his baby. For him, it’s not enough to just wipe it dry. He takes out a blower to dry it thoroughly. It’s a good thing we have a covered garage, or I’m sure he’ll be dragging it inside our living room. And I dare not ask, but I bet he even has a pet name for it. I can only smile when I see him with his bike. I feel it’s a good thing that Alain has something to inspire and keep him entertained. And I have to admit, nothing makes him happier and contented than to dote on his sweetheart.

Materials Used:
White Bazzil CS; Rouge de Garance Cupidon PPS; CorelDRAW Graphic Suites X3; Adobe Photoshop CS2,; Fonts - Scriptina and Arial (title); Rockwell (Journaling).

About ME:
Recently turned real-mom last November 2005 at the age of 42. Adopted mother of three spoiled tomcats. Working for a living. Certified pack-rat and organization buff. Re-discovered scrapping after my daughter was born and have fallen in love with the craft eversince.

Friday, May 11, 2007

My Obsession

Nita says, KAYA!

Just in case any of you scrapbook magazine subscribers are wondering why this LO looks fa
miliar, it's because it is a scraplift of the table of contents of Creating Keepsakes magazine. As for the photo collage, I got the inspiration from a wall display of Banco de Oro’s West Avenue Branch. It is displayed at the back of the New Accounts section and I was struck with the ingenuity of the photographer and decided: "Hey, this would be a good idea for an LO." So here you have it.

Call me quirky, but whenever I hear the words compartments, organizers and storage systems – I get goose bumps and that pleasurable tickling sensation at the pit of my stomach. Yes, I’m obsessed with containers especially the clear or opaque ones.

I would swoon over gifts of travel pouches and keep myself entertained for hours shopping in the plastic house ware departments. I also take pride in using ordinary kitchen or hardware storage systems in unconventional ways – I fondly call it ‘thinking outside the box’ (pun intended).

I would buy stuff with the premise: I’m sure I’d be able to find a use for it later. Needless to say, I have an assortment of containers in my cabinet waiting for the perfect use for it in the future. It’s a compulsion I couldn’t resist. Perhaps there is truth after all to my best friend’s theory that the reason I love to scrapbook in the first place is because I get to organize the materials in neat pile of boxes.

Another motivating factor for me to hoard containers is that I’m an incurable pack rat. The cheaper and queerer an item is, especially if it looks romantically old – it will be in my basket faster than you can say “garbage”. With my wide variety of knick knacks, it is but understandable that I have to own an assortment of organizers and storage materials. So you see, it is not just merely an obsession, it is clearly a necessity.

Materials Used:
Bazzill & Canson cardstock ; Scrapbook Walls Butter Dots and Sky & Spruce Stripes ; Elmer’s Craft Bond glue ; Carla Craft corner rounder ; Coluzzle craft knife, cutting pad and circle template.

I cut 4 pieces of 4”x5” photo into 1”x1” and assembled into a collage of photo mosaic. Using a ribbed white Bazzill cardstock as a base, I took advantage of the vertical ribbing of the cardstock as a guide in aligning the 1”x1” photo. Additionally, I used Elmer’s Craft Bond to adhere the photo mosaic on the cardstock. Since it is a slow drying glue, I was able to move the picture around a bit while eye-balling the alignment. Next, reverse-printed the title and date in plain white Bazzill cardstock and cut to size. Using the actual glued photo mosaic, I penciled the desired height for the different colored cs & pps components. Before gluing them to the ribbed cs, I used Carla Craft corner rounder for the four edges. Finally, using the Coluzzle circle template, I cut a 2” dia. circle on a 5th photo and glued it on top of the date and journaling CS as a finishing touch.

About ME:
Recently turned real-mom last November 2005 at the age of 42. Adopted mother of three spoiled tomcats. Working for a living. Certified pack-rat and organization buff. Re-discovered scrapping after my daughter was born and have fallen in love with the craft ever since. (Learn more about Nita at