Showing posts with label But for Wales.... Show all posts
Showing posts with label But for Wales.... Show all posts

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Biden's Catholic Problem

Biden didn't mention his Catholicism in his speech last night.

According to LifeSite News Biden has been banned from speaking at Catholic schools in Delaware:

In an interview with Bob Krebs, the Communications Director for the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington, to which Senator Joseph Biden belongs, Krebs confirmed that Biden's Bishop will not permit the Senator even if elected Vice President of the United States of America to speak at Catholic schools.

When asked for the Bishop's take on Senator Biden and his stand in favor of abortion, Krebs directed to Bishop Michael Saltarelli's 2004 statement on 'Catholics in Political Life' which, said Krebs, "very plainly states Bishop's position in this matter."

In that document Bishop Saltarelli notes that, in line with the US Bishops Conference policy, "Our Catholic institutions will not honor Catholic politicians who take pro-abortion legislative positions or invite them to speak at our functions or schools." called the diocesan communications director a second time to ask if that specific ban on speaking at Catholic schools or Catholic functions would apply to Biden, even if he became the Vice President.

Krebs replied, "I would say that as long as Senator Biden's stated position on abortion remains the same then it would apply to Senator Biden whether he was a Senator or the Vice President of any type of public figure."

[Via Leticia at Causa Nostrae.]

Sunday, August 24, 2008

"Uncle Tom" Biden

Catholics against Biden.

Biden was pro-life before Democrat orthodoxy required that he convert to a belief in the licity of killing the unborn.

The spectacle of so many Catholic Democrat politicians selling out their conscence for political advantage is sad.

It puts me in mind of the scene from Man for All Season where Thomas More asks to the chain of office worn by Richard Rich, who was about to perjure himself and condemn More to the scaffold. More observes that "it profits a man nothing to trade his soul for the whole world, but for Wales..."
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