Some Reflections on a Stoning.The video in this atheist diatribe is unsettling, barbaric and revolting - and yet anthropologically fascinating -
"Christians watch this and tell me if your God underwrites morality."What follows is my response to an atheist diatribe on the Facebook Unbelievable site.
I looked at the video. What it depicted was both barbaric and revolting, and yet absolutely fascinating on the level of sociology and history.
I had recently read something on stoning, so it was interesting to see how that worked in practice.
Do we know why this couple was stoned? Were they serial pedophiles? Perhaps they had kidnapped girls and mutilated their genitals? Maybe they were serial killers? Do we know? Do we care?
What is the point of the diatribe in which the video is found? Is it that execution by stoning is barbaric to modern sensibilities? That seems pretty obvious.
But what if we exercise our, what's the word, "free thinking" capacity and think outside of our limited parochial mental universe conditioned by our urban, anti-septic 21st Century lifestyle? What if we try to look at it from the point of view of those people?
The one thing that struck me was, "why the hell would this guy do whatever the hell he did?" I looked at his face when he was confronted with the crowd and wondered what I would have been thinking. What I probably would have been thinking is that "adultery ain't worth this."
The other thing I wondered about was what effect would it have on me if I was forced to participate in an execution instead of leaving it up to the antiseptic and merciful ministrations of the State? Would I be as willing to condemn people to death? I probably wouldn't and I suspect there would be a lot of others who wouldn't. (I'd also suspect, unfortunately, that there might be those who would be more inclined.)
Also according to Sharia law, the judge or witness throws the first stone. I would think - I would hope - that this would have a tendency to reduce an all too easy condemnation of people to death if the judge had to be the executioner.
Also, assuming this couple were adulterers, I would wonder what kind of social effect adultery has in small towns and nomadic tribes - as opposed to large urban populations where people can disappear in the crowd.
Obviously, I don't endorse stoning or the death penalty for adulterers, but I found the narrow, self-righteous, smug, unimaginative, pedestrian, unthinking essay that went with the video to be a complete waste of time.