I was going to post something on Sunday about the Rep. Anthony Weiner story, mostly as a way of "holding paper" on the difference with which the media treats liberals and conservatives when it comes to these embarrassing stories, but then I figured that with the college student's denial of knowing Weiner, it was a hacking job.
But the more Weiner non-denies the picture, the more I'm wondering "what's with that?"
Here's Weiner's interview with Luke Russert where Weiner not only doesn't deny that the picture in question is a picture of him, but gives a labored explanation of why he can't make that denial for reasons that seem, well, weird:
The Daily Caller transcribes the interview:
MSNBC is about to come out with what appears to be a terrific interview. Luke Russert was just asking Rep. Anthony Weiner questions about his controversial Tweet, and Weiner appears to actually be answering. Unfortunately, the live feed kept going out — so we will have to wait for MSNBC to air the full video in a bit. In the mean time, we do know that Russert asked Weiner if the lewd pictures that were Tweeted from Weiner’s account to a young lady were of him. Weiner answered: “I can’t say with certitude. My system was hacked. Pictures can be manipulated. Pictures can be dropped in and inserted.”That's just evasive. If the pictures were "dropped in," they wouldn't "your picture." And in for a picture to be manipulated, there had to be a picture to manipulate, which leaves us with the question of how many pictures of his crotch does Weiner take?
And trivial.
But, then, this is the crowd that wanted to rake Judge Kozinski over the coals when his personal server - which contained items of vulgar humor - was hacked into by a liberal activist.
Sometimes the best way to get rid of a bad law - or bad manners - is to apply the same rules to everyone.