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Visualizzazione post con etichetta bw. Mostra tutti i post

17 aprile 2015

Black & White Wednesday # 161 - the Gallery

Hi everybody,
Sorry for my delay in posting the Gallery,
but had problems with internet connection.

A big thank to all contributors!

There is always a free place to host a week,
check out the host line-up here and sign in for yours 
or e-mail me to casacortella AT tin DOT it

 I-pizza - my entry

Should I have ever missed someone in this recap,
please let me know and I will promptly fix it.

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 

10 aprile 2015

Announcing Black & White Wednesday # 161

Welcome to BWW # 161 I am hosting,
plenty of time to send your pictures to casacortella AT tin DOT com

Will be collecting images till Wed. 15th April, 12am Rome time,
the Gallery will be up then in the evening.

Simply rules to participate and host line-up here,
 BWW is now carryied on be-weekly.

 There are always hosting weeks available,
should you like to host a gallery,
please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it
or just leave a comment to this post.

We love pizza!


We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 

29 marzo 2015

Black & White Wednesday # 160

Simona of Briciole is hosting BWW # 160,
send your entries to simosite AT mac DOT com
the Gallery will be up on Wed. 1st April.

 A place to visit

old kitchenware in underground Naples
40 meteres below street level

There are always hosting weeks available.  
Please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it  if you are interested in presenting a gallery.

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 

12 marzo 2015

Black & White Wednesday # 159

Lynne of Cafe Lynnylu is hosting BWW # 159,
please do send your entries to lynnylu AT gmail DOT com
the gallery will be up on Wed 19th March.

Last week in Venice,
a traditional aperitif @ Caffè Lavena

Aperol Spritz in St. Mark's Square

There are always hosting weeks available.  
Please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it  if you are interested in presenting a gallery.

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 


2 marzo 2015

Black & White Wednesday # 158

Shri of Tiffin Carrier Antic/que's is hosting BWW # 158,
please do send your entries to tiffincarrieranticques AT gmail DOT com
the gallery will be up on Wed 4th March.

Seen @ Marché Forville Brocante - Cannes

vintage miniture épicerie

vintage stove kitchen toy

There are always hosting weeks available.  
Please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it  if you are interested in presenting a gallery.

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 

18 febbraio 2015

Black & White Wednesday # 157 - the Gallery

Hi everybody,
it's time for the be-weekly BWW Gallery.
Get comfortable and enjoy the pictures.
A big thank to all contributors!

As for today Shri of Tiffin Carrier Antic/que's is hosting BWW # 158, 
you can now send your entries to tiffincarrieranticques AT gmail DOT com

There is always a free place to host a week,
check out the host line-up here and sign in for yours 
or e-mail me to casacortella AT tin DOT it

Earthen pots by Aparna

 Making Meatballs - my entry

Should I have ever missed someone in this recap,
please let me know and I will promptly fix it.

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 

12 febbraio 2015

Announcing Black & White Wednesday # 157

Welcome to BWW # 157 I am hosting,
plenty of time to send your pictures to casacortella AT tin DOT com

Will be collecting images till Wed. 18th Feb, 12am Rome time,
the Gallery will be up then in the afternoon.

Simply rules to participate and host line-up here,
 BWW is now carryied on be-weekly.

 There are always hosting weeks available,
should you like to host a gallery,
please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it
or just leave a comment to this post.

 making meatballs

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 

2 febbraio 2015

Black & White Wednesday # 156

Simona of Briciole is hosting BWW # 156,
send your entries to simosite AT mac DOT com
the Gallery will be up on Wed. 4th Feb.

La Mère Catherine

A very old an typical bistrot in Montmartre, Paris

BWW is now carryied on be-weekly,
simply rules to participate and host line-up here,
 There are always hosting weeks available,
should you like to host a gallery,
please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it
or just leave a comment to this post. 

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 

21 gennaio 2015

Black & White Wednesday # 155 - the Gallery

Welcome to this week's Gallery,
a huge thanks to Lynne & Simona for their lovely pictures!

As for today Simona of Briciole will host BWW # 156,
send your entries to simosite AT mac DOT com
the Gallery will be up on Wed. 4th Feb.


 Clams by Lynne

 Fresh Perch by Lynne

 Falcon Enamel by me

 BWW is now carryied on be-weekly,
simply rules to participate and host line-up here,
 There are always hosting weeks available,
should you like to host a gallery,
please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it
or just leave a comment to this post. 

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 

16 gennaio 2015

Announcing Black & White Wednesday # 155

Welcome to BWW # 155 I am hosting,
plenty of time to send your pictures to casacortella AT tin DOT com

Will be collecting images till Wed. 21st Jan, 12am Rome time,
the Gallery will be up then in the afternoon.

Simply rules to participate and host line-up here,
 BWW is now carryied on be-weekly.

 There are always hosting weeks available,
should you like to host a gallery,
please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it
or just leave a comment to this post.

One of my fav kitchenware,
Enamel Falcon, seen @ Liberty's - London

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 

7 gennaio 2015

Black & White Wednesday # 154 - A New Year

Happy New Year to all!

Hope you had a great time for the festive days.
Now we are back to normality and all our duties.

Thanks to Lynne of Cafe Lynnylu who reminded me we are starting a new season at BWW!

She will be hosting this first edition,
and as we are a little late,
the gallery will  exceptionally be up tomorrow.

So plenty of time to send her your picture
to lynnylu AT gmail DOT com

And we will continue with a beweekly Gallery,
you will find the new calendar below.

Should you like to host a gallery,
please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it
or just leave a comment to this post. 
 Rules how to participate at the end of the post.

Hanging Vintage Kitchentools

Host Line-up 2015

Week # 154 January 7 - Lynne of Cafe Lynnylu - lynnylu AT gmail DOT com

Week # 155 January 21 - Cinzia of Cindystar - casacortella AT tin DOT it

Week # 156 February 4 - Simona of Briciole - simosite AT mac DOT com

Week # 157 February 18 - Cinzia of Cindystar - casacortella AT tin DOT it

Week # 158 March 4 - Shri of Tiffin Carrier Antic/que's - tiffincarrieranticques AT gmail DOT com

Week # 159 March 18 - Lynne of Cafe Lynnylu - lynnylu AT gmail DOT com

Week # 160 April 1 - Simona of Briciole - simosite AT mac DOT com

Week # 161 April 15 - Cinzia of Cindystar - casacortella AT tin DOT it

Week # 162 April 29 -

Week # 163 May 13 -

Week #164 May 27 -

How to participate

Thanks again to Susan who  nominated me new administrator of Black & White Wednesday, the weekly culinary event she launched in July 2011, showing anything related to food your eyes can catch in a b/w picture.
Rules are simple and unchanged, except a little restriction about the number of pictures you can send:
- Your clicks have to be  anything of a culinary nature or show anything related to food: an ingredient, a kitchentool, something in your kitchen or in a restaurant,  anything about food preparation/presentation/consumption, whatever your eyes can catch as a food speach.
- You can shoot either in b/w mode or in color, then process in b/w. You can use any effect you like but keeping the image in a monochrome/grayscale, with Sepia and Cyanotype tones allowed. No color details allowed.
- Approximate sizes of your pictures shoud be portrait/500 wide & 700 long - landscape/700 wide & 500 long - or 600 square.
- No need of a recipe, nor a story nor a location (but they are welcome if you like), simply a title for the picture is required.
- You have to post your photograph/s within the Tuesday of the week going on, so the hostess will be ready to blog about the Gallery on Wednesday (but latecomers might be accepted to the hostess' discretion). For those who use Twitter, Susan created a hashtag (#BWFood) to make it easier to find related conversations.
- You can blog about how many pictures you like, but only two of them will be accepted for the gallery, at your choice or the hostess.
- You have to mention Black and White Wednesday in your post and link to this announcement and to the hostess' blog. Use of the logo is optional.
-  We also have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics.

Nota bene: 
Just a little note to keep this event always interesting and amusing (and pretty alive :-), please read my words as a friendly suggestion, not a mere strict twit.
We had some delay in posting a couple of galleries some time ago, due to unexpected problems that might happen to anybody (and straightaway accepted, of course :-).
But I suppose we are all longing for the scheduled Wednesday Gallery to come and in respect of all participants it should be going up on time.
Hosting is voluntary, but the event will eventually die if not kept up with all our forces :-).
So, should anybody for any reason not be in time for the Gallery, please be so kind to send entries to me or any another volunteer, I am sure somebody would be happy to help out too.
For any doubt don't hesitate to e-mail me.

There are always hosting weeks available.  
Please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it  if you are interested in presenting a gallery.

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 

18 dicembre 2014

Black & White Wednesday # 153 - Christmas edition

Last BWW gallery for this year,
Lynne has been so kind to wait for my pictures
and the Gallery will be exceptionally on-line one day late.

Black & White Wednesday is going to take a break for Winter holidays.
Will be back on Week # 154 January 7th, 2015.

And we will continue with a beweekly Gallery,
you will find the new calendar below.

Should like to host a gallery,
please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it
or just leave a comment to this post. 
 Rules how to participate here.

I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
will holiday time be full of happiness and joy
for you and your families.

table decorations

sweet table

Host Line-up 2015

Week # 154 January 7 - 

Week # 155 January 21 -

Week # 156 February 4 -

Week # 157 February 18 -

Week # 158 March 4 -

Week # 159 March 18 -

Week # 160 April 1 - 

Week # 161 April 15 - 

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 

29 novembre 2014

Black & White Wednesday # 152

Aparna  of Stories from the Mahe Coast is hosting BWW # 152,
send your entries to fortheloveoffoood AT gmail DOT com,
 the gallery will be up then Dec. 3rd

Last Wedneseday in Verona @Palazzo Verità Poeta,
a traditional English tea with friends.

Would like to host a gallery?
There are always hosting weeks available.  
Please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it  if you are interested,
or just leave a comment to this post.

 Rules and new host line-up here.

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 

18 novembre 2014

Black & White Wednesday # 151

As explained last month,
BWW is changing time frequency,
will be now a biweekly event till the end of the year.

Sanhita of Pocket full of Spices is hosting BWW # 151,
send your entries to pocketfullofspices AT gmail DOT com,
the gallery will be up tomorrow Nov. 19th. 

Sicilian Cannoli

all in a row,

like little sweet peaceful soldiers

Would like to host a gallery?
There are always hosting weeks available.  
Please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it  if you are interested,
or just leave a comment to this post.

 Rules and new host line-up here.

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 

5 novembre 2014

Black & White Wednesday # 150 - the Gallery

As explained in the announcement,
BWW is changing time frequency,
will be now a biweekly event till the end of the year.

As for today, Sanhita of Pocket full of Spices is hosting BWW # 151,
send your entries to pocketfullofspices AT gmail DOT com
Plenty of time as the gallery will be up Nov. 19th.

Two weeks still free for anyone who would like to host:

Week # 152 December 3

Week # 153 December 17 - Christmas Edition

Black & White Wednesday will take a break for Winter holidays.

Will be back on Week # 154 January 7.

Take a seat and enjoy this week Gallery now!

Apple Crumble by Sanhita

Traditional Apulian Ladies
my entry

Would like to host a gallery?
There are always hosting weeks available.  
Please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it  if you are interested,
or just leave a comment to this post.

 Rules and new host line-up here.

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 

31 ottobre 2014

Announcing Black & White Wednesday # 150

Hallo everybody,
I am hosting this new special edition of BWW.

We have reached 150 weeks together,
a great goal,
thanks to Susan who started the event in July 2011.

As hosting requests have fallen off, but I shall admit we are all busy
and sometimes (unwillingly) it's hard to follow the event,
I'm proposing a biweekly schedule till New Year,
then we will see.
I'm not in the mood to definetely give it up,
I love b/w photography and suppose some of you,
it might be a rash move we could miss then.

So please leave a comment about your thoughts and/or proposals,
plenty of time till the end of the year.

BWW # 150 Gallery will be regularly up next Wed., Nov. 5th.,
then Sanhita of Pocket full of Spices is scheduled to host
and that will be the first biweekly round.

Thank you.

Apulian ladies in traditional clothes with "Pomodoro Regina di Torre Canne",
a peculiar tomato and Slow Foundation Italian product,
seen @ Salone del Gusto 2014

New Host line-up till the end of the year

Week # 151 November 19 - Sanhita of Pocket full of Spices - pocketfullofspices AT gmail DOT com

Week # 152 December 3 - Aparna  of Stories from the Mahe Coast - fortheloveoffoood AT gmail DOT com

Week # 153 December 17 - Christmas Edition - Lynne of Cafe Lynnylu - lynnylu AT gmail DOT com

Black & White Wednesday will take a break for Winter holidays.

Will be back on Week # 154 January 7.

Would like to host a gallery?
There are always hosting weeks available.  
Please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it  if you are interested,
or just leave a comment to this post.

 Rules and new host line-up here.

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 

26 ottobre 2014

Black & White Wednesday # 149

Lynne of Cafe Lynnylu is hosting this week BWW,
a special Halloween edition
feel free to share your festive pictures too,
though not mandatory.

Send your clicks to  lynnylu AT gmail DOT com 
 A huge variety of pumpkins from all over the world
 seen @ The Ark of Taste, Slow Food Foundation,
@ Salone del Gusto - Turin


Mogango sul Mineiro
from Brazil

 Potiron Galeux d'Eysines
from Bordeaux area - France

Would like to host a gallery?
There are always hosting weeks available.  
Please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it  if you are interested,
or just leave a comment to thid post.

 Rules and new host line-up here.

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 

22 ottobre 2014

Black & White Wednesday # 148 - the Gallery

Welcome to this week Gallery!

Next week will be Hallowen Edition,
feel free to share your festive pictures too,
though not mandatory.

As for today,  Lynne of Cafe Lynnylu is ready to recieve your new entries for  BWW#149,
you can send your pictures to lynnylu AT gmail DOT com


 Indian Spice Box by Aparna

homemade bread
my entry

Would like to host a gallery?
There are always hosting weeks available.  
Please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it  if you are interested,
or just leave a comment to thid post.

 Rules and new host line-up here.

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 

18 ottobre 2014

Announcing Black & White Wednesday # 148

I'm hosting this week BWW,
please send your entries to casacortella AT tin DOT it
till Wed, 22nd Oct, 2014,
the gallery will be up in the evening Rome time.

Homemade Bread for World Bread Day
October 16th, 2014

Would like to host a gallery?
There are always hosting weeks available.  
Please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it  if you are interested,
or just leave a comment to thid post.

 Rules and new host line-up here.

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 

14 ottobre 2014

Black & White Wednesday # 147

Sreevalli of Ammaji Recipes is hosting this week BWW,
please send your entries to valli.sunil AT gmail DOT com

It's Autumn at last,
time to go into the woods for a walk,
looking for some chestnuts to collect.

Would like to host a gallery?
There are always hosting weeks available.  
Please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it  if you are interested,
or just leave a comment to thid post.

 Rules and new host line-up here.

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
hashtag #BWFood on Twitter. 

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