Showing posts with label Tim Keller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tim Keller. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

It is pathological how these people can move from demanding safe spaces and whining about micro-aggression to justifying "vote shaming" with no stop in between.

After disowning family over politics, they write:

"Whether it’s Pence at a play or your Trump-voting uncle at Thanksgiving, there are people right now who should be made to feel uncomfortable. In a time when there is so much to protest, so much work to do, the booing is necessary – shame on us if we ever stop."

I'm reading Tim Keller's latest book, Making Sense of God, where he uses modern psychological research to explain how modern self-identity has gone "all in" on subjectivism, as a result of which it is extremely fragile, and therefore dependent on external validation.  he writes:

"We bolster our identity by seeing others in a negative light and by excluding them in some way. 12 A seminal description of this understanding of identity is in Zygmunt Bauman’s Modernity and Ambivalence. He argues that identity in society depends on creating dichotomies or “binaries.” I can feel I am one of the good people because I know I am not one of the bad people. This is, Bauman says, always an exercise of power, but that power disguises itself by denouncing the Other, which is “degraded, suppressed, exiled.” Ironically, this means that the self-esteem and identities of those in power are actually dependent on the people being looked down upon and disdained."

Even if you don't accept his argument that the cure is rooting self-identity in the permanent and transcendent, this certainly a valid diagnosis of this kind of horrible, disgusting "othering" of family and friends.

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