Showing posts with label Jill Abramson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jill Abramson. Show all posts

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Delicious Irony.

The next editor of the New York Times observes:

This revealing glimpse into the mind of secularists brought to you by The New York Times, reporting about Jill Abramson, the new editor of The New York Times, who ardently proclaims the gospel of, well, The New York Times:

Ms. Abramson, 57, said that as a born-and-raised New Yorker, she considered being named editor of The Times to be like “ascending to Valhalla.”

“In my house growing up, The Times substituted for religion,” she said. “If The Times said it, it was the absolute truth.”
It's no shock to hear that secularism finds substitutes for religion; that, in fact, is a big part of the story of the past century. But I, for one, am somewhat surprised that a disciple of secularism admits to believing in absolute truth. And, yes, I am aware that Abramson is using a figure of speak and employing some hyperbole in expressing her enthusiasm for her new position as Pope—er, editor of the Grey Lady. Still, it is revealing, even if not surprising...
To extend the irony, this quote was scrubbed from the New York Times website as an "unstatement."
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