Better late then never.
Apparently, it was Barney Frank's graceless acceptance speech that finally turned Margery Eagan against Frank.
After 30 years, Barney Frank finally lost my vote.It's weird that this stuff wasn't enough:
On election night, he lost my respect as well.
Frank’s road rage acceptance speech was an out-of-body experience.
There was the congressional king of anger, vituperation and vitriol lashing out at the Herald and Fox 25 for, in his words, “anger, vituperation . . . and vitriol.”
Alas, Mr. Whip Smart wasn’t smart enough to see the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae disaster that resulted in the cruelest foreclosure crisis since the Great Depression. And he’s not enough of a stand-up guy to fully admit his role.It seems that corruption is not enough; what's really inexcusable is not being a witty homosexual.
Now Frank is acting as if the Herald’s tough news stories about him are somehow out of bounds. Really?
This summer, the paper reported a controversial taxpayer bailout Frank arranged for a Boston bank at the center of an ethics scandal involving disgraced California congresswoman Maxine Waters, disgraced ex-state Sen. Dianne Wilkerson and a disgraced banker arrested on rape and cocaine charges.
Then there was Frank’s trip to the Virgin Islands aboard a private jet owned by a bailout billionaire. And the $40,000 his campaign took from bailout banks after he promised not to. And finally, there was the Herald video capture of Frank’s partner taunting Sean Bielat after a debate.