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Visualizzazione post con etichetta rounds up. Mostra tutti i post

2 aprile 2014

My Legume Love Affair # 69 - the Round-up

I really enjoyed and been very honored to host for the first time MLLA on my blog and hope to keep on following the event more frequently and be hostess again some time.
A big thank you to Lisa of Lisa’s Kitchen, the running organizer of the event, and Susan of The Well-Seasoned Cook, the founder,  for giving me the pleasure to host.

Very nice dishes on my table this month, a great variety about legumes and their multiple use: so let's enjoy the rich buffet together without any further ado.

by Janet of The Taste Space

by Linsy of Home Cook Food

by Mamta of Light Food Desires

 by Deepali of Lemon in Ginger

by Sanhita of Pocket Full of Spices

by Siri of Cooking With Siri

Lisa of Lisa's Kitchen

by Terry of Crumpets & co.

by Claire of  Chez Cayenne

my entry

And the lucky winner selected at random for both prizes, a 6-pack assortment of products by the N.K. Hurst Company and Susan's Zyliss Lettuce Knife is ... Linsy of Home Cook Food, congratulations!

Should I have ever missed someone in this recap, please let me know and I will promptly fix it.
If you are interested in guest host an event in 2014, please email Lisa at legume.lisa AT gmail DOT com.

5 marzo 2014

Black & White Wednesday # 119 - the Gallery

Welcome to this week gallery,
a huge thank you to all participants,
BWW would not be so lovely without you!

Get a comfortable seat and enjoy the clicks!

 A Rural Scene by Rosa


 Penne Pasta by Aparna

Hazelnuts by Simona

Thai Chillies by Haalo

Should I have ever missed someone in this recap,
please let me know and I will promptly fix it.

Next week BWW # 120 will be hosted by our charming founder  Susan of The Well-Seasoned Cook,
please email your entries to thewellseasonedcook AT yahoo DOT com

There is always a free place to host a week,
check out the host line-up here and sign in for yours

We have a group on Flickr if you'd like to join and share your pics,
  hashtag #BWFood on Twitter.

5 maggio 2013

Bread Baking Day # 58 - The Round Up

I've been hosting Bread Baking Day # 58 last month and was pretty delighted to receiìve so many healthy and rich breads onto my table.
Theme of the month was Bread with seeds and/or flakes and I'm very impressed of all participants' creativity and talent in baking their breads.
That allowed me to gather in this collection recipes from all over the world, from the very Far East to the Far West, from North to South, a baking popular friendship this blog event can combine.
Bread Baking Day was created by  Zorra in July 2007 and it is still popular as in the first days, you can find all fragrant recaps here.

And before taking a seat and enjoy the recap bite by bite, remember to stop by at Ninivepisces tomorrow, she will be hosting next edition # 59 and nobody knows yet what the new theme will be!
Aren't you curious too?

If comfortable enough, do enjoy the breads!

Seed triangles
Lien from Notitie van Lien - The Netherlands

Golden Hamster bread
Dosenwurstgesicht from Foodzeit - China

Champions bread
Stefanie from Hefe und mehr - Germany

Tanusree from Ma Niche - USA

my personal entry

Should I by accident miss anybody please e-mail me and I will promptly fix the recipe in the recap.

Happy Baking with Bread Baking Day!

3 dicembre 2012

Weekend Herb Blogging # 362 - la raccolta - the Round up

Eccoci alla raccolta finale di questa settimana,
colorata e invitante come sempre.
Date un'occhiata ad ogni ricetta
e prendete un assaggio,
non vi deluderanno!

Here we are with the final recap,
so colorful and delicious as usual.
Do drop by everybody
to have a little bit of everything ...
... and sometimes something more :-).

Graziana - Erbe in Cucina

Janet - The Taste Space

Cathy - Delaware Girl Eats

Elena - Zibaldone Culinario

Halo - Cook Almost Anything

my own entry

Hope you had a nice time, should I have ever missed someone in this recap,
please let me know and I will promptly fix it.
Next week host will be Elena from Zibaldone Culinario
both for English and Italian edition.
If you'd like to host then send an email to weekend.herb.blogging AT gmail DOT com
including your blog name and url, your preferred email address and photo requirements.

Ancora un grazie a chi ha partecipato, se per errore non avessi incluso qualcuno,
 per favore rimandatemi la mail e sarà mia premura aggiungervi subito!
Spero di ritrovarvi ancora al WHB,
l' ospite della settimana prossima è Elena from Zibaldone Culinario,
sia per l'edizione italiana che inglese.
 Per chi volesse ospitare nel proprio blog un'edizione del Weekend Herb Blogging,
 non esiti a contattere Brigida con una mail a briiblog(@)gmail(.)com,
includendo il nome del proprio blog e l'url, il proprio indirizzo e-mail, e la grandezza della foto richiesta

10 ottobre 2012

Black & White Wednesday - Week # 53 - The Gallery

Hi everybody,
it's time for the first BWW Gallery of the new season :-)
Get comfortable and enjoy every single picture.
A big thank to all contributors!

Simona from Briciole

Rosa from Rosa's Yummy Yums

 Anusha from Tomato Blues

Valli from Ammmaji Recipes

Lail from With A Spin

my entries:
fruit centerpiece-bww 53


Should I have ever missed someone in this recap,
please let me know and I will promptly fix it.

Next week BWW # 54 will be hosted by  Lynne of Cafe Lynnylu,
email your entries to lynnylu AT gmail DOT com

You can find the updated Host Line-up here.
There are always hosting weeks available.  
Please contact me at casacortella AT tin DOT it  if you are interested in presenting a gallery.

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