Showing posts with label Bruce Jenner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bruce Jenner. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 02, 2015

If we call a tail a leg, how many legs does a horse have?

Bruce Jenner is a woman now and has the Vanity Fair cover photo to prove it.

I am going to quote author/scholar Danusha Goska​:

//To me it isn't "supportive" of Bruce Jenner or anyone else to redefine the word "woman" to mean "dresses like a slut in public regardless of chromosomes."

And what you describe -- men who like to dress in clothing coded female -- is a widespread phenom. It's its own phenom. Why not let it be that? "biological male who likes to dress in clothing and makeup coded female" ? Why redefine "woman" or "female" ?

Don't you see the problems inherent in doing so?

Don't you see that that definition cheapens women horribly?//

Why is it so wrong to say that Bruce Jenner is "a man who dresses like a woman" and have that be perfectly acceptable?  It is his thing.  He doesn't have to involve us in his thing. We aren't judging him, but we aren't going along with his view of reality, either.

The implication of the insistence that we accept Bruce Jenner as something other than a "man who dresses like a woman" is that there is something "wrong" with a man dressing like a woman, like it violates some proper ordering of life.

It is interesting how deeply buried "gender normativity" is, like it is inherent in the wiring of the human way of looking at the world.
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