Showing posts with label Jay Nordlinger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jay Nordlinger. Show all posts

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Some mysteries for future historians to unravel...

...include how Obama determined who to bow to and who to call.

As Jay Nordlinger ponders:

A year or two back, I wrote that there was a question I’d like to ask President Obama. I’d like to ask him many, of course. But the one I had in mind was, “What are your criteria for bowing? Is it random, or is there method?” Obama has bowed to Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah and to the emperor of Japan.

So he bows to royalty, right? Well, not exactly: He hasn’t bowed to Queen Elizabeth or to the Norwegian king, Harald. And he bowed to the Chinese Communist Party boss Wen Jiabao.

Okay, he bows to East Asians . . . but then there was that bow to Abdullah, who lives in the Persian Gulf. The bowing thing is a little mysterious. (The bow to the Japanese emperor was particularly wrong, given history. MacArthur would have vomited.)

In her speech last night, Sandra Fluke made a big, big deal out of the fact that President Obama called her, in support, while the evil Mitt Romney did not. This was after Rush Limbaugh and other conservatives slammed her.

I wonder, What are Obama’s criteria for calling American citizens? He thought it important to take time to call Fluke. Some people thought he should have called the parents of Brian Terry, the slain Border Patrol agent. (Operation Fast and Furious.) I thought he should have called the security guard who was shot at the Family Research Council by that gay-rights activist. I thought he should have called the president of the FRC too.

Obama is the president of all Americans, right? He occasionally preaches harmony and civility, right? Moreover, a call to the Family Research Council would have been good for him, politically. It would have said, “You know, I don’t agree with the conservatives on gay marriage, abortion, and other issues, but I don’t think they should be murdered.”

A president can’t watch the fall of every sparrow, and he can’t call all 300 million of us. But Obama’s judgment about whom to call, like his judgment about whom to bow to, strikes me as a little strange.
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