Showing posts with label Innocence Project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Innocence Project. Show all posts

Thursday, August 30, 2012

"Racism is stalking the Republican Convention in Tampa. But it’s not from the Republicans. It’s from the mainstream media."

Roger Simon says:

First it was MSNBC treating convention speakers Artur Davis, Mia Love, and Ted Cruz like nonpersons. And now it’s Yahoo! Washington Bureau Chief David Chalian getting caught on an ABC webcast saying Mitt Romney would be “happy to have a party when black people drown.”

Chalian, not surprisingly, was fired almost immediately when the word got out, but the climate in which he would make such an insane statement is very much alive and well. Why would anyone dream of saying such a thing in a semi-public situation if he didn’t feel safe and among friends?

Yahoo canned Chalian.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Unreliable Confessions - The Fallible Criminal Justice System.

Io-9 points out this fascinating and disturbing factoid:

Prisoner advocacy group The Innocence Project has used DNA to overturn the wrongful convictions of 266 people since 1989. In twenty-five percent of those cases, the DNA exoneration was an extreme surprise - not because the people had been convicted, but because they had confessed. Why would anyone do that if they were innocent?

Here is the underlying source:
In about 25% of DNA exoneration cases, innocent defendants made incriminating statements, delivered outright confessions or pled guilty.

These cases show that confessions are not always prompted by internal knowledge or actual guilt, but are sometimes motivated by external influences.

Why do innocent people confess?

A variety of factors can contribute to a false confession during a police interrogation. Many cases have included a combination of several of these causes. They include:

•diminished capacity
•mental impairment
•ignorance of the law
•fear of violence
•the actual infliction of harm
•the threat of a harsh sentence
•Misunderstanding the situation

•Some false confessions can be explained by the mental state of the confessor.

•Confessions obtained from juveniles are often unreliable – children can be easy to manipulate and are not always fully aware of their situation. Children and adults both are often convinced that that they can “go home” as soon as they admit guilt.

•People with mental disabilities have often falsely confessed because they are tempted to accommodate and agree with authority figures. Further, many law enforcement interrogators are not given any special training on questioning suspects with mental disabilities. An impaired mental state due to mental illness, drugs or alcohol may also elicit false admissions of guilt.

•Mentally capable adults also give false confessions due to a variety of factors like the length of interrogation, exhaustion or a belief that they can be released after confessing and prove their innocence later.

Regardless of the age, capacity or state of the confessor, what they often have in common is a decision – at some point during the interrogation process – that confessing will be more beneficial to them than continuing to maintain their innocence.
The Innocence Project suggests that interrogations be recorded, which may be a good idea but suggests a whole new field of procedural mistakes that would be opened up for Defense lawyers to mine.

Nonetheless, a 25% false confession rate is disturbing.
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