Showing posts with label Bjay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bjay. Show all posts

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Loa Mo!

Bjay says, KAYA!

This was a no-brainer for me. My eyeglasses are just as important as the water I drink everyday. Because without it, I don't think I can survive for long.

I had to wear eyeglasses rather early in my life. I am thankful for my clearer vision, now but it can be quite irritating having it on all the time. So now I am contemplating on getting prescription contact lenses - but my optometrist says it's too early to wear one. So ano ba talaga, lola?

Reality check: I can't function without wearing my trusty reading glasses. I am a young lola, and it's a fact. Sooner I accept that, the better.

Materials used:
PPS: My Mind's Eye, Fancy Pants and Chatterbox; Thickers alpha; Teresa Collins sticker; 7Gypsies sticker & gaffer tape, Stickles & Staedler pen; star brad & red Colorbox inkpad

About ME:
To know more about me, please visit my blog at

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sole In Love

Bjay says, KAYA!

Happy 2nd anniversary KAYA!

First time to use an actual fabric this big on my layout! Masaya din pala. Wahahaha. KAYA ko 'to!

Some temptations are just darn hard to resist. VNC, May 2009

Materials used:
Waverly Damask fabric fron (thanks, mareng Olive!), Prima lace, Bazzill CS, Jenni Bowlin chipboard, Doodlebug cardstock alpha stickers, Thickers, journaling spot unknown, black Stazon, MM brads.

About ME:
I love shoes! I look at them, I fit them, but I don't buy them! At least not all that I fit --- I don't have the cachiching for this extra luxury. But oh when I see something I really {heart}, I take it home with me. Like this baby you see above. More about me here!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lucky One (non-entry)

Bjay says, KAYA!

My bad. Took my sweet time before I decided to make my Kaya 22 entry. But just when I thought I have all the scrapping time in my hands, something came up that needed my undivided attention. And then there was no needle in sight! So I sew by poking all the way. Oh, heck.

I love this Rico Blanco song. When I first heard it, It became my LSS for a good 3weeks or so. So when this challenge came up, I thought a Valentine LO is in the offing. Nina was gracious enough to give her nod when I said it was also the same song playing on my mind. Thanks, Nina!

You can thank the stars all you want but, I'll always be the lucky one.

Materials used:
Making Memories and Basic Grey PPS (from Scrapbook Hawaii's kit): AC Thickers, MM mini alpha stickers, a homemade journaling spot, Slick Writer pen, specialty floss and buttons

Kapiranggot na stitching and photo "raising". Base is a B&W photo but the mid-cut part is an actual colored picture adhered using some double-sided foam tape.

About Me:
I will celebrate my blog-o-versary next week. If you care for some scrap goodies like the journaling spot you can see in my non-entry LO above, jump right HERE!

Monday, December 1, 2008


Bjay says, KAYA!

The last time I did multiple 12x12 spreads in one album was in the year 2000 when I made our informal wedding album complete with our love history (hah!). since it's been 8 years ago, this challenge scared the wits out of me. but hey, I managed *grin*

My friend Ems has been asking me to make her youngest daughter's baby spread. So here it is, Alexa on her 12th month. By the way, the cute bub is also my inaanak.

Month after month, you were a sight to behold. - Ninang Bjay

Materials used:
CS: Bazzill; PPS: Scenic Route, Crate paper, SEI; Rub-ons: Luxe, 7Gypsies, Imagination Project (journaling spot) & UBL (alpha); AC Thickers, Love, Elsie gel stickers, Staedler pen & misc. pink lace

Precision cutting

About Me:
I haven't started with the parol project, no ATC yet, and still undecided if I'll make a go on the 12x12 valentine LO. Oh, yeah! wala pa akong costume for the December 6th SE-PS Christmas party!

Read more about me HERE

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Queen and I

Bjay says, KAYA!

I use distressing sparingly, and is usually very comfortable with just the inking technique. Marj required at least two - I did three. Yee-haw!

Still the most beautiful woman in my life at 70. - 5 July 08. *To have a better grasp on why my mum has this Php49.95 tiara from SM on her head, please feel free to read the full story HERE.

Materials Used:
CS: Coredination (black base, red core); PPS: BG scarlet, Kaisercraft and an unknown brand; Hambly screenprints - Musical Notes, 7Gypsies playing card & sticker, Jenni Bowlin journaling spot, Prima flowers, AC Thickers, MM alpha stickers & Staedler pen.

Paper tearing, inking and sanding the edges (the black CS has a default red core).

About ME:
Despite my mum's vitiligo, which she inherited from my grandma, I still think we look like each other. And I don't mind getting it myself. Because as the cliché goes, "beauty is within.". That will be my saving glory if and when it happens to me. Read more about me HERE.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Make a Mark

Bjay says, KAYA!

The negative space proved to be a bit of a challenge for me. Because as it is, I work on a much smaller canvass. But I love the charm of this out-of-the-usual layout I came up with. *smile*

Don't just exist. Live. Don't just walk on this earth unnoticed... make a mark.

Materials used:
Kraft CS; Rusty Pickle pps; Fancy Pants overlay; Stickers: Kelly Panacci Autocollants and 7Gypsies price tag; Alphas: Fancy Pants & Making Memories; Pens: AC & Uniball Signo

Precision cutting.

About ME:
Most of my self-portraits are, well, taken by myself. I'm no Narcissist, it's more of wala kasing kukuha ng picture sa akin. This one included. Haha. Get to know more about me HERE.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Dark Bride

Bjay says, KAYA!

Aah, ribbons! I was never this girly but I guess the time will come that I will have to try ribbon sand put them onto my layouts. So thanks for the push, Marj! I think I'm going to do this again.

You didn't just look the part. You owned it, Tffee girl... and you won the top prrize again! Trick or Treat '08

Materials Used:
Luxe, Crate Paper & Scenic Route pps; UBL alpha rub-ons, Uniball Signo and Aqualip pens, chipboards: Americn Crafts, ribbon from Carolina's Megamall

Doodled the spider web and the running stitch around the base matting.

About ME:
This is my first time to use just two prominent papers in my layout! Pwede din pala. And I think the spider lost its way, kasi nahulog siya from the web. Haha. Know more about what I blabber about HERE.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Bjay says, KAYA!

I missed Cookie's altered clock and missed Marian's minibook challenges. But now I am back! Marix' prompt is quite a challenge for me, primarily because all the die cut shaped cardstocks and patterned papers in the market are size 12x12. I am a rebel at 8.5x11. And so I had to improvise, and this is the best I can come up with. But I had fun!

We all experience some moments of clarity, when we hear answers we never thought would come.

Materials used:
KI, WRMK, 7Gypsies and Making Memories patterned papers; AC Thickers, 7Gypsies rub-ons, AC pen

Walang humpay na gupitan.

About ME:
If I had my way, there will be a National Scrapbooking Day in the Philippines... and it will be a whole week celebration!
Know more about me,

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dunk In

Bjay says, KAYA!

My darling niece Tffee loves eating Dunkin' Donut munchkins so much! She would share some, alright. But please let her choose which flavors she's willing to let go. That's as good as saying she won't share even to her pleading kuya Ltrimm and ate Ltrell.

donut holes + tffee = happy!
summer 2008

Materials used:
cs: SEI, pps: scenice route, teresa collins, MLS, SEI; maya road alpha chipboards, acrylic paint, diamond glaze, staedler pen, buttons technique used:hand-cutting, paper tearing, doodling, painting

About ME:
I am in love with my three pamangkins but I am crazy about the youngest. she figures prominently in my scrapbook layouts and she's mighty proud of it! to know more about me, please visit my blog .

Friday, May 30, 2008

The Weighing Game

Bjay says, KAYA!

I am still reeling from my experience writing my Kaya12 journaling. I really think I did a text heavy entry (yeah, obvious naman!) that's why I'll go light this time. And by light, I meant using a piece of a feather as my symbol - pun intended.

Journaling reads:
With age, gravity will begin pulling from every corner. And weight gain knows no truce. Plain vanity won't be enough to stop both.

I have decided long ago to embrace the imminent, and just concentrate on the beauty and lightness of my being.

Materials used:
All papers are from Collage Press (Seeds, Fresh & Citrus), Hambly overlay, Prima swirl bling, Cloud9 alpha stickers, Jenni Bowlin journal pad, Staedler pen, Colorbox ink, mesh


Handcutting, "recolouring" of the feather's spine.

About ME:
I have got to stop posing like this. But I can't. It's way too much fun!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

To: Self, (age 35). To be re-read when I turn 42

Bjay says, KAYA!


Hidden Journaling:
Today is August the 9th, year 2014, your 42nd birthday.

SELF, you gave it a good 7 years. Sometimes, it just doesn’t happen. For most, it comes easy and sometimes, unexpectedly. For the rest, it takes a lot of hard work, patience and the emotional havoc could be devastating. You did try. You both tried. It just wasn’t meant to be. However unfortunate, this will not define who you are as a woman. Medically speaking, this is the best year to give it all up. Let me count the ways:

You have a life, you’re at the pitstop before you reach the full circle. You are 42 years old today. You realized early on that you have far good things at hand and far greater opportunities achieved than an average person could. You are no longer a young woman but not quite old to quit on the beauty of life.

You love life. You got busy and always dared to push your limit. And it was a defining moment every time. For starters, you finally took up bikram yoga and did a headstand without trepidation. Remember you cracked your neck during a college pep squad tryout? You held back your tears even after you reached the dugout. You were beginning to show signs of strength early on.

You learned tap dancing, and on occasion attend ballroom dancing as well. You know that dancing was a big part of your teenage years, so it came very natural to you. You still play the 80’s music in the car player to the amusement of your friends, but you don’t care. And you have finally placed the iconoclastic Madonna as your youth’s ultimate inspiration. And Madonna hasn’t retired from the music scene either. 40 years from now when you are old and gray, you know you’ll be a rockin’ lola just like her.

You’ve stopped facepainting at parties and instead actively do volunteerism with focus on juvenile cancer patients. You love painting kids! And what better way to return the favor, you thought so yourself. On the flipside, you pursued enrolling in a beginner’s painting class. You were the oldest in the batch, but you nay cared. This is something you’ve been meaning to do since gradeschool. Maybe you were able to publish your first and only children’s book? With your own illustrations, of course. I hope besides yourself and your co-writer friend, other people actually bought it.

Then there’s your scrapbooking. You’re still so much into it but likely still doing layouts of yourself and your loved ones since there isn’t a child of your own to brag about.

You still occasionally accept event hosting. Or may have ended this weekend career altogether, you’re not so sure. You thought you’ll look too old to be doing hosting gigs, you’ll scare the guests away. One thing is for sure: you are at peace with yourself, sans the bothersome wrinkles that’s in the gazillions now. But you are happy, quite content, surrounded by so much love and supported by family and friends. Then there is Mike, your soulmate… that beautiful, amazing person and your husband of almost 15 years today.

You and Mike still laugh together over the silliest things, it eventually tightens your jaws until there isn’t any sound that comes out of your mouths anymore.

SELF, do not let your being childless define your worth as a woman. Let this fate of yours instill pride, courage and belief in yourself to prove to the mocking public that it is how you lived your life that should define who you are as a person and not of the lineage you won’t be able to leave behind in this world. Your mere existence is enough to imprint a unique little history. And despite the absence of your offspring, you still have a lot of love to give even to children who are total strangers to you. You are not devoid of being able to express “maternal love”, and you believe it is possible to bestow it onto them, albeit not as complex as the umbilical cord that connects a mother to her child. To you SELF, the word “mother” takes on a different meaning, thanks to your faith in the greatness of love that knows no boundaries.

SELF, you may not have a child of your own who will look at you like you are the most beautiful face in his tiny world; you may not experience the sleepless nights brought about a new life who needs some nursing from your warm breasts; you may not experience the joys and growing pains of rearing another human being… and you may not fully understand why you were chosen not to experience this miracle called motherhood. But ask not anymore, and instead seek peace from the fact. HE has other plans.

But if you do have a child by the age of 42, forever thank the Lord for this gift of life. HE will not expect you to mince words to verbalize your gratitude. A simple “thank you, Father” whispered into thin air any moment of the day, any day would suffice.

After re-reading this letter to yourself on the appointed day, and if the unfortunate reigned… just give your husband a tight hug, let the last stream of tears flow freely and leave every tiny bit of your emotional baggage way behind you. Together, savor and feel each other’s hearts slowly beat in unison. All is well now.

Lastly, say a little prayer of grace and start moving on. Life is always good.

April 29, 2008

About ME:
My name is Bjay and I just recently joined PS and this is my first Kaya challenge. Kaya ko din pala! I moonlight as a facepainter and sometimes do emceeing gigs on weekends so that I can be able to support my scrapbooking addiction. I am soooo hooked!